The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 352 Sprinting Wave Ball

Chapter 352 Sprinting Wave Ball

After changing sides, it was Li Haida's turn to serve.

Qian Zhenzhi crouched in the backcourt with a dignified face. He hadn't expected the failure of the first round. He didn't expect that the opponent had no intention of probing at all, and he opened fire when he came up.

Regardless of whether it was Liu Lian'er or Nioh Masaharu, when facing these two people this time, the pressure on him was far greater than last year.

Liu Lian casually tossed the tennis ball in her second hand, swung the racket across her chest, and then pulled it quickly.

Gan Zhenzhi's eyes were fixed, and he cut and served the ball!
He knew it, his childhood friend was a master at cutting the ball.

Qian Zhenzhi didn't dare to be careless at all, he took two steps forward and flicked his wrist lightly.

The moment the tennis ball hit the racket, the high-frequency vibration caused by the violent rotation made Qian Zhenzhi's wrist sink. Fortunately, he was well prepared. rise.


Liu Lian jumped into the air with several sprints, condescending.

The powerful smash ball fell like a cannonball, and the whistling sound of piercing the air shocked the audience.

"Wave Ball!"

Takashi Kawamura led the racket behind him with one hand, and the veins on his arm protruded, protruding from the surface of the muscles.

Glaring, he swung the racket in his hand heavily towards the bouncing tennis ball.

A destructive golden light beam flew towards Li Haida's arena in a nearly straight line.


Nioh tried to intercept, but at the moment of contact with the tennis ball, a terrifying force was transmitted from the racket to his arm, and his hand was directly shaken off.

"Game, Youth Academy, 15:0."

Kawamura's one-handed wave ball incorporated all his strength, even if Nioh could phantom Sanada's appearance, he still couldn't truly possess Sanada's power.

"Heh! I didn't expect Takashi Kawamura of Qingxue to have such power! The only one who can compete with him is Huadi!"

Xiang Riyue was also a little surprised. Kawamura Takashi's ball just now can be said to be a head-on hard catch. Not many people can catch it, but Xiang Riyue believes that with Huadi's ability, he can definitely catch it.

"Pfft! You really have great strength!"

Nioh Masaharu picked up his racket and gently rubbed his wrist.

He was careless with this shot, and he didn't expect Takashi Kawamura of Qingxue to have tempered his strength to this point.

"It's okay, King Ni!"

Liu Lianer glanced at the two people opposite and said.

"It's okay, I'm not so fragile yet, let's go on."

Nioh shrugged, he wouldn't be eliminated with one shot, but he had to be careful about the power of Takashi Kawamura on the opposite side.

Liu Lian Er nodded, and cut out the ball again.

"Hanging the net! Lihai University High School scored, 15:15."

Kawamura seemed to have underestimated the spin attached to Yanagi Renji's serve. Although he barely hit back, the tennis ball deviated from the intended trajectory and hit the net straight.

"Game, Lihai University High School, 30:15."

"Game, Lihai University High School, 40:15."

"Game, Lihai University High School, 2:0."

Takashi Kawamura's shot was completely an accident. As long as Yanagi Renji and Nioh Masaharu pay attention, even Takashi Kawamura's one-handed swing ball is not impossible to fight back.

The difference in strength caused Qian and Kawamura to be defeated so quickly that Qian didn't have much time to collect useful data, or in other words, by this time, the data was no longer of much use.

In fact, Qian Zhenzhi already understood this point last year. The data is indeed not deceiving, but relying on the data alone, it is impossible to defeat a stronger opponent than him.

"Zhenzhi, recognize the reality, it is impossible for you to beat us now."

Liu Lianer narrowed her eyes slightly and said calmly.

What he said is also true. He and Niwang are two national level, and they are still at the upper middle level of the national level.

Although doubles is not as important as singles, and the proportion of personal strength is not that important, but when the cooperation and tacit understanding of the two sides are almost the same, personal strength will become the key to the outcome.

"Game, Lihai University High School, 3:0."

"Both sides change game!"

"How could this happen?! Qingxue is not Li Haida's opponent at all!"

"This year's Lihai University is coming very aggressively. It seems that this Lihai University will definitely win."

The audience talked a lot, they didn't expect Qingxue's doubles two to be so fragile in front of Li Haida's doubles two, with almost no ability to resist.

You know, Qingxue was last year's national champion, and he had defeated Li Haida twice last year.

"Hmph! Sure enough, it's still the same!"

Atobe snorted coldly in disdain, and he had to admit that Li Haida's Tiantian was really strong.

With the combination of Nioh Masaharu and Liu Renji, there are very few ice emperors who can compete with it.

"Doubles are just an appetizer, and the real exciting game will not start until singles."

A gleam of cold light flashed on the lens of Ninzu Yuuji, Liu Renji, Nioh Masaharu!

Only by comparing with these two people can we know how strong the suppression power of these two people is.

Even if he had fully fired at the beginning, with the blessing of the realm of selflessness and closed heart, he would inevitably fall into a disadvantage.

