The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 343 City into Shonan

Chapter 343 City into Shonan
Four Seasons Forest Sports Park.

Because it was the weekend and the first round of the Kanto Competition, there were extraordinarily many contestants and spectators who came here today.

In the park, players wearing various school uniforms can be seen communicating with each other. Some of them are regulars of the Kanto competition, and there are also new star teams that have just entered the Kanto competition.

"Senior Inoue, although there are not as many participating teams this time, it seems that every one of them is very strong."

Shisaori holds her own camera in her hand, recording fresh faces everywhere.

These teams give her the feeling that none of them is a fuel-efficient lamp.

"That's natural. These sixteen teams are all the top teams in the Kanto region."

Mamoru Inoue was carrying his backpack, looking at him casually, why didn't he see Qingxue's person?

"Here we come, look, it's Qingxue's team!"

At this time, there was an exclamation from behind.

Inoue Mamoru and Shiba Saori turned their heads to see that in the aisle on their right, the Seigaku group led by Fuji was slowly walking towards the report office.

"Wow, is this the Kanto Competition! It's really exciting!"

Takeshi Momoshiro looked excited, this was the first time he participated in such a high-level event.

"Idiot, can you stop being so embarrassing!"

Haitang curled her lips in disdain, this fellow Taocheng is really embarrassing.

"You smelly viper, who do you say is ashamed!"

Taocheng Wu squeezed in front of Haitang, these two guys who are in the same situation, really can't rest for a moment.

"Give me some peace, both of you."

When Tezuka's cold voice came, Taocheng and Haitang subconsciously straightened their bodies. In the whole Qingxue, the person they fear the most is the vice president Kunimitsu Tezuka.

When he came to the registration office, Fuji handed over the list of entries for the first round of Qingxue.

Because the opponents in the first round were not very strong, Fuji took off Akujin's name. When facing these underdogs, Fuji would still try to give Taocheng and Haitang a chance to exercise.

After all, the future Qingxue depends on the support of the two of them.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the time for reporting ends.

Everyone from Qingxue came to their competition venue. Their opponent in the first round was Green Mountain Middle School from Saitama County.

"The first round of the Kanto Tournament is about to start. The doubles match between Youth Academy and Green Mountain Middle School. Players from both sides are invited to play."

The tall and tall figure stood up from Qingxue's team, and said to Haitang beside him, "Let's go, Haitang, it's time for us to play."

"Yes! Senior!"

Even Haitang was a little excited at the moment, this was his first battle in the Kanto Competition.

"Please advise!"

"Please advise!"

The contestants from Green Mountain Middle School, who were a little nervous at first, felt a lot more relaxed when they saw that there was a first-year contestant among Qingxue's contestants.


"whispering sound!"

Haitang crouched in the backcourt, her body swaying from side to side, her straight neck and vertically widened pupils gave her opponent a great sense of oppression.

In the eyes of the opponent, the opponent is like a poisonous snake, staring at him firmly.

Haitang's arm swung from bottom to top, and the tennis ball flew past the opponent's side in an arc-shaped curve, pressing the line to score.

"Game, Youth Academy, 5:0."

Haitang's performance was even better than what Fuji had imagined. Of course, this may be due to the fact that the opponent's strength is not strong.

"It's amazing! This freshman in Qingxue can actually play tennis like this!"

"But this first grade looks terrible."

Some players from other regions saw Haitang play a snake ball for the first time.

This is the first time they have seen such a weirdly curved tennis ball.

"This game was won by Youth Academy, with a score of 6:0."

Green Mountain's doubles player looked ashamed, which was different from what they had expected. How could Qingxue have such a strong freshman.

The next doubles match was naturally Qingxue's golden combination.

Facing Qingxue's golden combination, Green Mountain's doubles one is naturally no match.

"This game was won by Youth Academy, with a score of 6:0."

The fact that Qingxue went to two cities in a row made the other schools who came to watch the battle realize once again the strength of Qingxue, which dominated the country last year.

"Okay! It's finally me!"

Taocheng, who returned from warming up, couldn't wait.

Even Haitang had such a brilliant performance in doubles two, how could he fall behind.

"Please advise!"

"Please advise!"

Taocheng was lucky today and successfully got the right to serve.

The tennis ball kept being pressed against Taocheng's palm, but when he was on the court, he became less excited.

The tennis ball was thrown by Taocheng, and then he swung his right hand hard.

"Wow! It's A Tao's bullet serving. It looks like this kid is doing well today!"

Kikumaru chuckled, Taocheng's ball, ball speed, spin, and placement are all top choices. It can be seen that after the tempering of the regional qualifiers and the capital competition, Taocheng's technology has made new breakthroughs .

Kawasaki, the No. [-] singles player of Green Mountain Middle School, didn't dare to be careless at all. With the lesson of doubles No. [-], he naturally wouldn't underestimate Qingxue's first grader.

