Chapter 340 Kazuya Tokugawa

"Come again!"

Tokugawa Kazuya struggled to get up from the ground, and said tremblingly.

The ball from Byodoin just now had a huge impact on his brain, and he is still a little dizzy until now.

"That's right, Elite! Come on, come again!"

Byodoin chuckled, a good sandbag is a sandbag that can resist beatings.

Tokugawa swung his racket again, even though his head was a little dizzy, the memory of his body still allowed him to successfully send it into the serving line.

Byodoin strode out, his strong muscles under the billowing skirt.

The right hand was swung at will, and the mastery of the sweet spot technology was ranked second in the entire Heshou Byodoin, and no one dared to be the first.

The power of the whole body poured out, concentrated at one point and exploded instantly.

This time, the tennis ball directly hit Tokugawa's abdomen, and the huge impact caused Tokugawa's abdomen to be stirred like a river.

Byodoin was merciless, and the strong topspin serve was blasted directly, and the bouncing tennis ball flew towards Tokugawa Kazuya's body again.

"Oops, he's dying, his consciousness is blurred, hurry up and abstain! Tokugawa!"

On the sidelines, Irie and others yelled into the arena.

In fact, Tokugawa and the others have noticed it a long time ago. Although there are some stinks of arrogance and arrogance, it is undeniable that strength and potential are the best choices.

After all, those who can be specially invited by the coaches, apart from Tokugawa, are the only ones in these years.

They don't want Tokugawa to be destroyed by the Byodoin.

After returning from Paris, Byodoin's temperament has changed drastically. He was not so cruel before. However, since this year, more than one player has been destroyed by Byodoin.

"Hey! Elite, right!"

Byodoin grinned, and swung the racket heavily in his hand.

The golden light beam hit Tokugawa's abdomen again, and a sharp pain was transmitted to Tokugawa's brain in an instant.

Tokugawa's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his originally vague consciousness was awakened by the severe pain.

The price after waking up is that the pain in the body rushes towards the brain. Tokugawa couldn't bear it anymore, and fell to his knees directly on the ground.

"Wooah. Cough cough!"

Tokugawa clutched his abdomen, howling in pain.

"Oh? Did you regain consciousness under severe pain? It's okay."

Byodoin smiled cruelly, then continue.

"Come on, have fun playing tennis, Elite!"

Byodoin would not spare Tokugawa so easily, tennis balls hit Tokugawa's jaw continuously, Tokugawa's body was crumbling, and his consciousness fell into blur again.

"He was completely stunned, and he has already started to wobble, and I am afraid that his consciousness is also gone."

Kimishima Yuto's face was solemn, and if things go on like this, something might happen.

"How long are you going to pretend to be dead!"

Byodoin grinned, and the tennis ball hit Tokugawa's jaw again. The severe pain awakened Tokugawa's consciousness again. After the awakening, it was time for Byodoin to punish him.

"Beat him until he loses consciousness and then use severe pain to awaken his consciousness. This is simply a lynching!!"

The onlookers were shocked by the cruelty of Byodoin, and swallowed involuntarily.

This returnee elite, shouldn't he be beaten to death by the Court of Equality?

"What's wrong, Elite! Aren't you going to be a professional player?"

"Since that's the case, let Lao Tzu teach you what is the true meaning of winning or losing!"

Byodoin's face was full of ferocity.

Instead of going to the world and ruining it in other people's hands, let him teach these brats what a real game is!
"The Court of Equality!"

Oni Jujiro and Irie suddenly appeared in the sight of Byodoin.

"I hope you can get him out of the game."

Irie looked directly at Byodoin Temple, and his delicate face was unavoidably dignified.

He didn't know if the Court of Equality would agree, if not, I'm afraid.
"No, that's what I do. Push the opponent to the limit. If he has the ability, he will survive."

The House of Equality refused.

In his dictionary, there is no such word as forgiveness.

"But he's a very promising man"

Before entering the river, he was roughly interrupted by the Court of Justice.

"Shut up, I won't change my ways."

"Mother-in-law, stop talking! Anyway, this match is under my control, and I won't allow you to continue fighting with him."

Oni Jujiro said fiercely.

"Ghost, who do you think you are talking to! Well, since you want to stand up for him, then you will fight instead, and I will send you to hell!"

The racket in Byodoin's hand pointed to Oni Jujiro, and the atmosphere in the field instantly became dignified.

"Senior Byodoin, why don't you give me a face, how about this game so far."

Just when everyone was silent and looking at the field, a voice from the sidelines broke the dignified scene.

"No two!"

"Stinky brat!"

"Bu Erjun!"

