The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 346 Failed Works

Chapter 346 Failed Works

"Game, Youth Academy, 2:3."

"Both sides change game!"

Oishi and Kikumaru took advantage of the victory to pursue and once again brought the score back to one point.

"The two of you are my highly completed works, I believe you will not be deceived by this little trick."

During the break when switching sides, Kiriyama Daichi and Ota Sho were standing in front of Huamura Aoi to receive her off-court guidance.

"Yes! Coach! We won't be fooled next time!"

Hearing this, Ota Sho and Kiriyama nodded, and they had already discovered their opponent's tricks.

But as long as they hold their breath, the opponent will be vulnerable, at least they think so.

"Very well, you have to win a landslide against a national-caliber opponent to be called a perfect work of art."

Hua Cun Kui Tan opened her mouth lightly, and her words made Kiriyama Dadi and Ota Sho's hearts tremble.

They were originally just two unknown players, but they were picked up by Huacun Aoi at the beginning of this year, and they received Huacun Aoi's combined training.

Their goal is to become the perfect work of art in Huacunkui's mouth, and they are constantly working hard for this.

"Oishi, let us win the game in one go!"

The racket in Kikumaru's hand was like a butterfly wearing flowers, hovering in his hand continuously, it could be seen that he was in a good mood.

It is a very happy thing for Kikumaru to be able to fight against the strong.


Dashi nodded. Indeed, it is time for this game to end.

"What! What kind of formation is Qing Xue's!"

The audience was dumbfounded by the formation formed by Oishi and Kikumaru.

"What! What is this!"

Kiriyama Daichi and Ota Sho were also a little shocked. They were just about to fight when Qingxue set up this strange formation.

"This is! Australian formation? No, it's I formation."

Inoue Mamoru was also a little stunned. He suddenly remembered that last year, Qing Xue's golden combination had already mastered this formation.

"What is the formation of Oishi-senpai and Kikumaru-senpai?"

It was the first time for Taocheng and Haitang, who had less experience with doubles, to see such a formation, and they couldn't help but question each other's souls.

"It's a variant of Australia's formation, where the midfielder straddles the center line and crouches at a lower angle than the net, and the player who serves is standing behind the midfielder, almost on the center line."

"Usually in the Australian formation, if you look at it from the receiving side, the midfielder will stand in the direction of the left diagonal, so the receiving side will avoid the left corner and hit a straight ball. But the middle of the net is usually slightly smaller than the two sides. Low, so when you hit a straight ball back, the ball will float up anyway."

Mamoru Inoue deserves to be the editor of the monthly professional tennis magazine. He can answer a few questions about tennis.

"That is to say, is it easier for the serving side to surf the net?"

Chisaori asked.

"Yes, this is the advantage of the Australian formation. However, Qingxue's golden combination has further evolved this formation. The avant-garde across the central line clearly means that both left and right may go online at any time, thus bringing great benefits to the opponent. The pressure on the ball, the side who receives the ball will not know which side to play."

"That is to say, Qingxue's golden combination has mastered the dominance at the psychological level, which will be more beneficial to the progress of the game, and the avant-garde squats very low in tennis. After all, it is conducive to the server to play a higher-quality serve."

Mamoru Inoue couldn't help admiring the tacit understanding of the Seigaku golden combination. Such a formation is extremely harsh for the direct tacit test of the two players.

Qingxue's golden combination is finally about to show its national level strength.

Kikumaru chuckled, and swung the racket heavily in his hand.

The roaring tennis ball sways slightly in the air under the influence of strong topspin.

Tongshan Dadi's forehead was sweating profusely, and he stared closely at the movement of the boulder in front of him, trying to judge the movement of the boulder.

However, Dashi's calmness is by no means something he can see through.


The ball had already bounced in front of him, and Kiriyama Daichi couldn't hesitate any longer, his backhand lashed back like a top like a spinning top.

