The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 350 Miscalculation

Chapter 350 Miscalculation
"Good job, Renji, King Ni."

Yukimura glanced at the two people who came in front of him, and said with a smile.

Liu Lian Er shook her head and said: "This match depends on King Ren to win it smoothly. If it's only me, I'm afraid."

Liu Lianji's meaning is obvious, he has no confidence in being able to beat the evolved Ninja Yushi.

"Pfft! It's doubles, Liu."

Nioh cat bent his waist and smiled.

"Anyway, Nioh, you did a good job this time."

Yukimura still had a smile on his face. To him, Nioh's performance this time did not live up to his expectations.

"My phantom is not perfect yet, this competition is also a good inspiration for me."

Nioh smiled indifferently, for him, this fight with Yuji Ninzu will be a good catalyst, making his phantom more perfect.

After all, if his phantom is really perfect, even if Ninja Yushi counterattacked his aggression like fire, he could use Thunderbolt to smash Ninzu Yuji's counterattack, but at that time he simply couldn't hit back. thunder.

The Sanada of his current phantom is still only at the stage of Fenglin Volcano. As for Yin and Lei, he still can't come out of the phantom perfectly.


When Nioh returned to the team, Sanada snorted coldly, expressing his dissatisfaction.

He was not dissatisfied with Nioh Phantom himself, but dissatisfied with Nioh Phantom, who used his own appearance to do outrageous things without authorization.

Is he that kind of person?


Nioh chuckled and ignored Sanada, he knew that Sanada would not be angry because he won the victory for Li Haida.

"Senior Nioh, this time I was hurt badly by you!"

Kirihara couldn't help complaining to Nioh, the amount of training doubled, this time he was really going to die.

"Pfft! Come on, you can do it."

Nioh heard about Kirihara being punished by Sanada from Marui and Jack on the side, with a smirk on his face, he rubbed Kirihara's kelp head fiercely.

I have to say that Kirihara's kelp head is really comfortable to the touch.

On Bingdi's side, Ren Zu has already woken up leisurely.

After stepping off the court, the body's exhaustion signal is continuously transmitted to the brain, and even raising the arm is extremely sore.

"Yushi! Don't move, take a good rest."

Seeing that Ninja Yushi wanted to get up, Xiang Hiyake couldn't help but gently pushed Ninzu Yushi back on the chair.

"Naruto, you should have a good rest."

Atobe also saw Shinobu's movements, raised his eyebrows and said.

Although there is a high probability that they will lose this Kanto competition, Ninja's progress has given Atobe hope for the future.

He didn't want to suffer enough to affect the subsequent games because of his willfulness for a while.

"The semi-finals of the Kanto Tournament will begin soon, between Ice Emperor Academy and Lihai University Affiliated Middle School's singles match No. [-], please play the players from both sides."

Not long after, the sound of the start of the third singles came from the loudspeaker outside the court.


"Li Haida, it seems that he intends to end the Bingdi in singles three."

The audience looked at the singles three players sent by Li Haida, and couldn't help but say.

Emperor Genichiro Sanada!
"Oh oh oh!"

"Chang Sheng! Li Hai Da! Chang Sheng! Li Hai Da!"

The members of Lihai University shouted excitedly, Li Haida advocates the supremacy of the strong, but many of them are fans of Sanada.

"It's difficult for Ice Emperor now. Li Kaida actually sent Sanada, but even if it wasn't Sanada, I'm afraid it would be Mori Kosaburo. The only ones Ice Emperor can compete with them are Shinozu and Atobe."

Kikumaru sighed as he watched Sanada step onto the court.

Sure enough, the ice emperor still couldn't change the fate of last year.

"Not always."

Fuji smiled slightly. The ice emperor's Sakakitaro is not such a simple character. Li Haida's formation can basically be guessed if he thinks about it carefully.

Since Sakaki Taro chose to place Ninjutsu in doubles one, there must already be a candidate for singles three.

Atobe raised his right hand high to the sky and snapped his fingers.

"Go, Birch!"

There was a trace of anger in Huadi's dull eyes, and he replied dully: "Yes!"

Huadi's burly body came to the net, even Sanada seemed less scary in front of Huadi.

Huadi's face was expressionless, Li Haida's emperor Sanada Genichiro, if it was someone else, he might be afraid three points, but Huadi's innocence made him fearless at all.

In Huadi's heart, he didn't understand the meaning of the title of Emperor Sanada at all. He only knew that if Atobe wanted him to fight, he would fight well, and who the opponent was had nothing to do with him.

"The match begins, and the match will be decided in one set. Genichiro Sanada's serve from Lihai University High School."

As the referee climbed into the high chair and took his place, the game officially began.

Sanada raised his eyebrows, and the momentum around him began to condense into substance.

The victory will belong to Li Haida, and in this match, he will end Bingdi's trip to Kanto.

"Fast like the wind!"