All the people from the First Army immediately rushed to the side of Fuji, and Zhongdao even went straight to him, hugging Fuji.

"It's you brat, what, the stinky old man called you back?"

Byodoin was not too surprised, he knew that the old man would call Fuji back sooner or later.

"Senior Byodoin, Tokugawa is a good young man. I hope you can let him go for my sake this time."

Fuji pushed Tanejima's hand away and walked down the court.

"Hmph! Take him and get out of here. It's annoying to see him, and he's ashamed to call himself an elite just like that."

Byodoin put away its racket, and unexpectedly even Fuji would end up pleading with Tokugawa. Anyway, the heat was almost up, and Byodoin naturally stopped.

After all, his purpose is not to really destroy Tokugawa.

Following Fuji, Irie and others took Tokugawa away, Byodoin also took Tono, Omagari and others left Court No. [-].

The high school students who were onlookers also dispersed one after another. Today was an unusual day for them. All the members of the first army were here, just for the returnee Tokugawa Kazuya.

In the infirmary, Irie carefully treated Tokugawa's wounds.

Tokugawa sat on the stool like a puppet, the clothes on his body were already torn, and there were small gaps all over his body, and blood kept oozing out.

"It's pretty good, Senior Irijiang, you actually have this skill."

Fuer frowned and said with a smile.

"Actually, my goal is to be a doctor, and my family is also a doctor!"

Sitting on a chair, Irie smiled while treating Tokugawa's wound.

"So Tokugawa's injury will heal quickly, right?"

Oni Jujiro leaned against the wall and said.

Although Tokugawa's injuries looked serious, Oni Jujiro knew that Byodoin did not kill him.

"Tokugawa's pulse! How could this be?! Tokugawa! How could it be! Tokugawa!"

Suddenly, Irie's anxious voice came, instantly attracting the eyes of Fuji, Oni and Taneshima.


The three of them said in unison that the Byodoin Court should not have laid such a heavy hand.

And with Tokugawa's physique, he shouldn't be so fragile.

"Hey! Just kidding."

Irie stuck out his tongue and smiled mischievously.

"You bastard!"

Angrily, Taneshima grabbed Irie's face.

"It's freezing, Irie."

Oni Jujiro sighed.

"Hey Tokugawa, you don't like this kind of joke?"

Seeing that Tokugawa was still sitting blankly, Irie couldn't help asking.

"Forget it, I mean, losing makes people grow."

Seeing that Tokugawa didn't speak, Irie knew that Tokugawa hadn't come out of the shadow of his failure just now.

"Yes, to become stronger, losing is indispensable."

Oni Jujiro said in a deep voice, just like Byodoin, it was only after losing to him that it gained stronger power from the hell in the back mountain.

Tokugawa turned a deaf ear to the words of the two, and the scene just now began to emerge in his mind.

The blond man ruthlessly hit himself with one ball after another.

"Elite, right?"

"What's the matter, Elite? Aren't you going to be a professional player?"

"Then let Lao Tzu teach you the true meaning of winning and losing!"

The other party's wanton laughter and those mocking words pierced Tokugawa's heart word by word.

He was riddled with holes and blood.

Byodoin crushed everything that Tokugawa had acquired from overseas since childhood.

The proud strength, all the honors, pride, and the most precious self-esteem were all crushed to pieces.

Tokugawa, whose heart was broken, finally couldn't help crying.


Irie and Fuji sighed slightly. It seems that Byodoin has dealt a greater blow to Tokugawa than imagined.

"do not Cry!"

Oni Jujiro walked in front of Tokugawa, with a rare softness on his fierce face.

"The only time a man can cry is when his long-cherished wish is fulfilled, do you understand Tokugawa?"

Oni Jujiro said lightly.

Hearing this, Tokugawa worked very hard to keep his tears from falling, bit his lips tightly, and a trace of sweet breath passed from his mouth to his brain.

"Byodoin Phoenix!"

Irie looked at Tokugawa and said, "This is the name of the man who just defeated you."

Tokugawa raised his head and stared at Irie.

"Byodoin Temple Phoenix?!"

Tokugawa seems to have heard of this name somewhere.

"He is the main player of our Neon U-17 team, and he is also the No.1 in the current co-op. Even in the world, he is one of the strongest players."

"His strength is unfathomable, and he is a very terrifying man. Regarding this, I think you should know his horror better than me."

Tokugawa's body trembled when he heard this.

Deep in his heart, that man has become his nightmare, domineering, cruel, and terrifying tennis, which has almost destroyed his faith.

"I tell you this because I want to tell you that losing to such a man is not something to be ashamed of. There are countless people who lost to him in this camp."

