The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 307 Qingxue's First Qualifying Match

Chapter 307 Qingxue's First Qualifying Match
The time of youth always passes quickly, and the freshmen have already adapted to a new life.

The freshmen of each school, under the leadership of the seniors, are progressing at a rapid pace.

"Azhi, hurry up, Qingxue's school ranking competition may have already started."

At the gate of Qingxue, Mamoru Inoue, carrying his satchel, urged Shiba Saori behind him.

"Senior, slow down"

Zhi Saori was out of breath and exhausted from running.

Mamoru Inoue shook his head helplessly, so he had to stop and wait for his assistant.

Looking at the simple and unsophisticated gate in front of him that has not changed for decades, Inoue Mamoru has mixed feelings in his heart.

Here is the former alma mater of his idol Echizen Nanjiro.

Although it was an unknown school before last year, Mamoru Inoue still comes to Qinggaku for interviews every year.

And last year, without everyone's knowledge, Qingxue completed a huge change inside.

Sumire Ryuzaki, who has been the coach of Aigaku since the time of Nanjiro, left Aigaku for some reason.

A boy named Fujisuke officially took over Qinggaku's tennis club.

Under his leadership, Qingxue has undergone earth-shaking changes. Except for the former minister Da Da and You Da, the rest of the regular team members have been replaced by a group of proud first-year boys.

This brand-new youth school team has been shining brightly since the regional qualifiers, and has passed all the way. Whether it is the Metropolitan Competition, the Kanto Competition, or the national competition that represents the highest level of the Neon Kingdom, they are all dominated by them.

And this year, they will serve as the defending champions, accepting challenges from everyone under the throne.

"Azhi, you are too slow!"

Inoue looked at Shisaori who was panting beside him, and complained.

"Then isn't it because your car broke down halfway, senior, otherwise we would just run to Qingxue?"

Speaking of this, Shiba Saori felt depressed. She originally came to Qingxue in Mamoru Inoue's car, but the car broke down on the way.

Mamoru Inoue decided to run to Seigaku without saying a word.

This is hard for her.

"Ah this"

Hearing this, Mamoru Inoue was at a loss for words.

"Let's go in quickly, maybe the school ranking competition has already started."

Mamoru Inoue changed the subject immediately.

Today is the day of Qingxue's first intra-school ranking competition. Similarly, the official team members determined today will also represent Qingxue and start competing in the regional qualifiers.

As last year's champion school, Qingxue is naturally the primary goal of all schools that are interested in the national competition this year.

As soon as Mamoru Inoue entered the Qinggaku campus, on the way to the tennis club, he found many spies from other schools.

Basically, all schools will hold their first intra-school ranking competition or selection competition during the period from the end of April to the beginning of May to determine the list of players for the regional qualifiers in May.

So the other schools naturally arranged for spies to investigate the situation of Qingxue this year.

Regardless of whether Qingxue has fresh blood or not, the first-year main election led by Fuji will basically not change much. Qingxue's main combat power has been preserved very intact this year.

Mamoru Inoue, who had just joined the tennis club, found that the scale of the Seigaku tennis club is no longer what it used to be.

The new court added by the school last year has been put into use, and the freshmen recruited by the tennis department this year also have their own court.

It's just that now basically all the first-year freshmen are gathered around a few central courts, watching the games on the court.

For these teenagers with dreams in mind, Qingxue's intramural ranking competition has already made them thoroughly addicted to watching.

Especially the game of the selected players.

Mamoru Inoue saw Fuji who was sitting next to the scoreboard at a glance, and immediately walked over with Shiba Saori.

"No, I'm here to disturb you again."

Mamoru Inoue looked at the young man in front of him with some emotion. Who would have thought that such a gentle and jade-like young man would have made his name in the world.

Recalling the end of the U-17 World Cup in France, the mainstream media in various countries reported on Fuji, and Mamoru Inoue was even more excited.

It has been so many years that the world tennis world has paid so much attention to neon lights. It was still in the era when Echizen Minamijiro was active.

"Senior Inoue is polite."

Hearing Mamoru Inoue's voice, Fuji withdrew from his thoughts and looked at Morido Inoue with a smile on his face.

In fact, Mamoru Inoue had already greeted Fuji in advance, so he was able to enter the tennis club.

The spies from other schools could only watch the situation inside the tennis club from afar from the periphery of the tennis club.

No matter which school it is, outsiders are not allowed to enter the tennis club.

Because there are still important things to do, Mamoru Inoue just chatted with Fuji briefly, and then separated from Shiba Saori, each looking for the games and players he cares about.

But Mamoru Inoue specially reminded Shiba Saori a few words to make her pay more attention to the Seigaku main election.

Mamoru Inoue wandered back and forth on several courts, most of which were just games between ordinary members, which was not what he wanted to see.

