The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 306 Kirihara VS Sanada

Chapter 306 Kirihara VS Sanada
The sun, after a day of glorious journey, gradually sinks to the west.

At sunset, Yukimura and Sanada walked together on their way home.

"That kid looks a lot like you, Genichiro!"

Yukimura said lightly.

Sanada didn't respond, just walked in silence.

"Last year's youth tennis tournament, when you were still a primary school student, you lost miserably to Tezuka who appeared unexpectedly after the match."

Yukimura went on to say that his words also brought back the hidden memories in Sanada's heart.

That time was his first fiasco.

"One day, I will be number one!"

Facing Tezuka's aloof back, Sanada also made his own oath.

"Since then, you have been practicing hard, so you have the current Emperor Lihai!"

"People, the more you understand defeat, the more you can become stronger, just like you back then!"

Yukimura thought of himself while talking.

Why isn't the current self like this?

Buer is like a big mountain pressing down in front of him. It is not easy to climb over this mountain and let the world hear his own story.

If you don't put in more effort than ordinary people, you won't be able to catch up with Fuji.

Under the setting sun, the figures of Yukimura and Sanada were drawn long.

At the same time, under a bridge.

Kirihara is practicing hard.

Marui's words aroused the competitive spirit in Kirihara's heart.

He doesn't care about the Big Three or not, as he said at the beginning of the school, he will definitely beat everyone in this school and become the number one.

After that, Kirihara practiced hard every day.

No matter how hard and tired he is, when he passes the Lihai Tennis Club and sees Yukimura and Sanada, he will think of his fiasco.

The flame of vengeance drives Kirihara to keep working hard.


The day of the Kanagawa competition is approaching, so Yukimura, Sanada, Yanagi and others are also starting to prepare.

Lihai University in Kanagawa prefecture is the only one, and there is no school that can pose a threat to Lihai University.

So they are more, planning to train soldiers.

But this year's Lihai University can be called a rookie, and only Yagyu Hiroshi who was pulled into the tennis club by Nioh.

But when the three of them thought about it, Liu Sheng didn't seem to worry about his state of mind.

While the three of them were thinking, Kirihara's figure broke into their class.


Yukimura frowned slightly, wondering what Kirihara was doing here.

Kirihara didn't care about the gazes of the people around him, walked straight up to the three of them, and slapped a letter of challenge on Sanada's desk.

"At three o'clock this afternoon, come to the tennis court! Don't try to escape!"

Kirihara said aggressively.

Everyone in Yukimura's class looked at Kirihara strangely, how dare someone slap the table in front of Sanada?

This elementary school boy looks very brave!
Especially Kirihara's kelp head, which immediately attracted the attention of many senior girls.

Maybe it was a little shy to be stared at, Kirihara snorted coldly, turned and left angrily.

Yukimura looked at Kirihara's back, and said with a smile: "The momentum is quite good!"

Sanada picked up the challenge book on the table, and only one of the three characters in the challenge book had an error.

After Sanada looked at it, he snorted coldly and said, "There are so many mistakes, you are so lax!"


At three o'clock in the afternoon, Kirihara appeared at the Lihai Tennis Club on time.

Standing aggressively on the field, he looked at Yukimura and Sanada.

Seeing this, Sanada took the initiative to take a step forward, took off his coat and said, "Leave it to me!"

Seeing Sanada walking down the court slowly, Kirihara couldn't help but froze.

This guy!

Liu Lian'er narrowed her eyes and said, "Xianichiro is really, he's such a nice guy!"

Yukimura looked at the two on the court, smiled and said, "He actually likes this reckless kid very much, right?"

All the main candidates of Lihai University are here to watch Kirihara's challenge to Sanada.

Marui, Jack, Yagyu and others all looked nervous, they were afraid that Sanada would go too far and destroy the confidence of this junior.

Even Maori, who had never been seen, hid in the shade of a tree and watched the game.

"Go up!"

Kirihara held the tennis ball tightly with his left hand, and looked at Sanada solemnly.

He knew very well that his opponent was terrifying.

