Chapter 322

"Oishi, it's time for us to play!"

On Qingxue's side, Kikumaru also stood up excitedly, he only hoped that their opponent could be stronger this time, otherwise it would be too boring.

"The match begins, a set is decided, St. Rudolph serves."

Takuya Nomura tossed the ball upwards, bent his knees, and swung the racket high above his head from behind.

Wearing glasses, Takuya Nomura looks gentle, and his hitting power is not weak.

Dashi adjusted his body position, and slammed the ball vigorously. The slightly curved arc made the angle of the ball a bit tricky.

However, Akazawa is also Saint Rudolph's singles trump card. Although he is not very proficient in doubles, his strength is still there.

A quick sprint, backhand everything, to press this one back.

"Look at me!"

Kikumaru swooped forward and put his left hand on the ground. His trick shot is perfect for such a low-angle ball.

Akazawa showed a weird smile, and he slammed out with his right hand vigorously, pulling the tennis ball back with the racket head.

In Kikumaru's eyes, the tennis balls suddenly became several, creating double images.

He quickly gathered himself together, and jumped out suddenly with his toes on the ground.

The stunt shots like dancing are pleasing to the eye.


Akazawa snorted coldly, swung his right hand out again, slightly bent his elbow inward, and also hit back with the head part of the racket.

In Kikumaru's eyes, several tennis figures appeared again.

He subconsciously stuck out the racket, and the moment the racket touched the tennis ball, Kikumaru's heart sank.


The ball shifted on the racket face and crossed the net with a higher arc.

"That's it!"

Akazawa laughed and jumped up from the midfield.

The powerful straight smash hit the sideline precisely.

"Game, St. Rudolph, 15:0."

Under the surprised eyes of the onlookers, the referee also reported the score of the ball.

Fuji squinted his eyes and leaned on the chair, looking at Yoshiro Akazawa of St. Rudolph. It must be said that this person has some skills in controlling the hitting point, and he can use the racket head to hit irregular shots with a slight shake.

And this is the secret weapon that Guan Yue uses to deal with Ju Wan.

Because Kikumaru has excellent dynamic vision and has a very high ability to see moving objects, he will keep watching the ball with his eyes unconsciously.

This will put a great burden on your eyes. After a long time, your eyes will even feel dry and astringent, and it will also interfere with the concentration of the players.

"How about it, Fuji Zhouzhu, this is the gift I prepared for you Qingxue."

This game seemed to be within Guan Yue's prediction, so he also seemed a little proud.

After all, being able to count last year's national champion, such a sense of accomplishment is not something that ordinary teams can give him.


"Game, St. Rudolph, 1:1."

Just like Kawamura in the previous game, Kikumaru became the target of Saint Rudolph's concentrated attack.

Although Kikumaru's net volley skills are superb, Akazawa's constant fretting shots interfered with Kikumaru's vision and concentration, causing Kikumaru to make frequent mistakes.

"It's amazing! You actually scored a point from Qingxue's golden combination!"

"Is this the only golden combination for Seigaku? Eiji Kikumaru made too many mistakes, right?"

The audience looked at Kikumaru with some strangeness. In their minds, Seigaku's golden combination should not only be of such a level. Is it so difficult to deal with a little-known school?


Oishi walked up to Kikumaru and patted Kikumaru on the shoulder.

"Don't worry Dashi, I'm fine."

The racket in Kikumaru's hand was constantly flipped on the wrist. Although there was a little sweat on his forehead, Kikumaru's overall condition was still good.

Although Kikumaru is a bit childish, he is not so easily influenced by others.

"That's good, Eiji! Next, I will find a way to support you, so you can go ahead and fight!"

Seeing that Kikumaru was not affected, Oishi felt relieved.

This is doubles, the opponent has been attacking Kikumaru, obviously not paying attention to Oishi, maybe in their eyes, Oishi is a dispensable person in the golden combination.

Oishi's eyes scanned the audience left and right, and then he hit the ball without hesitation.

Although the speed of the ball is not very fast, the victory lies in the tricky angle.

Akazawa glanced away, kept walking, and locked on Kikumaru again with the movements of his hands.

Saint Rudolph's goal is very clear, which is to block Kikumaru with Akazawa's fretting ball and win the game.

"good chance!"

It seems that the phantom of the tennis ball appeared in front of Kikumaru's eyes again, causing his movements to be somewhat deformed.

Akazawa was keenly aware of this, and kept running with his feet, sprinting forward, and the backhand whip was the head part of the racket.

"Come on! Kikumaru!"

Akazawa looked at Kikumaru proudly, the sweat on his forehead and the beating heart in his chest showed that he was not so relaxed.

Even though he suppressed Kikumaru with the fretting ball, Kikumaru's toughness cost him a lot.


Kikumaru raised his drooping head suddenly, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


Akazawa's heart trembled, this smile? !
Kikumaru moved sideways, and the tennis ball flew not far from the tip of his nose.

Chi Chi Chi!
Dashi bent his knees, rubbed the frame of the racket to draw a semicircle on the ground, and then swung the racket high above his head.

"Moon Climbing Intercept!"

Under the horrified gazes of Akazawa and Nomura, the golden arc pressed precisely on the rear bottom line like a needle thread.

"Game, Youth Academy, 15:0."

The referee also looked at Dashi in surprise. He has never seen such a high arc and such a precise bottom line lob in his practice for so many years.

There were a few drops of cold sweat on Akazawa's forehead, and he looked at Dashi who was still maintaining his batting posture and said, "Is this the moon-climbing volley that Guanyue said?! It can be aimed close to the bottom line!"

It's amazing!
Such a high-arc lob has extremely high requirements on the player's ability to control the ball, and this is also the advantage of Oishi.

"No, Dashi didn't aim close to the bottom line!"

Kikumaru lowered his head and chuckled lightly.


"Dashi just aimed at the bottom line!"

Kikumaru raised her head, the smile on her face made Guanyue grit her teeth.

Oishi Shuichiro, this seemingly inconspicuous egg head, can actually hit such a perfect bottom line lob, which Guanyue did not expect.

Judging from the previous video, Dashi's moon-climbing volley is obviously immature.

In Guanyue's cognition, with Akazawa's jumping ability and Nomura's speed, it should be decipherable.

It wasn't until he witnessed Dashi's perfect blow that Guan Yue realized that Dashi had evolved.

In other words, the golden combination has evolved, and they are more mature than last year.

"This game was won by Youth Academy, with a score of 6:2."

Facing the perfect cooperation between Oishi and Kikumaru, Akazawa and Nomura could only hate on the spot.

After all, doubles is all about cooperation and tacit understanding. A person who forcibly switches from singles to doubles will not be able to win against the opponent unless he is much stronger than his opponent.

This is the case with Akazawa. Guanyue arranged him in doubles because he wanted to block Kikumaru with his fretting ball.

But with Dashi's support, how could he block the attack of the golden combination with his single-handed micro-ball.

St. Rudolph swallowed two consecutive losses in doubles. Anyone can see that St. Rudolph is gone.

But before the game, no one thought they would beat Qingxue, except Guan Yue himself.

(End of this chapter)

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