Chapter 349
"It's unbelievable!"

"That's right! He actually played the emperor Genichiro Sanada's unique move, Fenglin Volcano!"

Sanada's Fenglin Volcano has already spread throughout the middle school tennis world along with his emperor's name, and has become his signature trick.

And Sanada, who became the phantom of Niwang, played Ji Rufeng, Xu Rulin and Aggressive Ruhuo successively. How could this not surprise the audience.

This is not an imitation of the selfless state, but a real Fenglin Volcano.

"King Ren!"

The eyes under the brim of Sanada's hat were a little distracted. He didn't expect Nioh to imitate himself so perfectly.

He really deserves to be Li Haida's fraudster, not only in life, but also in playing football.

In the Ice Emperor's team, everyone looked solemn.

"So strong!"

King Ren's sudden display of power suppressed Ren Zu and Xiang Ri with his own power, which shocked them a little.

Emperor Genichiro Sanada, that was the character who defeated Atobe last year, they were all very worried, could he handle Sanada who became the phantom of King Ni?

"Invasion is like fire!"

"Sanada" spun his body in the air like a ballet dancer, then leaned forward and slammed his arms down heavily.

Fiery flames boiled around him, and the air seemed to be ignited, full of scorching breath.


The racket in the hands of Xiang Riyue was directly shot down by the huge power of the aggression.

"Game, Lihai University High School, 5:4."


"Game, Lihai University High School, 5:5."

After Nioh's phantom became Sanada, he and Liu Lianer rushed to catch up and tied the score all the way.

The audience was deeply shocked. It is unbelievable that someone can phantom play as someone else.

At this moment, there was a commotion from the sidelines, and a crowd poured into the surroundings.

The crowd slowly moved out of the way, and everyone from Qingxue actually appeared on the court.

"It's Qingxue! Why are they here?"

"Stupid, of course their game with Hexagon is over."

"As expected of Qingxue, he managed to solve Liujiao so quickly."

The audience talked a lot, and they naturally knew that since Qingxue appeared here, it meant that their opponent, Liujiao Middle School, had already been dealt with by Qingxue.

"how is the situation?"

Mamoru Inoue walked beside Shiba Saori.

"Senior Inoue, don't worry, I've already shot the material!"

Shisaori raised the camera in her hand and said.

"That's good, huh? A combination of Yanagi Renji and Genichiro Sanada? Why did Li Haida line up like this?"

Mamoru Inoue looked at the field and was suddenly puzzled.

Facing Bingdi, how could Li Haida arrange Liu Renji and Genichiro Sanada on the doubles at the same time?Could it be that they plan to get rid of the Ice Empress in the first three games?

Hearing this, Shiba Saori hesitated for a moment and said: "Senior Inoue, the person on the field is actually Nioh Masaharu of Rikkai University, but he has turned into Sanada's appearance."


Three big black question marks appeared on Mamoru Inoue's face.

What does it mean to suddenly become Sanada? Why can't he understand?


Nioh Masaharu lowered his head on the field, pressed his left hand on the top of his head, and wiped down his forehead. When he raised his head again, what appeared in front of everyone's eyes returned to Nioh's own face.

A head of white broken hair is tied into a small braid, and there is a particularly conspicuous tear mole on the right side of the mouth.

Niwang looked up and smiled slightly.


This is their real enemy of Li Haida.

Kikumaru rubbed his eyes in disbelief, what's going on?

Why did Sanada suddenly become Nioh on the field?

Bu Er smiled slightly, has King Ren already embarked on the path of his own fraudster?
"No two, this...what's going on?"

Oishi was also a little shocked. He looked at Li Haida's team, and Sanada was standing at the forefront of the team with his hands folded around his chest, but it was obviously Sanada who was on the field just now?

"This is the real Nioh Masaharu, Li Haida's fraud master!"

Bu Er said softly.

"Li Haida's... a fraudster?!"

Everyone seemed to understand something. They stared at Nioh on the field with burning eyes. Does such a person really exist? !

The appearance of Qingxue made Renwang feel a sense of urgency. Qingxue has already locked the place in the finals. How can they fall behind in Lihaida?

Nioh lowered his head sideways, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and when he looked up again, the white hair had disappeared, replaced by a black peaked cap, under which was Sanada's serious face.

"It's Sanada again!"

Kikumaru looked shocked, is this magic? !

Tezuka stared at "Sanada" on the field, Nioh Masaharu?He would like to see how much of Sanada's strength Nioh can phantom.

On the court, Xiang Riyue took a deep breath, and the other party became the black-faced deputy minister of Li Haida again.

After Nioh Phantom became Sanada, the pressure on him doubled.