Kirihara threw the ball, and when the tennis ball flew to the highest point, the racket hit the tennis ball hard from behind.

The tennis ball turned into a streak of light and hit Sanada's feet straight.

The bouncing tennis ball hit Sanada's racket fiercely. Sanada, who was holding the racket with one hand, was almost knocked down by the ball. He also quickly put his left hand on the racket.

"It seems that your strength and speed have increased a lot!"

Sanada said in surprise.

Compared with before, Kirihara has significantly improved both in terms of hitting power and speed.

Sanada threw it vigorously, and the tennis ball landed on Kirihara's left side, blowing up a cloud of smoke and dust.

"Stop pretending to be relaxed there, be careful, it's bad luck!"

Kirihara clapped with both hands, looking down from a height.

"too slow!"

While Kirihara was watching Sanada's movements, Sanada's voice shook his heart.

Then, a wave of air passed by Kirihara's side.

Behind Kirihara, when the tennis ball hit the ground, he could clearly hear it.


Kirihara turned his head in disbelief, looking at the shiny yellow tennis ball on the ground.

"Eat my fast as the wind!"

Sanada maintained the posture of backhand slapping, and said lightly.

"It's time to move, Sanada's Furin volcano!"

Jack Sangyuan blurted out in shock, he didn't expect that Sanada used his Fenglin Volcano's speed as the wind as soon as he came up!

"Still as powerful as ever, I can't even see his swing clearly!"

Marui Bunta also had a shocked expression on his face. He hadn't seen Sanada's Furin volcano for a long time, and he didn't expect Sanada's progress to be so great.

Kirihara walked to the left service court and swung the racket again.

"Fast like the wind!"

This time, it was Sanada's forehand drive.

The fast invisible racket, the speed of the ball is amazing.

Under Kirihara's feet, small steps made him quickly move towards the landing point.

"Basic broken steps!"

Liu Lian-er said in surprise.

Although it is a very common technique, when the opponent hits the ball, you can lightly jump up with both feet on the ground, and you can rush to the ball's landing point half a step to a step after the opponent hits the ball to fight back.

But the more common the skill, the more difficult it is to use it proficiently.

However, Kirihara obviously has perfectly integrated the basic steps into his own steps.

"The same move is useless to me!"

While speaking, Kirihara waved his arms and quickly pulled the bouncing tennis ball back to Sanada's court.

"The wind from Fenglin Huoshan was actually blown back!"

Jack Kuwahara said in shock.

Sanada was not moved at all, because he didn't use all his strength at all.

During his time in Paris, he learned from the seniors of the Neon U-17 team how to control his own strength to a critical point of [-]%.

Not only him, Tezuka, Yukimura and others all did the same.

In this way, you can effectively temper yourself and make progress faster.

Kirihara used his basic broken steps to temporarily counter Sanada's speed like the wind.

"Oh? I didn't expect that against Sanada, he could still fight continuously!"

Yukimura looked at Kirihara with some surprise, he was really a good seed, no wonder Sanada valued him so much.

Although it was Sanada with 6% strength, the opponent was a first-year student after all, and at this age, he was considered pretty good.

"However, he has been suppressed by Sanada. If this continues, there will be no chance of winning."

Liu Lian Er said lightly.

Kirihara naturally understood this, he knew that he could no longer fight the opponent like this.

He wants to defeat the Big Three in Lihai and become the number one person in Lihai.

There is absolutely no way to fail here.

Kirihara rushed towards the tennis ball quickly, and at the moment the tennis ball bounced, with a small jump, the racket was quickly swung from his hand.

"It's a half volley!"

As a volley master, Marui said in surprise.

Kirihara's half-volley was not much worse than his.

Sanada's eyes were sharp, and the racket looked down from a height.

"Look at my move...Xu Rulin!"

Kirihara stared blankly at Sanada's ball.

The strength of the ball has been diverted! ! !
"The forest of Fenglin Volcano!"

Nioh looked at Sanada intently, his eyes were constantly analyzing Sanada's ball.

A series of factors such as Sanada's posture, strength, racket position and so on when he hit Lin are deeply recorded in his mind.

