The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 339 Returnee Elite

Chapter 339 Returnee Elite
After the competition, the organizers of this competition began to present awards to the top four teams.

And they will also represent the Tokyo metropolitan area in this year's Kanto competition.

Afterwards, the news that Qingxue defeated Ice Emperor and won the Tokyo Metropolitan Championship spread like mushrooms after rain.

Kanagawa Prefecture, Likai University Affiliated Middle School.

In the office of Lihai University Tennis Club, everyone from Lihai University is sitting around the table.

"Yu, how's the situation in Tokyo?"

Yukimura asked Yanagi Renji.

As the team's think tank, all the information of Li Haida will be gathered to Liu Lian'er.

"Qingxue defeated the ice emperor with a score of 3:1 and won the championship in the Tokyo metropolitan area."

Liu Lian Er nodded, and his answer made everyone's faces slightly condensed.

Qingxue, that is their old enemy of Lihai University.

In last year's Kanto competition, they ended Lihai University's winning streak, and ruthlessly shattered Lihai University's vision of winning the national competition.

This year's Qingxue is undoubtedly the biggest stumbling block for Lihai University to dominate the country.

"It doesn't matter whether he is from Qingxue or Lanxue, I will definitely beat them to pieces!"

Among the entire Li Haida team, probably only Kirihara could say such a thing.

After accepting the training plan carefully formulated by Liu Renji, Kirihara was improving at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Compared with when he first entered school, Kirihara has become stronger now.

"Everyone, the real challenge is about to begin. This year, Lihai University must dominate the country!"

Yukimura's purple jewel-like pupils scanned the crowd, and said loudly.


Everyone in Lihaida shouted in unison.

"Liu, I'll have to work hard on you from now on!"

Yukimura patted Liu Renji on the shoulder. Before the Kanto competition, Li Haida needs an overall intensive training, and the training plan needs to be formulated by Liu Renji.

"Leave it to me, Yukimura!"

Liu Lianer nodded. In fact, because Li Haida has no coach, he has always been in charge of the daily training plan.

And the training plan before the Kanto competition is also very simple and rude, and it's over after extra training.

At the same time, Sitianbaosi, Shizile and other strong schools also received the news that Qingxue defeated Bingdi and won the Tokyo Metropolitan Championship.

All schools, without exception, have strengthened their training, including Qingxue.

In front of the gate of Neon U-17 Hesu, looking at the familiar gate, Bu Er couldn't help sighing: "I'm back here again."

After celebrating the championship with his friends, Fuji received a call from Mifune, so he became the hands-off shopkeeper again, and after temporarily handing over all the affairs of Aigaku to Tezuka, he set off for Heju.

"Welcome back, Mr. Fuji!"

Kurobe's voice suddenly came from the loudspeaker at the gate of Hesu, and then the steel gate slowly opened.

In the small black room, through the camera at the door, the three of Kurobe have already discovered Budu's arrival.

After stepping into Hesu, he walked forward along the path of Hesu. In the stadiums beside the road, many new high school students were already training.

The group of third-year high school graduates will naturally have fresh blood added to ensure the vitality of the co-studio.

It's just that among this year's group of first-year high school freshmen, there seem to be few who can catch the eyes of Kurobe and others.

Compared with the class at Byodoin, this year's freshmen in high school are much mediocre.

"who is he?"

"Are you new here? Are you here at this time? Could it be the elites who have returned from overseas?"

The first-year high school freshmen naturally didn't know Buer, and they were a little surprised to see Buer come to the dormitory at this time.

However, they guessed that he might be the same specially recruited player as the returnee elite who came to the hotel a few days ago.

"It's him! He's back! It looks like something big is going to happen!"

Naturally, there were people who knew Bu Er in the second and third year of high school. When they saw that Bu Er came back, they immediately understood that this must be the call of the coaches, and it might even be the meaning of the head coach of Houshan.

"The reshuffle of the No. [-] court, Tokugawa Kazuya VS Okita Kazuya was won by Tokugawa Kazuya, Tokugawa Kazuya was promoted to the No. [-] court, and Okita Kazuya was relegated to the No. [-] court."

From far away, Fuji heard Kurobe's voice on the radio.

"Tokugawa Kazuya?!"

Bu Er was taken aback for a moment, did this guy already enter the dormitory?

Interesting, then he has to take a good look at it.

Thinking of this, Bu Er quickened his pace, and the No. [-] court was familiar to him.

On the other side, the No. [-] court at this time has already gathered a large number of people.

Since Kazuya Tokugawa came to Heju not long ago, the coaches have arranged shuffle battles for Tokugawa every day. It can be seen that the coaches are still very confident in Tokugawa's strength.

