The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 325 Secret Signal Tactics

Chapter 325 Secret Signal Tactics
"Game, Yamabuki Middle School, 3:1."

With Dongfang Masami leaping into the air with a powerful smash, Tudou Xiongbing also attacked three cities in a row, making Bingdi's mighty cheerleaders dumbfounded in an instant.

"How could it be! The combination of Shishido and Chotaro lost so badly!"

Xiang Ri said in disbelief.

There was a contemptuous smile on the corner of Atobe's mouth, how could Sakaki Taro's intentions be hidden from him.

"Shishido, don't let me down!"

In Atobe's heart, he has very high expectations for the combination of Shishido Ryo and Chotaro.

On the field, Shishido Ryo's chest heaved continuously, and beads of sweat dripped from his forehead.

Being led by the nose by the two opponents, Shishido, as a "firefighter", exhausted a lot of physical strength.

Chotaro's forehead was also covered with fine sweat. He blamed himself very much, knowing that it was his fault, which caused Shishido-senpai to help him defend part of the incoming ball.

"Chotaro, we can definitely win!"

Although he was at a disadvantage, Shishido's desire for victory became stronger.

"Yes! Senior Shishido!"

Chotaro also cheered up, and it was his serve next.

"One shot into the soul!"

The golden lightning tore through the air, and an astonishingly powerful ball directly served and scored.

Dongfang Masami glanced at the dark marks on his feet, and had to say that there is something about the ice emperor's first-year serve, but doubles can't be won by serving.

"One shot into the soul!"

Accompanied by Chotaro's low moan, the tennis ball slammed into the net fiercely with an indomitable momentum, and the huge impact instantly made the net deform violently.


"Double fault, Yamabuki, 15:15."

Chotaro wiped the sweat from his forehead, he was very nervous, the more nervous he was, the easier it was to make mistakes.

Originally, such a high-speed serve is difficult to control. If there is a problem with the mentality, it will easily lead to a wrong serve.

"Changtaro, calm down! You don't need to aim at a place that is too difficult to hit. You just need to serve it over the net. The opponent will never catch your serve."

Shishido Ryo said loudly that he was afraid that Chotaro would affect his serve because he thought too much.

"makes sense!"

Chotaro nodded, took a deep breath, and calmed down.

"One shot into the soul!"

Chotaro swung his arm out without the slightest hesitation, and the tennis ball was shot out like a cannonball.

"ACE! Ice Emperor Academy, 30:15."

As Shishido Ryo said, as long as Chotaro serves through the net normally and enters the receiving and receiving area, the opponent will never be able to react.

"Game, Ice Emperor Academy, 2:3."

"Both sides switch sides!"

Chotaro once again won the game for the ice emperor.

After switching sides, Dongfang Masami aimed at the diagonal receiving area and made a strong topspin serve.

After hitting the ground, the tennis ball quickly flew towards Changtaro's forehand and feet, which was the ball that Changtaro hated most.


Chotaro finally calmed down and became a little irritable again. The opponent always hits such difficult shots, which made his counterattacks very uncomfortable.

The ball that hit the net back with great difficulty became the opponent's chance ball just like before.

Minami Kentaro sprinted to the point where the ball landed, and the high-speed backhand kicked the ball to the sideline near the net in front of Chotaro. With Chotaro's speed, it was impossible to catch the ball.

However, just when they thought they had succeeded, Shido's figure suddenly appeared from the side.


Neither Dongfang Masami nor Minami Kentaro knew when Shishido Ryo arrived at this position.

The sharp half-volley crossed quickly from the center line of the Tudou Xiongbing combination.

"Game, Ice Emperor Academy, 15:0."

"Shishido is so fast!"

Dashi said with some surprise.

In just a few breaths, Ryo Shishido actually ran left and right for almost the entire court, and his foot strength was really amazing.


Fuji was a little surprised, it seemed that Shishido had completed his evolution ahead of schedule.

In fact, as Fuji guessed, after experiencing many failures last year, Shido Ryo has completely awakened.

Shishido Ryo understands that there is no way to beat an opponent stronger than him by chasing the ball exhausted with his feet.

He needs to push his reaction to the limit in order to hit a perfect half-volley, which became more and more urgent after he formed a doubles combination with Chotaro at the request of Sakakitaro.