The moment he just made a move, Dashi was keenly aware of the ball's path, and with a step of his left foot, his figure appeared on the track of the tennis ball behind the net.

Close volley!

"Game, Youth Academy, 15:0."

With such a close-range volley, even Kiriyama Daichi couldn't respond in time.

"This game was won by Youth Academy, with a score of 3:3."

"This game was won by Youth Academy, with a score of 4:3."

"This game was won by Youth Academy, with a score of 5:3."

"The end of the Youth Academy match!"

Compared with Oishi and Kikumaru, Kiriyama Daichi and Ota Sho are a little immature in terms of experience. It is the first time for them to participate in the Kanto competition in the first grade. Before that, the biggest competition they have experienced is the prefectural competition in Kanagawa Prefecture.

At this moment, they remembered the doubles and one-team match against Shanghai Lihai University Affiliated High School in the county competition in Kanagawa County.

They also had an advantage in the early stage, but soon, as their opponents showed their strength, they suddenly fell into a disadvantage, and finally lost the game all the way.

This game and that one are almost exactly the same script.

Ota Sho held the tennis ball tightly in his hand, and the palm of his hand kept oozing sweat.

This game is crucial, if they lose, they are finished.

Sho Ota aimed at the angle of the receiving area on the right side of the front and swung his racket fiercely. The topspin shot by his short body could pass the net, and the speed of landing was faster than the topspin serve of ordinary people.


Kiriyama Daichi's giant body quickly blocked Kikumaru, and the two stood facing each other across the net.

Because Kikumaru crouched very low, his line of sight was completely blocked by Kiriyama Daichi's body, and this was exactly the purpose of Kiriyama Daichi.

Since he couldn't judge Kikumaru's volley movement, he could rely on his super-strong reaction to respond on the spot, and he only needed to keep a close eye on Kikumaru.


Kikumaru suddenly raised his head and gave Kiriyama Daichi a mysterious smile.


Tongshan's land tightened, and he suddenly felt something was wrong.

On the big rock behind, the racket frame hangs on the ground, rubbing against the ground to draw a semicircle, sparks splash and smoke and dust are everywhere.

"Moon Climbing Intercept!"

When it came to the match point, Oishi finally used his unique trick, a bottom line lob with a precise attack like a needle thread.


Ota Sho already felt something was wrong the moment Oishi shot.

The short body exploded with astonishing speed, jumping from Kiriyama Dadi's body after a few leaps.

"Not enough!"

Even though Sho Ota stretched his arms to the limit, the racket head was still three millimeters away from the ball.

The golden crescent moon streaked across the sky, leaving a trace of presence on the bottom line.

"Game, Youth Academy, 15:0."

Huamura Aoi adjusted her glasses unexpectedly. This contestant named Oishi Shuichiro was surprisingly calm.

If such a baseline lob had been played earlier, the current score might not be like this.

And he kept this move until the end of the match, probably out of surprise.

What a great player.

"Kikumaru beam!"

"Moon Climbing Intercept!"

"This game was won by Youth Academy, with a score of 6:3."

Oishi's last ball-climbing volley accurately crossed the heads of Ota Sho and Kiriyama Dadi, and hit the bottom line heavily. At the same time, he also won the doubles one for Qingxue.

Oishi and Kikumaru gave each other a high five. They played very happily in this match.


Kiriyama Dadi suddenly opened his mouth and said.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Ota Sho didn't know why, so he didn't know why Kiriyama suddenly called out to him.

"Doubles are really fun."

Tongshan Dadi pondered for a while and said.

"Oh! Who said otherwise!"

Hearing this, Ota Sho couldn't help laughing.

The two walked up to Huacunkui and bowed deeply.

"Sorry coach, we let you down!"

Huacunkui didn't say much, and waved her hands to indicate that the two of them can retreat.

