Chapter 344 Works
After changing sides, it's the turn to serve.

The tennis ball was thrown high into the sky, and when the legs stepped on the ground, the whole person was ejected.

"Flying waterfall leaks!"

The smash serve was hit high in the air, and the air wave hung behind the tennis ball, forming a layer of fog and waterfalls.

"ACE! Youth Academy, 15:0."

The yellow electric light flew past Yangping's side, making his face look slightly astonished.

Yohei turned his head, glanced at the tennis ball on the ground, and said, "The speed of this ball seems to be faster than Captain Kajimoto's serve."

"Yanghei, don't underestimate them."

Hao Ping nodded.

After serving to score, Gan switched to the left serving area.

"Flying waterfall leaks!"

It was another golden light, and the waterfall with a speed of 200KM/H was released, which visually gave people the feeling of being as fast as lightning.

Huamura Aoi pushed her glasses, chuckled and said, "Muscle strength is very good. To be able to have such muscle strength at this age obviously has gone through a lot of hard training, Qingxue..."

Huacunkui looked at Buer, who was sitting on the coach seat beside Qingxue, it seemed that Qingxue did not have a coach or consultant, so who made their training plan?

Involuntarily, Huamura Aoi thought of the Lihai University Affiliated Middle School who defeated them in the Kanagawa County Competition. It seems that the Lihai University Affiliated Middle School also has no coach.

The players from these two schools are surprisingly capable of self-control.

"ACE! Youth Academy, 40:0."

On the court, the situation was very good. Under the astonishing speed of the waterfall, the opponent seemed to have no ability to resist.

"Qing Xue! Qing Xue!"

"Come on! Be a senior!"

The members of Qingxue kept cheering for Qian from the sidelines.

"They seem to think this game is a win."

Ruo Renhong laughed lightly.

"After all, such a high-speed serve is difficult for ordinary people to catch."

Takahisa Kajimoto nodded. As long as such a high-speed serve can be scored, the pressure on the opponent will be enormous, and it will also test the opponent's reaction and dynamic vision.

"But for Yangping and Haoping, it should be within reach."

Tongshan Dadi glanced at the two brothers on the field and said.


Gan squeezed the tennis ball in his hand, and then threw it high into the sky.

Bend your knees sideways, tighten the muscles all over your body, and then explode suddenly.

"Flying waterfall leaks!"

The tennis ball shot into Haohei and Yohei's court at an oblique angle from high school landed and bounced extremely fast. This time, Yohei's figure suddenly appeared on the trajectory of the ball bouncing.

Hitting the ball with both hands, the dry waterfall was sent back.

"What! The senior's waterfall leaking ground was beaten back!"

Takeshi Momoshiro had an unbelievable expression on his face, how could this be possible.

"Good come!"

Kawamura rushed to the landing point of the ball in stride, and the muscles in his arms squirmed crazily.

"Cut the water flow!"

If the tennis ball was hit back like a cannonball, Yanghei and Haoping's ears would move slightly. Just by hearing the sound of the ball being hit, they would know that the strength of the ball might not be trivial.

The movements of the two were surprisingly consistent, retreating to the bottom line, and raising the racket with both hands at the same time.

"A duo!"

Relying on the joint blow of the two brothers, Kawamura's heavy artillery was hit back.


Qian's figure suddenly appeared in the line of sight of the two brothers.

The racket in Gan's hand turned into slices, and he pulled it horizontally and gently.

"Nice short ball!"

Oishi couldn't help admiring, and the two opponents retreated to the baseline in order to counter Kawamura's strong shot. They must not be able to catch this short ball.

"Game, Youth Academy, 1:1."



"Game, Chengcheng Shonan, 3:2."

"Both sides switch sides."

The competition seems to be very anxious, the twins of Chengcheng Shonan amazed the audience, they can actually gain the upper hand in the competition against Qingxue.

"Yang Ping, this national championship is nothing more than that."

"Yes, Haoping, we will definitely win this game."

When switching sides, Yangping and Haoping did not forget to attack with verbal offensive.

The big man on the other side is very impulsive at first glance, they just need to destroy the heart of the guy who is the easiest to break through in this pair.

As for the one with the glasses, let him be.

After changing sides, it was another dry serve.

"Flying waterfall leaks!"

The game entered the midfield, but the power of the dry serve did not weaken in the slightest.

The moment he hit the ball, Yohei's ears received the message, and he figured out where the ball landed.

Moving behind the tennis ball at an astonishing speed, Yohei raised his racket and lashed.

"Aaron, move three steps to the left,"

Qian suddenly said.

"no problem!"

The corner of Kawamura's mouth grinned, he knew that Qian had finally collected the opponent's information.

The tennis ball was sent to him, and Kawamura put his left hand on the handle of the racket.

"Wave Ball!"

He has already completed the data collection, so he won't hold back anymore.

The undulating ball with both hands, combined with Kamikawa's strength, the momentum of this ball makes one's scalp tingle.


