The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 347 Lujiao Middle School

Chapter 347 Hexagon Middle School

Ruo Renhong's body no longer had the arrogance he had at the beginning.

Facing Akutsu, no matter which world's top player he transforms into, it doesn't matter. No matter what kind of style of play, it is just a child's trick in front of Akutsu.

"This game was won by Aigakuya Kutsujin, with a score of 6:0."


Ajiujin snorted disdainfully, put the racket on his shoulder and returned to Qingxue's team.

The opponent was too weak, so weak that he couldn't even arouse any interest.

Although this freely changing style of play is somewhat interesting, it is nothing more than imitation after all.

Wakatohiro is at best at the Kanto level now, and he is too far behind facing Akutsu. This game is simply a unilateral massacre by Akutsu.

Huacunkui held the ball pen tightly in her hand, and her mood was very unspeakable.


In the Kanagawa prefectural competition, Hiroshi Wakato, who was given high hopes by her, faced the third singles No. 6 Genichiro Sanada of Lihai University High School, and he was beaten 0:[-].
This is already an obvious gap in strength. Is this the strength of last year's national champion and national runner-up?
Chengcheng Shonan sadly withdrew, but for them who have just entered the Kanto competition this year, it is already very good to be able to reach this step.

Subsequently, the games in several other courts also came to an end.

Qingxue, Liujiao, Bingdi, Lihaida.

These four schools are the top four in this year's Kanto competition, which is also expected by everyone.

Except for Qingxue, the other three schools have hardly missed the top four seats in the Kanto Competition over the years, and Qingxue rose strongly last year, winning the national championship all the way through.

These four schools undoubtedly represent the highest level in the Kanto region, and they will also represent the Kanto region in the national competition in August.

On the weekend of next week, these four schools will compete for the championship of the Kanto Competition, but in the eyes of everyone, the champion of the Kanto Competition this time will still be Qing Xue.

"Well, I see. Congratulations. Well, see you at the national competition."

Hanging up the phone, Fuji sighed slightly.

On the Kansai side, Buer, who had just finished the phone call with Shiraishi, knew that everything was going well at Sitianbao Temple, and he could almost lock the Kansai champion.

As for Yuta, his performance in the Kansai Competition is also remarkable. Knowing that Yuta is too good, he is relieved.

As for Sitianbao Temple, there is a high probability that Qingxue will meet Sitianbao Temple in the national competition. It must be very interesting then.

This week, for the defeated school, it is natural to return to school, the summer vacation is coming, and the first semester of the new school year is about to pass.

For Qingxue, Liujiao, Bingdi and Lihaida, the Kanto competition is not over yet, and the next competition will be even more exciting.

It was Saturday again. Although there were only two games today, the crowds today were not much worse than last week.

For most of the schools, although they lost, this did not prevent them from coming to watch the final match of the Kanto Contest.

"Azhi, Bingdi and Lihaida are counting on you, you must not lose the chain."

In a promenade in the park, Mamoru Inoue is giving Shiba Saori his final instructions.

Today's two games were played at the same time, and he could only choose one game to watch because he was short of resources. Mamoru Inoue, who has a strong friendship with Seigaku, naturally chose to watch the match between Seigaku and Rokkaku, and the match between Ice Tei and Rikkai It can only be handed over to Zhi Saori.

But Mamoru Inoue was also worried that Shibasaori might have made some mistakes, so he reminded Shibasaori thousands of times, lest Shibasaori miss the wonderful scene of Bingdi and Lihaida.

"Don't worry, Senior Inoue, just leave it to me."

Zhi Saori is very confident, she is well prepared today.

"hope so."

Seeing that Shiba Saori is so confident, Inoue Mamoru has no choice but to believe her.

After parting with Shiba Saori, Mamoru Inoue came to the competition venue of Qinggaku and Liujiao. Because he was delayed on the road, when he got here, the players of Qinggaku and Liujiao had already entered the field.

