The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 351 Qingxue VS Lihai University

Chapter 351 Qingxue VS Lihai University

"Sure enough, our opponent in the final is Li Haida."

Qian Zhenzhi pushed his glasses and said.

Although the Ice Emperor made an arrangement to fight to the death, he still lost to Li Haida's hard power.

"Let's go."

Fuji smiled slightly, such a result was within his expectation.

Lihai University High School is indeed a very difficult opponent.

The audience left the stage with strange emotions. The ice emperor still failed to pass the Lihai University. Tomorrow's final will still be the previous Kanto champion Youth Academy vs. the previous Kanto runner-up Lihai University Affiliated Middle School.

I don't know whether Li Hai's revenge succeeded this time, or the Bingdi's success in consecutive championships.

Soon, there were only Bingdi and Lihaida's teams left in the stadium.

"Yukimura, don't lose tomorrow."

Tracee laughed lightly.

Although he lost to Li Haida, Atobe still hopes that Li Haida can win.

"It won't bother you anymore."

Yukimura said with a smile.

Without Atobe's reminder, Yukimura would never allow Li Haidai to fail again.

After the two sides saluted each other in front of the net, they each left the court from one side of the goal.

Along the way, everyone in Lihaida looked solemn and remained silent.

Kirihara originally wanted to say something, but he was keenly aware of the unusual atmosphere, and silently swallowed back the words that came to his lips.

Everyone in Lihai University boarded the tram back to Kanagawa County, and a heavy atmosphere enveloped the whole team along the way.

It was already dusk when we returned to the social office of Lihai University.

The fiery red sunset shone into the meeting room from the window of the office, and everyone's eyes seemed to be shining with fire.

It was Qingxue again, and they couldn't help but recall the Kanto competition last year.

At that time, Rikkai University could be said to be in high spirits. Under the leadership of Yukimura and Sanada, they had just swept the Kanagawa prefectural competition, and they all thought that they would continue the glory of Rikkai University.

Who ever thought that Lihai Daguandong's overlord status would be ended in their hands.

The failure of last year is still vivid, and this year they will challenge Qingxue as challengers.

Kirihara looked left and right, everyone was silent, the meeting room was eerily quiet.

"I said seniors, what are you doing? Is Qingxue so scary?"

Kirihara suddenly slapped the table and said loudly.

"Kirhara, do you think they are afraid of Aigaku?"

Another Yagyu Hiroshi, who also joined the club this year, pushed his glasses, but he didn't think so.

"Idiot, do you still want to be punished for additional training!"

Marui Bunta quickly pulled Kirihara to sit beside him, Kirihara is a guy who dares to say anything.


Marui covered Kirihara's mouth, faltering, not knowing what to say.

"Okay, Liu, let's get started."

Yukimura glanced at Kirihara, then turned his head and said to Liu Renji who was beside him.

"it is good."

Liu Lianer stood up, picked up a stack of materials and distributed them. These are the materials collected by the intelligence department of Lihai University High School about this year's competition in Youth Academy, and he sorted them out.

It's just a pity that before the Kanto competition, the only strong school Qingxue met was Hyotei, and most of these materials came from the championship battle between Qingxue and Hyotei in the Tokyo Metropolitan Competition.

"No two..."

Seeing that Fuji easily defeated the evolved Atobe, Yukimura couldn't help but froze.

He had already seen Atobe's strength when he was in Paris, and he was definitely the top player in the country.

And Atobe, who went further in the match with Fuji, has undoubtedly touched the threshold above the whole country. Such Atobe was easily defeated, which made Yukimura hold the information in his hands tightly.


Liu Lianer shouted softly.

"Lian Er, go ahead."

Yukimura came back to his senses and smiled embarrassedly, it was his fault that he lost his mind at this time.

"In the final, the two doubles matches will be the key to the outcome."

Liu Lian'er said solemnly.

"Jack and I will definitely take it, just wrap it on us."

Marui chewed the bubble gum in his mouth and patted his chest. Both he and Jack have made great progress this year, especially his volley in front of the net, and he will never lose to anyone.

"Pfft! Qingxue, leave it to me."

Nioh Masaharu tugged at his silvery white braids, and chuckled lightly.

His phantom needs more material.

"I also believe that the doubles will definitely be won by Li Haida."

Liu Lianer nodded, Qingxue's doubles were not strong, and the so-called golden combination could only end in hatred in front of their Lihaida genius Marui and the impregnable Jack.

"As for singles..."

As Liu Lian'er was talking, she lost her voice.

What he meant was well known to everyone. Qingxue's singles is undoubtedly the top configuration in the middle school at present.

Akutsujin, Tezuka Kunimitsu, Fuji Shusuke.

