The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 308 Akutsu VS Kawamura

Chapter 308 Akutsu VS Kawamura
"Came on baby! I'm already on fire!"

Kawamura shouted excitedly.

The first-year freshmen have long been familiar with it, and they have long been used to the fact that Kawamura will change when he holds the racket.

"Hecun, are you impatient?!"

Opposite Kawamura, Akutsu said with a look of disdain.

The first-year students shrank their necks.

Although it has been nearly a month since he joined the club, Akutsu is still a very scary senior to them.

"Let the horses come!"

Kawamura was not afraid. After all, he had been teammates with Yakutsu for a year, and he knew Yakutsu from the beginning, so he knew that Yakutsu was actually a cold-hearted person.


Yakutsu curled his lips in disdain.

Taking out a tennis ball from his pocket, Akutsu's pale face suddenly opened his eyes wide.

There was a dull sound of hitting the ball, and the tennis ball fell into Kawamura's court in an instant.

The speed of the bounce was extremely fast, leaving a deep mark on the ground.

The tennis ball passed by Kawamura's side quickly, and the startled air wave blew Kawamura's coat.

The tennis ball hit the iron fence behind it, rolled violently and got stuck in the iron fence.


Kawamura turned his head in shock, looking at the tennis ball stuck between the iron fences.

So fast!

Yakujin's serve has changed so quickly.

"Kawamura, why are you in a daze!"

There was a flamboyant smile on the corner of Yakujin's mouth, as if he was very satisfied with his goal.

"Come again!"

Kawamura took a step back, this time, he was definitely able to catch Akutsu's serve.

Akutsu glanced at Kawamura blankly, and took out a tennis ball from his pocket again.

The muscles of the arms showed a very exaggerated posture, and the extremely violent flat serve was faster than the previous one.

The violent air wave knocked over the dust and gravel on the ground, leaving a drop of cold sweat on Kawamura's forehead.

Just as he was about to take a step, the tennis ball flew past him.

Akutsu, has become so strong?
On the sidelines, Mamoru Inoue shook his head and said to Fuji: "It seems that there is no suspense in this game."

Although the game has just started, looking at the performance of Akutsu and Kawamura, Mamoru Inoue knows that the winner of this game must be Akutsu.

"Ha ha!"

Buer squinted his eyes and smiled slightly.

That's natural, Akutsu has now crossed the threshold of the world, if he does his best, only himself and Tezuka can be his opponents in the entire Seigaku.

Fortunately, Akutsu has only used less than [-]% of his strength now, so I believe that Kawamura still has a chance to hit back Akutsu's serve, but he can only hit it back.

It is impossible to beat Yakutsu.

Tennis is actually a very talented sport. Talented people will go further than ordinary people.

This may sound cruel, but it is the truth.

On the field, Akutsu served again, this time, he slightly weakened his hitting power.

"Hecun, if you can't even receive this, it's too shameful!"

The corner of Yakujin's mouth curled up slightly, thinking from the bottom of his heart.

Kawamura is burning with the flame of youth, and the flames in his eyes are shining.

The thick arms are like steel, and the rackets are held flat with both arms.

Kawamura stepped on the ground with both feet, and his eyes accurately captured the trajectory of the ball.

"Wave Ball!"

Kawamura roared angrily, the veins on his neck were almost protruding because of too much force.

After Bu Er's guidance and his own personal experience, Kawamura finally learned the profound meaning of the swing ball.

Although not as proficient as Ishida Yin of Sitianbao Temple, this ball at least has the power of Ishida Yin's [-]-style swing ball.

The destructive beam directly hit Akutsu's racket. Akutsu, who underestimated the power of Kawamura's wave ball, was too big, and the racket in his hand was also directly hit by the ball.

"Kawamura, not bad!"

Yajiujin was not angry, after all, he was careless.

However, Kawamura's performance also made Akutsu look up to him.

The power of this ball is really not weak. Even if he is limited to [-]% of his own strength, he must go all out to hit back with one hand.

"Hey, Akutsu, let's go!"

Kawamura was very happy to be recognized by Akutsu.

For him, the only thing he can rely on is his own strength.

So he has been constantly tempering his strength, vowing to become the number one heavy gunner of neon.

"The power of that ball just now is really terrifying!"

Mamoru Inoue naturally knew the power of the wave ball, but Takashi Kawamura of Seigaku unexpectedly learned this trick.

Now, Qingxue's Kawamura Takashi's evaluation in his heart will be raised to a higher level.

Such a tennis ball with terrifying power cannot be caught by ordinary players.

Afterwards, Yakujin also became serious, and Yakujin who became serious was not something that Kawamura could compete with.

Soon, Kawamura was defeated.

"I lost, Yakutsu, you are too strong!"

Kawamura was sincerely convinced. He knew Akutsu's talent a long time ago. No matter what kind of sport, Akutsu can get started very quickly.

It's just that with Akutsu's temperament, there are no sports that can attract Akutsu's attention for a long time.

The appearance of Fuji made Yakujin devote great enthusiasm to tennis.

After seeing the scenery of the world, Akutsu felt more and more that tennis was not as boring as he imagined.

"Cut! It's you who are too poor!"

Akutsu said disdainfully.

"Ha...haha, compared to you, I'm really not good..."

Kawamura touched his head in embarrassment. Kawamura, who has not entered the competition state, is essentially a shy big boy.

Akutsu punched Kawamura and said nothing more.

Turning his head, Akutsu's gaze met Fuji's eyes.

"whispering sound!"

Looking at each other for two seconds, Yajiujin was quickly defeated, looked away, turned and left.


Fuji smiled slightly, and led Inoue to look for the next target again.

"Senior Inoue, why don't you take a look at the level of our Qing Xue juniors?"

With squinted eyes, Fuji led Inoue to Stadium A, where the match between Oishi VS Haitang had just started.

Mamoru Inoue glanced at the scoreboard on the sidelines, which clearly showed the score of this game.

2:1, Dashi leads.

"Oh? Did you actually win a game from Oishi?"

Inoue Mamoru said with some surprise.

Although the strength of the Golden Team is doubles, Mamoru Inoue also watched the match between Oishi and the third-year members of Seigaku last year.

Although Dashi's performance in singles is not as impressive as in doubles, it is not bad.

Could it be that this year's newcomers have the same outstanding performance as last year's peers?

Mamoru Inoue became interested, but he heard that this year's Lihai University seems to have a very powerful newcomer.

Bingdi seems to be the same, and it seems that Qingxue is not behind either.

(End of this chapter)

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