The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 305 The Attack of the Kelp Head

Chapter 305 The Attack of the Kelp Head
"Yukimura, Sanada, Yanagi..."

Seeing the three of Yukimura, the third-year player lying on the ground lowered his head in shame.

"I'm defeated, senior!"

Yukimura glanced at him lightly and said.

"Freshman over there, what are you doing without authorization?"

Sanada turned his attention to Kirihara on the opposite court.

"You ask me what I'm doing?"

Kirihara said arrogantly: "You can see it! Just now, I have become the No.1 of the Lihai Tennis Club!"

Sanada looked at this arrogant kid with a sullen face and said, "What did you say?"

No.1 of Lihai Tennis Club?
I really don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the brat.

"However, this doesn't seem to be a big deal, I thought it would be very strong!"

Kirihara scratched his face and said casually.

"Stinky boy!"

Kirihara's words immediately irritated Sanada.

Sanada, who returned from the World Cup in France, is determined to say goodbye to her past weak self.

Become stronger!

Constantly becoming stronger is his eternal goal.

Liu Lianer narrowed her eyes, this brat seems very arrogant?

"Looking at this, I have to teach this kid a little bit, Genichiro!"

Yukimura looked at Kirihara with interest, and said lightly.

"Hmph! Let me be your opponent first!"

Genichiro Sanada took the racket and walked to the court in front of Kirihara.

"Is Sanada about to end?"

"This arrogant kid is going to suffer!"

"Sanada, this kid will be beaten and cried, right?"

The surrounding Lihai members whispered, although Kirihara did have some strength, but if he faced Sanada, no one thought that Kirihara had the slightest chance of winning.

"Why do I have to compete with you sophomores?"

Kirihara was a little reluctant. In his opinion, he had already won in the third grade, so what's the point in fighting with the second graders.

The second grade can't be better than the third grade, right?

But he didn't think about it, since he was able to beat these third-grade seniors in the first grade, why couldn't the second graders like Sanada be stronger than the seniors?

"Shut up! Talk nonsense after you win the game!"

Sanada said coldly.

"Cut! Then come!"

Sanada's tone made Kirihara feel a little uncomfortable.

He decided to blow up this guy in front of him!
The ensuing match was simply a nightmare for Kirihara.

Sanada, Yanagi, and Yukimura took turns to teach Kirihara a profound lesson.

Yukimura threw the ball, bent his knees, bowed his body, and led the racket.

There was a crisp sound, and smoke and dust splashed everywhere.

Score straight from the serve.

Facing Yukimura's serve, Kirihara couldn't even move.

On Kirihara's forehead, cold sweat kept dripping down.

These three second graders are completely different from the previous third graders.


Uncle Qieyuan had his head shaved.

Qieyuan's feet went limp, and he knelt down on the ground, his heart was blown away, Qieyuan gasped heavily, and looked at the ground in disbelief.

"Go back today! Even if you continue to fight, you will have no chance of winning!"

Yukimura said lightly.

Although this brat is arrogant, Yukimura has to admit that he is a good seedling.

It can even be said that he is the strongest among the freshmen this year.

But this does not mean that he can despise the Lihai Tennis Club!

This year's Lihai University will definitely be stronger than last year!
Hearing Yukimura's words, Kirihara's body trembled, and he was trying to hold back the tears from the corners of his eyes.

Kirihara, who has just entered junior high school from elementary school, is still just a child after all.

Being bullied in turn like this, and being "taunted" after the bullying is over, it's pretty good to be able to resist not crying right away.

"Hey! Are you alright!"

Seeing this, Marui and Jack hurried forward, trying to appease the junior.

"Stop chattering!"

Kirihara mercilessly pushed Jack away, hugged his racket, and stumbled away from the court.

"Alas! Oops, ran away!"

Marui looked at Kirihara's back and sighed.

"Humph! How stupid!"

Sanada snorted coldly, no one can challenge Li Haida's majesty!
Kirihara, who left the stadium, ran all the way in a trance, accidentally tripped over a clod on the road, and fell directly on the road.