"This time I also ask the seniors to give me a lot of advice!"

Fu Er politely saluted Liujiao's coach Daddy. This one can be said to be a living fossil in the neon tennis world. The only one who can be compared with him is probably the one from Kansai. Others, even Mifune Isodo and Echizen Nanjiro can only be regarded as juniors in front of these two people.

Regardless of strength, these two are also the top players in the Neon tennis world purely in terms of seniority and contribution to the Neon tennis world.

The old man knelt on the coach's bench, his slender white beard trembled. Although he was old, he seemed to be in good spirits.

Hearing this, the old man's cloudy eyes opened, and he carefully looked at the boy in front of him.

"I've heard about you. You're amazing. You're such a hero. Even Nanjiro doesn't have your strength at your age."

Dad said lightly.

"Senior praised me, I dare not compare with Senior Nanjiro."

Bu Er saluted with a smile.

Bu Er's humility also made the old man nod involuntarily. At this age, he has such strength and can maintain such a humble attitude, which makes the old man's evaluation of Bu Er even higher.

"Minami Jiro should have already looked for you, right?"

Dad said suddenly.

"Um, yes, I've already met Senior Nanjiro once."

Bu Er replied very honestly.

"This guy." The old man lost his voice as he spoke, and when he looked up, the old man was obviously lost in memory.

After a long time, the old man sighed slightly: "I'm sorry, young man, this man is old, and he always thinks about some things in the past."

"You are too kind."

Fuji smiled slightly, he guessed that the old man must have thought of what happened to Nanjiro back then, just like Mifune entered the Tao, he was quite critical of Nanjiro's sudden disappearance.

The sudden disappearance of Nanjiro was a blow to the neon tennis scene that was about to rise at that time. Since then, the neon tennis scene has disappeared from the sight of the world.

"If you have any problems in the future, you can try to find me, the old man. Although the old man is not strong enough, he still has the ability to teach people. He may not be able to give you any help."

Dad looked at him and said nothing.

"Yes! This junior will keep it in mind, thank you senior!"

Buer's eyes lit up. If he remembered correctly, even Byodoin had comprehended the deeper path of Asura Shinto under the guidance of this one.

After bowing to his father again, Fuji returned to his seat, and the game was about to start.

The old man stared straight ahead, but from the corner of his eye, he kept watching Fu Er.

Buer reminded him of the little guy Mifune asked him to teach last year. He was also a very outstanding young man. He seemed to be called Byodoin Phoenix, right? It is said that he performed very well in last year's World Cup.

The old man sighed slightly, but unfortunately, this young man is a bit paranoid, and his path is not easy to walk.

"The semi-finals of the Kanto Tournament will begin soon. The doubles match between Youth Academy and Liujiao Middle School will be played. Players from both sides are invited to play."

Not long after, the referee's voice came from the loudspeaker, announcing the official start of the semi-finals of the Kanto Competition.

"Please advise!"

"Please advise!"

In front of the net, Gan, Kawamura shook hands with Harukaze Kuroba and Hikari Tengen very friendly.

Hei Yu had known each other since last year's Kanto Competition, and Tian Genguang had just joined the first grade of Liujiao Middle School this year.

After the third-year seniors led by Mitsugu went to school last year, Liujiao Middle School has absorbed some fresh blood this year, but its combat power has inevitably declined.

"The match begins, and the match will be decided in one set. Liujiao Middle School Tian Genguang's serve."

As the referee in the high chair began to call the shots, the audience suddenly fell silent.

"Okay! Look at me!"

Although Tian Genguang, who participated in the Kanto Competition for the first time, did not show a particularly obvious expression on his face, his beating heart revealed his excitement.

The strong physique trained on the beach in Chiba County gave Tian Genguang, a first-year student, super strength. With the blessing of his father's special racket, the power of this ball has been improved to a higher level.

He stepped out quickly with his dry feet, and it was very easy for him to calculate the landing point of the ball.

