The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 324 1 ball into the soul

Chapter 324

After Qingxue and Bingdi won one after another, the other two stadiums also came to an end.

The four teams of Aigaku, Hyotei, Yamabuki and Yinhua are the top four in this year's Tokyo competition, and they will also represent the Tokyo area in this year's Kanto competition.

The three teams of Aigaku, Hyotei, and Yamabuki are well-known strong schools in the Tokyo area, and their success is within everyone's expectations.

Only this Yinhua is almost an unknown school.

And the only characteristic of this school seems to be that they are very lucky. They have been on the lottery all the way, but this time in the semi-finals, their good luck will come to an end, because their opponent is the last national competition champion , Qingxue.

However, the Yinhua players were not too sad, because it was like a dream for them to reach the semi-finals.

On the other hand, the match between Yamabuki and Hyotei has attracted most people's attention. Compared with Qingxue and Yinhua, this group's duel is obviously more attractive.

"There are so few audiences today!"

Kikumaru looked left and right, except for the members of Qingxue and Yinhua, there were almost no people from other schools to watch the battle today.

"Because everyone went to watch the match between Hyotei and Yamabuki."

Gan pushed his glasses and said.

"makes sense!"

Kikumaru folded his hands in his mind, and leaned on the chair a little bored.

On Yinhua's side, Yinhua's minister is holding a meeting for the team.

"Now we can be said to be the heroes of Yinhua, and we have created the best results in Yinhua's history. Our opponent is the big devil Qingxue. We must lose if we lose, but we also want to lose wonderfully. great!"

Someone immediately raised his hand and asked, "Captain, how can we lose wonderfully and lose greatly?"

"Idiot, I want to teach you everything, so what do you need to do! In short, don't be too embarrassing, do you understand!"

The minister of Yinhua gave this man a shudder in the head, with a look of hating iron but not steel.

In fact, he himself didn't know what to do so as not to lose his position, so it was just his nonsense.

For doubles two, Qingxue sent Ganhe Kawamura.

It was the person who was reprimanded just now and his partner that Yinhua appeared on the stage.

They had discussed it off the court just now. If they want to lose less ugly, the best way is not to play, not to play a single ball.

As soon as the two entered the stage, the person who was reprimanded gave his partner a wink, and his partner immediately understood, clutching his stomach and wailing.

"Ah~~ My stomach hurts so much!"

"Beef noodles, there must be something wrong with the bowl of beef noodles I just ate!"

The partner rolled back and forth on the ground, and the man immediately said with righteous indignation: "It's unreasonable! I'll take you to the owner of that store to settle the score!"

"Qingxue, you are lucky! This time I will let you go first!"

After finishing speaking, he asked the referee at the side to abstain. Under the surprised eyes of the referee, the two immediately got up from the ground and disappeared in a hurry.

"He looks like this, does he really have a stomachache after eating beef noodles?"

Kawamura said a little strangely, can he run so fast if he has a stomachache?
"Oh! Maybe!"

Gan nodded indifferently, although it was a pity that he couldn't play a game, but this way he would have time to watch the match between Hiotei and Yamabuki.

The two people who returned to Yinhua's team thought they would be reprimanded, but they didn't expect Yinhua's minister to greatly appreciate his behavior.

Now everyone also understood, so this is the so-called wonderful loss, great loss?
In the ensuing doubles one and singles three, Yinhua's players all avoided the match against Qingxue with very strange reasons. Under the speechless eyes of everyone in Qingxue, Yinhua's players left the arena arrogantly.

When Fujio came to the arena between Hiotei and Yamabuki, the doubles two match had just ended.

Ice Emperor's Shinozu and Xiangri won the doubles 6 with a big score of 2:[-].

Although Yamabuki is a school that is good at doubles, there is a real gap in strength in the face of Ninjazu who has set foot on the national level and has opened up selflessness. What's more, Ninjazu and Xiang Day, in terms of tacit understanding and cooperation, they may not lose to Yamabuki's doubles combination.

"Hiss! Isn't this Qingxue? Their match is over?"

"Impossible, how long has passed, no matter how weak Yinhua is, it's impossible to fight so fast, right?"

The appearance of Qingxue immediately caused a commotion.

"No two, just wait, wait to meet my grandpa's gorgeous revenge!"

With a smile on Atobe's handsome face, he glanced at Fuji and thought to himself.

Yamabuki is already in their pocket, and even the doubles they are best at has lost a game, and the remaining singles Yamabuki is even less likely to be their opponent.

The final was already doomed to be their fateful showdown between Bingdi and Qingxue.

"Did Qingxue end so quickly?"

Qian Shi said with some surprise.

"Little Qianshi, they are terrifying!"

The old man squinted his eyes and smiled kindly.

The horror of Fuji Zhousuke is beyond the imagination of these young men.

But right now, they have to pass the Ice Emperor first.

For doubles one, Yamabuki fielded their doubles aces, Kentaro Minami and Masami Touhou.

Last year, they already had the potential of top doubles. After a year of careful adjustment by the elders, they have now grown into the first doubles of Yamabuki Middle School.

As for the candidates sent by the Bingdi, Buer was a little surprised.

Shishido Ryo and Hocho Taro.

Originally, Shindo Ryo at this time should have been just a nobody, but now he has shaved off his long hair, and formed a doubles combination with Chotaro.

Fuji looked at Sakaki Taro, who was sitting on the coach's bench in a wine-red suit, presumably this should be his masterpiece.

Being good at tapping the potential strength in the team is an essential skill for every excellent coach.

The same is true of Watanabe Osamu of Shitenbao Temple, and the same is true of Sakaki Taro.

But this scene is probably the baptism prepared by Sakaki Taro for Shindo Ryo and Chotaro.

Only by experiencing failure and tasting the pain can we become stronger.

"The match begins, and the match will be decided in one set. Hyotei Shishido Ryo and Hochotaro serve."

With the whistle of the referee, the doubles match between Hiotei VS Yamabuki officially began.

"Changtaro, use your trick to scare them out of their wits!"

Shindo Ryo didn't know at this time that this was a heart-training battle against them, and he looked very excited with a fighting spirit.

This is the first pair of strong opponents he and Chotaro have encountered since they formed a doubles combination.

"Yes, Shishido-senpai!"

Chotaro was also a little excited, he felt his blood started to boil.

Chotaro twitched his feet on the ground, and lightly pressed the tennis ball with his palm, suppressing the excitement in his heart.

Immediately, with a flick of the wrist, the tennis ball was thrown into the air.

"One goal. Into the soul!"

Chotaro swung his arm out heavily, the tennis ball tore through the air, and flew towards the diagonally opposite position where Higashi Masami was standing with an astonishing sound of piercing through the air.

The air waves flying over his feet reminded Dongfang Masami of the astonishing power of that ball just now.

"So fast! What an amazing shot!"

The audience was also a little shocked. This serve was the same as Qing Xuegan Sadaharu's serve, fast and fierce.

"Wow, what a great newcomer!"

Kikumaru was also a little surprised, his dynamic vision allowed him to clearly see the ball just now, and that ball was not inferior to Agan's waterfall.

Dongfang Masami and Nan Kentaro looked at each other, and they both saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

This first grader of Ice Empress can actually hit such a serve.

But they were not too worried, no matter how powerful his serve was, it would take four rounds in doubles before he got a serve.

The Tudou Xiongbing combination, which has been promoted to the second grade, has become more stable now.

"Game, Yamabuki Middle School, 1:0."

"Both sides switch sides!"

(End of this chapter)

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