These three talents are the cornerstone of Qingxue's founding dynasty. Even if they stand in the sea, if they face each other head-on, there is a high probability that they will lose the game.

Everyone turned their attention to Yukimura and Sanada, who were at the main positions. It took these two people to make up their minds about how to arrange troops for singles.

In fact, Yukimura also had a hard time making a choice. On the one hand, he really wanted to fight Fuji again, but having seen Fuji Paris's performance, he also knew that his chances of winning might be extremely slim.

The same is true for Sanada, Tezuka Kunimitsu is already a hurdle that Sanada has to cross, but now Sanada, I am afraid that if he faces Tezuka, the probability of losing is mostly.

Right now, Yukimura is caught in a dilemma. Should he choose to avoid Fuji for Li Haida's victory, or should he continue to challenge him head-on?
Yukimura knows that Qingxue will most likely not change his formation. If he chooses to evade, Li Haida has a great chance of winning Qingxue.

Yukimura's fingers kept tapping on the solid wood tabletop, only Yukimura's rhythmic tapping sound remained in the huge meeting room.

Everyone is waiting for Yukimura and Sanada's decision.

After a long time, Yukimura breathed a sigh of relief.


Although Yukimura just called Sanada's name softly, Sanada and everyone present understood what Yukimura meant. Yukimura wanted Sanada to give up the duel with Tezuka Kunimitsu.

Sanada's face was silent, his eyes were well hidden by the peaked cap on his head, so that everyone couldn't figure out what Sanada was thinking.

"It's not an example."

Sanada sighed slightly, pulled the brim of his hat and said.

"Don't worry, we will definitely meet Qingxue again in the national competition. At that time, I will fulfill your wish to fight Tezuka."

Yukimura smiled slightly. He thought that Sanada would not agree, but he didn't expect Sanada to give in for Li Haida's victory. Sure enough, after entering the second grade, Sanada became a lot more mature.

"Okay! Lian Er, you can continue."

After deciding on the list of singles, Yukimura returned the leadership of the meeting to Yanagi Renji, and everyone discussed in this small conference room until the sun went down, and then they disbanded and went home.

Tomorrow, they will gather again early in the morning to head to the final venue.


The next morning.

Even on Sunday, a large number of students gathered at the gate of Qingxue.

Most of them are the faces of the first and second graders. They are all very interested and plan to witness Qingxue's Kanto Erlianba.

Naturally, the school was very aggressive, and everyone arranged for the school bus to pick them up, in order to support Qingxue's reputation.

"lets go!"

After everyone arrived, Buer waved his hand, and everyone got on the school bus in an orderly manner and drove slowly towards the destination.

Youpeng Four Seasons Sports Park.

As the venue for this final, it was already crowded with people.

"Senior Inoue, this year is the same as last year, it's Aigaku and Rikkai fighting for the final championship."

Saori Shiba and Mamoru Inoue also arrived early. As media professionals, they need to occupy the best viewing positions in advance.

"Because in Kanto, no, in the whole country, Qingxue and Lihai are the top schools."

Inoue Shou looked around and nodded.

In Kanto, as long as Qingxue and Lihai belong to different groups, then the final final will most likely be a duel between these two schools.

If the two schools met in advance, it would basically be an early final.

"Look, it's Yamabuki Middle School."

"There are also students from Liujiao Middle School, they are here too."

"That's from Dakou South Middle School."

Inoue Mori followed the voices of the people around him, and indeed, many schools that had been eliminated had come.

Although they were eliminated, it didn't prevent them from watching the game.

"Look, it's the Ice Emperor's man!"

As a well-known strong school in the Kanto region, and one of the top four, Hyotei Academy has naturally received a lot of attention.

Although they lost to Li Haida, many people still expressed their affirmation of Bingdi's strength.

"I'm talking about Atobe, do you think the winner today will be Aigaku or Rikkai University?"

After arriving at the viewing platform, Xiang Hiyake looked around and asked Atobe.

"The winner? Although I really hope that Li Haida can win, but Qingxue can't be defeated so easily."

Atobe chuckled, these two schools are considered Ice Emperor's old enemies, they have defeated them last year and this year, Atobe is naturally very familiar with these two schools.

Qingxue was once only a competition-level school. Last year, under the leadership of Fuji, it passed all the way and won the glory of the national championship.

Lihai University, once the overlord of Kanto, was defeated by Qingxue twice last year. If Lihai University cannot make changes this year, there is a high probability that it will still not be Qingxue's opponent.

"Come here, people from Qingxue and Lihai University are here!"

At this time, a startled breath caught everyone's attention.

Under the leadership of the staff, the team members of Qingxue University and Lihai University came slowly from a distance, one left and one right. The members of the club went to the high platform on the field and sat down, which belonged to the cheerleading team.

Players from both teams walked to the net and bowed to each other.