Xiang Riyue's face was solemn, and when he threw the ball, the tennis ball was swung hard by the racket in his hand in the next second. The rapid rotation caused the tennis ball to cross the net and fall quickly, and the landing point was on the right side of Lihai In the side serve area.

Liu Lian'er glanced at her, stepped a few steps over, and in the next second, the ball was cut back to the ice emperor's field by Liu Lian'er.

Liu Lianer, the master of cutting the ball, is naturally extremely accomplished in cutting the ball.

Ninzu Yushi's body was covered with sweat, but he was still insisting on opening the realm of selflessness. He knew that without the blessing of selflessness, he and Xiangri would have no chance of winning at all.

Renzu rushed to the net on the other side quickly, and kicked the backspin ball cut by Liu Lianer across the net.

The next moment, "Sanada" took off in the midfield position, the solid muscles on his arms glowing with metallic luster in the sun.

"Invasion is like fire!"

There was an explosion.

The tennis ball turned into an amazing flame and fell from the sky, blowing up the ice emperor's court.

"Game, Lihai University High School, 15:0."




"Invasion is like fire!"

"Game, Lihai University High School, 6:5."

"At the end of the match at the High School Attached to Lihai University, the two sides change games!"

The referee blew the clarion call for Lihai's big offensive, which also ignited the enthusiasm of the audience.

"Oh oh oh!"

"Ice Emperor! Ice Emperor!"

"Lihai is big! Lihai is big!"

The two schools cheered one after another, and the audience was instantly covered by thunderous shouts.

The game has entered the 12th round, which will also be the key round for Rikkai Yamato and Ice Tei to decide the outcome.

Beads of sweat dripped down on Yushi Ninzu's forehead, and his pale lips were bloodless.

His physical strength is almost at the limit, but he can't give up.

Nioh also noticed this, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

He lowered his head, and when he looked up again, he had already transformed into Sanada's appearance.

"Renzu, you just obediently die in despair!"

Nio, who had become Sanada's phantom, smiled contemptuously, and then threw the tennis ball high.

"Invasion is like fire!"

The fiery flames illuminated the pupils of "Sanada" red, and the friction between the tennis ball and the air produced a trace of blue smoke.

Shinobu's face is serious, Sanada of the Phantom of Nioh can actually play aggressively when serving the ball, which is really amazing!

However, he is not vegetarian either.

"Invasion is like fire!"

In the ice emperor's arena, a fire was also ignited.

The blazing heat spread across the entire stadium in an instant, and the air was filled with the smell of burnt brown.


Ajiujin chuckled, did it turn into a confrontation between Fenglin and Huohan?

The Realm of No Self VS Nioh Phantom!

Such an ingenious duel was simply an eye-opener for everyone.

On the field, a sneer appeared on the corner of Sanada's lips, who had become Nioh's phantom.

"Who allowed you to play tricks in front of me!"

After all, the flames around him surged again.

"Aggression. Like fire!"

The flames soared into the sky, and the raging flames engulfed the flames on the ninja field, and it became out of control in an instant.

"Game, Lihai University High School, 15:0."

Sanada, who had become a phantom of Nioh, pulled the brim of his hat, and said in a deep voice, "This is the real Fenglin Volcano!"

Seeing this, the members of Lihai University were enthusiastic.

"Oh oh oh!"

"Chang Sheng! Li Hai Da! Chang Sheng! Li Hai Da!"

"Vice President Sanada is really pushy!"

Kirihara Chi also curled his lips in taste, such a stage is the place where Uncle Kirihara most hopes to be recognized.

Nioh's words ignited the desire for victory in his heart.


Sanada glanced back at Kirihara, with murderous eyes under his sword eyebrows.


Kirihara's heart skipped a beat, Nioh's phantom was so realistic that he forgot that Sanada was still by his side.

"After you go back, your training volume will be doubled!"

Sanada said coldly.

"No, Vice President Sanada, what I just said was Nioh, not you!"

Kirihara wailed, Li Haida's training volume was already terrifying, and if it was doubled, he would not be able to bear it.


Sanada snorted coldly, obviously meaning nothing to talk about.

"This fellow Nioh!"

Sanada was also a little annoyed when he saw Nioh say such arrogant words with his own face, but he was still in the game, and he couldn't do anything to Nioh. Who do you vent your anger on?

"Ha ha!"

Yukimura smiled slightly on the coach's bench, Kirihara is really a coward, he dared to say that in front of Sanada.

"Fast like the wind!"

"Invasion is like fire!"

Sanada, who had become Nioh's phantom, leaped into the air, with both hands in the posture of drawing a sword and slashing, and then slammed down heavily.

With the help of a ball of gravity, the raging flames became hotter and hotter.