A gust of emerald green wind swept across.

Sanada's standing posture draws his sword, slashes and swings the camera so fast that people can't see the movements clearly. The swiftness played by Sanada himself really lets the audience know what swiftness is like the wind, fast as if there is no shadow.

There was a crisp sound, before the audience realized what was going on, a golden tennis ball was already stuck on the barbed wire fence behind Huadi.

The tennis ball rubbed violently between the barbed wire, and a wisp of blue smoke floated up.

"Hey! So fast!"

"Is this the strength of Emperor Genichiro Sanada! You can't see the shadow of the ball at all, no, you can't even see the movement of the racket."

The audience was immediately blown away. Compared with Ji Rufeng and Nioh's phantom imitating with selfless imitation, Sanada's Ji Rufeng is even stronger.

"Heh! Sanada, you can only be proud at this moment. Next, the opponent you will face is yourself!"

The corners of Atobu's mouth raised slightly. For Huadi, as long as he had seen the moves, he could imitate them all exactly the same.

Sanada's Jirufeng is indeed very strong, but no matter how strong it is, it will become the nourishment of Huadi.

"Huadi, let him see your strength!"

Atobe snapped his fingers again and said loudly.


Huadi responded dully, and then returned to the dull state again.

"Fast like the wind!"

Sanada would not be in the IJI department. For him, there is only one person who can be called his opponent, and that is Tezuka.

A gust of wind flew past Sanada, Sanada's eyes froze, and there was a crisp sound behind him.

The barbed wire that the tennis ball hit trembled, and the violent rotation caused the tennis ball to rub against the barbed wire constantly.

Sanada frowned, what was that just now?

Own is as fast as the wind?

"Come here, Huadi's innocent heart!"

Kikumaru said excitedly, how can this kind of thing about Li Gui's treatment of Li Kui make him unhappy.

"Sometimes I have to admit that there is something called talent in this world."

Gan pushed his glasses, Huadi Takahiro's innocence was really enviable.

"What, what's going on!"

Akira Kirihara was also a little surprised and said that when the stunt of his deputy minister became a bad street thing, anyone could play it.

"Takahiro Kawaji, it is said that during the Tokyo Metropolitan Competition, he imitated the tiger cannon of Sengoku Kiyoshi of Yamabuki Junior High School, the flying waterfall of Sadaharu Mikami of Youth Academy, and the wave ball of Takashi Kawamura. It seems that he is a player who is very good at imitating. "

Liu Lian-er looked through her own information book.

Although Liu Lianer's main energy has been put on Qingxue recently, he has not failed to collect information about Bingdi, so he naturally knows Huadi's performance in the Tokyo Metropolitan Competition.

"But Sanada's Furin Volcano is a unique move born from his integration of the true meaning of the art of war into his own way of swordsmanship. Isn't it so easy to be imitated?"

Marui Fumta asked with some doubts.

"Having said that, the other party really imitated Sanada's swiftness like the wind by himself, not the ability like the realm of selflessness."

Liu Lianer was also a little surprised, how did the other party, a big man, do it.

Sanada's Furin volcano is not so easy to imitate.

On the court, Sanada was also a little surprised. That ball just now was indeed his own speed.

"However, if you think that you can beat me in this way, then you are too naive!"

Sanada immediately understood why Bingdi sent this guy to deal with him, it turned out that he had such thoughts.

"Fast like the wind!"

In an instant, the tennis ball smashed into the receiving area in front of Hua ground with a wave of air.

Huadi's burly body waved his arms in unreasonable movements, also like the wind.

His strength and speed are exactly the same as those of Sanada.

"Since that's the case, the aggression is like fire!"

Sanada was also angry, raised his arm, and the fiery flames immediately ignited the air in the stadium.

The tennis ball that turned into a fireball ran through the entire court and flew straight towards Huadi.

Huadi's pupils were all red from the reflection of the ball.

"Go! Huadi!"

Atobe's fingers pressed against his nose, and the smile on the corner of his mouth clearly showed that the master was in a good mood.

Huachi on the field seemed to feel Atobe's inner voice, and his hunchbacked body suddenly straightened.


An equally raging flame passed from Huadi's racket to the tennis ball, and with a loud bang, the tennis ball flew back in a cloud of white dust and smoke, accompanied by the same fiery fireworks.

"What! Has even Sanada's aggressiveness been imitated?!"

Jack Kuwabara's eyes were wide open, which was particularly obvious on his dark, marinated head.

"Takahiro Huachi!"

Liu Lianer also understood that the Ice Emperor came prepared, and they just wanted to decide the outcome before the singles match.

Doubles two is bait, the real game is doubles one, singles triples singles two.

If he didn't guess wrong, the second singles player sent by Ice Emperor is definitely Keigo Atobe.

Bingdi wanted to beat Li Haida with three victories in Doubles [-], Singles [-], and Singles [-].

