The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 310 Regional Preliminary Selection Begins

Chapter 310 Regional Preliminary Selection Begins

May is the end of spring and the beginning of summer.

There is neither the chilly cold at the beginning of spring, nor the hot and impetuous midsummer.

This day, Saturday.

At the gate of the school that should have been empty, a group of teenagers wearing Qingxue regular selection team uniforms gathered.

Buer looked at everyone with a smile on his face, a new year, a new journey is about to begin.

"set off!"

With a wave of his big hand, Bu Er led everyone to board the school bus.

Today is the start of the regional qualifiers.

When I came to the largest sports park in the Qingchuntai area, it was already crowded with people.

Although there are no powerful schools in the Youth Terrace area, there is last year's champion school, Youth Academy.

Most of the people who come here today are here for Qingxue.

"Wow, there are so many people, it's so lively!"

Taocheng looked around excitedly, this was his first time participating in a large-scale competition.

"Tch! Idiot!"

Haitang glanced at Taocheng with disdain, and muttered softly.

For some reason, Haitang and Taocheng just don't see eye to eye.

Even though sometimes Haitang tells herself that everyone is in the same team and should get along well, but there is no way to get along with Taocheng.

Bu Er led the crowd to walk on the path in the park, and the people passing by couldn't help but cast their gazes over.

"Look, it's Qingxue's team, it looks really imposing."

"The leader is Fujisuke, right? I heard that he is now the number one in the middle school circle?"

"As long as we beat Qingxue, wouldn't we soon be famous in the middle school tennis world?"

Regardless of whether they knew each other or not, they were all attracted by Qingxue.

Buer ignored the whispers of these people, walked to the organizer of this regional qualifier, and handed in Qingxue's entry list.

The staff naturally knew each other well. Last year, he led the team, starting from the regional qualifiers all the way through, and finally won the national championship.

It's just that he was a little surprised. Did Bu Er actually arrange himself as a substitute this year?

But soon he was relieved. With Qingxue's current strength, he really didn't need to make a single move to sweep the Qingqingtai area.

He also heard that the ice emperor academy next door only sent their second team for the regional qualifiers this time.

After completing the registration, Bu Er led everyone to the bulletin board, glanced casually, and then brought everyone from Qingxue to their playing field.

The lottery has already been drawn, and the order of the competition is also arranged properly.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the regional qualifiers officially started.

The opponent Qingxue met in the first round was an unknown school.

For the regional qualifiers, as long as you can gather the number of people for the team competition, schools in the region can sign up, so the participating schools change a lot every year.

At the beginning, the other party still held the idea that everyone was a junior high school student, so he might not be worse than Qingxue.

But as soon as the game started, the opponent understood the gap between the two sides.

Doubles two, 6:0.
Doubles one, 6:0.
Doubles is the most test of the cooperation between the players. No matter in terms of tacit understanding or strength, the opponent is completely out of sight by Qingxue's two doubles teams.

The onlookers were also silent for a while, Qingxue's strength was really as strong as ever.

Singles three, the opponent sent the opponent's minister Lu Gu.

And Qingxue's side is Haitang Xun.

Seeing a first-year student from Qingxue School, Lugu breathed a sigh of relief.

He sighed that he was lucky and picked up a soft persimmon.

Up to now, Green Valley is not counting on victory, he only hopes that he can win this game, and don't be too ashamed.

"Come on, stinky viper, if you lose, I won't spare you!"

Taocheng shouted from the sidelines.

Although it was a pity that he was not able to play, Taocheng was not too disappointed. After all, Buer had already clearly told him and Haitang that this time the regional qualifiers would focus on the two first-year players.

Putting on the team uniform of Qingxue Zhengxuan, standing on such a stage, Taocheng only felt that the blood in his whole body was boiling.

He can't wait to play.

"Tch! This idiot!"

Hearing the voice from behind, Haitang in the arena, who was a little nervous, suddenly calmed down.

Haitang was naturally very excited to be placed in the important position of singles three by Bu Er, although he didn't show it on the surface.

Moreover, he doesn't want to lose face in front of this idiot, he will definitely win this match!
The game starts with Green Valley serving.

"Hey! Brat, if you want to blame it, blame your bad luck!"

Green Valley grinned grimly, and the hand holding the racket exerted a little more force.

The tennis ball was quickly hit to Haitang's left side.

Haitang immediately got up and chased the ball. Lvgu's hopeful shot was really not enough for Haitang.

Practicing with Juwan, Gan and others every day, Haitang and Taocheng's reaction ability has long been tempered.

Especially compared with the dry waterfall, this shot is simply weak.


Haitang swung her backhand vigorously, and the golden beam of light flew straight towards the opponent's feet.

"What?! Received it?"

Green Valley was a little shocked, this first grader could actually catch his high-speed serve?
What a joke, it must be a coincidence!

Lu Gu raised his arm, and tried to give Haitang a head-on blow with a tricky corner kick.

It can be seen that Green Valley is still of a certain level, and the experience in the game is not bad, but it is a pity that such a corner kick is simply a free throw for Haitang.

Haitang's pupils shrunk slightly, and his eyes suddenly widened. Lu Gu, who was staring at Haitang, was suddenly taken aback.

Haitang slightly bent her knees, moved her center of gravity forward, and swung her arms upwards with a huge range.

The golden python zigzags around in front of the green valley, and then hits the other side of the green valley.

"Game, Qingxue, 15:0."

The referee glanced at the tennis ball and reported the score.

"What about this ball?"

"This first grader actually knows how to play tennis like this?"

"It's amazing, you really deserve to be a freshman in Qingxue!"

It was also the first time for the onlookers to see a snake ball. It was the first time they had seen this kind of curved ball.

"Just kidding!"

Green Valley swallowed, the kind of ball just now must be a coincidence.

After cheering himself up, Green Valley served again.

After several confrontations, Haitang hit the snake ball again.

In Lu Gu's ears, he could clearly hear the sound of the tennis ball breaking through the air, but there was no tennis ball in front of his eyes.

There was a trace of cold sweat on Green Valley's forehead, and it was such a shot!
Could it be that he also wants to eat zero eggs? !

Green Valley's heart sank.

When he came here he was full of spirits, but now he only wants to lose so badly.

"This game was won by Qingxue Haitangxun, with a score of 6:1."

In the end, Green Valley successfully saved a round of his own serve from Haitang's hands. After that round, Green Valley seemed to accept his fate and no longer struggled excessively.

Haitang, who had won the match, was still a little unsatisfied, and stood on the field in a daze.

Being beaten by the seniors every day, Haitang almost doubted herself.

Today's hearty victory allowed Haitang to regain her confidence.

It turned out that it wasn't that I was too weak, but that the seniors were too strong.

(End of this chapter)

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