The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 313 No accident

Chapter 313 No accident
Back on the field again, Quan and Bu Chuan looked at each other and nodded.

The corner of Quan's mouth curled up, and he kicked out the tennis ball in his hand.

Taocheng took a few strides to catch up with the ball, and then swung hard.

The tennis ball flew back to Quan with an astonishing whistling sound.


Quan stared fixedly, held the racket with both hands, and hit the ball back to the middle of Haitang and Taocheng impartially.

Haitang in the frontcourt and Taocheng in the backcourt both chased after the ball.

Both of them were so focused on the ball that they didn't notice each other's movements at all.

The bodies of the two collided directly, and they fell to the ground. Naturally, they missed the ball.

"Game, Yulin, 15:0."

The referee also announced immediately.

"Okay, it worked!"

Quan and Bu Chuan clapped their palms together. As expected, these two guys had no idea who should catch the middle ball.

Afterwards, Quan and Buchuan kept hitting the ball to the middle position, and Haitang and Taocheng also made constant mistakes.

"Game, Yulin, 1:3."

The audience at this time had already noticed that Haitang and Taocheng seemed to have no doubles experience at all.

"Isn't Qingxue planning to train soldiers?"

"It's normal, after all, even if you lose this round, Qingxue can still win."

As the audience said, Qingxue's singles position is not something Yulin can compete with at all.

The outcome of this doubles match is actually irrelevant.

Yulin also thought of this, which really made them feel a little aggrieved.

This kind of game that I knew I was going to lose but still played was really tormented.

"Come on, Nuo Chuan, Quan, you must win!"

They cheered for Nuo Chuan and Izumi loudly, this may be the only game they can win against Qingxue, they must win it.

"Damn, you guy, can you play well?!"

Haitang roared angrily towards Taocheng.

"You are the one, stinky viper! I should be the one to catch the ball, why are you here to join in the fun!"

Not to be outdone, Taocheng has never been afraid of anyone in terms of his voice.

The two huddled head to head, looking at each other through gritted teeth.

"Cough cough!"

Seeing that these two people were getting more and more excessive, I had to cough a few times.


The two separated.

Taocheng stared at Nunokawa and Izumi in front of him, and tightly clenched the tennis ball in his hand.

The opponent specifically hit the ball in the middle, obviously because he and Haitang didn't have a tacit understanding, Taocheng knew that he had to find a way to break the game.

Bullets serve.

The powerful whipping and strong topspin made Bu Chuan stand ready.

Buchuan and Izumi have a deep understanding of Taocheng's strength.

Bu Chuan held the racket with both hands, twisted his abdomen, and ruthlessly greeted the bouncing tennis ball.

After exhausting all his strength, Bu Chuan hit the ball back.

Because the ball was too heavy, Bu Chuan did not have the ability to accurately hit it to the middle of Haitang and Taocheng.

"Have it!"

Taocheng's eyes suddenly brightened.

"Let me take this ball, Haitang!"

Taocheng rushed towards the tennis ball with a face full of excitement, bent his knees, and slashed forward heavily.

The tennis ball that almost brushed against the net hit the ground with a slight curve, so the angle of bounce for such a tennis ball would naturally not be too high.


Bu Chuan's heart was shocked, he had to lower his center of gravity to catch the ball.

The tennis ball spun crazily on Bu Chuan's racket. Because of his posture, Bu Chuan could only use one hand to hit the ball back. The force of the tennis ball made him overwhelmed.

"Touch the net! Qingxue scored, 15:0."

Although the tennis ball was hit back by Nuo Chuan, the angle of the hit back was too low.

"Not enough! Not enough!"

Taocheng rolled up his sleeves, exposing his strong arms, shaking them a few times.

Haitang looked at Taocheng like this, and her desire to express herself deepened a bit.

Senior Fuji was watching from the sidelines, how could he make this guy special in front of him.

Taocheng's bullet served, and the sound of breaking through the air made Bu Chuan frown, and his arm was a little numb.