Although Qingxue's Gan Sadaharu and Kawamura Takashi are good in strength, it is undoubtedly a dream to compete with these two people.

"Dry Aron"

Kikumaru looked at the two people passing by, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart.

So far, the situation of the competition has been firmly controlled by the two of Li Haida, and there is no way for Gan and Kawamura to make any changes.

Tezuka's expression was as usual. Only the players themselves can solve the problems on the field. Even though he didn't think of any good ways to help Gan and Kawamura break through the predicament, all he can do now is to believe in himself teammates.

In the fourth game, Nioh Masaharu's serve.

The silver pigtails swayed casually behind his head, Niwang chuckled, a strange spiritual force immediately enveloped himself, and his lowered head lifted up. This time his phantom made everyone exclaim.

"This is this!"

"Kego Atobe of Hyotei Academy!"

That arrogant face, the manner of a nobleman and the tear mole at the corner of his eyes are undoubtedly the king of the Ice Emperor, Jibu Jingwu.

Everyone in the Bingdi silently glanced at Atobe, Atobe's brows kept shaking, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

"That bastard Nioh! How dare he phantom the appearance of Mr. Kai!"

Being phantom by Nioh, this weird feeling made Atobe feel uncomfortable immediately, Mr. Atobe is the unique existence in the world, Nioh is too presumptuous.

Atobe of Nioh Phantom threw the ball straight up, then bent his back and arched into a posture parallel to the ground.

"this is!"

Everyone in Qingxue and Bingdi was shocked.

They are very familiar with this posture. Isn't this the Tannhauser of Atobe's serve? !
Fuji on the sidelines coaching bench was also a little surprised. Atobe's Tanhuaiser's serve only appeared in front of the world for the first time during the Tokyo Grand Prix. Unexpectedly, Nioh was able to achieve this in just one month with only the video tape. imitate it.

Nioh is really talented in this respect.

In fact, Bu Er still thinks too highly of Nioh, Sanada is the target of Nioh's first phantom, for Sanada Nioh, except Yin and Lei, other places can almost be faked.

In the case of Atobe, Nioh can only do a preliminary phantom, and he can hit Tannhauser's serve because Nioh himself is not low in spin. In addition, in order to be able to better phantom Sanada, Nioh has focused on training his own wrist. Strength, so it is still possible to hit Tannhauser's serve, but other moves such as the world of ice, Nioh can't successfully phantom.

The colorful lights flickered like neon in King Ren's pupils, and King Ren gave a soft drink, and the powerful force erupting from his waist and abdomen drove his wrists to slam violently.

The super spin makes the tennis ball rub against the air violently during the flight, creating amazing air waves.

After passing the net, the strong rotation caused the tennis ball to fall rapidly, rolling on the ground like a roller coaster towards the outside of the court.

Kawamura's swing missed, and the ball flew directly from his feet.

". Lihai University Affiliated High School scored, 15:0."

The referee swallowed, it was the first time he saw such a serve.

Are today's young people already so powerful? !

"Hey! Let me say Atobe, how does this ball compare to yours?"

Xiang Riyue asked quietly, he really wanted to know how Atobe felt now.


Hearing this, Atobe tilted his head arrogantly and said, "Although it's only half of my level, it's already pretty good!"

Fuji smiled and squinted his eyes. Nioh's Tanhuaiser's serve might look good to outsiders, but from his perspective, it was obvious that Nioh's Tanhuaiser's serve bounced much higher than Atobe's Tanhuaiser's serve.

But it's already pretty good, at least most people have absolutely no way to fight back this ball.

"Don't be immersed in my master's wonderful skills!"

Atobe of Nioh Phantom held his head up and said with a chuckle.

Atobe's old face turned black, and he didn't know why, but when he saw Niwang uttered these words against his own face, he felt a burst of discomfort in his heart.

"Wow! The imitation is so vivid, even Atobe's narcissistic tone is so similar!"

Xiang Riyue was straightforward and spoke directly what was in his heart.

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Xiang Riyue felt a murderous aura coming from his side, and quickly covered his mouth.

Atobe glanced at Xiang Hiyake coldly, planning how to give Xiang Hiyake a "strengthening" training after returning, this guy dared to say that he was narcissistic, he really wanted to die!
"Game, Lihai University High School, 4:0."

Nioh successfully won the fourth game for Li Haida by relying on four Tanhuaiser serves from Mirage Atobu.

Fuji sighed slightly, Li Haida really didn't give him a chance to breathe.

According to Fuji's guess, Nioh's wrist may only allow him to hit four balls with Tannhauser's serve, but he chose to use him at this time. The purpose is probably to destroy the morale of Ganga Kawamura in one go.

Li Hai's generals Nioh and Liu Lianer arranged for the doubles two in the first match, and I'm afraid they also had this in mind. No matter which pair of doubles they are against Shang Qingxue, the combination of these two people can be said to be a sure win at present.

Using the big score in the first game to raise the morale of his team to the peak, this style is very in line with Li Haida's style.