And Tokugawa did not live up to the expectations of the coaches, playing all the way from the No.16 court to the No. [-] court.

It's just that Tokugawa is a young man after all, how can a young man be called a young man if he is not arrogant.

As early as when he was overseas, Tokugawa heard about this year's U-17 World Cup Open. Neon suddenly emerged and passed all the way. Although he finally fell in front of the king Deutschland, he also won the runner-up.

Just at this time, Tokugawa received an invitation letter from Neon U-17, inviting him to join the Neon U-17 training camp.

With the mentality of finding out, Tokugawa was invited to this place.

But he was disappointed.

The strength of the players in the camp seems to be not strong at all. Can such a place really cultivate a team that can compete in the world?

Still playing against the world's number one German team?
Tokugawa felt that he had been deceived. He had already played all the way to Court No. [-], but the opponents along the way seemed vulnerable.

"Game, Tokugawa, 6:0."

In front of Tokugawa, Kazuku Okita knelt on the ground with an unbelievable face. In just half an hour, he was shaved bald by this guy who returned from overseas.

how can that be.

"Damn it! Can't even Okita on Court [-] stop him?"

"Shouldn't he just hit the No. [-] court all the way?"

"Although this guy's mouth is a bit stinky, his strength is really unbelievable. He reminds me of a person, a guy who used to fight through the camp like him."

"Isn't it Fujisuke you're talking about?"


The surrounding sophomores and seniors were silent for a while.

Fuji Zhousuke, this name has already resounded throughout the club after the French World Cup Open last year.

They all already know that Buer is known as the world's number one junior high school student in the world, and he is also the top player in this dormitory, the No.17 of Neon U-3.

Does this guy named Kazuya Tokugawa have the same strength as Fuji Shusuke?
"Why, are the people in this training camp only of this level?"

"I think it was a wrong decision for me to accept the invitation to come to this place. I really don't know how you managed to muddle through the World Cup Open with your strength."

Holding the racket with one hand, Tokugawa glanced around and said lightly.

"You bastard!"

Hearing this, all the high school students in the audience glared at him. This returnee elite must be too arrogant.

"What? Not convinced? Whoever is not convinced can stand up now and compete with me, let me see if this training camp is up to par!"

Tokugawa pointed the racket at the crowd and said coldly.


The surrounding high school students were silent for a moment. If they could, they would have taken action to deal with this arrogant guy Tokugawa.

The problem is, even the players on Court No. [-] are not sure that they can beat Tokugawa.

Players who can score in the first few courts still have the minimum vision.

They can naturally see that Tokugawa must have received an elite tennis education overseas. Tokugawa's tennis is indeed very strong, and they do not deny this.

Rushing to compete with Tokugawa, it would be a good thing to win, if you lose, not only will you be ridiculed, but you will even lose your current position.

Not worth the candle.

Although this guy is very arrogant, they also want to teach this so-called returnee elite a lesson, but they are not sure.

"What? Isn't there a player with backbone in this training camp?"

Tokugawa Kazuya shook his head, turned around and was about to leave the court.

He was very disappointed. Neon's U-17 didn't look strong at all, and they were all a bunch of spineless guys. No one dared to stand up for being ridiculed by him like this.

"Stay back!"

Behind Tokugawa, came a voice.

He turned his head and saw a blond young man with a white headband on his head, looking at him lazily.

"Then compete with me!"

Byodoin Temple Phoenix clasped his ears and said with a chuckle.

"Yes, yes, but can you please put your shoes on first?"

Tokugawa pointed to the footpath of Byodoin Temple.

On Byodoin's feet, he stomped on the sneakers like slippers, revealing a pair of white socks.

Although Tokugawa doesn't know what trendy new way of dressing this is, but like this, there is no way to play, right?
"Besides, you look like you just woke up. If you don't do a good warm-up exercise, don't blame me for not reminding you if you lose later!"

Tokugawa pointed to Byodoin and said.

"Are you an old lady? Don't worry, I can compete with the returnee elite. Now I feel refreshed and as light as a swallow."

Byodoin said disdainfully with her arms akimbo.

Returnee elite?

Lao Tzu is playing the elite.

"I'm serious, I hope you don't regret it!"

Tokugawa held the racket frame with his right hand and said.

Since this guy doesn't listen to persuasion, he won't say more.

Anyway, when the time comes to lose, don't make excuses.

"Byodoin! Your movements are really fast!"

Just when Byodoin was about to say something, Oni Jujiro's voice came from outside the arena, and at the same time, there was a sound of footsteps coming from outside the crowd.

