The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 302 Begonia Kaoru

Chapter 302 Begonia Kaoru

"Hurry up, I heard that there is a super powerful new student!"

Haitangxun raised his head suddenly, and several people who looked like seniors ran past him quickly, and the direction they left was the direction of Qingxue Tennis Club.

Super freshman?

Now Haitang became interested, so she quickened her pace.

No way, who called the first day of school, he was arranged by the teacher to stay on duty.

No, it delayed the first time to sign up to join the tennis club, and I don't know if the tennis club has a cap on the number of new recruits.

When Haitang came to the tennis club, it was already crowded with people.

But there was a stadium surrounded by a large group of people inside and outside.

The sound of hitting the ball kept coming from inside, Haitang squeezed in, and squeezed to the front.


On the court, Takeshi Momoshiro shouted excitedly, and the racket in his hand was heavily buckled.

"Game, Taocheng, 40:0."

On the sidelines, Dashi, who was temporarily acting as a referee, said loudly.

"Heh, what a lively kid!"

Kikumaru stood beside Fuji and said with a smile.

Although it's not long since we first met, Kikumaru has already seen that this freshman named Takeshi Momoshiro is a guy full of energy, passion and passion.

And it seems that his skills and physical fitness are also very good.

Kikumaru can even assert that this guy should be the best among their recruits this year.


Buer squinted his eyes and smiled happily, because not only Taocheng, but also Haitang.


In the arena, Takeshi Momoshiro was not affected by the surrounding crowd at all, and he played more and more smoothly.

"Senior, I want to serve!"

Momoshiro Takero said, and immediately took out the tennis ball and threw it.

With his head held high, although his stature has not yet grown, Taocheng's strength is not weak at this time.

Although the dominant hand is the right hand, because this is the fourth ball, Taocheng has an advantage in serving, so he also changed the racket to the left hand.

The strong topspin serve directly aimed at the left service court of the right-handed player.


The player who was fighting against Takeshi Momoshiro was a second-year player. Originally, he wanted to establish a tall and stalwart image in front of the first-year freshmen.

Unexpectedly, it hit the iron board.

Although Taocheng was a first-year freshman, since he was able to become a regular member of Qingxue, it showed that his strength was among the top among the freshmen of Qingxue.

The strong topspin shot into the backhand caught the sophomore off guard.

He could only watch helplessly as the ball bounced off the field.

"Hey! Senior, I won!"

Taocheng put the racket on his shoulder and grinned.

This is a friendly match, and they only played one round. Obviously, Taocheng won the game.


"Yeah! Kawasaki is no match at all!"

"Why is there such a strong first grader every year!"

The people around were amazed. On Taocheng, they even saw the figure of Kikumaru and others from last year.

Obviously, this is another good seedling.

Haitang stared wide-eyed, staring blankly at Takeshi Momoshiro who was touching his head in the field, and deeply remembered this guy who was also a first-year freshman like him.

The match between Taocheng and this second grader was just a small episode.

The club's recruiting activities were still going on in an orderly manner. Haitang walked into the crowd and waited in line to hand in the application for joining the club.

Due to the blessing of the title of the champion school, there are a lot of freshmen applying to join the tennis team this year.

Fortunately, the school had the foresight. After Bu Er led the team to win the national championship, they immediately allocated funds to build a few more courts for the tennis department. Otherwise, it might not be enough.

After recruiting new students, Bu Er immediately led everyone to start today's routine training. Considering that there are many new students, the intensity of today's routine training is not that high.

After the training, the candidates formed their own teams for batting practice, and Bu Er also announced to the freshmen that if there is an empty court, they can all play.

In addition, he also gave the freshmen a brief introduction to the rules of the tennis club and the school ranking competition.

Takeshi Momoshiro, as the most prominent freshman, was naturally sought after by all the freshmen.

Perhaps because of shyness or timidity, the freshmen are afraid to ask the seniors in the second and third grades for advice, so many people ask Taocheng for advice on how to play tennis well.

Taocheng is also very enthusiastic, never rejecting visitors, answering every question.

"How about Tezuka, have you found any good seedlings!"

Fuji walked up to Tezuka and asked with a smile.

"Well, there are two good freshmen."

Tezuka said lightly.

Following Tezuka's gaze, Fuji also saw the good seedlings Tezuka said.

Sure enough, it was Haitang Kaoru and Momoshiro Takeshi.

Although the national championship has boosted Qingxue's reputation, it seems that everything is rolling forward according to the gears of fate.

There are no other people who are familiar with Qingxue, and among this year's freshmen, only Haitang and Taocheng belong to the ranks of outstanding students.

"It seems that we have to give the two of them more food later!"

He narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.


Tezuka glanced at Fuji strangely, why did he suddenly feel a gust of wind blowing by his side just now.

Perhaps it was the first time I met so many like-minded peers. The freshmen were obviously much more enthusiastic than the second and third graders.

In many stadiums, you can see the clumsy figures of freshmen.

Although the repairs were miserable, they all smiled happily.


"Huh! So tired!"

Taocheng walked into the locker room, sweating profusely. Taocheng, who was already a bit crazy, was even more smug under the praise of all the freshmen.

He constantly communicates with the freshmen about his skills, and it’s not just verbal.

If he hadn't been physically strong enough, he might have been exhausted long ago.

Taocheng carelessly opened his cabinet, took out a towel and wiped it.


Suddenly, a voice came from behind, almost frightened Taocheng's little heart.


Taocheng turned his head, and a freshman was looking at him angrily.

"Uh...classmate, hello, may I ask you something?"

Taocheng asked with some doubts.

Haitang raised the scarf full of footprints in her hand and said, "Did you do this?"

Taocheng looked around, there was no one around, it seemed that he really did it himself.

"This... sorry, I didn't notice that he fell to the ground!"

Takeshi Momoshiro touched the back of his head and smiled awkwardly.

"Damn! You guy, you look like this, is it an apology?"

Seeing Taocheng's appearance, Haitang's anger was suddenly ignited for some reason.

"Why is it not an apology, of course it is an apology!"

"what do you mean!"

"Why, what do you want?!"

The more the two talked, the more angry they got, and finally they just went straight to it and started pushing and shoving each other.

Coincidentally, Gan and Dashi also walked in from the outside at this time.

Seeing Haitang and Taocheng looking like they were about to fight, Dashi hurriedly stopped and said, "What are you two freshmen going to do? Stop it!"

However, Haitang and Taocheng didn't intend to listen to Dashi's words at all.

"I've already said it, why do you still pretend to be close to others!"

Haitang grabbed Taocheng's collar and said angrily.

He has long disliked Taocheng.

"You are the one who looks as ugly as a snake!"

Taocheng said not to be outdone.


The two grabbed each other's collars, and began to push each other restlessly with their hands.

"Stop arguing, both of you!"

Dashi and Gan hurried forward, trying to pull the two of them apart.

However, neither Haitang nor Taocheng intends to let go.

Accidentally, Haitang pushed Taocheng down with force, and at the same time pushed the big stone behind Taocheng onto the cabinet.

After being hit, the tennis rack placed on top of the cabinet also fell directly, hitting the head of Dashi, and the tennis balls in the rack were scattered all over the floor.


Haitang and Taocheng froze, looking at the angry Dashi, they felt bad.

(End of this chapter)

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