"Huh? That's the match between Eiji Kikumaru, the golden team, and Sadaharu, the think tank of Seigaku?"

Soon, Mamoru Inoue found the target.

On the C court, Gan and Kikumaru are competing for the top spot in Group C.

Both of them have been confirmed to appear from Group C, so the outcome of this game is actually not too critical.

In this qualifying match, Buer took himself out of the list.

As the manager of the tennis department, he will lead Qingxue to the regional competition.

The main reason is that after experiencing the baptism of the world, events such as regional competitions really can't make Bu Er interested.

So Buer simply decided to let Taocheng and Haitang, the first graders, go to see the blood.

Of course, the premise is that the two of them can beat all the second and third graders in their respective groups except for one of the main candidates.

However, according to the best estimate, the problem should not be big.

On the court C, Kan and Kikumaru stood face to face.

A glint of light flashed under the thick glasses.

Although it was an irrelevant game, he didn't want to lose either.

"Oh, it's really annoying. I hate competing with you, Agan."

Kikumaru was full of anger, even after entering the second grade, Kikumaru's childishness still lingered.

Apart from those three perverts in Qingxue, I am afraid that no one would want to fight Gan.

Doing data tennis is really a headache.

After the right to serve is decided, the game officially begins.

"Let me see if you have improved, Kikumaru!"

Gan pushed his glasses and said.

"Just wait and see, Gan!"

Kikumaru yelled, then threw the ball, and the first game was his serve.

"The speed of the ball is 170KM/H, the angle of incidence is 50 degrees, and the angle of bounce is 45 degrees. It seems that there is no change."

He muttered dryly, but the movement of his hands did not slow down. After the tennis ball bounced, he slammed the ball with a strong backhand and sent the ball back to Kikumaru's court.

Kikumaru was forced to stop when he was about to hit the net, and the ball hit his left wing, so Gan naturally saw Kikumaru's surfing action.

The goal was to push Kikumaru back into the backcourt.


Kikumaru had no choice but to turn back and chase the ball.

The dry backhand drive is extremely powerful and the ball is extremely fast.

The strong topspin made the ball bounce extremely fast. Fortunately, Kikumaru's speed is also one of the best in Seigaku.

Kikumaru lifted the racket and drew the ball back.

However, Qianzao had already come to tennis, and the sharp volley hit the ball to Kikumaru's front court side.

Everything is going according to plan.

"It seems that the work is not only collecting information of various schools, but also the information of the companions in the team is not left behind."

Fuji smiled and walked to Inoue Mamoru's side.

"Data tennis is really tricky!"

Mamoru Inoue nodded, all his shots were within the expectations of the opponent, which caused great psychological pressure on the players.

The game on the field is still going on.

"A topspin shot to the right, the angle is"

Gan quickly predicted the path of Kikumaru's ball, and his eyes aimed at the large area on the other side of Kikumaru, which was Kikumaru's blind spot.

The golden streamer went straight to Kikumaru's blind spot.

"Don't even think about it!"

Kikumaru is aggressive, he cannot be underestimated.

The body as light as a swallow jumped into the air, and after landing, he supported his body with one hand and flew out again. If he didn't play tennis, with Kikumaru's physical fitness and motor nerves, he must be able to make achievements in gymnastics.

Aerobatic shots in the air make the impossible possible.

Gan immediately got up and chased the ball. Players like Kikumaru are the most troublesome existence in data tennis.

They will use unreasonable styles of play to constantly break predictions.

In Qingxue, there is not only one such player, and Akutsu is actually such a player.

According to Qian's estimation, there are at least four or five attacking postures, or even more.

"It seems that Eiji has also strengthened his practice of stunt shots during this holiday."

Fuji nodded, very satisfied with Kikumaru's reaction.

Kikumaru's stunt shot just now was far smoother than before.

This is not only the improvement of physical fitness, but also the accumulation of experience.

"Hurry up, the match between Kawamura-senpai and Akutsu-senpai is about to begin."

From a distance came the slightly excited voices of the first graders.

Fuji looked up, and it turned out that the match between Jin and Kawamura was about to start.

"Senior Inoue, do you want to go over there and have a look?"

Fuji Inoue sent an invitation.

Inoue Mori nodded, he is also very interested in Akutsu.

Mamoru Inoue took out his camera, took a few photos of Kikumaru Kazumi, and Kazumi moved to the B course.

Although Akutsu has a face that strangers are not allowed to enter, perhaps because of this, in the eyes of freshmen, Akutsu looks very powerful, so his popularity is not much lower than that of Tezuka.

At this time, a lot of freshmen, second and third graders had gathered here, and when they saw Buer coming, they also quickly moved out of the way.

Fuji and Mamoru Inoue came to the fence next to the field.

in the field.

The match between Geek Yakutsu and Seigaku's number one gunner Kawamura is about to begin.

(End of this chapter)

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