Chapter 341
"Boy, you are finally here."

Sanchuan sat up from the boulder, took down the wine gourd from his waist, and drank a few gulps.

Coming down from the boulder, Mifune stepped on the ground barefoot and came to Tokugawa. His burly body gave Tokugawa a great sense of oppression.

"Head coach!"

Tokugawa saluted.

"Are you the returnee elite that Kurobe and the others are talking about?"

Imito Mifune glanced at Tokugawa, touched Tokugawa's body, and nodded immediately.

Such a strong body and soft muscles are indeed a good seedling, but since he has come to him, he will not pay special attention to Tokugawa.

Mifune Niridao turned back to the hut behind him, took out a short sleeve and a racket and threw them on the ground.

The moment the racket landed, there was a dull sound that stirred up dust all over the ground.

Tokugawa's pupils shrank. The weight of this racket was probably beyond his imagination.

"You, put on your clothes and practice swinging with the group of miscellaneous fish."

Three ships entered the road with a cold snort.


Tokugawa didn't hesitate, changed his clothes, picked up the racket, and the moment he took it, the weight on his hand made him feel awe-inspiring.

This weight is!Fill the shot racket!

No wonder this group of people are all lying on the ground weakly. If they want to swing such a racket, the burden on the body is extremely heavy.

"All you miscellaneous fish, get up, it's time to rest, continue to swing your racket!"

Mifune walked up to the group of high school students and shouted loudly.

"Yes Yes!"

The group of high school students replied weakly, struggling to get up from the ground. Although their arms were so sore, if they didn't follow the instructions of the devil coach in front of them, what awaited them would be a worse end.

"Don't be lazy, if anyone is found lazy by me, you will know what will happen!"

Sanfuan snorted coldly, he was not interested in staring at this group of miscellaneous fish, and then brought Buer to the edge of the forest not far away.

"Huh! Brat, I didn't expect you to be right. This year's World Tennis Association really wants to include junior high school students in the U-17 entry list, and it's still mandatory."

Mifune glanced at Fuji, as early as in Paris, Fuji had talked to him about this topic, and he didn't care about it at the time, but he didn't expect to be hit by this brat.


The players who are further ahead, because the training time is much shorter than the 15-17 year old players, so there are basically no outstanding players.

For players below U-14, countries basically use the form of youth training or stocking. Just like Neon, the coaches in the dormitory for players below U-14 basically don't pay much attention.

Only in the rookie competition of the year after they entered high school, the coaches would focus on examining the quality of the players to absorb fresh blood.

And this year, the World Tennis Association announced that the next Australian U-17 World Cup Open will require national teams to join the U-14 players.

Although no official document has been issued yet, someone has already asked the World Tennis Association, and the other party clearly stated that this agenda is in the process. If there is no accident, there will be a formal notice soon.

The three boats have probably already guessed what the people of the World Tennis Association are planning. They may have seen the possibility of overthrowing the German dynasty in Fuji.

The German U-17 team has dominated the U-17 World Cup Open for too long.

Inside the World Tennis Association, the forces of various countries are scrambling. Except for the people of Germany, people from other countries do not want to pull Germany from the throne.

In recent years, they have also added some new rules to the rules from time to time, the purpose is to limit the strength of the German U-17 team.

It's just that Germany's elite tennis education does have a hand, no matter what method they use, they can't stop the continuation of the German dynasty.

Last year's French U-17 World Cup Open, the appearance of Budu gave them a good idea. Since U-17 can't compete with Germany, they should add U-14 players.

They don't even believe that it is mandatory to join. Even U-14 players in Germany can dominate the world.

Mifune didn't care what this group of people thought. What he cared about was whether the Neon team could win the World Cup through the new rules in next year's World Cup in Australia.

So he needed to know about the current U-14 situation in Neon, so he asked Kurobe and others to call Fuji back.

Speaking of U-14, the No.14 of U-1 is the best. Naturally, he is the one who is most familiar with the U-14 situation in Neon China. With their sharp eyesight, they can naturally see their extraordinaryness.

I thought it would take some time before this group of little ghosts from the country would enter the dormitory, but I didn't expect that they would be summoned now in advance.

"Unexpected things."

Fuji nodded slightly. He had known for a long time that the World Tennis Association would compulsorily include U-14 players in next year's World Cup.

"The group of little ghosts you invited before should be the top group of people in the country right now?"

Mifune looked at Fuji and said.

"Yes, their strength and potential are definitely top choices. I think the coaches should have done a preliminary analysis on this point."

