Chapter 335
"This serve!"

Takeshi Momoshiro tightly grasped the guardrail on the sidelines, his trembling hands showed the shock in his master's heart.

He didn't expect that the stinky minister of the Ice Empress would be able to hit such a serve!
Sure enough, the guy who was able to talk to the minister of his family, how could it be Yi Yi's generation.

"Tanhauser serves? Tannhauser seems to be the name of the protagonist of the opera. Although he is silent in enthusiasm and joy, this noble young man still feels empty and hesitant. This guy Atobe was named based on this story. "

Gan pushed his glasses, and quickly recorded in his data book.

Keigo Atobe of Ice Emperor, his statistics have improved a lot compared to last year.

"Oh? Not bad!"

Akutsu leaned against the guardrail, his pale face stared at Atobe with eyes like copper bells.

During that time in Paris, his impression of Atobe was only that he had good eyesight, and he didn't expect the other party to have such a skill.

On Bingdi's side, the shock was no less than that of everyone in Qingxue.

"When did Atobe hide such a trick!"

Shishido Ryo said in shock.

"Hey! Hiji, have you seen it! This is our minister, super powerful!"

Chotaro couldn't wait to find his young friend to share his excitement.


Hikichiruo ignored Chotaro's excited eyes and watched Atobe closely. This person is his future goal!

In the field, Fuji stood up straight and looked at Atobe on the opposite side with some surprise.

"Good serve! It looks like your progress is not small."

Atobe flicked the broken hair in front of his forehead, chuckled and said: "If this is your compliment to me, then I will accept it without hesitation."

"Keep going, Atobe!"

Fuji said with a smile.


Atobe threw a ball, and his body was ready to go and arched into an iron bridge again, the pupils of his eyes shone with light.

Twisting his waist and abdomen, he burst out with strong force with his wrist, and hit a ball full of violent rotation.

The unique Fengqi Wutong uses the strength of the opponent's ball in turn, so it will not cause too much burden on the wrist.

However, when Atobe uses such a strong rotation on the serve alone, not only the power of the serve will gradually weaken, but also the burden on the muscles will accumulate.

In the same way, Tezuka's zero serve is the same, so it is impossible to keep hitting such a serve.

I know that Atobe probably wants to use this kind of serve to make his momentum reach its peak.

"ACE! Keigo Atobe, 30:0."

Another non-contact score, Tannhauser's serve from Atobu, let the world know the king who leads more than 200 members of the ice emperor tennis club.

"Aren't you kidding me! Could it be that even President Fuji can't do anything about it?"

Although this shot was very powerful, Takeshi Momoshiro was full of confidence in Fuji, and his minister would not lose to such a stinky guy!
"Peach City! Watch the game well!"

Tezuka glanced at Momoshiro and said coldly.

"Yes! Vice President!"

Taocheng immediately stood up straight, in Qingxue Tennis Club, no one is not afraid of Tezuka, the paralyzed and indifferent vice president!

Atobe fell back again, and Tannhauser's powerful spin made a piercing sound.

With an arc flight trajectory, Tannhauser's serve after passing the net fell rapidly under the influence of strong backspin.

"Atobe, this ball has no effect on me!"

Fuji had already moved forward quickly, and Atobu's Tannhauser's ball control was obviously not stable enough. Not only did the ball bounce slightly at an angle, but even the landing point had to be controlled in a position where he could play better.

However, this is a fatal weakness for players of this level.

"Atobe's serve! It was hit back!"

Ninja Yuuji was shocked, could Aigaku's Fuji be able to return such a serve? !
"What a horrible guy!"

Xiang Riyue took a deep breath.

On the court, facing the ball picked back by Buer, Atobe focused his eyes, sprinted forward and then jumped.

"Towards destruction - waltz!"

The racket in Atobe's hand was slammed down, and the golden light beam turned from the tennis ball hit the racket held in Fuji's right hand.

"Here, no passage!"

Buer chuckled, and in the field, from the dome, pieces of cherry blossom petals were scattered.

Beneath the beauty of the scattered cherry blossoms lies a deadly murderous intent.

The tennis ball flew past Atobe's crotch wrapped in the wind blade, and Atobe only felt the cold in his crotch, and the sound of a tennis ball falling to the ground sounded behind him.

"The attack technique of the wind——Hua Lan!"

Fuji smiled slightly, this ball was a tribute to Tannhauser Atobe's serve.

"What just happened!"

Xiang Riyue looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

What just appeared on the field? !
Sakura rain? !

"Is this the power above the whole country?!"

Shinobu Yushi took a deep breath, and his thoughts drifted back to the beginning of school at the beginning of the year.


He slumped on the chair, panting heavily.

How come Atobe has improved so much after a holiday, even though he has opened the realm of selflessness, he is still suppressed by Atobe.

"What's the matter, Renzu, is that all you have? If you only have this level, don't think about winning the national championship!"

Atobe wiped the fine sweat off his face, his condition was much better than Ninzu.

"You bastard!"

Shaking his head helplessly, Atobe really dares to say, the national champion, is it true that Qingxue and Lihaida are just for nothing?
"Why, have you lost your aggressiveness? This is not like your style of ninjutsu. Do you know why you were suppressed by me just now? It is because you have already determined in your heart that you are not my opponent, so you beat me It was too defensive."

Atobe's words shocked Ninzu's heart, he couldn't help thinking of himself, since he realized the state of selflessness last year, he seems to have really made no progress.

Is it true that, as Atobe said, he set boundaries for himself in his heart?

"Do you know Renzu, I accepted Fuji's invitation to go to Paris not long ago, and I saw a world-class game. I used to think that tennis was nothing more than that. After graduating from junior high school, I will follow the rules at home I mean to give up tennis, but now, I want to see the scenery of the whole country and the world!"

As Atobe was talking, Shinobu seemed to see a gleam of fire in Atobe's eyes.

"Renzu, if you want, you might as well catch up, the world is very exciting!"

Atobe stood up and stretched out his right hand towards Shinobu, Shinobu was stunned for a second, then chuckled, handed his hand to Atobe, and stood up.

"Next time, I will definitely beat you!"

Renzu said solemnly.

"Hahaha! If you can do it, I will let you sit on the throne of my king."

Atobe laughed, leaving Shinobu with a distant view.

"Above the world!"

Since then, Shinozu has been full of curiosity about the future of the country.


"Game, Fuji Shusuke, 1:0."

"Both sides change game!"

Just when Renzu was in a daze, the referee's loud reading pulled him back again.

"Atobe, is that all you have?!"

Renzu squatted on the edge of the guardrail and shouted loudly.

"Hahaha! Shinozu, you bastard!"

Atobe laughed three times, Renzu returned his words intact!

But he, Mr. Atobe, of course, is not the only one.

"Look carefully, Renzu, don't indulge in my master's wonderful skills!"

Atobe left a sentence, leaving a firm back for everyone in Bingdi.

(End of this chapter)

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