The tennis ball that fell like a meteorite directly knocked away the rackets in the hands of Xiang Hi and Shinozuzu.

At this time, even Shinobu could no longer resist the fierce aggression of Sanada, who had become Nioh's phantom.

Lihaida's final match point!
"One more ball! Another ball!"

"Chang Sheng! Li Hai Da! Chang Sheng! Li Hai Da!"

Seeing that as long as Nioh and Liu Lianer scored another goal, Lihai University would win this doubles match, and the members of Lihai University were naturally very excited.

Waving his arms neatly, he loudly cheered for King Ni and Liu Lian Er on the field.

The morale of Bingdi's huge support team fell into a trough at this time, and the selfless light on Renzu's body was already very dim, and he could no longer support it.

In this case, Ice Emperor's death sentence can almost be declared.

"Enough! Are you willing to fail like this!"

Atobe shouted towards the field.

"You're so noisy! Atobe!"

Ninja Yuuji picked up his racket from the ground and walked step by step to the receiving area on the left.

Every step that Shinobu takes, will leave a deep footprint on the ground, which is the trace of sweat dripping.


Looking at the footprints behind Renzu, Xiang Riyue couldn't help shouting.

"Yue Ren, the competition is not over yet!"

Shinobu is leaning sideways, the non-prescription lenses reflect white light, making it difficult for people to see his eyes clearly. In the state of closed heart, Shinobu's voice is a bit cold and heartless.

He understood what Xiang Riyue wanted to say. Although they only had one chance left, Shinobu would not give up. He promised Atobe that he would see the scenery of the whole country with Atobe.

If you can't even deal with Lihai Da, then what's the matter with the whole country.

The aura on Ninzu Yushi's body suddenly became high, and the already dim light of selflessness on his body bloomed again.

"this is!"

Everyone in Li Haida watched the milky white aura of non-self on Renzu's body slowly gather on his right hand, forming a dense white light with a hint of colorful light.

Tezuka Kunimitsu's ultimate limit!

No, now it should be said that it is the limit of Ninzu Yushi's hard work!

"Hahaha! Well done, Renzu!"

Atobe laughed wantonly on the sidelines, holding back this guy, and finally reached a new level.

The faces of Nioh and Liu Lianji suddenly became a little dignified, they had seen the power of tempered and tempered in Tezuka Kunimitsu.

Ninja Yushi!

The genius of Bingdi really should not be underestimated, one foot into the cliff can climb up by himself, what a scary guy!

However, victory belongs to Li Haida after all!

"Fast like the wind!"

Sanada, who had become a phantom of Nioh, raised his arm, and the emerald green wind swept the green leaves.

With a flick of the net, the tennis ball has arrived at the ice emperor's court in an instant.


Renzu's face didn't change at all. Facing King Ren's attack like the wind, he didn't choose to fight head-on, but hit Heiguo!
Facing the rising tennis ball, Sanada, who had become a phantom of Nioh, opened his eyes, and a murderous look filled the air.

After a few strides, his feet stomped heavily on the ground, and Sanada, who had become a phantom of Nioh, jumped up.

"Invasion is like fire!"

The raging flames are burning, and the power of this ball will only increase compared to before.

A fiery flame was transmitted from Shinobu's racket to the tennis ball, and in an instant, the tennis ball flew towards Nio's feet with a more dazzling flame.

"This power!"

Gan pushed his glasses, and sure enough, just like Tezuka's tempered, he used double strength to fight back Nio's aggression like fire.

This ball is no accident, Nioh should not be able to catch it.

Sure enough, the racket in Nioh's hand collapsed at the touch of a touch, and the ball directly pierced through the racket.

"Game, Ice Emperor, 15:40."


With a smile on his face, Shinobu fell to the ground.


Xiang Riyue hurried forward to check on Renzu's situation.

"No accident, it should be caused by loss of strength and coma. The ball just now was already the last counterattack of Renzuzu."

Fuji shook his head. If Renzu had realized the hard work earlier, the outcome of this match would not be certain, but his condition was too bad.

"Cut! Useless guy!"

Akutsu snorted coldly in disdain, he thought Ninzu Yushi was about to fight back, but he didn't expect it to be such an anticlimactic situation.

"Doubles No. [-] was abstained from Ice Emperor Academy, and the High School Affiliated to Lihai University won!"

After the referee confirmed that Ninjazu could no longer continue the game, he quickly announced the game.

"Pfft! How lucky!"

King Ren had already returned to his own appearance. He was hunched over, and the sweat was dripping from his body.

If Renzu still has enough strength, even he doesn't know who will win and who will lose in this match.

But fortunately, the game ended fortunately and got the match point for Li Haida.

(End of this chapter)

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