He needs to radiate his defensive range to a large area of ​​the court in order to make up for the difference in tacit understanding with other teams' doubles combinations.

For this reason, he asked Chang Taro to attack his body with a heavy cannonball to exercise his reaction power.

Finally, he did it, and now Ryo Shishido, his reaction nerves have allowed him to take half a step ahead of others to chase the ball.

"Game, Ice Emperor Academy, 3:3."

Shindo Ryo succeeded in breaking serve by virtue of his foot strength and perfect half-volley.

"Coach, you really have a skill!"

Atobe glanced at Sakakitaro, who was in front of the old god, and thought secretly in his heart.

If it wasn't for Sakakitaro who proposed to let Shido Ryo and Chotaro form a new doubles combination of Hyodi, he probably didn't know that Shishido Ryo still had such potential.

"Ice Emperor! Ice Emperor!"

The 200-member cheerleading team of Ice Emperor also burst into earth-shattering cheers at this time, making the whole stadium seem to become Ice Emperor's home field.

"Hmph! It's really noisy!"

Taocheng said with some annoyance, such a loud cheering sound made him feel a little uncomfortable, isn't this disturbing the players on the field?
"Shishido's foot strength is certainly great, but the Tudou Xiongbing of Yamabuki Middle School is not a simple character."

Dry said lightly.

Yamabuki is an expert in doubles, and he believes in Yamabuki's ace combination, there is no reason why he would lose to a newly formed doubles combination by Hyodi.

"Dongfang, it's almost time to use that!"

Minami Kentaro laughed lightly.

"Well, no problem!"

The corners of Dongfang Masami's mouth also rose slightly.

Their words made Shido Ryo and Chotaro's hearts sink, what is that?Is it a trick, or does it really happen.

For a while, even Shido Ryo's mentality was affected, but soon, he put his doubts behind him.

"Whatever this and that are all bluffing!"

Shindo Ryo's racket was aimed at Minami Kentaro's feet and swung heavily. His hard-trained body burst out with strong strength, and the tennis ball shot out with a tricky trajectory.

"It's not that easy!"

Minami Kentaro bent his knees, and he sliced ​​the tennis ball obliquely back to Shishido Ryo's feet.

"Did you change the defensive position?!"

As soon as Shishido looked up, he saw Kentaro Minami hit the net immediately after receiving the serve, while Masami Dongfang in the frontcourt retreated to the baseline.

Is this what they say it is?
Before he had time to think about it, Shindo Ryo mentioned the racket, and the tennis ball flew over Minami Kentaro's head in a huge parabola.

The corner of Minami Kentaro's mouth curled up, and he made two gestures behind his back with his left hand, and Dongfang Masami behind him immediately understood.

The powerful smash went straight to Shishido Ryo's feet.

"Go back to me!"

Ryo Shishido held the racket in both hands, and the great power of smashing the ball made the racket tremble continuously. After a stalemate for a while, Ryo Shishido struggled to twitch the racket in his hand. However, the figure of Kentaro Minami appeared on the tennis line in due course superior.

The volley ball in front of the net passed beautifully next to Shishido Ryo's cheek.

"Game, Yamabuki Middle School, 15:0."

On the field, the game was still going on fiercely. Yamabuki's Dongfang Masami always attacked Shishido from the bottom line. Like a hunter who has been waiting for a long time, when the tennis ball passes the net, it will deliver the fatal blow.

Even if he knew that the opponent would volley the ball in front of the net, Shishido had to hit the tennis back as the opponent designed, because there was no other way to return the ball.

This is a secret tactic designed by Minami Kentaro and Dongfang Masami based on the most basic style of play. It relies on Minami Kentaro's excellent mind and Dongfang Masami's superb skills. It can also be said to be an alternative double data tennis.

When serving or returning the ball, the route is drawn up, and then the route of being hit back is summarized, so as to launch a fatal attack.

Even if the opponent knows it in their hearts, they have to obey their wishes and hit the ball on the route they designed.

This simple style of play is the most difficult to crack.

"Game, Yamabuki Middle School, 4:3."

Yamabuki's potato army regained the advantage in the game.

(End of this chapter)

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