However, his words didn't seem to have any effect. Tokugawa still lowered his head, and a few tears dripped from the corners of his eyes from time to time.

Irie sighed, it seemed that Tokugawa was hit much harder than expected.

But also, for such a proud person, his self-esteem has been smashed to pieces, and it is not so easy to get back up.

In the next few days, Tokugawa locked himself in the room, and he didn't leave the door.

No second class people have also visited him. Although the injuries on his body are almost healed, the wounds in his heart have not healed.

But in just a few days, Tokugawa seemed to be a different person.

Without the pride of the past, he became taciturn and cold like a piece of wood, getting closer to the appearance of Tokugawa in Budu's impression.

In the small black room, in the hands of the three coaches, they have also obtained the analysis made by the computer on Tokugawa.

The five dimensions are very balanced. It can be seen that Tokugawa has been receiving scientific training from the West in order to realize his goal of becoming a professional player.

"It's really a piece of rough jade."

Kurobe smiled faintly. Compared with the rookies selected from China this year, Tokugawa is far above them both in terms of strength and potential.

"I hope he can absorb the lessons of this fiasco, change his arrogant temperament, and climb out of the abyss of defeat."

Saitozhi took a sip of coffee. As a spiritual coach, he was a little worried that Tokugawa would have a mental breakdown because of this, and he would lose his confidence in playing tennis.

"The head coach sent a message, saying that Tokugawa and Fuji should go to him."

Tuozhi Longer pushed open the door, he had just received a call from Houshan, and the head coach gave him instructions.

"It seems that the head coach is planning to train Tokugawa himself."

Kurobe and Saito looked at each other and smiled.

Mifune Imito summoned Tokugawa, of course, to conduct special hell training for Tokugawa who fell into the elimination group. New rules for the U-17 World Cup Open.

Kurobe and Saito came to Tokugawa's dormitory, opened the door, and saw the back of Tokugawa sitting alone by the bed.

Tokugawa didn't seem to care about someone's arrival, and he was still staring out the window silently.

He has been like this for the past few days, sitting in a daze all day long.

Kurobe and Saito looked at each other. It seemed that Tokugawa's situation was even worse than they expected. Has it been so long since they have not recovered from the failure?

"Tokugawa, do you want to become stronger?"

Kurobe got straight to the point. He believed that as long as Tokugawa still had faith in his heart, this topic would definitely arouse Tokugawa's interest.

"Become stronger?"

Tokugawa turned his head, his voice was a little hoarse, but there was a hint of spirit in his eyes.

There is a play!

"If you want to defeat Byodoin, that will be your only chance."

Kurobe continued.

"Defeat Byodoin?! Really.Really?"

A force surged out of Tokugawa's body, his hands were clenched into fists, and his eyes were full of aggression.

"Of course!"

Kurobe nodded heavily. He was only responsible for bringing people to the place. As for whether Tokugawa could do it, it all depended on Tokugawa himself.

On the path leading to the back mountain, two figures walked one behind the other.

Tokugawa followed Fuji silently, and now he only had the belief in revenge in his heart.


Suddenly, Tokugawa noticed that Fuji in front of him had stopped. He raised his head, stared at him with some doubts.

Because the front is already there, there is no way to go.

Smiling, he pointed his finger upwards.

Tokugawa looked up at the towering cliff in front of him, and he couldn't see the end at a glance.

Could it be that you want to climb up?

Seeming to have heard Tokugawa's inner voice, Fuji smiled slightly and said, "Let's go, if you don't hurry up, it will be dark."

After finishing speaking, he climbed up the familiar cliff in front of him.

Tokugawa didn't speak, and followed behind Fuji. Since the coach asked him to follow the guy in front of him, he just did.

Everything is to become stronger.

The cliff is very steep, and some of the raised stones on the cliff are extremely easy to break down, which makes Tokugawa's climbing speed not very fast.

Although he didn't know why he did such an indifferent thing here, but when he thought of the coach's words, his agitated heart calmed down.

The sky was getting dark, and against the backdrop of the setting sun, Fuji and Tokugawa finally climbed to the top of the mountain.

"This is!"

Tokugawa's pupils shrank. On the top of the mountain, someone had drawn a few tennis courts here, and a group of people were lying on the court.

Here, what exactly does it do!

"Head coach!"

Turning his head, Tokugawa saw that Fuji came to a boulder and saluted respectfully to a sloppy uncle lying barefoot on top of the boulder.

Tokugawa's heart was shocked by what he said, the head coach? !

Is this person the head coach of the legendary Neon U-17 training camp?

(End of this chapter)

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