With steady steps, Kawasaki frowned while holding the racket in his right hand. The moment the tennis ball hit the racket, Kawasaki frowned.

This first grader is so strong.

Gritting his teeth, Kawasaki drew back Momoshiro's ball. The moment he looked up, Kawasaki saw Momoshiro sprinting to the net with both hands in his hands.


Kawasaki's heart sank, feeling bad.

The muscles all over Taocheng trembled with excitement, stepped on one foot, leaped up into the air, and swung the bat with both hands heavily.

There was a loud bang in front of the net, and the tennis ball, fast as lightning, was thrown into no man's land to the left of Kawasaki.

"Game, 15:0."

Taocheng succeeded in one blow and directly scored the first point.

"First use your own bullet serve to mobilize the opponent to a relatively far position, then quickly rush to the net, and use the vertical center of gravity jump to hit the ball to the other diagonal. When did Taocheng learn such a strategic layout. "

Qian Zhenzhi pushed his glasses, and said with some surprise.

In his impression, Taocheng was a heroic player similar to Kawamura. This was the first time he had seen Taocheng who was full of small thoughts.

"Heh! Taocheng finally understands his own advantage!"

Buer nodded with a smile. It seems that the juniors of Qingxue are already on the right track.

In the subsequent games, Taocheng also let everyone in Qingxue see another side of him, a side that is calm, delicate, and full of brains.

"This guy!"

Haitang grabbed the iron fence and looked at Taocheng on the field in shock.

He originally thought that his progress had been great enough, but he didn't expect that Taocheng had improved even more than him.

This is not acceptable, he will never allow himself to lose to Taocheng.

Practice more, you must practice more!
"This game was won by Takeshi Momoshiro from Youth Gakuen, with a score of 6:3."

"Thank you for your advice!"

Momoshiro Takeshi looked excited, Kawasaki was already the strongest opponent he had encountered so far.

"Thank you for your advice!"

Kawasaki shook his head, throwing the unhappiness in his heart out of his head.

He is already in the third grade this year, and this time the Kanto Competition is the last one he can participate in. Unfortunately, their trip to the Kanto of Green Mountain has come to an end.

Although Qingxue has won the first round of the Kanto Tournament by the time of singles three, but in the first round, there is a rule that no matter whether they win or lose, they must play five games, so they still need to play the remaining two singles games. over.

5: 0.

Soon, Qingxue won the two singles matches with ease, and finally ended the first round of the Kanto Tournament with a record of 5:0, and directly advanced to the second round.

In the evening, in the office of the tennis club.

The candidates of Qingxue are having a meeting.

"Come on, who is our next opponent?"

Kikumaru asked curiously, this is what they will discuss in this meeting.

"let me see."

Gan flipped through the battle table he had copied down and said, "Our next opponent is Jonai Shonan in Kanagawa Prefecture."

"Chengcheng Shonan? I haven't heard much about this school, but I know about Xiangbei."

Kawamura touched his head and smiled.

"They are a newly emerging school. About last year, their school introduced a new coach. Under the guidance of that coach, Chengcheng Shonan's ranking in Kanagawa Prefecture jumped to No.2, second only to In the High School Affiliated to Lihai University."

Dry said lightly.

"No matter who the opponent is, we will go all out for tomorrow's game."

Tezuka looked at everyone seriously, he didn't want anyone to face the game with an arrogant attitude.

Since the beginning of this year, Qingxue has been going smoothly in almost all competitions. Tezuka found that the mentality of the players has undergone a slight change. Such a mentality is not advisable.

Behind them, Lihai University, Bingdi and other schools have been catching up with Qingxue, and they will overtake them if they are not careful.


When Tezuka spoke, the crowd naturally did not dare to take it lightly.

The next day.

The Kanto Competition is in its second round, which is also the last round of this weekend. The next round of semi-finals and subsequent finals will not be held until the next weekend.

"A lot of people, Inoue-senpai."

Shibasaori looked around, how could she feel that there were so many people who came to watch the match between Qingxue and Chengcheng Shonan today.

"After all, Qing Xue bears the title of last year's Kanto and National Championships, so he will naturally receive more attention."

Inoue looked around, and besides their monthly professional tennis magazine, there were quite a few media colleagues.

According to the situation in previous years, the Kanto Competition is only an event in the middle school circle after all. The domestic media of Nihong has never paid much attention to the competition in the middle school circle. For a regional event like the Kanto Competition, only the finals will have some media interest. , but now, the semi-finals have not yet arrived, and so many media have been attracted.

On the one hand, it shows that the tennis atmosphere in Neon China has become more intense, and even the competitions in the middle school world have received so much attention. On the other hand, these people are probably here for the help of Qingxue.

It can be said that Fuji Zhouzhu's reputation in the world tennis world is greater than that of many active professional players in Nihong China.

"Here we come, people from Qingxue are here."

I don't know who shouted, and instantly attracted the attention of everyone around.

Under the guidance of the staff, Fuji took Qingxue's team to the venue where they played today.

