The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 342 Kanto Lottery

Chapter 342 Kanto Lottery
The matter of Tokugawa came to an end, and the camp resumed its usual training.

Because the overseas expedition will not resume until next year, the first army this year has been staying in the dormitory.

Their training is extraordinarily hard, because they know that there is another person on the cliff of heart in the back mountain, who is very likely to replace one of them in the future.

If you want to keep your position as a representative of the first army, you have to work harder.

Time passed by little by little, and it has entered July without knowing it.

On this day, on the small road leading to the gate of Hesu, Fuji, Iri, Taneshima and others walked side by side.

The high school students along the way were very surprised. Are these people leaving the dormitory?
This made them very confused. According to the regulations, without the consent of the coach, they should not be able to sleep together immediately without authorization, right?
"No two, do you really decide to go back to Qingxue?"

Oni Jujiro said.

"I can't help it. I'm the head of Qingxue. The Kanto Tournament is about to start, and this year's lottery will be held in our Qingxue. I still have a lot of things to deal with."

Fuji said with a smile.

Shuji Taneshima grabbed Fuji's shoulders and said, "We almost forgot that you are still the head of the Tennis Club of Qinggaku."

"Yeah, if Fuji hadn't said it himself, I would have really forgotten that he is still the head of the junior high school tennis club."

"After all, with Fuji-kun's strength, it's really hard for people to treat him as a junior high school student."

Kimijima Yuto and others on the side also expressed emotion. If they didn't know Fuji, who would treat Fuji as a junior high school student.

When they came to the gate, everyone stopped.

"Boy, you must not slack off when you go back. You must always remember that in addition to being the head of the tennis club for junior high school students, you are also the No. 17 of our Neon U-3, with important responsibilities on your shoulders. "

Oni Jujiro looked at Fuji, and said in a deep voice.

"I see."

Bu Er nodded, of course he knew this.

"In the country, with Fuji-kun's strength, I'm afraid no one is your opponent."

Irijiang Zuo sighed softly. Without an opponent, Fuji's strength would naturally not be tempered. This was also what he was most worried about.

"You kid, don't you like bullying children?"

Before Fuji could speak, Tono Atsukyo's smirk came from the shadow of the gate.

Byodoin led Tono Atsukyo, Daqu Ryuji and Duke out of the shadows.

"Hmph! Brat, if you dare to slack off, I will take back your NO.3 badge the next time we meet."

Byodoin snorted coldly.

"Don't worry, Byodoin Senior, it's you, don't be caught up by me."

Fuji opened his eyes and looked at Byodoin with a smile.

"Hmph! If you can do it, I'll be waiting for you to challenge at any time."

Ban Li also shrugged his shoulders helplessly. In this dormitory, the only person who dares to talk to Byodoin like this is Buer.

"Seniors, I will take my leave first!"

Buer looked around, saluted to the seniors of the first army, and then walked to the gate with his tennis bag on his back.

The door opened in response, and with a loud noise, Fuji's figure disappeared in front of everyone in the first army.

In the small black room.

Kurobe Yukio, Saitozhi, Tuo Zhilong and others are watching the back of Fuji going away through the monitor screen.

"Just let him go back like this? After all, in the middle of the country, I'm afraid he won't get the slightest training with his unmatched strength."

Saitozhi gently blew on the hot coffee in his hand, and then said: "And the news from Europe, Germany's Polke, and Switzerland's Amadeus have signed professional contracts and are about to set foot on their own. The career path of the Spanish team. It is said that the Spanish team’s Médanore is about to recover from his injury, as well as the French team’s Camus and the American team’s Reinhardt.”

"If Bu Er stays in the middle school tennis world, I am a little worried, whether he will be left behind by this group of top tennis players in the world."

Saitozhi's words were actually what Oni and the others were most worried about.

Although those kids in the middle school tennis world are talented, it still takes time to transform this talent into strength.

The competition between junior high school students has no effect on the strength of Fu Er, but Polk, Amadeus and others are like professional tennis players, and they will definitely become stronger under the baptism of their profession .

Hearing what Saito Zhi said, Kurobe also nodded.

"I understand what you said, and I think Bu Er knows it very well himself."

"Then why let him go back?"

Saito asked with some doubts.

"About whether to let Fuji go back, I have consulted the head coach."

"The head coach's exact words are, let him do what he wants."

Kurobe said lightly.

Hearing that it was the head coach's intention, Chito Saito fell silent for a moment.

The head coach always has some unconstrained ideas, and his ideas Saitozhi thinks he can't figure it out.

Since his old man agreed to go back, he must have his own considerations.

Seeing that Saitozhi stopped talking, Kurobe went on to say: "Actually, with Fuji's current strength, even in the training camp, unless you really fight against Oni, Byodoin, and Irie, you won't be able to win in ordinary games." Too much exercise."