Fuji nodded with a smile.

At the beginning, I asked Byodoin and others to guide the match with Akutsu, Tezuka and others. Kurobe and other coaches have been observing and recording from the sidelines. A preliminary analysis of the data was done.

"If the rules are really the same as you said, do you think we can win the Australian U-17 World Cup Open next year?"

Mifune went straight to the road, and Byodoin's session was the strongest in Neon's past decades. In them, Mifune saw the hope of winning the championship.

If it is said that this year's Buer can also have such a level, then he will almost wake up laughing from a dream.

"As far as junior high school students are concerned, we are definitely at the top level in the world."

Buer smiled slightly, he knew very well the talent of this group of people in the middle school.

"good very good!"

Mifune nodded in satisfaction.

Since Buer dares to say that, it shows that Buer has sufficient confidence in this group of people in the middle school.

"What do you think of that guy over there?"

Imito Mifune pointed at Tokugawa again. Recently, because he was busy with the new rules issued by the World Tennis Association, he didn't pay much attention to what happened in the training camp. He only knew that Tokugawa was recruited by Kurobe from overseas. One thing is that not long ago, the Byodoin Institute personally went down, and taught this returnee elite a profound lesson.

However, Mifune knew the character of Byodoin, and most people couldn't arouse the interest of Byodoin at all. To be able to let Byodoin do it himself, presumably this Tokugawa should have some skills.

"You said Tokugawa, he is a very promising man, as long as he can get out of the shadow in his heart, he can become stronger."

Fuji glanced at Tokugawa who was doing swing practice with those defeated high school students. Tokugawa's talent is there, not only Irie and Oni, but even Byodoin also attaches great importance to Tokugawa's talent .

As long as Tokugawa can grow up, he will definitely make a huge contribution to the Neon team.

"Even you are so optimistic about him? It seems that I have to give him more material."

San Chuan grinned at the corner of his mouth, has the Neon team really started to rise, another good seed came this year?

His attitude towards good seedlings has always been that if you don't die, you will practice to death.

Seeing the smile at the corner of Mifune's mouth, Fuji felt a moment of silence for Tokugawa in his heart.

However, although Sanchuan's training was very intensive, it was very effective.

As he said, the people who came to him were all losers.

And the losers need to sweat and work harder than the others if they want to catch up and surpass the winners.

At night, because it was getting late, Bu Er did not go down the mountain overnight, but chose to stay at the top of the mountain for one more night.

The high school students dragged their exhausted bodies and walked into the cave beside them, where they slept.

Fuji grabbed Tokugawa, who was about to follow, and led him to a secluded place.

This is the habitat that Fuji personally built when he was training on the Cliff of Heart.

It may be because it is too remote, or it may be because the high school students have never thought of going to other places to rest, so this place has obviously not been discovered by later generations.

Just light a bonfire, the mountains and forests at night are very dangerous.

"That... I want to ask, is that the head coach of Neon U-17?"

Tokugawa hesitated for a moment, but still asked his own doubts.

No matter how you look at this sloppy uncle, he looks more like a drunkard than a tennis coach.

"You don't have to doubt, he is indeed the head coach of the Neon U-17 training camp, and he has entered the Tao with three ships."

Fuji said with a smile.

"Moreover, many people in the dormitory were trained by him, including me and Byodoin."

If nothing else, make Tokugawa's pupils shrink.

Equal House?
Was that blond devil also trained by this sloppy uncle?

"Let me tell you this, this place is called Heart Cliff. When someone loses in the camp, they will be sent here. The training here is extremely difficult, so it is also called Hell, which means a life like hell. .”

Bu Er said with a light smile.

It is said to be hell, but one can clearly feel that one's own strength is constantly increasing in daily training. For those who are eager to win, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is heaven.


Tokugawa muttered softly, wait!
Suddenly, Tokugawa's pupils shrank, after losing?

"Byodoin, has he also failed?"

Tokugawa asked in shock.

In his opinion, the Byodoin Institute is so strong, and it is the No. 1 in this training camp. Logically speaking, there should be no experience of failure.

"That's right, the one who defeated him was Oni Jujiro."

Bu Er nodded.

Oni Jujiro? !
A fierce uncle's face suddenly appeared in Tokugawa's mind.

Oni Jujiro Tokugawa naturally knew who it was, and it was the other party, Irie and others who sent him to the infirmary.

Although he was immersed in the pain of failure at that time, his consciousness was already clear.

This old-fashioned man actually defeated the devil of Byodoin? !
This man is actually so strong!

