The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 326 Shi Qingchun

Chapter 326 A Thousand Stones Are Pure
"Changed again! OK!"

Dongfang Masami glanced at Nan Kentaro's left hand gesture behind his back, and he immediately understood.

Diagonal topspin serve, pointing directly at the corner of the receiving area,

Chotaro bent his knees, and the quick backhand lash brought out a touch of golden brilliance.


The tennis ball in Minami Kentaro's hands quickly turned into slices, and he pressed the ball directly back to the ice emperor's court in front of the net.

"Game, Yamabuki Middle School, 5:3."

Yamabuki won the next round again, and the game came to the ninth round. Although it was Yamabuki's match point, everyone knew that this round was not the key to the decisive victory.

Because this round is ice emperor Hocho Taro's serve again.

Shishido's chest kept rising and falling, panting heavily.

Exhausted in chasing the ball, his physical strength was exhausted. If Atobe hadn't implemented a new training plan at the beginning of this year, Shishido might not be able to support such a high-intensity fierce confrontation.

"Senior Shishido!"

Chotaro looked at Ryo Shishido's back dripping with sweat, and felt a burst of self-blame in his heart. If it wasn't for him, Senior Shishido wouldn't be in such a mess!
"Chotaro, what are you doing in a daze! Use your heavy cannon to serve and let them know how powerful our Ice Empress is!"

Seeing that Chotaro did not serve for a long time, Shishido shouted loudly.

"Yes! Senior Shishido!"

Changtaro withdrew his thoughts and threw the tennis ball in his hand.

The sound of the heavy artillery serving through the air is still shocking. Although the speed has dropped, it is still not so easy to fight back.

At such a critical round, Chotaro's ball control seems to have improved, and he didn't make a single mistake. Four heavy shots directly ended his serve.

"Game, 4:5."

"Both sides switch sides!"

After switching sides, the game entered the most critical round.

Minami Kentaro put his left hand behind his back again, making a gesture.

"Understood! Let's get rid of them!"

Dongfang Yamei suddenly understood, a ball was thrown, and the racket in her hand hit the tennis ball hard.

"Is it coming again!"

Such a tricky shot made Shishido Ryo feel extremely alert.

He knows that once he hits back the ball, the opponent's avant-garde will definitely intercept the ball in front of the net, all of which are in the calculation of the opponent.

"There's no other way, I can only fight!"

Shindo Ryo gritted his teeth, and at the same time as he kicked the ball out, the muscles in his legs suddenly exerted force, and his whole body sprang out like a cheetah.

Minami Kentaro's right hand crossed everything, cutting the ball back into the ice emperor's court. Just when he thought he scored, Shishido Ryo's figure appeared behind the bounce of the tennis ball.


Nan Kentaro was taken aback, when did Shindo Ryo get to that position!
Shishido lifted the racket, and the tennis ball flew across Kentaro Minami's flank.

"Leave it to me, Nan!"

Dongfang Yami held the racket with her left hand, ran fast and then swung it suddenly.

call out!
The golden light beam crossed the net again and fell into the ice emperor's court.

"You don't want to score!"

Shindo Ryo let out a loud roar, leaning forward and stepping out continuously, the muscles of his calf continuously fired at full power, and his whole body shot out like an arrow from the string.

"What a strong explosive force!"

Everyone in Qingxue was startled, Shindo Ryo's speed at the moment was enough to make everyone face his existence.

"Heh! It seems that he has made a new breakthrough under heavy pressure. What a persistent guy!"

Fuji squinted his eyes and sighed in his heart. If Shishido Ryo changed his partner, this game might not be impossible to win, but Hochotaro is still a little immature in other aspects except for serving with a heavy gun.

Ryo Shishido is almost equal to facing Yamabuki's Tudou army with one enemy and two, and the chance of a comeback is extremely slim.

Although Shishido Ryo's outburst surprised Nan Kentaro, he quickly adjusted his tactics and gave orders to Dongfang Masami behind him again.

How could the master who commanded the signal-blowing tactics lose his due level because of the struggle of his prey.

Dongfang Masami hits the ball vigorously and hits a nearly straight trajectory. This kind of tennis has only one characteristic, and that is fast.

Ryo Shishido gritted his teeth, trampled his feet on the ground crazily, stopped suddenly with a sudden friction, bent his knees and lifted the racket, and the moment the tennis ball flew into the air, Kentaro Minami jumped up in the frontcourt.

The high school volley near the net, the power of smashing the ball instantly penetrated the defenses of Shishido Ryo and Hochotaro.

"This round was won by Yamabuki Middle School, with a score of 6:4."

The referee's ruthless whistle blew, and Chotaro dropped his arms. At this moment, he felt extremely self-blame.

Chotaro followed Shido Ryo like a walking corpse and came to Sakakitaro, and the two bowed deeply.

"Sorry, coach, we lost!"

Both of them were afraid to look at Sakakitaro. In Ice Emperor, the loser will be ruthlessly eliminated.

Because the tennis club of the ice emperor students has more than 200 members, their selection is extremely cruel.

"Shishido, if you can calm down, you should be able to detect the opponent's actions and react in advance, instead of being led by the nose like a headless chicken."

Sakakitaro crossed Erlang's legs, looked at Ryo Shishido and said calmly.


Shishido also understood that he was too anxious, and instead lost his due judgment.

"Feng, you should understand by now that you can't win a game just by serving!"

Sakakitaro looked at Hochotaro who was at the side again.

"Yes! I understand!"

Chotaro nodded emphatically.

"Very good, now you can leave! Next time, I hope you can win for our Ice Empress!"

Sakaki Taro waved his hand, indicating that the two of them can go down.

Although I don't know why Sakaki Taro didn't blame them this time, it's always a good thing. Shido and Feng bowed again and retreated to the ice emperor's field.

"It's so ugly to lose!"

Tracee laughed lightly.

"The Department of Traces!"

Shishido Ryo snorted a little unhappily, but didn't say any more, after all, he really lost.


Atobe raised his head and looked at Shishido Ryo and Chotaro.

Although these two guys lost, being able to match Yamabuki Middle School's first doubles like this has actually exceeded Atobe's expectations.

Give the two of them a little more time, Atobe believes that Shishido and Chotaro will definitely grow up.

On the other hand, the victory of Tudou Xiongbing greatly boosted Yamabuki's morale.

"Good job! Potato soldiers!"

Hearing this shameful title, Nan Kentaro and Dongfang Masami blushed and shouted angrily, "Don't use such a strange name!"

What a potato hero, they will not admit it.

"Qianshi, don't lose in the next match!"

Turning his head, Nan Kentaro said to Sengoku Qingchun.

"Leave it to me! Today is my lucky day!"

Qianshi Qingchun chuckled, with Atobe's pride, he would not play singles number three.

Besides Atobe, Ice Emperor's No. [-] character, Renzu, has already played in Doubles [-], and Qianshi Qingchun is not afraid of the rest.

"Little Qianshi, don't underestimate any contestant!"

The old man squinted his eyes and took a look at this rare singles prodigy in Yamabuki.

Although Qianshi's body has undergone earth-shaking changes after last year's disastrous defeat, his character has not changed.

Calling it arrogant is a bit too much, but excessive self-confidence can sometimes lead to failure.

"Don't worry, old man!"

What is left to the old man is Qianshi's confident back.

(End of this chapter)

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