The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 311 Broken Bamboo

Chapter 311 Broken Bamboo
The match in the morning ended like this, Haitang and Taocheng were a little bit unfulfilled, especially Taocheng, he didn't even have a chance to play.

"Don't worry, it's your turn to play in the afternoon."

Buer also seemed to see Taocheng's depression, and smiled at Taocheng.


Taocheng, who was seen to be thinking, touched his head in embarrassment.


Haitang said disdainfully.

"You smelly viper, what are you talking about?!"

Taocheng suddenly became angry, grabbed Haitang by the collar and said angrily.

"Want to fight?"

Not to be outdone, Haitang grabbed each other's collar and quarreled in front of the crowd.

"What are you two doing!"

Tezuka looked coldly, looking at the two guys who couldn't distinguish the occasion.

Tezuka's voice reached Haitang and Taocheng's ears, and the two of them immediately shuddered.

The two of them turned their heads mechanically and met Tezuka's cold eyes.


The hearts of the two of them thumped at the same time.

They were so focused on arguing that they forgot that Tezuka was watching from their side.

As the stern vice president of Qingxue, in the hearts of everyone in Qingxue, Tezuka's deterrent power is even greater than that of Jiujin and Fuji combined.

"You two, give me a run back to school!"

Tezuka said coldly.


Taocheng and Haitang immediately stood up straight, they knew that they couldn't bargain with Tezuka at this time, otherwise they would only die worse.

Afterwards, Buer and the others boarded the return bus, while Haitang and Taocheng could only run wildly on the road.

Fortunately, it is not far from Qingxue, otherwise I would be exhausted.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, the second round of the regional qualifiers started on time.

At the beginning, it was the familiar crushing situation again.

Doubles two, 6:0.
Doubles one, 6:0.
It was no surprise that these teams in the regional qualifiers couldn't find a doubles combination that could compete with Qingxue.

In the singles three, Taocheng played.

Watching the Begonia game outside the court in the morning, Taocheng has long been eager to try.

When it was his turn to play, he was so excited.

The other party is a tall and big third-year national player. Seeing that Taocheng is a first-year student, he thought he could bully him.

However, in the first game, Taocheng's bullet serve made the opponent a little overwhelmed.

The super smash that followed immediately overwhelmed the opponent in terms of strength.

Taocheng also ended his first match in Qingxue perfectly.

Taocheng also has more to say, this kind of good time on the court is much more enjoyable than being beaten in Qingxue.

Today's game ended so quickly.

· Bu Er asked everyone to rest well, and everyone left the venue and went home.

Bu Er returned home, but was surprised to find that Yu Tai hadn't come back yet.

Fuji sighed, knowing that Yuta went to the park to practice alone.

I don't know if it was fate, but Yuta still didn't apply to join Qinggaku's tennis club after all.

Similarly, the relationship between Yuta and him has also become very subtle.

After Fuji's reputation spread, Yuta was asked the most by one sentence.

"Are you the younger brother of Qingxue Fujisuke?"

When Yuta was young, Yuta always admired his elder brother, but as Yuta grew older, Yuta hoped that he could be recognized by others more and more, instead of being regarded as the younger brother of Fujisuke.

I know that Yuta is very strong.From a very young age, Yuta always wanted his tennis to be recognized by himself.

Even Fuji knows that Yuta's greatest wish is to be able to defeat himself.

Fuji sighed, maybe it was because he was busy with the tennis club of Qinggaku last year, and then went to the U-17 dorm and the World Cup in France, so he didn't notice the changes in Yuta.

Gathering less and leaving more may be a big reason.

The next day, when Fuji got up, his sister Yumiko told him that Yuta got up earlier than him and went out.

Fuji sighed, Yuta's hard work has always been in his eyes, Yuta is a player with great potential and hard work.

After breakfast, Buer came to Qingxue with a tennis bag on his back. Not long after, everyone from the tennis club arrived one after another.

The schedule for the regional qualifiers is very short, within two days, the final champion will be determined this weekend.

And this morning, it was the quasi-finals of the regional qualifiers that started.

The opponent of the quasi-killing Qingxue was Nantian Middle School. After the opponent knew that their opponent was Qingxue, the morale of the team immediately fell apart.

In addition, entering the semi-finals has already won the tickets for the capital competition, so the captain of Nantian Middle School simply abstained in order not to destroy the confidence of his players.

After learning that their opponent had waived, Haitang and Taocheng looked sad. For them, every chance to play was very precious.

But at the same time, they also had a deeper understanding of the meaning of the four words Qingxue Zhengxuan.

Just relying on the signboard of the two characters Qingxue, they were able to defeat others without fighting. It is conceivable how strong the oppression Qingxue brings to other schools.

And this was all achieved by this group of seniors relying on their own strength last year.

This year, the two of them officially inherited the position of Qingxue Zhengxuan, which is an honor and a burden.

In the future, they will inevitably have to fight to safeguard the honor of Qingxue. Immediately, Taocheng and Haitang felt that the Qingxue regular selection team uniform on their bodies became extraordinarily heavy.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, all the crowds flocked together.

The competition between Qingxue and Yulin Middle School is about to start.

"Aren't Qingxue's Fuer Zhousuke going to play?"

"You don't need to help Qingxue to win the game at all."

"That's for sure. How could Yulin be Qingxue's opponent?"

The onlookers talked a lot, because they saw that Bu Er was sitting directly on the coach's bench, without any intention of getting up.

People who are familiar with Qingxue's strength naturally don't think that Yulin High School has the slightest chance of winning. Qingxue was last year's national champion.

Moreover, most of Qingxue's lineup that won the national championship were first graders, and they will only become stronger when they are promoted to second graders this year.

Bu Er Duan sat on the chair, and the doubles two was the first match, which was very important to the morale of the entire team.

Yulin Middle School sent their main doubles, and Qingxue also offered a golden combination.

"This game was won by Qingxue, with a score of 6:0."

Soon, Yulin Middle School's main doubles team had their heads shaved.

Everyone in Yulin Middle School's eyes sank. They were beaten 6-0 in the first game. Qingxue must be too strong.

"Nu Chuan, Quan, you guys will play in doubles one."

The director of Yulin Middle School sighed and said to the two first graders in the team.

"Yes, Minister!"

Buchuan Gongyi and Quanzhi also stood up, their hearts were very nervous.

After all, the opponent is the national champion Qingxue.

But after seeing that there were also two first-year students sent by the Qingxue School, Nun Chuan and Izumi breathed a sigh of relief.

Nukawa and Izumi have already formed a doubles team in elementary school, and they are still somewhat confident in their own strength.

Everyone is in the first grade, and Nuochuan and Izumi don't think that they will be much worse than the two first graders in Qingxue.

The two sides shook hands, saluted, and after deciding on the right to serve, they each came to their positions and stood still.

"The match begins, a set is decided, and Qingxue serves!"

The referee whistled, and the audience fell silent.

(End of this chapter)

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