Chapter 314

After the regional qualifiers, the Qingxue Tennis Club returned to its former peace.

After the baptism of the official competition, Haitang and Taocheng also became more confident, and the two of them transformed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It was another normal weekend, Yuta got up early in the morning, took a look at the closed door of his elder brother, ate breakfast prepared by his sister Yumiko hastily, and went out with his tennis bag on his back.

Ape Bird Tennis Academy.

This place no longer belongs to the Qingxue area, it is considered a tennis school far away from Qingxue.

Since the reputation of the elder brother spread, everyone around Yuta was talking about his elder brother, and they also called him the younger brother of Seigakubu Shusuke.

Yuta hated this feeling very much, so in order to practice well, he ran to this "pure land" far away from Qinggaku to practice alone.

Yuta fights back and forth with the coaches here. Only by constantly hitting the ball can Yuta temporarily forget all the unpleasant things.


After finishing a round of practice, Yuta sat on a chair, thinking about his shortcomings.


There was a sound of footsteps, and three people in uniforms came over.

Yuta raised his head and looked at the three in surprise.

You know, this is a very remote tennis school, usually no one comes, and the facilities and equipment are also very average.

Would anyone come to this kind of place to practice like him?

In fact, it was because this place was remote enough that Guanchu put Saint Rudolph's training place here.

What he wants is to hide Saint Rudolph's strength. Poor information has always been his most important thing.

"Hello, because one of us is temporarily unable to come, so if possible, can you please accompany us to practice."

Guan Yue walked to Yuta's side and said lightly.

In fact, he has already noticed this young man who often comes here to play, he is a good seed, so he just planned to get in touch with Yuta today.

He said that there is one less person temporarily, in fact, he only called two people to come today.

Yuta doesn't doubt that he has him, and it's better to be able to fight against others than to practice hard by himself.

"No problem, I'm happy to accompany you."

The coach on the side smiled and said: "Great, he played well. After all, Yuta is the younger brother of Seigakubu Shusuke."

The coach has known Fuji and Yuta for a long time, so he will give Yuta special care.

Qing Xue's Bu Er Zhou Zhu, the coach did not expect that the immature boy at the time has grown into the number one in the junior high school.


Yuta is a little dissatisfied, why everyone only remembers him as the younger brother of Qingxue Fuer Zhouzhu.

Guan Yue was a little surprised, but he didn't show it.

From the fact that Yuta didn't join Qingxue, and went to this kind of place to practice alone, it is not difficult for Guan Yue to guess that Yutai probably doesn't want others to associate him with his brother.

"Really? What I'm more concerned about is that you hit the half volley very well. It surprised me."

Guan Yue looked at Yu Taidao with a smile on his face.

Yuta was taken aback by Guan Yue's words, is this a compliment to himself?

It was the first time that someone didn't care about this at all after knowing that he was Fuji Zhousuke's younger brother.

"Thank you!"

Yuta calmed down because of the ups and downs of the coach's words.

"Qingxue, the national champion last year, right?"

Kisarazu Jun was just invited by Guanchu this year to join St. Rudolph. Originally, he and his brother Kisarazu Ryo were studying in Liujiao Middle School, but in Liujiao, a school that is good at bold shots, Kisarazu Jun's tennis seems a bit out of place.

By chance, Guanchu got acquainted with Kisarazu Jun, and finally, relying on his eloquence, he successfully got Kisarazu Jun to join St. Rudolph.

"Yes! They are one of the only powerful schools in the Tokyo metropolitan area."

Guan Yue said lightly.

The other one, of course, refers to the Ice Emperor Academy.

"Then we should meet them at the Capital Conference."

Shin Yanagaze, who was squatting on the ground to tie his shoelaces, suddenly said.

He was also invited by Guanchu to join St. Rudolph as a strengthening group.

Hearing this, Yuta looked at these three people with some surprise. Are these three people also the regular team members of a certain school in Tokyo?

Seemingly aware of Yuta's surprise, Guan Yue smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. We have been St. Rudolph's tennis team since last fall."

"Why last fall?"

Yuta was a little strange. Last fall, wasn't that after last year's national competition?
Later, Guan Yue's words shocked Yuta.

"Because we are a team assembled from the local area, with the goal of entering the whole country! The youth school where your brother Fuji Shusuke is located will be our number one opponent."

Enter the country? !
Yuta was a little shocked by the courage of these people.

He has never heard of St. Rudolph at all. An unknown school actually wants to enter the country?

But looking at the other party's appearance, it seems that it is not just a simple talk.

The subsequent sparring practice gave Yuta a deep understanding of Guanchu's strength.

Guan Yue has seen all his movements, this style of play reminds Yuta of someone.

Qing Xue's think tank Gan Sadaharu.

"It's really strong! Besides my brother, it's the first time I've lost so thoroughly!"

Yuta walked to the net and shook hands with Guanyue.

Unexpectedly, today he really met a master, and he was beaten so helplessly.

"No, if your half volley is more perfect, I won't be able to stand it."

Guan Yue put his hands behind his back, and under the setting sun, his figure was stretched wirelessly in Yuta's eyes.

"You still have a lot of room to play, you are very talented, I can't believe it, you are buried in this kind of place, Yuta, what a pity!"

There was a smile on Guan Yue's face, the setting sun fell on his face, and there seemed to be a little halo faintly behind him.

St. Rudolph is a school that advocates the spirit of Christianity. Guan Yue, as one of the best, is naturally very superb in demagoguery.

The purpose of his visit today is to lead Yuta to St. Rudolph, as a member of the strengthening group, to join the brand-new St. Rudolph tennis team he formed.

Yuta raised his head in disbelief, someone would say that he is very talented?

For a long time, everyone has compared him with his brother, but no one has ever acknowledged Yuta's talent.

So Yuta has always hoped that his tennis skills will be recognized by others.

"My brother is talented, and I agree with it."

Above the heads of Guan Yue and Yu Tai, a voice came from Budu.

Fuji walked down the stairs and came to Yuta's side.

"Brother, why are you here?"

"Don't forget, I brought you here."

Fuji squinted and looked at Yuta with a smile.

When I was in elementary school, Fuji brought Yuta here, so the coach here knows who Yuta is.

"Thank you for taking care of my younger brother."

Buer's ice-blue eyes suddenly opened, and Guan Yue subconsciously took a step back.

After reacting, Guan Yue clenched his fists. He was scared away by other people's eyes? !

"Yuta, let's go!"

Fuji put away his arrogance and beckoned to Yuta.

Yuta subconsciously followed Fuji's footsteps with a tennis bag on his back, which was a habit he had developed since he was a child.

"Watching the moon."

Kisarazu Jun and Yanagisawa Shin also looked at the guy just now with some horror. Is that the legendary No. 1 in the middle school world, Fuji Shusuke of Aigaku?

It's a terrifying aura.

He knew that the purpose of Guanyue's visit today was to recruit Fuji Yuta to join St. Rudolph, but looking at the current situation, it seemed that he was discovered by Fujisuke.

Guan Yue didn't speak, and stared intently at the figure in the distance that was about to sink into the horizon.

Fuji Shusuke!

This guy!

(End of this chapter)

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