"A duo!"

Faced with such a powerful shot, Yangping and Haoping naturally did not dare to be careless, and once again retreated to the bottom line, allowing the tennis ball to have more time to slow down.

The two hit the ball with both hands, and the moment the tennis ball hit the racket, a huge force spread to the arms of the two.

"Good weight!"

Yang Ping and Hao Ping were shocked, the strength of Qingxue's big man was too amazing, much stronger than Tong Shan's.

"Hang the net!"

"Game, Youth Academy, 15:0."

Although Yangping and Haoping pushed the ball in front of them, the angle and strength of the ball were destined to be unable to pass the net.


"Aron, this ball is a straight ball from the center line."


"There's a 75% chance this shot is a lob!"


As dry data tennis began to show its power, all the shots of Yang Ping and Hao Ping were under the calculation of dry.

Coupled with Kawamura's strength, Gan and Kawamura began to take the initiative on the field.

"For a diagonal ball to the right, the bounce angle is about 45 degrees."

With a dry mouth, he announced the path of the ball lightly, stepped quickly with his feet, and the racket went all the way down, easily cutting the ball back to the opposite court.

"Game, Qingxue, 5:3."

The game entered the match point game of Qingxue.

"What a joke to start, there is still such a style of play!"

Ruo Renhong was a little shocked and said that he thought he was familiar with all kinds of styles of play, but he had never seen such a style of play like this guy wearing glasses from Qingxue.

Can someone actually calculate the opponent's return during the game?
"Is this the style of play played by Sadaharu, the think tank of Qingxue!"

Kajimoto Takahisa was also a little shocked. Although he had heard that there was a guy in Qinggaku who was good at a style of tennis called information tennis, he didn't really believe it.

After all, the field is changing rapidly, how can anyone be able to calculate everything.

But now, he had to believe it.

"This game was won by the Youth Gakuen Sadaharu and the Kawamura Takashi team, with a score of 6:3."

"Qing Xue! Qing Xue!"

The moment the referee announced Qingxue's victory, the members of Qingxue Tennis Club burst into applause.

However, the regular team members of Qingxue did not fluctuate too much. In their view, this victory was a matter of course.

"The second round of the Kanto Tournament is about to begin. Youth Academy vs. Chengcheng Shonan doubles match. Players from both sides are invited to play."

Soon, the second doubles match began.

"Ota, Dadi, it's your turn to play."

Huamura Aoi, who had just finished coaching Haohei and Yohei after the match, looked at another pair of doubles in the team with a smile.

"It's the coach!"

Standing up from Chengcheng Shonan's team is a pair of combinations with great height differences.

Ota Sho, 145cm tall, and Kiriyama Daichi, 195cm tall, this pair with a height difference of more than 50cm is another pair of satisfied "works" of Aoi Huamura.

As for Qingxue, they naturally sent their golden combination.

"Wow, Dashi, he's so tall!"

Kikumaru was chatting and laughing with Oishi at first, when a shadow obscured his sight, Kikumaru raised his head, and was immediately shocked by the body of Kiriyama Daichi in front of him.

In the entire country, Kikumaru who can be taller than this guy in front of him has never been seen.

Moreover, the opponent is not only tall enough, but also looks extremely strong. The muscles on his arms show perfect lines, and he looks like a strong player.

"Uh... Excuse me, is there another player in your team?"

The referee on the high chair looked left and right, but he didn't see the other player from Shonan Chengcheng, so he had to ask Kiriyama Daichi.

Hearing the words, Kiriyama Daichi silently moved away from his body, revealing the figure of Ota Sho behind him.

"it's here!"

Ota Sho chuckled and said, their combination, every referee they meet will always ask this question.


Takeshi Momoshiro looked confused, what kind of combination is this, with such a huge difference in height.

"From now on, I'm going to let you watch our tennis until you get bored. You'd better be mentally prepared!"

Tongshan Dadi said in a deep voice.

"... "

"Please advise!"


"The doubles match between Youth Academy and Josei Shonan has officially started, with Josei Shonan Ota Sho serving the ball!"

Huacun Aoi sat gracefully on the coach's bench.

"My work, please perform a wonderful game!"

Huacun Aoi has high hopes for her own works.


Under Ota Sho's goggles, his eyes froze slightly.

He had heard that the opponent's so-called golden combination of Qingxue was a national-level doubles combination, but he was not afraid.

Sho Ota swung his racket vigorously, and the tennis ball flew towards Kikumaru with a slight arc.

Kikumaru adjusted his body position, slammed the ball casually, and hit the ball to the opponent's left receiving area.


The moment he looked up, Kikumaru's superior dynamic vision clearly saw the opponent's forward Kiriyama Daichi quickly move to the front of the net on the other side.

"He's coming to the net!"

"It's so fast!"

The audience exclaimed.