The failure of this match can be said to be beyond her expectations. She had high hopes for Ota and Kiriyama in doubles first, but it was a pity that the opponent was the golden combination of Qing Xue, which indeed possessed the top level doubles combination in the country.

Ota and Kiriyama are both first graders, so when the newly formed team faces an experienced golden combination, it will be difficult for the opponent to control the rhythm of the game and make a comeback.

"Doubles were won by Qingxue in a row, and the singles three is probably the last match of Chengcheng Shonan."

Mamoru Inoue shook his head. Against Seigaku, if they can't gain an advantage in doubles, there are almost no schools that can compete with them in singles.

"If people!!!"

"Senior! You are so handsome!"

"Ruoren! Be sure to work hard!"

Suddenly, a girl screamed from the sidelines, attracting the attention of everyone including Mamoru Inoue.

"It's really lively. Is that Chengcheng Shonan's singles No. [-] Ruorenhong?"

Seeing Hiroshi Wakato surrounded by girls in school uniforms wearing short skirts, Mamoru Inoue smiled, it’s nice to be young, I think back then~~~
On Qingxue's side, Tezuka turned his head and said to Akutsu who was resting under a big tree to enjoy the shade and closed his eyes: "Akutsu, it's your turn to play."

Hearing Tezuka's voice, Akutsu sat up and stretched.

"I know, I know, really."

Akutsu was bleary-eyed, yawning at the corner of his mouth, and he didn't even plan to warm up, so he took the racket that Kawamura handed him, pushed open the gate of the stadium and walked in.

"If people!"

Hearing the coach's summons, Ruo Renhong also waved to the fans politely, and stepped into the court with the racket in hand.

Ruo Renhong's fans stood on the sidelines, seeing Ya Jiujin's sleepy face, they couldn't help shouting.

"The other side is too disrespectful to our family!"

"Come on, Ruoren! You must teach that guy on the other side a lesson!"

"Senior is so handsome~~"

Chengcheng Shonan Wakatohiro's cheerleading team can even be compared to Ice Emperor's cheerleading team, and most of them are girls, all of whom are fans of Wakatohiro.

"Damn! Sisters, this group of people is really annoying!"

"Although we are here to cheer for Senior Fuji, we can't let them be too arrogant."

"Come on! Akutsu-senpai!"

Qingxue also came to a lot of first-year girls. Originally, they were only here to support Buer, but now, they will not be stingy with their cheering, cheering loudly for Ajiujin on the field.


It may be the first time that Yakujin has received so many girls cheering and cheering. Although he is disdainful, his slightly red ears have already betrayed him.

Involuntarily, the originally lazy body straightened up. For some reason, Yajiujin suddenly wanted to perform well.

Spring is here, and it is time for everything to recover.

"Are you Yakutsuren? You are called the Big Three of Qingxue? I really don't understand why the coach pays so much attention to you. In my opinion, you are nothing more than that."

Wakatohiro's slender eyes flashed a gleam, although Yakutsu looked like a bad boy, but he was not afraid, and provocatively said.

Ajiujin glanced at the guy opposite with disdain. At his level, he is very sensitive to the aura of the players. The guy in front of him is not threatening at all. I really don’t know where he got the courage to dare to challenge himself. .

"Cut! Positive or negative?"

Seeing that Ajiujin didn't want to talk to him, Ruorenhong pouted and asked.

After the two sides decided on the right to serve, they returned to the bottom line.

"The game started, and the winner was determined in one set. Shicheng Shonan Wakahiro's serve."

As the referee blew the whistle to start the game, Chengcheng Shonan's off-field cheerleaders screamed again, causing many spectators to frown.

"Let me see first, who should be your opponent!"

When Ruo Renhong came to the end line on the right, he put one hand on his waist and the other on his eye corner.

Yakutsu's pale face was expressionless. In his opinion, the guy opposite must be a guy from the circus.

"Yes, it seems that this person is the most suitable for you."