The short ball hit by Lin flew out slowly, and Kirihara also rushed forward immediately.

"I will not lose!"

Kirihara shouted loudly, raised the racket, and picked the ball from the ground into the air.

However, in the next second, Kirihara's pupils shrank.

Sanada's figure came into view.

"last blow!"

Sanada's arm was heavily buckled, and the powerful smash directly hit Kirihara's body.

Beside Kirihara, a big hole was blasted.

This ball fully demonstrated the super strength that Sanada has trained in kendo all the year round.

Kirihara was lying on his back on the ground, it seemed that the impact of the ball just now was too severe.

"Looks like the outcome has been decided!"

Sanada said in a deep voice, turning around to leave.

"Slow... slow down!"

Kirihara's voice made Sanada, who had already turned around, stop in her tracks.

It's pretty tenacious!

"Don't try to escape!"

Kirihara lowered his head and staggered up from the ground.

Sanada stared at Kirihara, he keenly sensed something was wrong.

"Jie Jie!"

Kirihara raised his head, his eyes were red like a demon.

Yukimura, Yanagi, Nioh and others were all taken aback.

"what's up?"

"What about those eyes?"

The rest of Lihai's staff were startled by Kirihara's sudden red eyes.

Sanada stepped forward with both feet, ready to fight back again.

Raising his head, Sanada was a little surprised by the movement of Kirihara's hands.

Kirihara actually used his knuckles to tightly clasp the ball of the tennis ball.


Kirihara grinned grinningly, and threw the ball with his knuckles.

Knuckle serve!

Sanada stared slightly, and rushed towards the ball.

He knows that this ball will inevitably have a change in angle, but no matter what kind of changing ball, as long as it is hit back before it changes, there will be no major problems.

However, he still underestimated Kirihara's strength in the red-eye state, and the ball fell to the ground faster than he expected.

After a quick spin, the ball bounced straight towards Sanada's face.

Even Sanada couldn't help but feel a little startled by the violent airflow coming from the front of the whistling sound of piercing the air.

Fortunately, the reaction developed by practicing kendo all the year round made Sanada lift the racket as fast as possible, stuck his hands on the racket, and pressed against the racket tightly.

The violent impact of this ball even broke the strings of Sanada's racket.

"Thorn slip!"

Kirihara stretched out his tongue and licked around his mouth, his left hand clawed into a provocative gesture.

"I want! Break you!"

Kirihara's eyes were red, and he looked at Michi Sanada with malice on his face.


Sanada snorted coldly, changed a racket, and returned to the field.

Kirihara, who entered the red-eye state, had a certain increase in Wuwei, and the super-aggressive tennis made most of the onlookers in Lihai dumbfounded.

"No way, Sanada was actually suppressed?!"

Jack Kuwahara said in shock.

"The mountain of Fenglin Volcano claims to have an iron wall defense, why not activate it?"

Marui Fumta was a little puzzled.

"It has been activated, it has been activated for a long time!"

Yukimura's faint voice came from beside the two, attracting everyone's attention.

Yukimura looked at the field with a smile. As he said, Sanada had already activated Furin Volcano's mountain. The reason why he and Kirihara fought a tug-of-war might be because Sanada wanted to see where Kirihara's limit was. !
Perhaps feeling that it was almost done, Sanada suddenly clenched the racket.

"Okay, then I won't be polite anymore!"

Sanada's gaze was like a sword, and the momentum on his body suddenly boiled.

Genichiro Sanada, the emperor of Lihai, is finally about to show his strength.

"Invasion is like fire!"

Sanada's body is like a ballet dancer, with one foot on the ground, spinning his body, raising the racket high above his head, and buckling it down heavily.

The temperature in the arena suddenly rose, and the scorching breath made the onlookers take a step back involuntarily.


The racket in Kirihara's hand could no longer be held, the terrifying power of this ball directly knocked the racket into the air in Kirihara's hand.

"Just... what was that just now!"

Kirihara held his trembling right hand, the ball just now made his jaw go numb for a while.


