The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 336 Atobe Kingdom

Chapter 336 Atobe Kingdom
"Come on! No two!"

Atobe crouched in the backcourt, said coldly.

At this moment, Atobe has already raised his concentration to the limit.

Fuji smiled slightly, threw the tennis ball in his hand, and bent his knees sideways to lead the racket behind him.

The tennis ball roared out, as fast as thunder.

In Atobe's eyes, a golden streamer pierced the surrounding darkness.

Atobe strode forward quickly, and with a backhand swipe, the tennis ball was drawn back to the court like an arrow off the string.

"Nice response, Atobe!"

Fuji chuckled, and raised his racket at the bottom line. Although he didn't use all his strength, Atobe was able to return his serve so easily, which showed that Atobe had made a new breakthrough in such a short period of time.

"My uncle's evolution is rapid!"

Atobe laughed, his eyes fixed on Fuji's surroundings.

Where!Where is the dead end!

Atobe's eyes flickered with a cold light, and the insight of his eyes was brought to the extreme by him.

"What! I can't see any blind spots at all!"

Atobe was shocked, the tennis ball was already in front of him, he could only fight back first.


In Atobe's eyes, Buer had already appeared in the midfield at some point.

Bu Er stepped on the ground with his right foot, jumped up, and slammed down the racket in his hand.

The tennis ball pulled out a slender beam of light and flew past Atobe's feet.

"Game, Fuji Shusuke, 15:0."

Atobe looked solemn, pressed his left hand on his nose, looked at Fuji and said: "I can't see through your blind spot at all!"

In his ice world, he couldn't see through the blind spot of Budu!

No matter what player it is, there are more or less dead ends.

The only thing that can be explained is that Bu Er hid or corrected his blind spots very well, which made his ice world ineffective.

"Blind spots? If you want to see through my blind spots, Atobe, you are still far behind!"

Fuji laughed loudly, looking at Atobe's darkened face, Fuji suddenly understood why Echizen liked you so much, and he said the words "you're so far away".

The lethality is too great.

"Game, Fuji Shusuke, 30:0."


"Game, Fuji Shusuke, 2:0."

There was no resistance, and Atobe seemed to have no room to fight back in front of Fuji.

"Evolution! My uncle still needs to continue to evolve!"

The strong pressure brought by Fuji made Atobe's belief in evolution more urgent.


"Game, Fuji Shusuke, 3:0."


"Game, Fuji Shusuke, 4:0."

Outside the arena at this time, the audience was silent. They couldn't believe that this two-part battle would be like this.

They thought there would be a wonderful duel, but the fact is that the Ice Emperor's Atobe Keigo, under the hands of Aigaku Fujisuke, has no ability to fight back at all.

Except for Tannhauser's amazing serve at the beginning, Atobe's subsequent performance disappointed them greatly.

"Is this the ice emperor's minister Keigo Atobe? It doesn't seem to be a big deal!"

In St. Rudolph's team, a third-year player said disdainfully.

Anyway, it's 0:4, and it's okay for him to play him.

Guan Yue glanced at this guy, but didn't speak.

Xia Chong can't say anything, if he hasn't really compared with Fuji Zhouzhu, he won't understand how terrible he is.

Keigo Atobe is a real national-level player, even among the national-level players, Atobe is also the top group of people.

It's not that Atobe is too weak, but that Fuji is too strong.

Guan Yue couldn't help but think of the match between himself and Fuji, how similar Atobe is now to himself at that time.

Even Atobe did a little better than him, but Atobe was defeated only after a short confrontation with Fuji, and he was defeated at the first touch.

" he all right!"

Looking at Atobe's somewhat embarrassed back, Xiang Riyue said incredulously.

"Senior Atobe!"

It was the first time for Chotaro to see Atobe-senpai showing such a distressed side since he entered Hyotei Academy.

"Come on! Atobe! I believe you can do it!"

Shinobu suddenly shouted towards the field.

He didn't believe that this guy, Atobe, would end like this.

He is the king of the Ice Emperor!

"It's so noisy, bear your feet! Keep me absolutely quiet outside the court!"

In the field, Atobe suddenly raised his head and reprimanded loudly.

Although his face was covered with fine sweat, Atobe's eyes still maintained a divine light.

He hasn't given up yet. In fact, long before the game, he expected that he would fall into such a desperate situation.

Only Buer can put such a lot of pressure on him, and only with such a lot of pressure can he achieve a self-breakthrough.

As a child, Atobe grew up in England.

Although the people around were of the same age, their tennis was much better than Atobe's.

Atobe's ball and tactics have been seen through by the opponent. In this adversity where there is no way to win, Atobe has honed it!

The ability to identify the opponent's weak points and attack without mercy.

It didn't matter to Atobe what the people around him said. For Atobe at that time, he had only this choice.

And now!
"Sure enough, I still do, only the only choice!"

Atobe roared, and swung the racket in his hand heavily.

The extremely powerful topspin serve was pressed hard on the outer corner of Bu Er's right receiving area.

"It seems that you have some great awareness!"

Bu Er squinted his eyes slightly, and with a random stroke of the ball, a gleam of light dissipated from his hand, and the tennis ball flew to the net in a short while.

Atobe's forehead and cheeks were covered with fine sweat, and his eyes saw everything like a falcon!
"Open the pores of the whole body! Even the nerve endings must be fully sensed!"

In Atobe's heart, an inexplicable force is slowly rising.

"What's the matter, Atobe, is there no play yet?"

Fuji raised his hand and twitched, and the tennis ball flew towards Atobe in a meteor-like trajectory.

"What are you kidding! No two!!!"

Atobe let out a roar, and there seemed to be pieces of snowflakes falling in the field, and the temperature in the air suddenly dropped.

Atobe's arm muscles squirmed crazily, and with a horizontal twitch, a golden arc flew away from Atobe's hand and hit Fuji's left foot.

"Game, Keigo Atobe, 15:0."

Fuji was slightly taken aback, for a moment just now, he wanted to move, but his body didn't listen at all.

This is? !
"Hahaha! Finally! My uncle has finally evolved! Under my insight, your body has nothing to hide! No two!"

Atobe laughed wantonly, the moment he was looking forward to finally came.

He saw it, saw Fuji's absolute blind spot, although Fuji's dead spot was well hidden by Fuji, but through the joints and bones of Fuji's body, Atobe found the absolute dead spot that the joints and bones could not cope with.

As long as he aimed at this blind spot and attacked, he believed that even if he was only one, he would have no way to react.

This is the world belonging to him Atobe, the Atobe Kingdom!

The cold wind was bitter, and this whistling snowstorm was the highest tribute to him.

(End of this chapter)

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