While talking, Ruo Renhong took out a white baseball cap from his pocket, threw it into the air, raised one hand and snapped his fingers: "Change!"


Ruorenhong's fans on the sidelines uttered another word loudly.

Ruo Renhong caught the fallen baseball cap and buckled it on his head. When his drooping face was lifted up again, he was no longer as frivolous as before, his long and narrow eyes became sharper, and his aura also changed.

"Ruoren! Ruoren!"

"Look here, look here!"

Chengcheng Shonan's cheerleaders screamed again and again, and Ruorenhong's performance made their eyes glow.

"His eyes and demeanor have changed!"

Dashi looked at Ruoren Hongdao.

"Transform? It looks like this game will be very interesting."

Gan also suddenly became interested, he really wanted to see if this Ruorenhong was what he thought.

"If people, let them see, your tennis is not just for show.",

Aoi Huamura's face was solemn, and Akutsujin from Seigaku, she had heard of this person's name a long time ago, was a very capable player, but Hiroshi Wakato was also a player whom she had high hopes for.

Ruo Renhong raised his left toe, arched his body backwards, pressed the racket in his right hand on the tennis ball in his left hand, then leaned forward, and swung his arms out quickly while pressing his center of gravity forward.

The tennis ball was like a bullet out of the chamber, whizzing through the sky, and flew towards the narrow corner of the receiving area on the right side of Akutsu.

"This one is! Bullet Peter!"

Inoue Mamoru said with some surprise.


Yakujin glanced at the bouncing tennis ball with disdain. Although the ball is very powerful in terms of angle and speed, it also depends on who is facing it.

Akutsu's silent engine suddenly started, and his figure disappeared in place like a ghost.


Ruo Renhong's face changed, the other party was very fast.

Yakutsu took a step forward with his right foot, arched his legs, and the solid muscles in his right hand exploded instantly.

Accompanied by a dull sound, a gust of wind blew past Ruo Renhong's feet.

"how can that be!"

There was a drop of cold sweat on Ruo Renhong's forehead, this guy!

How could this guy's counterattack be so fast!

"Senior Inoue, what is Bullet Peter?"

Shisaori raised her head and asked suspiciously.

"Bullet Peter refers to Peter Sampras, because Sampras's serve is very strong, so there is such a name. Whether it is hitting, returning or serving, Sampras is the world's top level. And Ruo Renhong's transformation strategy probably refers to imitating world-renowned players."

Mamoru Inoue explained.

"So that's the case, but it doesn't seem to have any effect. Is it because he hasn't imitated well?"

Saori Shiba looked at Hiroto Wakato who was scored by Akutsu again.

"No, what he imitated is actually quite perfect, but the imitation is only an imitation after all. Although Hiroshi Wakahiro can imitate Sampras' style of play, he can't imitate Sampras' strength. Yakutsu's strength, It is too much beyond Ruo Renhong."

Mamoru Inoue sighed and said, if facing a player of similar strength, Wakatohiro's transforming tactics might still be effective, but facing Akutsu who is much stronger than him, the transforming tactics are almost useless Worked.

"This game was won by Aigakuya Kutsujin, with a score of 1:0."

"This game was won by Aigakuya Kutsujin, with a score of 2:0."

"This game was won by Aigakuya Kutsujin, with a score of 3:0."

However, in less than 10 minutes, Akutsu scored consecutive three-pointers.

Stimulated by an unknown force, Yakujin played quite violently today, but this time it is hard for Ruoren Hiroshi. No matter whose style of play is, it is so weak when facing Yakujin.

"Cut! Circus Monkey"

When changing sides, Yajiujin snorted coldly, and glanced at Ruorenhong. From Yajiujin's eyes, Ruorenhong noticed a strong disdain.


Ruo Renhong clenched his fists tightly, but there was nothing he could do.

The absolute gap in strength cannot be smoothed out by his so-called transformation tactics.

A strong sense of powerlessness enveloped Ruo Renhong's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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