Stomping on the ground with his right foot, he stopped his running body, and the powerful force in his waist drove his arm out.

There was a muffled sound as the tennis ball hit the racket.

There was a sound of breaking through the air, and the tennis ball was sucked dry and returned to the no man's land on the left side of the hexagon.

"Let me come, Tiangen!"

Heiyu Chunfeng couldn't wait, shouted and rushed forward.

Hexagon's team uniform is not a common short-sleeve, but a vest with the cuffs removed, which is to highlight the robust body of the six-corner man.

Every member of the hexagon has exceptionally strong arm muscles, and so is Kuroba naturally.

The solid muscles glowed bronze-colored in the sun, and the amazing strength that erupted during the exercise caused the tennis ball to undergo a severe deformation.

"Come baby! Grandpa, I have been waiting for a long time!"

With the racket, Kawamura has entered the bloody Kawamura mode. Compared with Liujiao Middle School's Kuroba Chunfeng and Tiangenguang, the muscles on his arms are not much better, which makes the dryness on the field look a bit out of place.

"Cut the water flow!"

This topspin ball, which cut off the flow of water, roared and flew towards the field of Liujiao Middle School.

"Burst blow!"

Black Feather Spring Breeze laughed and caught up with the footsteps of the tennis ball. The muscles on his arm bulged and he pulled it back forcefully.

"It's so fierce! The strength of these guys is too strong!"

The audience couldn't help being a little shocked, everyone is a middle school student, why are you so strong.

Just by listening, they can hear the extraordinary strength of the ball from the collision sound when hitting the ball, but with such a shot, these few players on the court can hit it time and time again.

Is this the level of the top four in Kanto?

Mamoru Inoue picked up the camera in his hand and took a few photos, then shook his head.

This year's Liujiao Middle School is not even as strong as last year's, and it has no chance of winning against the already stronger Qingxue.

Don't look at the fact that the field seems to be evenly matched, but Takashi Kawamura is basically catching the ball alone in Seigaku, and Sadaharu Gan is basically on the field like a transparent person.

But Mamoru Inoue, who is familiar with Sadaharu's style of play, knows that Sadaharu is just collecting data on his opponents. When his data is collected, the pair of doubles from Liujiao Middle School will have no chance.

Sure enough, when the game entered the third round, Qian had already completed updating the data of Kuroba Haruke and collecting the data of Tiangen Guang.

As Qian's data tennis began to show its power, the strength combination of Liujiao Middle School fell into a disadvantage in an instant.

"This game was won by Youth Academy, with a score of 6:1."

As Gan Sadaharu began to exert his strength, he and Kawamura suppressed the doubles combination of Kuroba Harukaze and Amane Hikaru, which had little tacit understanding at all, and successfully won the game.

"I really lost to you guys. I didn't expect that I would be tortured like this after Senior Mitsuya was promoted to higher education."

Although he lost the game, the annoyance of Heiyu Chunfeng was only a momentary thing. The men in Liujiao have always been known for their boldness and optimism. If they lose the game, they will lose, and they will not always think about it.

It's just that the data tennis he played reminded Kuroba of Mitsuya Akuto who had already entered school.

The defeat of Black Feather Spring Breeze and Tian Genguang did not cause waves in Dad's heart at all. With his level, he can naturally tell the difference in strength between Qingxue and Liujiao.

This is a game with no chance of winning. What he can do is to let the fresh blood of Liujiao feel the level of the national champion.

In the second doubles match, Aigaku naturally played with the golden combination, while Liujiao Middle School played with Ryo Kisarazu and Nozohiko Ki.

Like his younger brother Atsushi Kisarazu, Ryo Kisarazu is also good at doubles. The performance of this group is better than that of the previous group.

Whether it was Kisarazu Ryo's net volley or Ki Kihiko's no-spin ball, they all left a deep impression on the audience, but they were facing a national-level golden combination, and they were quickly defeated.

