The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 334 Tang Huaisel Serve

Chapter 334 Tang Huaisel Serve

"Coach, I'm going to play!"

Atobe took off his coat, threw it behind him, and bowed in front of Sakaki Taro.

This time, he was actually self-willed and chose to play against Fuji in singles.

In fact, for the victory of Hyodi, Sakakitaro deliberately let Atobe avoid Fuji.

As long as Ice Emperor can win the doubles, then Atobe will have a chance to win the singles for Ice Empress.

But Atobe is really too proud, so proud that he doesn't allow himself to avoid the duel with Fuji, even though he knows that his winning rate is almost zero.

Just like Sanada, he wants to compete with Fuji in an upright manner.

The champion of the Du Contest doesn't really care about it, he wants to see the gap between himself and Fuji, so as to motivate himself to move towards a higher level.

In the end, Sakaki Taro agreed to Atobe's request and asked Atobe to compete in the singles three.


Sakaki Taro put his fingers together, indicating that Atobe is ready to play.

After Atobe decided to fight Fuji, Sakaki Taro knew that Hyotei's trip to the Tokyo Tournament was over, but he didn't care.

Atobe is the most talented player he has seen in Ice Emperor these years, and he will not stop Atobe from pursuing a higher level.

The king who leads the Ice Emperor Tennis Club with more than 200 people is finally going to fight for himself.

On Qingxue's side, Buer also stood up from the coach's bench, and his coat slipped on the bench.


Yakujin let out a low cry, and with a flick of his hand, he threw out Buer's racket.

"Hey, hey, Jin, this is very dangerous!"

With a chuckle, he reached out to catch the racket.

There was a burst of exclamation at the scene.

"Is the singles three actually a duel between the ministers of both sides?!"

"This is simply sparks hitting the earth!"

The audience whispered to each other, called for friends, and instantly got involved in a larger wave of people from outside the stadium.

"Azhi, you have to pay attention later, don't miss any wonderful moment."

Mamoru Inoue asked again.

This was the most exciting matchup in the competition, and it was also the best moment for media people like them to capture the footage.

"Leave it to me, Senior Inoue!"

Zhi Saori obviously understood this too, and she checked her camera carefully to prevent any mistakes or omissions.

"The finals of the Tokyo Metropolitan Tournament will begin soon. The singles match between Youth Academy and Hyotei Academy will be played. Please play!"

The passionate voice of the host came from the radio, and in an instant, the audience erupted into shouts like a tsunami, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the two people who stepped onto the court.

"Ice Emperor! Ice Emperor!"

"Qing Xue! Qing Xue!"

The members of the two sides also mustered their energy and cheered for their ministers.

Atobe raised his right hand above his head and snapped his fingers.

In an instant, Bingdi's huge support team became quiet, and even Qingxue and other audience members couldn't help but also quiet down.

This is the magical power carried by the president of Hyotei Atobe Keigo.

"The winner will be the Ice Empress!"

Atobe's words caused the scene to fall into silence, and a few seconds later, the members of the ice emperor gave an even more enthusiastic cry for their king.

"Ice Emperor! Ice Emperor!"

"Atobe! Atobe!"

With more than 200 members, the Hyotei Gakuen Tennis Club has always been the No. 1 existence in the support team.

"Cut! What a showy guy!"

Taocheng curled his lips in disdain, this minister of the Bingdi really has enough stinky farts.

"Minister! Come on! Destroy this guy for me!"

Takeshi Momoshiro shouted loudly towards the field.

"You idiot, why are you shouting so loudly all of a sudden!"

Haitang was taken aback by Taocheng's loud voice, and her anger level immediately filled up.

"Smelly Viper, what are you talking about!"

"Do you want to fight?!"

"Come here, whoever is afraid!"

Taocheng and Haitang quarreled under the watchful eyes of everyone.

"Okay, okay, stop arguing, you two, you are still competing!"

Dashi hurried forward to persuade them to fight, but when the two people got angry, Dashi couldn't stop them at all.


Yajiujin pushed away the boulder, walked to the side of the two, lifted them up one by one in each hand, and threw them on the ground.

"It's so noisy, you two brats!"

The corner of Dashi's mouth twitched, looking at the two people who were suddenly frightened by Yajiujin, he shook his head helplessly.

On the court, Fuji and Atobe stood face to face across the net.

"Finally able to fight against you, Buer!"

Atobe held his head high, with a look of fighting spirit on his proud face.

He has been waiting for this day for a long time.

"You can't beat me, Atobe!"

He narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.

"If you don't try it, how will you know! Don't underestimate my uncle, my progress is rapid!"

Atobe's eyes sparkled with fire, and the fighting spirit in his heart was burning.

"Then let me take a good look at your strength, Atobe!"

Fuji still had a calm smile on his face. He believed that Atobe would definitely make great progress compared with last year, but there was still a huge gap between Atobe and him.

"Positive or negative!"

Atobe stood his racket on the field and asked Fuji.

"I'll give you the right to serve, don't let me down!"

After taking a look, he turned around and came to the bottom line.

"Hmph! Then I will be disrespectful!"

Atobe did not shirk, turned around and came behind the right end line.

Atobu kept pressing the tennis ball in his palm, and Atobe lowered his head, as if he was thinking about something.

"It seems that Fujisuke puts a lot of pressure on Atobe!"

Seeing Atobe like this, Ninaku Yuji couldn't help but said.

Atobe had never hesitated for such a long time before serving.

"After all, the opponent is known as No.1 in the middle school world, so you must not be careless."

Shishido nodded brightly.

"Whoa, this must be a great game C!"

Akutagawa Jirou opened his eyes wide without anyone reminding him.

Although it wasn't his own game, just watching it already made him excited enough.

On the court, Atobe seemed to have finally adjusted his state and grabbed the bouncing tennis ball.

"No, let's enjoy the serve I prepared for you!"

Atobe threw the ball, then bent his knees, and leaned back sharply. The pupils in his eyes changed colors like traffic lights, and the aura around him condensed into substance, turning into a surging air current.

Atobe's body bounced like a spring, and the muscles in his waist and abdomen provided him with a powerful burst.

With a bang, the tennis ball flew towards a diagonal arc with a violent spin.

The moment it landed, the tennis ball barely bounced off the ground, and flew out of the field in a swift motion, leaving a deep mark on the ground.


The audience gasped and were shocked on the spot.

"What kind of serve is this?"

"It won't bounce?!"

"This kind of ball is simply unsolvable!"

After a moment of silence, there was a lot of discussion at the scene.

Everyone's faces were full of shock, it was the first time they had seen such a serve.

"How about the gift my uncle specially prepared for you, no two!"

"This move is called Tannhauser's serve, don't be intoxicated by my master's wonderful skills!"

Atobe raised his head, and the tear moles at the corners of his eyes added a bit of charm to him in the sunlight.

"Oh oh oh!"

"The winner is Bingdi, and the loser is Qingxue! The winner is Bingdi, and the loser is Qingxue!"

After seeing his minister hit such a miraculous serve, the members of Ice Emperor shouted crazily and instantly turned the entire stadium into Ice Emperor's home court.

(End of this chapter)

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