The high school students were shocked and hurried out of the way. Oni Jujiro, Taneshima Shuuji, and Irie Kanata walked out of the crowd.

"What? Ghost, you want to stand up for this guy?"

Byodoin sneered.

There was another sound of more intensive footsteps, and the crowd automatically dispersed along a path, attracting the eyes of all the high school students in the audience.

"What happened here, why is it so lively?"

Kimishima Yuto pushed his glasses and said.

Beside him are Ochi Moonlight, Mutsu Yuho, Mutsu Yuuma, Banriya and others.

Looking at the neon U-17 team uniforms on these people, the surrounding high school students couldn't help but swallowed.

"Has all this army come?!"

How long, how long have they not seen such a neat lineup of the First Army.

"Hmph! Are you all free?"

Byodoin snorted coldly, finally having some fun, so many people came.

"Boss, we are here to cheer you on!"

Tohno Atsukyo laughed and said.

"Come on? You think I need something like that?"

Byodoin cast a cold glance at Tono Atsukyo, what nonsense is this guy talking about.


Tohno Atsukyo immediately realized that he had said something wrong again, and couldn't help but took half a step back.

"Aren't you the strongest in this training camp?"

Tokugawa Kazuya is naturally not stupid. Judging from the uniforms on this group of people, they should be the masters in this training camp.

"What? Scared?"

Byodoin tilted its head and sneered.

"Heh! To be able to fight against you is what I wish for! On the contrary, it's you, don't let me be too disappointed!"

There was also a sneer on Tokugawa's face.

Interesting, finally couldn't help sending out the masters from this training camp?

It's already like this, what's the point of competing with a group of weak people.

He came to this training camp to test his tennis skills against more strong players.

"Good eyes, let's get started."

Byodoin nodded appreciatively, it is such a look in the eyes, it is happier to destroy it.

"The Court of Equality!"

Oni Jujiro seemed to want to say something, but was stopped by Tanejima.

"Ghost, don't you understand? There is no way to change the things decided by the Court of Equality, at least we can't do it."

Takashima sighed.

Obviously, the Byodoin Institute has long been eyeing this returnee elite.


The ghost hesitated to speak, but with Byodoin's personality, Tokugawa might suffer.

"Boy, I'll give you the chance to serve!"

Byodoin stepped on his sneakers like this, turned around and walked to the back of the receiving area.

"Hmph! Don't regret it!"

Tokugawa didn't know what he was going to face at this time, and he was very disdainful of the support of Byodoin. Such a player might not be very strong.

"I won't show mercy!"

A gleam flashed in Tokugawa's eyes, he raised his wrist, and he threw the tennis ball into the air.

The left hand led the racket to the back of the shoulder, and then swung it out heavily.

"So fast!"

The onlookers were a little shocked. This shot was faster and stronger than any of Tokugawa's previous serves.

It turns out that Tokugawa hasn't shown his true strength before!
"Nice serve!"

The corner of Byodoin's mouth twitched slightly.

"However, it's only at the level of a child's play house!"

Byodoin stepped forward on the ground, and immediately disappeared in place like an afterimage.

In front of many high school students, Byodoin seems to disappear out of thin air.

"So fast!"

Tokugawa's eyes were fixed, and Byodoin was moving so fast.

The tennis ball bounced off the ground, and the angle was very tricky. It can be seen that Tokugawa's serve is quite quality.

However, he was facing the Court of Equality!

With a dull sound of hitting the ball, the tennis ball disappeared from Tokugawa's sight in an instant.


In Tokugawa's heart, a feeling of palpitation welled up in his heart.

Where the hell is the tennis ball!
Before Tokugawa could react, there was the sound of a tennis ball falling to the ground, followed by a whistling sound that was getting closer.

The disappearing tennis ball appeared in front of him and hit Tokugawa head-on on the jaw.

Tokugawa fell directly to the ground.


There was a sound of air-conditioning at the scene.

Being hit on the chin head-on by a ball from Byodoin, the brain suffered a huge impact, which would cause a concussion! ?

"What's the matter, Elite, you can't do it if you don't know one ball!"

Byodoin sneered and said disdainfully.


Everyone present began to mourn for Tokugawa, this guy actually got into trouble with the scariest demon king in the camp!

Byodoin Phoenix!
Originally, Byodoin's style of play was extremely domineering. After returning from the World Cup, Byodoin's temperament became even more irritable.

I don't know how many players from the second army were beaten all over by Byodoin, so that the second army challenged the tradition of the first army and was temporarily banned by the coaches.

This one is called Tokugawa, it really comes from nowhere in hell.

(End of this chapter)

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