Kiriyama Daichi smiled contemptuously, and with a forehand volley, the tennis ball flew in the direction of Oishi's backhand in an almost straight line.


The speed of the ball was too fast, and the hitting position was too close, which caused Oishi to fail to react in time.

"Leave it to me, Dashi!"

Kikumaru sprinted quickly, and then jumped out suddenly. The protruding racket dangerously blocked the bouncing tennis ball.

"Beautiful save, Kikumaru-senpai is really amazing!"

Momoshiro Takeshi shouted excitedly.

"Although your skills are good, you can't pass Kiriyama in front of the net."

It was also the first time for Huamura Aoi to see Kikumaru's trick shots. This kind of dancing tennis made her eyes shine, but such a counterattack could not overcome the iron wall built by her works.


Daji Tongshan let out a soft drink, and swung the racket in his hand quickly, and the tennis ball flew back to Qingxue's court in an instant.

"It's amazing! It's actually able to catch up with this ball!"

Chisaori said in shock.

"Indeed, but the big stone of the golden combination has also responded in time."

Inoue Mamoru said lightly.

On the court, Dashi has also moved with Tongshan and came behind the tennis ball.

Oishi's wide field of vision locked on the right side of the opposite field, where there was only one Sho Ota guarding the rear, and he only needed to aim at the right sideline to attack, and he was sure to score.

Suddenly, Tongshan Dadi's thick lower limbs broke into Dashi's sight.


Dashi's heart was shocked, but the ball had already arrived in front of him, and the racket in his hand had already been swung out, so he had to shoot the arrow on the string.

Kiriyama held the racket high, then pressed down heavily, and directly withheld the tennis ball that Dashi hit back.

The tennis ball flew out against the sideline of the singles.

"Game, Chengcheng Shonan, 15:0."

The referee read out loudly.

Kiriyama Daichi arched his arms, his biceps bulged like a small hill, and he posed like a bodybuilder.


Tongshan Dadi roared.

"This guy! His arms are like iron walls!"

"That is to say, it was so easy to hit back the ball just now!"

The members of Qingxue were shocked that someone could hit Dashi's return so easily.

"Although he has a small size, his movements are very sharp."

Haitang stared closely at the Tongshan tunnel on the field.

"Yeah, he made a real response with small movements, and all the balls at the net were within the range of the two of them in three steps."

Gan pushed his glasses and said.

"What! Two or three steps?!"

Hearing this, the other members of Qingxue were a little shocked.

"Yeah, this is because he takes advantage of his height, and his hitting range is very wide. It can be said that he takes full advantage of his size."

Qian silently recorded in his own data book that the city became Shonan, and Qian suddenly became interested in this school.

"Don't be surprised by this!"

Tongshan Dadi snorted coldly.

"Eiji, we must be careful with this pair!"

Oishi calmly said to Kikumaru who switched to the frontcourt.

Sure enough, there are no underdogs in the Kanto Contest, and it's only the second round, and they have already met good opponents.


Kikumaru nodded heavily, he naturally understood this.


Ota Sho snorted coldly and served again. The moment he served, Kiriyama Daichi rushed towards the net again like a bull.

"Are you going to go online again! Okay, then take my trick!"

With a turn of the racket, Dashi slammed the ball from bottom to top, flying the ball high into the air.

"The lob!"

"So that's it. He wanted to attack the giant man who passed in front from above."

The audience immediately understood what Dashi was thinking. If he used a lob, he wouldn't have to worry about the giant guy in the frontcourt.

"give it to me!"

Tongshan Dadi roared, and the muscles in his legs trembled.

The body like Roshan jumped high, his arms stretched out straight, and the racket directly smashed Dashi's lob back in the air.

"What! This forward actually hit a lob!"

"What kind of person is he!"

The defense range of Tongshan Dadi shocked the audience.

Generally speaking, it is impossible for the avant-garde to return the lob, but Kiriyama's height of 195cm is too advantageous.


Kikumaru muttered, turned sideways and quickly twitched the racket, the tennis ball turned into a golden light and disappeared from his hand, and then precisely passed through Kiriyama Daichi's crotch.

"Well done, I passed under his feet before he could stand still!"

Kawamura said excitedly, this giant must have nothing to do with this ball!


After landing, Tongshan Dadi didn't intend to move at all. Behind him, the short Ota Sho moved quickly. Although each step was small, his moving speed was not slow at all.

Dashi only heard the sound of hitting the ball, and then the tennis ball appeared in front of his eyes.

Ota Sho actually hit the tennis ball back from Kiriyama Daichi's crotch!


Before he had time to think about it, Dashi pulled his right hand, turned his arm slightly inward, and then swung it out quickly.


Kiriyama Dadi shouted excitedly, he didn't even need to jump up, he dunked the ball from the air.

The tennis ball falls from the center line with a nearly vertical curve, and after bouncing, it quickly flies out of the court.

"Game, Chengcheng Shonan, 30:0."

(End of this chapter)

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