At this moment, Kirihara couldn't bear it any longer, venting the sorrow in his heart recklessly on this deserted boulevard.

Not far away, King Ni happened to see this scene.

Although he didn't know what happened, Nioh couldn't help feeling a little guilty for his prank not long ago.

Anyway, this is Lihai's junior.

The next day.

When Yukimura, Sanada and others organized the members of Likai University to conduct routine training, they did not find Kirihara.

The second day, the third day.

In the Lihai Tennis Club, Kirihara also did not appear.

"That child, he didn't come today!"

Yukimura leaned against the door and said calmly to Sanada.

"Those who disrupt discipline are not qualified to join the Lihai Tennis Club!"

Sanada said without turning her head.


Yukimura looked at Sanada in surprise, did Sanada really think so?
If that was the case, Sanada would not be the first to fight Kirihara that day.

"However, he has quality, it's a pity to abandon him!"

Soon, Sanada said lightly again.

Hearing this, Yukimura smiled slightly.

Genichiro, what a duplicity!

At the same time, in a certain video game store!
Kirihara was turning on the phone with a look of resentment.

a long time.

"Damn it! You can lose even playing video games! Who is this Wenwen!"

With an unhappy face, Kirihara poked his head out, wanting to see who this guy named Wenwen was fighting with him.

On the opposite side of Kirihara, the figures of Marui and Jack stepped out.

"Hi! This one named Wenwen is me!"

Marui pointed to himself.

It's these two guys again!
Kirihara turned her head arrogantly, crossing her arms with her chest.

"I have to say first, I won't join the Lihai Tennis Club!"

Kirihara knew that these two people came to persuade him to join the Lihai Tennis Club again.

But he just didn't want to join.

Marui and Jack looked at each other the same way, then Marui rubbed Kirihara's kelp head.

"Why, are you still concerned about losing?"

Marui said with a smile, the feel of his hand made him rub it a few more times involuntarily.

Kirihara pushed Marui's hand away, and said angrily: "They say they are in the second grade, what is the origin?"

Hearing this, Jack said lightly: "The people who competed with you..."

Before he could finish speaking, Marui threw himself on top of him and interrupted him.

"It's a bit strange to stand here and talk about these things, so let's go eat ramen!"

Kirihara looked at the red-haired senior with his mouth puffed out, always feeling that the other party was a bit too enthusiastic.

"Don't worry, it's our treat, Jack will pay for it!"

Marui said with a smile.

"What? I pay again???"

Jack stared at Marui, why is he paying again.

In the ramen shop, the three of them ate a big bowl.

Jack took out a group photo of the tennis club. It was a group photo with all the seniors of the third grade when they were in the first grade last year.

"Listen well, the three people who are playing against you are the Big Three of our Lihai University, and they are also one of the best in the middle school tennis world."

"Yu is a master, Yukimura is the son of God, and Sanada has the nickname of the emperor! The three of them are called the Big Three of our Lihai Tennis Club by outsiders."

"Big Three…"

Qieyuan stared blankly, he had heard of this name before, it was said that all three of them were national level masters.

He thought it was just bragging, but he didn't expect it to be so strong!
"That is to say, it's not just limited to Lihai, they are also superhuman among the players in the country. These people who compete with you are such strong people."

"Actually, you are very happy!"

Marui looked at Kirihara Michi.

"Happiness? That won't satisfy me!"

Kirihara said loudly.

"I think they will fight you until you are exhausted. They must have taken a fancy to your quality."

Jack said.

"That's right, it's an honor!"

Marui patted Kirihara's head and said.


Kirihara pushed away the red-haired senior's hairy hand and said, "I don't care if he is the Big Three or something, they are also middle school students, right? I will definitely knock down all three of them!"

After finishing speaking, Kirihara picked up his tennis bag and rushed out towards the door quickly.

Looking at Kirihara's back, Jack was a little surprised.

Even if they said so, does this kid still dare to hold such an idea? '

Are you serious?The brat!

(End of this chapter)

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