The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 312 Haitang and Taocheng's Doubles

Chapter 312 Haitang and Taocheng's Doubles
"Tch, I will make a group for you!"

Haitang said with a displeased face.

It happened to be this guy!
In the whole team, the guy I hate the most!
"Stop rambling, let me tell you, don't hold me back!"

Taocheng waved his racket and walked to the right teeing area behind.

"Tch, I should say this sentence!"

Haitang said disdainfully.

"How are the two freshmen from Qingxue? Did they quarrel?"

"Is there an internal strife before the fight? Could it be that Qingxue will lose this doubles match soon?"

The audience chatted.

Doubles requires tacit understanding and cooperation, but the two freshmen from Qingxue seem to be a pair of "enemies".

Will there be a tacit understanding in such a combination?
"These two, it's starting again."

Kikumaru held his forehead and said helplessly.

"I really don't know why Fuji would arrange these two people to play doubles."

Kawamura was also a little speechless.

On the court, Nuochuan and Quan looked at each other and smiled.

"It looks like this game will be a little easier than we expected."

Buchuan looked at Haitang and Taocheng Road opposite.

"Who says it's not? The opponent doesn't seem to have played doubles at all."

Quan also had a look of joy, he had already seen that the two opponents seemed to be rookies in doubles.

Taocheng frowned. To be honest, he is good at singles, but he has almost never played doubles.

I really don't know why they were arranged to play doubles, and they were still with this stinky viper.

Taocheng squeezed the tennis ball tightly, threw the ball, followed by his arm, and slammed the tennis ball hard.

"Here it is, it's A Tao's bullet serving!"

Kikumaru watched Momoshiro's movements and said involuntarily.

It is said to be a bullet serve, but it is actually an ordinary topspin serve, but because Taocheng's strength is very strong, it will penetrate the opponent's racket like a bullet.

Bu Chuan moved quickly to the left, lowering the center of gravity while lifting the racket from bottom to top.

"Good weight!"

Bu Chuan frowned, this guy is so strong!

Raise your hand and throw the ball.

Haitang's eyes were fixed, and she quickly moved in front of the net towards the direction of the tennis ball.

Strong dunk, hit the ball back to the opposite court.

There was a mocking smile on the corner of Quan's mouth, these two guys had never played doubles.

The defensive area of ​​the vanguard stretched so long that it was standing in a straight line with the defenders, so the exposed flaws were too big.

"I'll see how you catch this ball!"

Quan raised his arm from bottom to top, and the tennis ball flew high over the net and flew towards the place where Haitang should have been standing.


Just when Quan and Bu Chuan thought the ball had been won, Taocheng's figure jumped out from behind Haitang.

The amazing jumping ability makes Taocheng enough to intercept lobs that ordinary people can't intercept.

"Stand back, Nuchon!"

"I know I know!"

As early as when Bu Chuan saw Taocheng's figure, he had already started to retreat.

"too slow!"

"Look at me, super smash!"

Taocheng yelled, and swung his arms down heavily.

"Game, Qingxue, 15:0."

The whistling sound of piercing the air passed by Quan and Bu Chuan, Taocheng's smash was not only powerful, but also the speed of the ball was astonishing.

Even though Bu Chuan had retreated to the backcourt, he still couldn't defend Taocheng's smash.

"Haitang's defense and Taocheng's smash, both of them are very calm!"

There was a voice of appreciation from behind, and everyone in Qingxue looked back, and it turned out to be Mamoru Inoue.

"Yeah, they can play in such a situation from the very beginning of the game. It seems that the two of them will perform well today."

Dry said lightly.

However, they were too happy.

On the court, Haitang frowned, and said without looking back, "Your smash is too shallow, it will be easy to be counterattacked."

Hearing this, Taocheng immediately replied: "Idiot, you are not the same! If you want to stand in front, fight hard."

"Damn guy!"

Taocheng and Haitang turned their heads away in unison.

