The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 337 Victory

Chapter 337 Victory

"The Department of Traces!"

Shinobu looked at the field in shock. Is this falling snowflake Atobe's new power?
Power above the nation!
"Oh? Not bad!"

Yajiujin lay on the sidelines and stretched out his right hand to catch a falling snowflake.

He is very familiar with this feeling. It is the essence of mental strength. He did not expect that the showy guy of Ice Empress would have such potential.

To put it simply, being able to do this means that Atobe is only one opportunity away from embarking on the path of Asura Shinto.

"The Department of Traces!"

Tezuka crossed his arms and stared at Atobe. He was very clear that Atobe's goal had been achieved. With the pressure brought by Fuji, he successfully broke through his own limit.

But just like this, it is still invincible.


On the field, Fuji also immediately understood that Atobe had further evolved his vision.

Atobe Kingdom.

Perhaps it has not yet reached its final form, but Atobe has undoubtedly created his own kingdom.

"Accept the move, Buer! Next, it's my turn to fight back!"

After completing the evolution of his eyesight, Atobe's confidence doubled at this time.


With a spin in Atobe's hand, the tennis ball was gently thrown up, and he bent his knees back sharply, the muscles in his waist and abdomen silently accumulating strength.

A cold wind blows from around Atobe, and it seems that even the air is frozen.

The violent rotation of Tannhauser's serve stirred up the cold wind, forming a biting tornado of cold air, flying towards the front of Fuji.

Bu Er opened his eyes, and the ice blue eyes were shining brightly.

The current Atobe has the qualifications to ask Fuji to be a little more serious.

Buer seized the moment when Tannhauser's serve bounced off the ground and picked it up. This was also the best time to hit back at Tannhauser's serve.

The figure of Atobe rushed out from the backcourt vigorously, and jumped up with one foot on the ground.

"Let's perish in my uncle's kingdom, Budu!"

A golden light slammed down, and the racket in his hand flew out involuntarily.

In Atobe's kingdom, the most difficult side of Fuji's bones and joints is clearly revealed.

Bu'er's eyes were fixed, his right hand stuck out like lightning, he held the handle again, and pulled away.

Atobe's waltz towards destruction, after knocking down the opponent's racket, the follow-up smash is the real deadly killing move.

"Oh! A fugitive song towards frustration!"

The tennis ball was smashed down at a nearly vertical angle, and then clinging to the ground, it rushed backwards with violent friction.

The pen moves like a dragon and snake, leaving a snake-shaped trace on the ground.


There was a gasp of air at the scene, and the audience was stunned, watching the ball hit by Atobe.

"What kind of smash is this! It didn't bounce!"

"He was able to hit the same smash as the previous serve that didn't bounce, Keigo Atobe, Ice Emperor's minister, what kind of person is he!"

The audience has never seen such a smash.

Generally speaking, due to the relationship between strength and speed, etc., the bounce angle of the smash ball is usually very large.

But Atobe suppressed the bounce of the tennis ball with a strong spin.

"Don't be intoxicated by my master's wonderful skills!"

After landing, Atobe said with some pride.

Even if it is Buer, with his excellent skills, it is inevitable to lose points.

"I didn't expect that your wrist is enough to support you to play such a strong rotation!"

Buer frowned, and said with some surprise.

The fugitive song towards frustration is different from the waltz towards breaking the goal. The latter is actually a powerful smash, knocking out the racket in the hands of others, but Atobe is pursuing gorgeous visual effects and making the opponent lose the ability to resist.

And the fugitive song towards frustration relies more on Atobe's wrist to play extremely violent rotations.

Compared with the spin of Tannhauser's serve, in order to hit such a spin smash in the air, the requirements for the wrist are more stringent.

"Hmph! My uncle's evolution has progressed by leaps and bounds!"

Atobe held his head up very proudly, the tear mole at the corner of his eye was shining brightly in the sun.

The unerring surprise made him very useful.

"In this case, I have to be a little more serious."

With one finger of the racket, the momentum on his body gradually increased.


Atobe snorted coldly, and the vigilance in his heart reached the limit.

He knew that Buer would really show his strength next.

A ball was thrown, Atobu bent his knees and leaned back again, and his waist and abdomen began to slowly accumulate strength.

The arms are turned sideways slightly, then pressed down heavily.

The violent rotation brought a sharp piercing sound, and the moment it flew over the net, it fell quickly.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew up in Bu Er's arena.

The tennis ball, which was slowly landing, was pulled up little by little, and pulled in front of Fuji.

With a casual twitch of Bu Er's arm, a golden light shot out from his hand.

There was a burst of exclamation in the audience.

"F... what happened!"

"Is it a domain?"

The audience whispered to each other and talked a lot.

The old man's narrowed eyes had already been opened, watching Budu on the field.

In Fuji's body, he seemed to see the young Nanjiro, who was so talented!
Atobe was not too surprised, he had already seen this move in Paris.

Atobe stomped on both feet, his figure was like electricity, and chased towards the landing point of the tennis ball. With a backhand pump, there was a crisp sound, and the net swayed towards Fuji.

"So quick to fight back!"

Taocheng's face was shocked. At that moment, he didn't even see the tennis ball clearly.

Is this the strength of the ministerial level?

The second-hand racket was picked from the bottom up, and the tennis ball was picked high over the net.

"Hmph! Do you want me to smash the ball? Then I will do as you wish!"

Atobe sprinted forward a few steps, then touched the ground with one foot, and took a deep leap.

With a bombardment of the ball, a gray-white space instantly enveloped Atobe's surroundings.

From the horizon, a unicorn burning with red flames came from the sky, flying all the way over Atobe's head.

The gloom dissipated, Atobe turned his head, and a tennis ball was lying quietly on the bottom line.

"The unicorn binds the ground!"

From Atobe's mouth, slowly spit out the name of this trick.

When he was in Paris, he had already seen this trick.

This trick is specially designed to deal with the stunt of smashing the ball.

"Phoenix phoenix phoenix tree!"


"Hua Lan!"


"Double Dragon Playing Pearl!"

"Game, Fuji Shusuke, 5:0."

"Both sides change game!"

The end of the game is here.

"Qing Xue! Qing Xue!"

The members of Qingxue saw the astonishing strength of their president for the first time, and the shouts were earth-shattering, overwhelming the audience.

"The Department of Traces!"

Holding on to the guardrail with all his strength, even if Atobe has made a breakthrough, he is still the opponent of Fujisuke!Not even able to resist.

"President Atobe!"

Rijiruo's heart was shocked, and he stared at the figure that was dripping with sweat but still walking firmly.


Atobe's eyes were bloodshot. In order to compete with Fuji, he had to use the Atobe Kingdom all the time, overdrawing his eyes.

Now, his eyes have gradually blurred.

"Come on! No two!"

But he didn't flinch at all, and still challenged Fuji.

"Atobe! Although I appreciate your courage, you are not my opponent now!"

Bu Er squinted his eyes and smiled slightly, throwing the tennis ball in his hand.

With a crisp sound, the golden light exploded in front of Atobe.

"ACE! Shusuke Fuji, 15:0."

The audience was shocked to find that Fuji's serve was more powerful than before. Obviously, Fuji did not use all his strength before.



"It's over! Atobe!"

With a vigorous swipe, the tennis ball quickly flew across the no man's land on Atobe's flank, and landed on the corner of the baseline.

"This round was won by Fuji, with a score of 6:0."

(End of this chapter)

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