Liu Lian Er silently glanced at King Ni.

The phantom of King Ren made all the plans of Bingdi come to nothing. He failed in doubles consecutively, and Bingdi could only defeat Lihaida by winning three games in a row in singles.

But that was impossible. From the moment Ice Emperor failed in the doubles, the semi-finals had actually come to an end.

The tennis ball swept over, Sanada frowned slightly.

It was the first time he had encountered such a feeling, even if Tezuka fought back with tempered fire, it only amplified the power of the counterattack, and in essence it was just Tezuka's own counterattack.

But the guy on the opposite side actually imitated his own Feng Linhuo. This feeling was like facing a mirror, and it was a very low mirror.

"Invasion is like fire!"

Sanada shouted loudly, and increased the strength in his hand, he wanted to see how far the opponent could do it.

On the field, between Huadi and Sanada, there was a constant fierce confrontation with Fenglin Volcano. Judging from the situation of the scene, even Sanada seemed to have nothing to do with Huadi within a while.

"Game, Genichiro Sanada, 1:0."

"Both sides change game!"

The first game lasted nearly 10 minutes, and Sanada narrowly saved his serve.

"Tsk tsk! What a freak, he can match Li Haida's Sanada."

Kikumaru was amazed, Takahiro Kawaji of the Ice Emperor is really a monster, he doesn't want to play with such a person.

You can learn the opponent's tricks at a glance, and the heart of a child is too buggy.

"No! Sanada is still trying."

Tezuka also opened his mouth in a rare way. If you want to say who knows Sanada best, Tezuka will lose.

It was not difficult for him to see that Sanada didn't use all his strength at all.

Not to mention the two Zhao Yin and Thunder, but the power of Feng Lin Huo was not as good as last year's national competition.

"I see, but even so, Takahiro Kawaji is already amazing."

Dashi nodded.

In the second game, it was Huadi's turn to serve.

Sanada's image was reflected in Huadi's pupils, and the tennis ball in his hand was thrown high by him.

"Invasion is like fire!"

From the very beginning, Huadi resorted to aggression like fire.

"You bastard! Don't you have your own tennis ball?!"

Sanada roared, and the calf muscles exploded with astonishing speed.

"Look at my move, Xu Rulin!"

Sanada's racket touched everything lightly, and the hot fire was suddenly engulfed by the forest.

The tennis ball gently crossed the net and landed on the ground. After a few bounces, there was no sound.

Huadi stood there in a daze, watching Sanada's movements in his pupils.

The forest of Fenglin Volcano was also learned by Huadi.

"Game, Takahiro Kawaji, 1:1."

"Game, Genichiro Sanada, 2:1."

"Both sides change game!"

In the subsequent games, even though Sanada continued to strengthen the power of Furin Volcano, Takahiro Kawaji was always able to correct step by step and keep up.

Rao Sanada was a little surprised by the potential contained in this big man.


When Huadi walked in front of him, Atobe keenly noticed that Huadi's wrist seemed a little red and swollen.

Atobe's fingers tapped lightly on his forehead, and he found that he seemed to be taking it for granted.

Huadi didn't have the habit of holding a sword like Sanada all the year round, nor did he have a strong body like Sanada. Although he could imitate Sanada's force rashly, he could do it exactly, but after a long time, the damage to his wrist would be extremely serious.

Right now, Huadi's wrist seemed to be unable to hold on anymore.

"Fast like the wind!"

After switching sides, Huadi still insisted on playing the wind of Fenglin Volcano.

But Sanada has already noticed that the speed and strength of this ball have dropped a lot.

"It looks like you're done playing!"

Sanada snorted coldly, and the momentum on his body began to sweep in all directions.

Now that the opponent has run out of performances, it's his turn to perform.

"Invasion is like fire!"

With a loud noise, raging flames engulfed Takahiro Kawaji's figure.


The racket in Huadi's hand was directly sent flying by the ball, and his swollen wrist became even more painful.

"Game, Genichiro Sanada, 3:1."

"Game, Genichiro Sanada, 4:1."

"This game was won by Genichiro Sanada from Lihai University Attached High School, with a score of 6:1."

After Sanada showed his true strength, Kaji Takahiro was quickly defeated.

Ice Emperor's abacus is a bit too wishful. Although Kaji Takahiro's physical condition is good, he is only in the first grade after all, and his physical talent has not been fully developed. Such a body cannot match the strong physique that Sanada has trained since childhood. counterbalanced.


Atobe snorted coldly, obviously also understood this.

After returning, he will definitely ask Sakaki Taro to formulate a special training for Huadi, and he must improve Huadi's physical fitness in the shortest possible time.

Although Ice Emperor's trip to Kanto ended in the hands of Li Haida, but Ice Emperor has already got the ticket to the national competition.

During the national competition, Atobe believed that the progress of Ninjazu and Huadi was enough to carry another banner of Hyodi.

(End of this chapter)

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