Sanada let out a mouthful of turbid air, venting a little of the anger that had just been suppressed.

"It's fire! Sanada's fire has finally started!"

Facing Kirihara, Feng Linshan, Sanada actually used Fenglin Huanhan's four moves in one go.

Afterwards, Sanada continued to attack Kirihara like fire. The blazing fire ignited the air in the arena, and the sweat continuously flowed down from Kirihara's body.

1: 0.

Even if Kirihara tried his best, he couldn't get any points from Sanada's men.

"Invasion is like fire!"

Sanada jumped into the air, the muscles on his arms swelled layer by layer, and the fiery breath gushed out again in the arena.

Kirihara was blown away by the ball again, but even so, he was still holding on to the racket in his hand.

Sanada saw that Kirihara didn't get up from the ground for a long time, and said coldly: "What? Is there no show?"

Hearing this, Kirihara's thin body prostrated on the ground finally reacted.

The racket was stuck on the ground, and he struggled to stand up.

"It's... still very early!"

Kirihara, who was punched with red eyes, although his face was full of exhaustion, Sanada was a little impressed by his unyielding gaze.

"It looks like this kid won't admit defeat until this match is over!"

Sanada sighed inwardly.

"That's it!"

At this time, Yukimura's voice came from outside the arena.

Yukimura and Yanagi walked into the arena slowly.

"You lost, Kirihara!"

"I lose?"

Kirihara naturally couldn't agree with this result, he thought he could continue to fight.

"That's right, you lost! With your current strength, no matter how many times you fight, the result will be the same"

Yukimura said lightly.

Although Yukimura's words were harsh, Kirihara, who calmed down, knew that this was also true.

Sanada didn't use any force at all, just one move with [-]% of the strength of the aggression like fire defeated Kirihara.

If you continue to fight, you will not be able to get rid of the end of failure.

"Actually, you can still become stronger!"

Liu Lianer narrowed her eyes and said.

His words also made Kirihara stunned, is this?Have you recognized yourself?
"Join the tennis club and move towards a higher realm. The few of us are waiting for you to challenge at any time."

Sanada also said the same.

Afterwards, Yukimura and Sanada left the court.

Seeing the end of the show, the onlookers hurried back to their courts.

The club rules of Lihai University are very strict, and no slack is allowed in club activities.

Everyone left, leaving Kirihara alone, standing there blankly, not knowing what he was thinking about.

As the sun goes down, today's club activities are over.

Kirihara looked left and right, and finally he found the figure of "Sanada".


Kirihara chased after him, and when he heard Kirihara's voice, "Sanada" stopped and didn't look back.

"I want to join the tennis club!"

Kirihara shouted loudly.

"But, I didn't join because I lost, but because one day in the future, I will defeat you and become number one!"

Kirihara added that it was just his pride.

"is it?"

Sanada didn't look back, and said in a deep voice: "Then let's do the basic exercises first, and now go to the playground immediately, 100 laps!"

"Ah~~~ run 100 laps immediately?!"

Kirihara's eyes widened, this was no joke.

If you don't run faster, you may not be able to complete the 100 laps until dark.

Kirihara quickly ran past "Sanada" and ran to the now empty playground.

After Kirihara ran over, "Sanada" suddenly grabbed his hair and pulled it out.

It turned out to be a wig?

The black hair on the head faded away, revealing the silver hair color inside.


Nioh Masaharu showed a triumphant smile.

This brat is really easy to deceive!

Under the setting sun, Kirihara dragged his exhausted body to run laps on the playground hard.

On the steps not far away, Yukimura and others also witnessed the whole process.

"This kid, was deceived by King Ren again!"

Jack Kuwahara said helplessly that he had already heard from Yagyu about Kirihara being tricked by Nioh into the student union.

"Hahaha! This kid is really interesting!"

Marui Bunta folded his hands behind his head, laughing so hard that he couldn't straighten up.

"Oh! It seems that in the future, it will become very interesting!"

Yukimura turned to look at Michi Sanada.

"Really, too slack!"

Sanada did not refute, this kid is indeed quite likable.

(End of this chapter)

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