"If you want to gain something, you must fight against world-class players in a real sense. That kind of competition is too risky. The daily training in the training camp has no real meaning for Fuji, so no matter what It doesn’t make much difference to Fuji whether to stay here or go back to Qingxue.”

"What's more, Qingxue is that one's alma mater. I heard from the head coach that that one has already met Budu. With the guidance of that one, Budu may not be as good as Polk and Amadeus. It's progressing fast."

"that one?!!!"

Both Saito Zhi and Takuzhi Ryuji were shocked.

Qing Xue, who can be called by Kurobe, is probably only the legendary samurai, Echizen Nanjiro.

The two nodded, no wonder, no wonder the head coach would let him go.

With the guidance of Echizen Nanjiro, at least it is much better than staying in the dormitory.

In the dormitory of the training camp at this time, Byodoin cleaned up casually.

"Duke, are you ready to set sail?"

Hearing this, Duke smiled naively: "Boss, I can't wait to have a big fight."

After Fuji decided to leave the training camp, Byodoin also made up its mind.

He wants to continue his world wandering tour, the next Australian World Cup Open, he will never allow himself to fail again.

He absolutely wants to lead the Neon team to the top of the world.

"Oshi, is this okay?"

"A little to the left, a little to the left."

In Seigaku's auditorium, everyone from the tennis club is decorating the place.

The entire auditorium has been temporarily requisitioned by the Tennis Club to be used as the venue for the Kanto Tournament draw.

This is the first time Qingxue holds the draw ceremony for the Kanto Conference. The school also attaches great importance to this, and naturally cooperates fully with everything in the tennis club.

"Okay, that's about it."

Dashi looked at it for a while, and felt that the banner should be placed like this.

"Phew, it's finally done."

With a look of relief on his face, Kikumaru and Kawamura got off the table.

"I don't know if Fuji can make it back."

Oishi looked worried. The lottery meeting of the Kanto Contest will be held soon. As his president, Bu Er is not in the school, which makes him somewhat worried.

"Hurry up, Dashi, there are still many things that have not been hung up."

Kikumaru urged Oishi, it's time for the lottery, and the auditorium hasn't been decorated yet.

"Akutsu, hurry up and help!"

Kikumaru glanced at Akutsu who was slacking off at the side. Everyone was helping, but Akutsu was slacking off.

"Are you teaching me what to do?"

Akutsu glanced at Kikumaru disdainfully, he wouldn't do such trivial chores.

"You bastard!"

When Kikumaru heard this, he became angry immediately, and Dashi hurriedly grabbed Juwan.

This is not enough manpower, if Kikumaru gets into trouble with Akutsu again, it will really be endless.


Kikumaru's cheeks were bulging, and Dashi dragged him to help elsewhere.


After mobilizing the entire tennis club, Dashi and the others finally finished decorating the auditorium, and now they won't lose Qingxue's face.

"I'm exhausted!"

Kikumaru slumped on the ground in a disfigured manner, and he was quite tired today.

Suddenly, Kikumaru noticed that everyone was looking at him with weird eyes.

"What are you looking at me for?"

Kikumaru asked involuntarily.

Ganshen pointed at the back of Kikumaru, and Kikumaru turned his head suspiciously.

"No two!"

Kikumaru is Fuji standing behind him.

"You're finally back, Buer!"

Kikumaru was very excited, Qingxue's Dinghaishenzhen finally came back.

"No two!"


Everyone's eyes were attracted by Bu Er, no matter what grade they were in, they all looked very excited.

"It's really hard for everyone this time!"

He looked at everyone with a smile.

"Nothing, this is what we should do."

Budu's return injected a boost into Dashi's heart.

"No, when did you come?"

Kikumaru hugged Fuji and said.

"Eiji, can you stop rubbing your dirty hands on my clothes?"

Bu Er raised his eyebrows, causing the audience to burst into laughter.

Budu's return made the members of Qingxue Tennis Club extremely excited, and everyone was full of beautiful visions for the upcoming Kanto Tournament.

This year will be a year for their Qingxue to continue to forge legends.

On Saturday, on the campus of Qingxue, students wearing all kinds of school uniforms ran around the campus of Qingxue.

Today is the day when the lottery meeting is held before the Kanto competition, and it is the first time that Qingxue welcomes the powerful players from various schools in the Kanto region.

In front of the gate of Qingxue, a black luxury car stopped steadily.

Atobe's housekeeper opened the car door for him, and Atobe shook his head involuntarily as he looked at the plain gate in front of him.

"Is this Qingxue? It seems very ordinary!"

"I said Atobe, if you speak bad things about other people's schools at other people's doors like this, be careful of being beaten by the crowd."