"how come!"

In Liujiao's support team, a group of children who look like primary school students look incredible. They are the new force of Liujiao in the future.

Liujiao Middle School is the overlord school in Chiba, and they also witnessed the victory of Liujiao Middle School along the way. They did not expect that Liujiao Middle School would lose so badly against Shangqing School.


In the team of Liujiao Middle School, Saeki shook his head helplessly after returning from warming up. Qingxue is really as strong as ever.

"Father, I'm on!"

Saeki bowed to his father, and then stepped into the field with his racket.

"My opponent should be Akutsu."

Of course, Liujiao Middle School has collected information on Qingxue, and Saeki knows that Qingxue's singles No. [-] is basically played by Akutsu.

"Oh oh oh!"

While he was waiting for his opponent to play, there was a burst of screaming outside the court.


Saeki looked towards Seigaku's camp, and Fuji, who was sitting on the coach's bench, had already taken off his coat, took the racket from Tezuka and stepped onto the court.

Minister Fuji Shusuke of Aigaku appeared in singles three.

"I'll tell you the truth, you really think highly of me, and you actually play the number three singles in person."

Saeki looked at Fuji in front of him, and suddenly felt a strong pressure in his heart.

"Heh! Long time no see, Saeki, let me see your progress."

Fuji nodded with a smile. It is indeed his personal intention that he will play in singles three.

In addition to wanting to catch up with Saeki, he also wanted to end the game quickly and go to the other side of the field where Ice Emperor and Li Haida were playing.

"The right to serve is given to you, let's start quickly."

After finishing speaking, Bu Er turned around and returned to the bottom line.

"Then I won't be polite, Buer."

Saeki was not polite either, he knew that he was not as good as Fuji in terms of strength, and it would be great to have the advantage of serving the ball.

"Come on! Saiki-senpai!"

In the boy group of the six corners, Aoi Kentaro put his hands around his mouth in the shape of a trumpet, and shouted loudly.

Saeki waved his hand with a smile, but the moment he turned his head, his face immediately became serious.

Although he didn't want to lose face in front of these kids, his opponent in this match was No.1 in the middle school world.

Saiki held the tennis ball tightly with his right hand, his blue eyes stared at Fuji like a falcon.

"As expected of you, Buer, you have no flaws!"

Saeki chuckled, threw the tennis ball, and swung his left hand over his head heavily.

The corner of Bu Er's mouth curled up slightly, and he took a few steps forward.

With a backhand swipe, the tennis ball disappeared from Fuji's hand in an instant.

"So fast!"

"I can't see the shadow of the ball at all!"

The audience exclaimed for a while, the speed of returning the ball is really amazing.

Zuobo didn't dare to be careless in the slightest. Having practiced kendo all the year round, he had developed amazing dynamic vision. Although this shot was fast, he could see it clearly in his eyes.

Saeki quickly sprinted to the no man's land on the left, twisted his waist and abdomen to drive the strength of his wrist, and swung the racket heavily.

With a crisp sound, the tennis ball went straight to Bu Er's left sideline.

"Nice comeback!"

With a chuckle, Bu Er quickly ran to the back of the tennis ball, swung his arm from bottom to top, and the tennis ball jumped high into the air.

"It's a lob! Good chance, Saeki-senpai!"

Although the youth team of Liujiao is only a primary school student, they are very good at tennis, especially Aoi Kentaro, who is an invincible player who has played in elementary school leagues all over Chiba.

Saeki knew that Fuji had a trick to counter the smash, but since Fuji took the initiative to hit a lob, he couldn't lose his momentum.

With both feet bent and then stepped on the ground, Saeki leaped high with the help of running.

With his arm bent sharply, Saeki slammed the tennis ball down in the air.

In the next second, Fuji's figure also appeared in the air.

A golden light flashed, and a tennis ball rolled slowly behind Zueki.

(End of this chapter)

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