"Hehe. These two guys are really good"

The corner of Ju Wan's mouth twitched, these two guys couldn't help but praise.

Taocheng glanced at Haitang's back, and then threw the ball high.

With a strong kick, he jumped up with the strength of the rebound.

This ball is even heavier than the previous one.

Bu Chuan's hand that caught the ball was trembling constantly, leaving a drop of cold sweat on his forehead.

"Are you kidding? He's also in the first grade. His strength is probably too strong!"

Bu Chuan sighed in his heart.

What he doesn't know is that Qingxue's training volume is unmatched by their Yulin.

Especially Haitang and Taocheng, a pair of enemies, when they were training, they kept holding back the energy in their hearts, that is, they must never lose to each other.

If the opponent swings the racket 500 times, then he has to swing the racket 500 times anyway.

If the opponent runs 20 laps on the playground, then he must also run 20 laps.

Sometimes, mutual competition will become the driving force for both parties to move forward. This is the case with Haitang and Taocheng. They aim at each other and keep moving forward.

"Game, Qingxue, 1:0."

With another super smash from Taocheng, he and Haitang won the first game.

Bu Chuan and Izumi's heart sank. Although the opponents did not have much experience in doubles, there seemed to be a real gap between the two of them in terms of strength.

"We must find a way to find their flaws."

Bu Chuan bent his knees sideways and swung a ball.

Haitang strode forward and quickly caught up with the ball.

Without the slightest hesitation, Haitang hit the tennis ball with her racket.

With a strong spin, the golden tennis ball pressed heavily against Bu Chuan's feet.

Bu Chuan didn't dare to be careless in the slightest. He had already discovered that these two guys were very powerful. If he wanted to hit back such a heavy shot, he had to go all out.

Nuo Chuan's pupils glanced left and right, taking in the situation in front of him.

A ray of yellow light flew back, aiming at the right side of Taocheng near the sideline.

Seeing this, Taocheng naturally got up quickly to chase the ball.

"Hey, it's successful!"

The corners of Nukawa and Izumi's lips curled up, the opponent's experience in doubles was still too little.

In doubles, the person who can save the ball the fastest should catch the ball, and these two people, as long as it is the ball they think, will definitely catch it no matter what.

Qian Wei pursued so deeply, revealing too many flaws.

Quan made a decisive attack in front of the net, and the tennis ball circled and flew towards the empty corner.


Just when everyone in Yulin thought they had won the ball, Haitang's figure approached the tennis ball at an extremely fast speed.

"Hey, with the speed that Haitang moves left and right, there is no problem in receiving this ball."

Kikumaru chuckled lightly.

"I think this is the reason why Buer will arrange the two of them to play doubles. Taocheng has good control over straight shots and high shots, while Haitang is good at moving left and right and tricky corner kicks. If the two of them complement each other , might be a good pair.”

Gan pushed his glasses and said.

"It seems to be the case!"

Dashi looked at the situation on the field and nodded.

"Game, Qingxue, 2:0."

"Game, Qingxue, 3:0."

"Both sides change game!"

Qingxue won three rounds in a row, while Nuchuan and Izumi lowered their heads and silently returned to Yulin's team.

"You two, try to hit the ball between the two of them in the next game."

Yulin's coach gave Bu Chuan and Quan a suggestion on the sidelines.

For novices in doubles, the ball hit in the middle is the hardest to hit back.

Because whether it is an avant-garde or a defender, they will subconsciously think that the ball should be caught by themselves, thus destroying the formation.

Bu Chuan and Quan woke up suddenly, yes, why didn't the two of them expect it.

Judging from their plan that they were almost able to succeed before, these two people really didn't have a clear idea of ​​who should catch the ball.

Being able to crack his own plan is also purely due to his outstanding personal strength.

If they hit the ball in the middle, they will definitely be able to find the flaws of these two people.

Thinking of this, Nukawa and Izumi cheered up again.

(End of this chapter)

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