The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 323 No 2 VS Moon Watching

Chapter 323 Fuji VS Guanyue
"Guanyue, I'm sorry, we've tried our best!"

After the game, Akazawa and Nomura seemed a little silent. They had two losing streaks for Saint Rudolph.

Although the opponent's information is somewhat different from what Guanyue said, it only raised the upper limit of the information. Both of them understand that if they are stronger, they will definitely be able to beat Qingxue's golden combination.

Unfortunately, there are no ifs in this world.

Guan Yue glanced at the two men, stood up and patted the shoulder of another contestant of Saint Rudolph.

"Jize, if I win this game, I hope you can win the next game too!"

Guan Yue's voice was a bit sharp, and he didn't even notice it. Before he played, his heart had already started to become tense.

This is the battle of life and death for their St. Rudolph.

After speaking, without waiting for Yoshizawa to respond, Guanyue stepped onto the court on her own.

Akazawa and Nomura looked at Guanyue's leaving back, feeling somewhat uncomfortable.

"Senior Akazawa, please don't mind. Senior Guanyue is so ruthless to those who fail!"

Ichiro Kaneda, a first-year student at St. Rudolph, saw that Akazawa's face was a bit ugly, so he hurriedly said.

He had seen how ruthless Guan Yue was to the losers in the trials that took place in St. Rudolph.

Jintian didn't want Akazawa to be too sad because of Guanyue's indifference. He also understood in this game that Akazawa had tried his best.

"I know!"

Akazawa nodded, of course he was very clear about this.

"What? St. Rudolph's side coach actually played in person? Is he also a player of the team?"

The audience was a little surprised when they saw Guan Yue stepping onto the court.

Isn't Guan Yue the sideline coach?Why did he suddenly change into a singles three contestant now?

On Qingxue's side, Buer also stood up from the coach's bench, unzipped his coat, and threw his coat into the air.

In the air, a breeze blew through, blowing the coat to Akutsu's hand on the sidelines.

"Oh oh oh!"

There was an astonishing cry from the sidelines.

"Qing Xue's Fuji Zhou Zhu, is he finally going to play?"

"I didn't expect that against San Rudolph, Seigaku's Fujisuke would actually play in the singles three!"

Many people from other schools were shocked, especially those who had never watched the Fuji game. They could finally take a close look at the strength of Fuji Zhousuke, who was hailed as the number one player in the middle school by the outside world. up.

The news that Bu Er was going to play spread like a whirlwind in an instant.

On the D court on the other side, the game between Ice Emperor and Qiushan Middle School is currently going on.

"Hurry up, Qingxue heard that Bu Er Zhou Zhu is going to play!"

"Really? Is Bu Er Zhou Zhu going to play?"

The flow of people who had been around the sidelines rushed towards the A stadium where Qingxue was located at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Oh? Is Buer going to play?"

Atobu also heard the rumors from these people, and he was a little surprised. He didn't expect Fuji to be so interested, so he had to take a good look.


Atobe put one hand in his pocket, raised the other hand high above his head, and snapped his fingers above his head.

"Huadi, get rid of him quickly!"

Atobe's extremely arrogant words made the faces of Akiyama Middle School people very ugly.

Although they have lost in a row now, this guy from Ice Empress is a bit too arrogant!

Huadi's dull voice sounded, and his dull face was expressionless.

Huadi, who looks like a big fool, is recognized as one of the most difficult people in the Ice Empress.


"I didn't expect it to be you!"

Guan Yue's voice trembled a little, he didn't realize that the fear of Bu Er had already been deeply rooted in his heart.

"What, are you afraid?"

Buer is also a rare confrontation with Guan Yue. Who told this guy to abduct his younger brother? He has to teach him a lesson.

"Hmph! Just wait and see!"

Guan Yue snorted coldly and chose to avoid it.

Losing is not losing, he chose to turn around and leave after leaving a harsh word, not giving Bu Er a chance to fight back.

But Buer didn't care too much, it was meaningless to verbally argue with the other party, after all, it was still up to tennis to decide the outcome.

"The game has begun! A set will be decided, and Youth Academy will help serve!"

Even the goddess of luck is on the side of Buer today, and Buer got the right to serve very smoothly.

Fuji took out a tennis ball from his pocket. Although he didn't even warm up, it didn't affect his attack on Guanyue at all.

Buer's squinted eyes suddenly opened, his ice-blue pupils exuded a frightening light, and an astonishing aura swept across all directions like an ancient behemoth waking up from a deep sleep.

The tennis ball in Bu's second hand was thrown upwards, and the seemingly slender arm led the racket behind him.

With a crisp sound, the golden light exploded at Guan Yue's feet, and the flying dust made his exposed calf feel a little tingling.


There was a drop of cold sweat on Guan Yue's forehead, he lowered his head silently, and a golden tennis ball slowly rolled towards him from behind him.

"Hiss! Serve the ball so fast, you can't see the shadow of the ball at all!"

There was a sound of gasping for air-conditioning all around, and Bu Er's serve skills shocked everyone, such a fast serve, even surpassed the dry waterfall in terms of visual effect.

"A...ACE, Fujisuke, 15:0."

Even the referee was a little belated, and after getting a reply from the photography team, he suppressed the throbbing in his heart and reported the score.

"Go ahead!"

Bu Er chuckled, and another golden light flew out from his hand.

Guan Yue's pupils were wide open, and the fine sweat kept slipping from his temples.

Can't move!
He can't move at all!

"Game, Fuji Shusuke, 1:0."

With only four balls, Fuji won his serve easily.

After the two sides switched sides, it was Guanyue's turn to serve.

The tennis ball was constantly flapping in Guanyue's hands, and Guanyue silently adjusted his panic between breathing in and out.

The four ultra-high-speed serves that were the first to catch people in the last game put too much pressure on Guan Chuchu.

With a snap, the tennis ball was tightly held by Guan Yue.

Perhaps it was because of too much pressure on Bu Er, Guan Yue hit the most perfect topspin serve he has ever played so far.

Whether it is the speed of the ball passing the net or the angle of the bounce, it is already the limit that Guan Yue can do.

However, when Bu Er swung the racket with his right hand, there was another crisp sound.

A wave of air passed by Guan Yue's side, and he didn't even need to look back to know that Buer's goal might have scored again.


Guan Yue said word by word.

Compared with Fuji Yuta, Fuji Shusuke's half-volley is almost natural.

Agile body movement and amazing strength combined into one, hitting the perfect half volley.

"Is this the true strength of Qingxue Fujisuke?!"

At this moment, Guan Yue realized that he was really sitting on the sidelines.


"This game was won by Qingxue Fuji Zhou, the game was 6:0."

Guan Yue's feet softened, and he knelt down in front of Bu Er.

His confidence had already been destroyed by Bu Er.

"Oh? Looks like it's over!"

The noisy sound from the sidelines immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"The Ice Emperor! It's the Ice Emperor!"

"Don't they also have a game? Is it over?"

The players from other schools who were watching were all shocked, looking at this team that suddenly appeared.

"It's Atobe, why, are you here to celebrate for me?"

Bu Er squinted his eyes and said lightly in the field.

"Hahaha! No two, my uncle is waiting for you in the final!"

After leaving a word, Atobe left with Bingdi's huge team.

Now that Qingxue's competition is over, there is no need to watch it anymore.

If you want to reminisce about the past, just wait until the finals of the two teams!

(End of this chapter)

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