"Wow, there are so many people watching the battle today."

Kikumaru said excitedly, the more people there are, the stronger his desire to express himself.

"Has the opponent not come yet?"

Gan looked at the opposite side of them strangely, the team members from Chengcheng Shonan hadn't arrived yet?
"Sorry we're late."

At this moment, the gate at the entrance of the stadium was opened, and Aoi Huamura arrived with the players from Shonan Chengcheng.

Wearing tight short sleeves, Huacun Kuijiao's good figure cannot be concealed. Her short wine-red hair is very capable, and the beauty mole on the right corner of her mouth is particularly obvious. The anti-slip chains on her glasses add to her unique charm .

Chengcheng Shonan's team members followed their coach, and outside the field, there was a group of girls wearing Chengcheng Shonan's school uniform. This should be Chengcheng Shonan's cheerleading team.

"The second round of the Kanto Tournament is about to begin. The doubles match between Youth Academy and Chengcheng Shonan, players from both sides are invited to play."

After the two sides were in position, soon, the game officially started.

The first doubles two.

"Hao Ping, Yang Ping, let's go."

Huacunkui smiled charmingly, and a pair of twins came out from Chengcheng Shonan's team. They were almost identical in appearance, the only difference being the color of their hair.

The hair color of the older brother Yohei Tanaka is red, while the hair color of the younger brother Hirohei Tanaka is blue. Apart from that, there is no obvious difference in physical appearance between the two of them.

"Go ahead, Aaron, it's your turn."

Fuji said with a smile.

In Seigaku's team, Miki and Kawamura nodded and walked off the court.

"One set decides the outcome, and the city becomes Shonan's serve."

"Hao Ping, I heard that the other party was the national champion last year!"

"It seems to be, but I don't know how strong it is."

As soon as they played, Haohei and Yohei tried to use verbal offensive to arouse the other party's emotional fluctuations. Unfortunately, the calmness of doing it was beyond the imagination of ordinary people. As long as Kawamura took up the racket, he only had tennis in his heart. The language offensive has no effect on Qingxue's combination.

Yohei gently threw the tennis ball in his hand, his waist and abdomen contracted for a while, and then an astonishing force burst out.

This is the result of Huacun coach's combined training. Everyone in Chengcheng Shonan Middle School has received internationally recognized combined training, and their bodies have been polished with the most advanced equipment.

However, this is not enough for dry.

A strong backhand drive sent the ball to the no-man's-land on the left side of Yohei.

"Hmph! The expected counterattack."

In the next second, the figure of Tanaka Kohei suddenly appeared in the area where no one was standing.

"What a fast filling speed!"

The audience exclaimed for a while, they didn't even know when Haoping went to that place.

With a forehand swipe, he hit the ball to Kawamura in the frontcourt, and then Hohei moved quickly, standing behind the serving line with Yohei.

"What formation is this?!"

Spectators were again stunned by the twins, who were standing sideways behind the serve line at the same time, which is not uncommon.

"What kind of formation is this, Senior Inoue!"

Shisato asked suspiciously.

"This is a parallel formation, but a parallel formation on the serving line is not common."

Mamoru Inoue explained that under normal circumstances, parallel formations are arranged on the bottom line. This is the first time Mamoru Inoue has seen such twins lined up on the serving line.

"Good come!"

Seeing the tennis ball being hit towards him, Kawamura was so excited that he shouted.

"Look at me, the flames break through!"

The muscles in Kawamura's arm suddenly swelled up, and the large muscles bulged the cuffs.

With a loud sound of hitting the ball, the tennis ball rubbed against the air, turning into a fiery fireball and flying towards Haoping and Yangping.

In the eyes of everyone, Haohei and Yohei suddenly retreated to the bottom line at the same time, raising their rackets with both hands.

"A duo!"

The two brothers said in unison, and struck out with both hands heavily.

The tennis ball pierced Kawamura's defense like a sharp arrow.

"Game, Chengcheng Shonan, 15:0."

The referee announced loudly.

"These two are amazing! They can hit the ball together!"

"Chengcheng Shonan, why have I never heard of the name of this school before?"

The audience talked a lot, and they had already seen that Chengcheng Shonan's strength was not weak.

"Game, Chengcheng Shonan, 1:0."

"Both sides change game!"

Soon, the first game came to an end. Yanghei and Haoping kept their serve and scored the first point.

"No way! Senior Gan and Senior Aaron were actually scored first?!"

Takeshi Momoshiro obviously couldn't believe it. You know, whether it's Senior Gan's stat tennis or Aaron's passionate tennis, in Taocheng's opinion, they should be able to crush the opponent steadily.

"Taocheng, watch the game quietly!"

Tezuka cast a cold glance at Taocheng, immediately making Taocheng dumbfounded.

Tezuka watched the field silently, Shiroshinari Shonan was indeed not weak, but he believed that Kanto Kawamura would definitely win.

(End of this chapter)

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