The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 304 Arrogant Kirihara

Chapter 304 Arrogant Kirihara

After finally copying all the words, Kirihara hurried out with the tennis bag on his back.

"Damn it, it's been so late, it's definitely late!"

The campus was empty, and Kirihara was wandering around the campus like a lonely ghost.

"The tennis club's office is here."

Kirihara's road-crazy attributes were completely exposed at this time, and he forgot the direction of the tennis club.

At this moment, Kirihara saw a guy in Lihai brigade uniform walking in front of him.

"Over there, hey, you should be from the tennis club, can you tell me where the tennis club's office is?"

Kirihara ran in front of King Ni and said loudly.

Nioh Masaharu arched his back and looked at the kid in front of him.

Isn't this the brat who talked big at the door earlier?


Nioh Masaharu looked at the kid in front of him, and suddenly wanted to play tricks on him.


Kirihara ran panting.

There are still a lot of good people. Fortunately, I met a kind person on the road, otherwise I would get lost.

"Sorry, I'm late!"

Kirihara opened the locked door and shouted inside.


Yagyu Hiroshi pushed his glasses and looked at this rash guy.

Isn't this the one who yelled at the door this morning?

"This classmate, come to the student union, what's the matter?"

Yagyu Bilu Shi said calmly.

"Student Union? Is this the Student Union?"

Kirihara tilted his head and asked suspiciously.


Liu Sheng nodded.

"Strange, obviously."

Kirihara touched his head, only to feel that it hurts.

"It must be someone who is playing a prank. There are always such people who cause headaches."

Liu Sheng said lightly.

Without thinking too much, he already knew who fooled Qieyuan into coming here.

Nioh Masaharu.

This white fur fox!

Always disturb yourself in different ways.

Thinking of joining the tennis club in a daze under the entanglement of Nioh, Yagyu couldn't help but sigh.

What a hassle.

"Damn! That bastard! How dare you lie to me!"

Qieyuan said angrily while running wildly with his head buried.

That white-haired bastard dared to tease Mr. Kirihara.

"Absolutely! We must blow him up!"

Kirihara yelled angrily.

After running for a long time, Kirihara managed to find the tennis club.

However, looking around, there are only one tennis court and people training on the tennis court. Where is the social office?Where is the office?


Suddenly, a finger flicked Kirihara's cheek hard.

"What are you doing!"

Kirihara turned his head, looked at the two guys behind him and said.

"This is what you're looking for, right?"

Marui Bunta raised the object in his hand and handed it to Kirihara.

Kirihara took a closer look.

Application for membership? !

"Yes, yes, this is it!"

Kirihara took the application form from Marui and stuffed it into his pocket.

"I'm Akaya Kirihara in the first grade, the super star of the Tennis Club of Lihai University High School! The legendary Kirihara refers to me!"

Kirihara raised his thumb and pointed at himself.

Marui Bunta looked at Kirihara's self-satisfied appearance, couldn't help but smiled and bent over.

Seeing Marui's exaggerated smile, Kirihara's small face froze instantly.

"Um... don't you guys know me?"

Kirihara scratched his head.

"It's weird, I'm pretty well known in junior tennis."

An awkward atmosphere suddenly spread around the three of them.

"You can call for the application form later, so hurry up and change into your sportswear and practice your swing with everyone!"

Jack Kuwahara said in a deep voice.

He quite likes the kelp head in front of him, so he needs to take good care of this kid.

"Huh? Swing? Stop messing around. Can you let me fight the strongest guy here right now?"

"I want to be number one right away!"

Kirihara said with a rebellious face.

Are you kidding me, Mr. Kirihara still needs to practice his swing?

Who do you look down on? !

"who are you?"

From behind Kirihara, there was a sound.

Kirihara turned his head, and behind him, a group of third-year members of the High School Affiliated to Lihai University came over.

They were all attracted by Kirihara's voice, it was the first time they had seen such an arrogant brat.

"You are!"

Kirihara looked at this group of people, it seemed familiar.

"I know, I know! Well, you are these people, right!"

Excitedly, Kirihara took out a magazine from his tennis bag, quickly flipped through the pages, and handed it over.

The group of people took a look, and it turned out to be a photo of them winning the Kanagawa County Championship last year.

At that time, as third-year players in the tennis club, they took a photo of the winner with Yukimura Sanada and the others, and then circulated it.

"I have always admired you!"

Kirihara said excitedly.

In fact, he didn't know at all that for Li Haida, these few people were just making up the numbers.

Only Yukimura, Sanada, and Mori are the cornerstones of Rikkai.

"Worship... ours?"

Some of these people couldn't believe it.

Even a few of them have fans these days?

Although this year's Lihai Tennis Club has recruited a lot of newcomers, they are basically fans of Yukimura and Mori.

No way, the charm of these two people is too great.

The rest who don't look at their faces are basically fans of Sanada and Liu. As for them, they are just passers-by.

I didn't expect to meet a fan of theirs here, it was really not easy.

All of a sudden, the few of them looked at Kirihara more pleasingly.

"Hey, as long as I can beat these seniors, I will be the No. 1 in this school!"

Kirihara's eyes suddenly became sharper, and he secretly smiled in his heart.

"Senior, can you fight me!"

Kirihara couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart, and directly asked for the competition.

How could these few people refuse the request of their only seedling fans, it was just a competition, so naturally they readily agreed.


Kirihara swung the ball with a powerful topspin.

The bouncing tennis ball hits the opponent's face directly.

The opponent was also directly knocked to the ground by this ball.

"No way! He wins every game so cleanly!"

Jack Kuwahara looked at Kirihara in surprise, this freshman is really amazing!

Although the strength of these seniors is not as good as those of the main candidates, they are still pretty good.

But unexpectedly, they were defeated one by one by a freshman.

"Hmph! What!"

Kirihara tapped his back with the racket frame with a relaxed expression.

"It's actually very easy to be number one!"

Kirihara's arrogance ignited the anger in the heart of the third grader.

Now they finally understood that this brat in front of them was not their fan at all.

He would say that, but he just wanted to compete with himself.

And this brat doesn't know how to be humble at all!

Although I don't like this brat, it is also true that none of them are opponents of this brat.

Not to mention how uncomfortable it is to feel uncomfortable but unable to beat it.

"What the hell are you arguing about!"

Outside the crowd, came a familiar voice.

The onlookers moved out of their way, and at the outermost edge of the crowd, Yukimura, Sanada and Yanagi were walking slowly.

They also saw a lot of people gathered here, so they came to see what happened.

Yukimura folded his hands in front of his chest, the coat on his body fluttered in the wind, a dark green hair band was tied on his head, and his amethyst-like eyes were full of majesty.

Behind him, Sanada put his hands in his pockets. Today, he is not wearing the peaked cap that he always wears.

As for Liu Lian Er, she squinted her eyes and looked at the situation in the field.

Lihai big three, debut!
(End of this chapter)

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