The body swayed for two steps, and Bu Chuan aimed at the bouncing tennis ball with both hands and slammed it hard.

In an instant, a huge force made Bu Chuan couldn't help but take half a step back, finally stopped his body, and Bu Chuan threw the ball with all his strength.

Taocheng's figure stepped forward quickly, and the backhand sliced ​​the ball forward heavily.


Bu Chuan was a little helpless, how could the opponent play such difficult shots.

Bu Chuan lunged forward, raised the backhand with both hands, and used the friction of the racket to offset the strong backspin on the ball.

Looking at the returned tennis ball, Haitang's pupils slightly raised up, and her eyes widened.

"The opportunity is here!"

The muscles of Haitang's arm bulged out into a perfect shape, and the racket was swung out from below, pointing directly at the top of the head.

The golden light beam bypassed the side of the spring, flew in front of Bu Chuan, and hit the corner directly.


From Haitang's mouth, a trembling voice came out.

"This is? Whiplash?"

Among the crowd in the distance, Guan Yue couldn't help tapping his forehead.

This year is his first year in charge of Saint Rudolph. Qingxue, as one of the main opponents in the Saint Rudolph Competition, Guan Yue even put aside his team's competition and came to spy on Qingxue alone.

He is very confident, confident that Saint Rudolph can win the regional qualifiers even without himself.

The previous matches didn't show much intelligence value. In this match, Guanchu probably didn't see much either. The gap between Yulin's strength and Qingxue's is really too big.

But unexpectedly, Qingxue's first grade gave him such a big surprise.

One is good at straight balls and high balls, and his strength is amazing, and the other can actually play this kind of whip-flapping style of play.

If these two freshmen are in their St. Rudolph, Guan Yue is confident that he can train them into very good players in a short period of time.

"It's still necessary to find some potential new talents!"

Guan Yue whispered.

With the current lineup of St. Rudolph, I am afraid that he will not be Qingxue's opponent.

Guan Yue's eyes turned to Bu Er who was sitting on the sidelines.

Fuji Shusuke!

As if aware of Guanyue's spying, Bu Er suddenly turned his head.

Among the crowd, Buer saw Guanyue's figure at a glance.

Buer frowned slightly, looking at the moon?

Did he come here to collect intelligence at this time?

But soon Fuji's brows relaxed, no matter what, Saint Rudolph could not be Qingxue's opponent.

In the entire Tokyo area, the only school that is qualified to be the opponent of Seigaku is the Hyotei Gakuen.

On the field, Haitang and Taocheng also seemed to have a tacit understanding.

As long as the ball is beyond the serving line, the two of them will be caught by the people in the backcourt. This can be regarded as temporarily breaking the opponent's strategy of only playing the middle ball.

Taocheng continued to increase the power and spin of the ball, one ball after another, forcing the opponent to make mistakes.

As long as the opponent makes a mistake, it will be a good opportunity for him to score with his super smash and Haitang Snake Ball.

"This game was won by Qingxue, with a score of 6:2."

Although there were some episodes in the middle, Haitang and Taocheng still won the doubles one.

Afterwards, Yakujin walked off the court with a racket expressionless.

Qingxue's number three in singles is none other than Akutsuren.

As soon as he entered the state of the game, Yajiujin exuded a very oppressive aura, and the calves of the Yulin players who were fighting with him were trembling non-stop.

Being able to muster up the courage to walk into the court is already his best effort.

"This game was won by Qingxue, with a score of 6:0."

"I declare! The champion of this Youth Taiwan regional qualifier is - Youth Academy!"

Without the slightest surprise, Qingxue easily won the regional qualifier champion.

On the way back, Taocheng and Haitang kept stroking the trophy. This was the first trophy they personally participated in and won in Qingxue. The joy of victory made them unable to stop.

After returning to the tennis club, looking at the uniquely shaped trophies of the Metropolitan, Kanto and National Games in the tennis club's showroom, Taocheng and Haitang were full of longing for the future.

(End of this chapter)

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