The game entered the crucial fifth game. Nio's phantom again overthrew the data that Qian Zhenzhi had collected with great difficulty. The disordered data made Qian Zhenzhi's heart a little confused.

"Game, Lihai University High School, 15:0."

"Game, Lihai University High School, 5:0."

"At the end of the Lihai competition, the two sides change the game!"

As Lihaida won the match point in this game, the members of Lihaida immediately burst into cheers.

"Chang Sheng! Li Hai Da! Chang Sheng! Li Hai Da!"

It's not far away from their first victory.

Liu Lianer threw the ball, bent her knees sideways, and led the racket behind her.

This time he is not going to serve with a slice, but a regular high-speed topspin serve.

With Liu Lian'er's strength, the ball naturally fell into the receiving area very accurately, and the bounce angle was extremely tricky, forcing Qian Zhenzhi to move to the side to fight back.

"Invasion is like fire!"

Nioh turned into the image of Sanada again, turned his body and buckled his arms heavily.

The fiery flames ignited the audience, and flew towards Kawamura blazingly.

Frame by frame flashed in Kawamura's mind. Last year, he was just an ordinary player, and he became a member of Qingxue's official team under Budu's attention.

He worked extra hard, because he promised Bu Er that he would definitely become the number one heavy gunner in Qingxue.

He doesn't have the talent of Fuji and Tezuka, nor does he have the excellent body of Akutsu. He can neither do stat tennis nor Kikumaru's stunt shots, nor can he calmly radiate the audience like Oishi.

All he can rely on is his own strength!
Kawamura crouched down suddenly, his right foot arched forward, the toes of his left foot were tightly hooked to the ground, his body leaned forward, the five fingers of his left hand were pressed on the ground, and the racket in his right hand hung horizontally behind him.


Takashi Kawamura kept roaring, all the muscles in his body wriggled one by one, and the astonishing strength began to slowly gather on his right hand racket.

"What! What is Aaron planning to do!"

Kikumaru exclaimed.

He had never seen Takashi Kawamura's posture before.


There was a smile on Akutsu's pale face, he was very clear about Kawamura's efforts.

"Go to Kawamura! Let them see your strength!"

For his few friends, although Ajiujin disdains, he still cares about Kawamura in his heart.

He knew that many people might not know the significance of Kawamura's existence in Qingxue, but now, Kawamura will open their eyes.

Fuji's eyes opened at some point, and his blue pupils stared at Kawamura.

He knew that this shot was the limit of what Kawamura could do at the moment.

"Ah, let's go!"

Kawamura roared, and the air around him became extremely violent.

The body that has been accumulating energy for a long time suddenly released the gate, and the violent power rushed forward.

With a strong step on the foot, he swung the racket in his hand like a sprint.

A loud sound came from Kawamura's hand, and Kawamura's racket was faintly glowing with golden light.

A gust of wind flew past him, and the referee subconsciously waved his hand to block him.

The tennis ball flew over the net, and the net was instantly blown to Li Haida's side by a violent air wave.

Tennis went unabated, sweeping along the way.

Both Dulian Er and Nioh tried to block, but the huge force just swayed the rackets in their hands in an instant, even if they were holding the racket with both hands.

The tennis ball hit the bottom line hard, then bounced up suddenly and hit the barbed wire behind.

Stab it!

There was a loud bang, and the barbed wire wailed.

After a period of violent friction, the tennis ball gradually lost its sound, and got stuck on the top of the barbed wire, and two wisps of smoke floated up.

Seemingly exerting too much force, Kawamura sat down on the ground, panting heavily.

For this ball, it was the first time that he had exhausted all his strength. Fortunately, he did not let him down.

The audience was dead silent, and Kawamura's goal obviously exceeded everyone's expectations.

"GGame, Youth Academy, 15:0."

In the end, the referee was the quickest to recover and reported the score.


"The power of this ball is too terrifying!"

"Takashi Kawamura of Seigaku! His strength is amazing!"

Only then did the audience come to their senses as if they had just woken up from a big dream, and started discussing one after another.

Kawamura's sprint swing ball just now is too eye-catching, this kind of pure power tennis makes people's blood boil.

"Oh?! Not bad, Qingxue!"

Even Atobe was a little surprised. He didn't even know if he could catch the ball head-on. Also, if he read it right just now, there seemed to be a golden light in the center of Kawamura's racket. will be? !

On the court, Liu Lian'er and King Ren looked at each other, and they both saw the surprise in each other's eyes. They didn't expect that it was like this, and Qingxue could still resist.

"Don't be careless, King Ni!"

Liu Lian Er picked up her racket and said solemnly.

It's ridiculous that Kawamura broke through his own data!
In this match, Liu Lian'er absolutely did not allow any changes.

"Concentrate on it!"

Behind Liu Lian Er, a familiar voice suddenly appeared.

Liu Lian'er turned her head, her slightly squinted eyes opened an arc.

this is!
Tezuka Kunimitsu of Seigaku!
(End of this chapter)

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