Chapter 303
"You two, it's too much!"

The honest Dashi was furious, these two freshmen were too much.

Dashi, who wanted to make the Qingxue Tennis Club better, couldn't bear to actually do it in the tennis club.

"I'm sorry! Senior!"

Taocheng and Haitang stood at attention immediately, they didn't want to be kicked out just after joining the tennis club.

"Come here, both of you!"

Dashi walked ahead angrily, Haitang and Taocheng followed behind with their heads drooping.

Shaking his head dryly, these two unlucky bastards actually pissed Dashi off.

An angry honest man, but an existence that even he would feel afraid of.

Dashi led Haitang and Gan to the court.

"Both of you, run twenty laps for me with weight!"

Dashi pointed to the big tire beside him, and shouted at Haitang and Taocheng.


Haitang and Taocheng were startled by Dashi, and quickly bowed.

Afterwards, the two looked at each other, then turned their heads in disdain, and tied the hemp rope tied to the tire around their waists.

Then while dragging the tires, he ran forward vigorously.

While running, the two of them watched each other's actions.

"I will never lose to this guy!"

In the hearts of the two of them, the same idea popped up at the same time.

"Heh! You are really energetic!"

In the teaching building not far away, Buer leaned against the bed, looked at the two being punished by Dashi, and couldn't help laughing.

Tezuka nodded. These two guys are indeed very energetic, but since Oishi punished them, it means that they must have violated the regulations of the tennis club somewhere.

"It looks like he needs to be disciplined strictly!"

A gleam of light flickered on Tezuka's glasses.

At the same time, in Kanagawa Prefecture, the Tennis Department of Lihai University Affiliated Middle School.

Today is also the day when Lihai Tennis Club recruits new players.

"Strange, why didn't I see that kid!"

Fumta Marui asked Jack Kuwahara suspiciously.

"I don't know, maybe it hasn't come yet!"

Jack Kuwahara said casually.

"There's no reason, shouldn't that kid come to the tennis department to report right away?"

Marui Bunta folded his hands behind his head and spoke lazily.


Hearing this, Nioh Masaharu snickered, like a silver fox who has succeeded.

Move forward in time to this morning.

On the first day of school, everyone in the tennis club was basically lazy.

Not only the tennis club, it should be said that all the veterans in the second and third grades are like this.

This may be the aftermath of the holiday.


Suddenly, from Marui's side, a person ran over like the wind.

Not only Marui, along the way, he also attracted the attention of Yagyu, Nioh and others.

It turned out to be a first-year freshman.

King Ren and the others shook their heads involuntarily. Sure enough, only freshmen are so energetic.

Today is Kirihara's first day in junior high school, he is very happy, because he finally came to the school he misses day and night, Lihai University Affiliated Middle School.


With the help of sprinting strength, Kirihara jumped up and stepped on the fence at the entrance of the High School Affiliated to Lihai University.


The excellent balance allowed Kirihara to stand firmly on his feet. He raised his head and looked at the main building complex of Lihai University Affiliated High School full of solemn and solemn scenery in front of him.

"From today, I'm also a first-year student at the High School Affiliated to Lihai University!"

Kirihara spoke loudly, attracting the attention of everyone around him.

Whether it is the first grade, the second grade or the third grade, it is the first time for them to see such a bold guy.

In the teaching building in the distance, Yukimura, Sanada and Yanagi, who were passing through the corridor, were also attracted by Kirihara's voice.

"In this school, I will join the tennis club and become the number one, lead the tennis club, and win the national championship all the way!"

Kirihara swears loudly that this is the lofty dream he holds in his heart.

Li Haida used to be the teacher of the king in Kanto, and also the holy land that Kirihara yearned for.

As a result, last year, Lihai University's Kanto winning streak was terminated, and it was a little-known school in Tokyo that ended Lihai University.

Although this school won the national championship in the end, it was also won by stepping on Li Haida's corpse.

How could Kirihara accept this.

What Lihai Big Three, shit!

This is the thought in Kirihara's heart, he will defeat the Big Three of Lihai University one by one, and win the NO.1 of the Lihai University Tennis Club first.

Then he led the Lihai Tennis Club and won the national championship all the way.

Just when Kirihara was in high spirits, a heavy voice came from below.

"Student, what are you doing in that kind of place!"

"Get down here!"

Kirihara looked down and saw a teacher yelling at him.

"I'm sorry!"

Qieyuan hurriedly climbed down from the fence, then ran into the campus with his schoolbag on his back.

"Oh! What an interesting boy, don't you think so, Jack!"

Marui crossed his hips and looked at Kirihara Michi who was going away.

"Hmm! It looks like our Lihai Tennis Club will have another interesting newcomer."

Jack Sangyuan said lightly.

Ding Dong!

The get out of class bell rang on the campus of Lihai University, and the morning cultural class was over.

"Kirihara, you must have been dozing off during class!"

Kirihara's homeroom teacher walked up to Kirihara, and Kirihara was snoring with his hands clasped, the homeroom teacher slapped a book on Kirihara's head and said politely.

Kirihara opened his eyes in a daze, and glanced at the clock hanging on the wall.


Recruitment for the tennis club has already started.

Kirihara regained his energy immediately, took the tennis bag on the side and carried it on his shoulder, and was about to leave.

"Stop for me, I haven't finished my words yet!"

The homeroom teacher grabbed Kirihara by the collar and said.

"Sorry, I have very important things to do!"

Kirihara said anxiously.

"The teacher also has a very important matter to ask you!"

The head teacher said with a grumpy face.

Then he took out a report card. On the most conspicuous place on the upper right, a big zero egg was drawn with a red pen.

Kirihara followed Zero Egg to the left and saw his name.

"Ah this."

Kirihara was stunned for a moment.

English has always been my pain point. It may be because I was too sleepy that I got a zero in English in today's entrance test.

No matter what happened in the past, at any rate, you can still have a score of [-] or [-].

This is definitely not my true level.

"Hmph! Copy the word for me 50 times!"

The homeroom teacher yelled at Kirihara.


Kirihara still wants to struggle, today is the day for the tennis club to recruit new students, what if I miss it.

"Huh? 100 times!"

The homeroom teacher glanced at Kirihara, and increased the size again.

"Ah yes! Yes!"

Qieyuan didn't dare to say any more, if this was added, it would be over.

As the sun set, everyone in the classroom had already left, and Kirihara was still immersed in copying words.

"Damn! Damn!"

Kirihara shouted angrily, and his voice echoed in the classroom.

(End of this chapter)

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