"No two, we meet again."

Yukimura looked at Fuji and smiled slightly.

"Yukimura, I hope to have a wonderful game today."

Bu Er also smiled back, the scene today seemed a little familiar, and it seemed to be the same at this time last year.

Sanada was a little silent today, maybe because he felt that he couldn't face Tezuka, so he didn't speak like before.

This surprised Tezuka a bit, thinking that Sanada had changed his temper.

The two sides went back to the players' seats and took their seats, while Fujimura and Yukimura both came to sit on the coach's seat on the sidelines.

"The final of the Kanto Tournament is about to begin. The doubles match between the Youth Academy and the High School Affiliated to Lihai University will be played. Players from both sides are invited to play."

Soon, the referee's voice sounded from the horn.

At the same time, it also heralds the official opening of the Kanto Championship championship.

"Come on, do it, Aaron!"

Kikumaru put his hands in front of his mouth and rolled them into a trumpet shape, and shouted loudly.

On the other side, Kirihara waved his hands excitedly.

"Senior Liu, Senior Nioh, we must win!"

For the combination of these two people, Kirihara is very confident.

Qingxue's doubles two, how could it be the opponent of these two.

"Sadaharu, we meet again."

Liu Lian Er came to the net, looked at her childhood friend and said.

"Lian Er, sure enough, I met you again."

The match against Yanagi Renji was expected by Kane Sadaharu, and it is no surprise that Li Haidai's singles positions will be Sanada, Mori and Yukimura.

Liu Lianer, one of the Big Three in Lihai University, will naturally play in doubles.

"Are you ready for failure, Sadaharu?"

Liu Lian'er smiled confidently. The combination of him and Nioh would undoubtedly win no matter which pair of doubles they faced in Qingxue.

Hearing this, Gan Zhenzhi suddenly became silent.Indeed, according to his calculations, the winning rate between him and Kawamura is less than [-]%, and all the variables come from this guy with silver hair.

Nioh Masaharu.

"The game has started, and the winner will be determined in one set. Youth Academy will serve Sadaharu."

With the two sides deciding the order of serving, the referee climbed into the high chair and blew the horn to start the game.

The tennis ball was constantly being pressed in Gan Zhenzhi's palm, and his face was solemn.

Needless to say, the strength of friend Liu Renji, Nioh Masaharu is a character that even Ninzu Yuuji can't deal with, this match will be a very difficult match.

"Flying waterfall leaks!"

The figure of Qian Zhenzhi leaped high, and the tennis ball thrown into the air was heavily buckled by Qian Zhenzhi at the highest point.

The air drawn in around the tennis ball seems to form a curtain of water that hangs behind the tennis ball.

Sadaharu didn't keep his hands in the preemptive strike, and the speed of this ball was astonishing.

"Nice serve, Sadaharu!"

Liu Lian'er's eyes were slightly opened, but they were still closed to outsiders, but even so, he still clearly saw the trajectory of the tennis ball.

With a flick of the racket, he immediately pulled the tennis ball back to Qingxue's court.

"Come baby! Look at me, the flames break through!"

Takashi Kawamura shouted excitedly, the muscles on his arms seemed to burst the cuffs.

The extremely violent flat hit the ball, and the astonishing force was involved in the tennis ball, which instantly brought a red trajectory.

"Look at my move, Xu Rulin!"

I don't know when, Nioh has transformed into Sanada's phantom and appeared in front of the net.

With a light pull of the racket, it accurately intercepted Kawamura's flame rush and dispelled the force.

Sanada's Xu Rulin can swallow everything like Xu Xu Shanlin.

"Are you ready for defeat! Qingxue!"

Nio nodded slightly, and it was only a matter of turning his head, and he had already switched to Sanada's appearance.

This game is a joint effort between the three giants of Lihai.

"Invasion is like fire!"


"Empty Cicada!"


"Fast like the wind!"

"Game, Lihai University High School, 1:0."

In the first game, Qingxue was broken by the two men from Lihai University, and it was Sadaharu's serve.

Qian Zhenzhi's cataract fell in front of these two people, but it didn't achieve a very good effect.

"how come…"

Kikumaru couldn't believe that Gan and Aron were at a disadvantage from the very beginning.

"The strength of the opponent is far above Agan and Aaron."

Oishi sees it clearly, Liu Renji and Nioh Masaharu are both powerful enough to be ranked at the national level, especially after Nioh Masaharu's phantom becomes Sanada, his strength is even more unfathomable.

"Did you see it, no two, this is the strength of our Lihai University!"

Yukimura smiled slightly, obviously very satisfied with Yanagi Renji and Nioh Masaharu's performance.

Preemptive strikes, now, the balance of victory has begun to tilt towards Lihai.

(End of this chapter)

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