Yushi Ninata got out of the car door on the other side. He came to accompany Atobe to participate in this lottery meeting.

"Renzu, when did your courage become so small?"

"Please, I just don't want to be gossiped about."

Pushing his glasses with patience, Qingxue, this is their old enemy of the Ice Emperor.

Atobe stretched out his right hand, pointing high to the sky.

"In my world, no one dares to disrespect me!"

"I said Atobe, so arrogant at the gate of Qingxue, are you really not afraid of being beaten?"

Just when the people passing by were shocked by what Atobe did, Sanada's voice came from behind Atobe.

"Oh? It turns out that they are the two principal and deputy ministers of Lihai University."

Atobu frowned, and after not seeing each other for several months, the aura of these two guys became more and more unpredictable. It seems that these two guys have also made a lot of progress.

In addition to Qingxue this year, Lihai University is also not to be underestimated.

"Let's go Sanada."

Yukimura said lightly, then walked past Atobe, Sanada followed behind him step by step, and the two walked towards the campus of Seigaku.

"Cut! How dare you ignore me, let's go, bear with it."

Atobe snorted coldly, and also stepped into Qinggaku's campus with Renzu.

"Long time no see, Yukimura, Sanada."

At the entrance of the auditorium, the main candidates of Qinggaku were in charge of welcoming the contestants from each school, and they saw the peaked cap on Sanada's head from a long distance away.

"Long time no see, Fuji, Tezuka."

Yukimura said with a smile.

"Tezuka, this time, I will definitely defeat you!"

Sanada was still the same, looking at Tezuka Michi very seriously when they met.

"I'm looking forward to playing against you."

Tezuka was as indifferent as ever, and the expression on his face didn't even change.

After everyone was seated, the draw for the Kanto Contest officially began.

The organizer came to the stage to give a speech, and after a long speech, it was the lottery ceremony for the Kanto Conference.

"Qingxue, number 1."

As last year's champion team, Qingxue actually got the first lottery.

In the battle area in the upper left corner, Qingxue's name hangs high above it, and this group is naturally considered to be the death group. Everyone is praying that they will not run into Qingxue.

"Green Mountain, No. 2."

After learning that he was going to face last year's champion Qingxue in the first game, the minister of Green Mountain looked ashamed.

Their trip to Kanto is coming to an end before it even started.

The drawing of lots proceeded little by little, and soon it was Bingdi's turn.

"Go, Shinozu, I will leave this small matter to you."

Tracee laughed lightly.

"Really are."

Shaking his head helplessly, he stood up from his seat.

At the same time, Mamoru Inoue rushed to the auditorium with Shiba Saori.

"Oh, has it already started? Is it the ice emperor's turn to draw lots now?"

Inoue Mamoru glanced at the curtain above, and knew that the lottery meeting was halfway through, and he saw Shinobu walking on the stage again, and he couldn't help saying.

"Ice Emperor, number 15!"

The host held up the lottery that Ninzu had drawn, and shouted loudly, causing a commotion at the scene.

Ice Emperor is also a frequent visitor to the Kanto Competition, and most of the schools are also unwilling to face him.

Soon, the lottery will be over.

Seigaku was assigned to the first group, along with Midoriyama Junior High School in Saitama Prefecture, Oguchinan in Gunma Prefecture and Josari Shonan in Kanagawa Prefecture.

Bingdi is in the third group, Li Haida is in the fourth group.

If there is no accident, Bingdi and Lihai will meet in the semi-finals.

"Hmph! Very good, before we get rid of Qingxue, let's get rid of Li Haida first."

Atobe snorted coldly, obviously very satisfied with such a draw.

"Stop talking big there, you lost to us last year! Atobe!"

Sanada glanced at Atobe with disdain. Although Hyotei is very strong, he is not their opponent at Lihai University Affiliated Middle School.

There is only one opponent for them, and that is Qingxue led by Fuji.

"Sanada, my uncle's evolution is rapid, don't underestimate our Ice Emperor."

Hearing this, Atobe is naturally very dissatisfied, who is Sanada looking down on!

"Forget it, Sanada, there's no need to argue about these insignificant things. After all, the competition depends on strength."

Yukimura stopped Sanada and said calmly.

"No two, see you in the finals."

Yukimura looked at Fuji with purple jewel-like eyes.

"See you in the final."

Bu Er smiled and nodded.

"Let's go, Sanada."

The lottery has ended, and Yukimura has to rush back to Lihai University to tell Liu the news, and then Liu will make a list for Lihai University to go to the Kanto Competition this time.

Time waits for no one, and he doesn't have time to spend here with the Ministry.

"Hmph! Let's go too, Renzu."

Atobe snorted coldly, a stern look flashed in his eyes.

Dare to underestimate him, Li Haida, just wait and see.

(End of this chapter)

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