Tokugawa doesn't dare to look like him, Byodoin is already so strong, how strong should Oni Jujiro be.

"But isn't the Byodoin Institute NO.1?"

Tokugawa quickly discovered the blind spot. Since Byodoin was defeated by Oni Jujiro, shouldn't the No. 1 position belong to Oni Jujiro?
"Why do you think NO.1 is Byodoin now?"

Bu Er asked back.

"Byodoin regained the NO.1 position from Oni Jujiro again?!"

Tokugawa quickly realized that there was only one possibility.


Fuji nodded, and then said: "After Oni Jujiro entered the hotel, he quickly penetrated the entire hotel and stood in front of Byodoin. After a fierce battle, Byodoin won 6:7. The score was lost to the ghost, and then he was sent here."

"Here, Byodoin mastered the power of hell. After going down the mountain, he defeated Oni Jujiro at that time and regained the NO.1 throne."

"The power of hell? What is that?"

Tokugawa keenly noticed an unusual vocabulary in Fuji's words.

The power that can be named hell must be a very powerful force.

"Asura Shinto!"

Buer opened his eyes, and suddenly a gust of wind blew up in the surrounding mountains and forests.

"Asura Shinto? What is that?"

For Tokugawa, Asura Shinto is a brand new vocabulary, and he doesn't understand what it refers to at all.

"Let's leave it to the head coach to teach you about that."

Fuji smiled slightly. Regarding how to guide others to embark on the Asura Shinto, Mifune is probably the one who has the most say.


Tokugawa wanted to say something, but Fuji had already lay down.

Seeing this, Tokugawa had no choice but to swallow the words that came to his lips.

"Asura Shinto!"

Tokugawa silently recorded this term in his heart, he will definitely master this power, and then launch revenge on that man!
Silent all night.

Before dawn the next day, Tokugawa woke up early in the morning. He was the first high school student waiting in front of Mifune Irumichi's cabin.

He couldn't wait for the special hell training.

When Tokugawa woke up, Fuji had already woken up.

Seeing Tokugawa's leaving back, Fuji stretched his waist and watched him go.

The mission of Fuji has been completed, so it is natural to leave this place.

Coming down from the back mountain, at the foot of the mountain, Buer frowned, and found that Byodoin Temple, Oni, Irie and others were all here.

"Why, send that innocent kid up there?"

Byodoin sneered disdainfully.

"Yeah, Tokugawa is a rookie with potential after all, we must give him a chance."

Bu Er nodded.

"I don't know how much improvement Tokugawa will have after the training of the head coach?"

Irie looked up at the towering mountain top, with a smile on his delicate face.

"Yeah, I'm a little bit looking forward to being told that!"

Takashima also said with a smile.

"I'm not sure how much progress has been made, but what I can be sure of is that when Tokugawa feels that the time is right, he will challenge Senior Byodoin again."

Fuji stood aside, smiling and looking at Byodoin Road.

"Hmph! Then I will send him to hell again!"

Byodoin snorted disdainfully, turned and left.

Looking at the back of Byodoin, Irie said with a smile: "Actually, Byodoin is also very optimistic about Tokugawa."

"After all, seniors like us will definitely pay attention to talented juniors, but Byodoin's method of motivating juniors is a bit extreme."

Takashima nodded.

For them, the outstanding people who appear among the younger generations will be the first to pay attention to them.

Last year's Fuji was like this, and this year's Tokugawa is also like this.

"Whether it is talent or strength, Tokugawa is the strongest among the first-year high school players, and he is also the most promising one in the future."

"As seniors, we should really take good care of him."

Fuji also nodded, and anyone with a discerning eye could see Tokugawa's potential.

Taneshima grabbed Budu.

"You little brat, what nonsense are you talking about here? We are seniors, do you count? De Chuan is older than you, right?"


Fuji was speechless immediately, in terms of age, he was indeed younger than Tokugawa.

"Hahaha! Fuji-kun, do you have a day when you're going to suffer?"

Irie laughed, it was rare to see the true expression just now.

Several people were laughing at the foot of the mountain. Tokugawa on the top of the mountain was receiving special training for the three ships.

Teaching students in accordance with their aptitude is Mifune's coaching policy.

For the group of ordinary high school students, Mifune was teaching them with an attitude of being bored and looking for something to do, and he didn't care much about how far they could grow.

For this group of people, Mifune's heart is extremely contemptuous.

The arrival of Tokugawa added a touch of fun to his boring life.

He wants to see what kind of abilities this guy who is favored by everyone has.

(End of this chapter)

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