The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 353 The Duel of Doubles 1

Chapter 353 Doubles One Showdown

"How could it be! That guy turned into the appearance of Vice President Tezuka again!"

"how can that be!"

The members of Qingxue were shocked. This guy Nioh has become his own vice president again.


Sanada stared at him, Nioh, can he still phantom Tezuka? !
Regarding Tezuka, Sanada didn't know how to face him at this time. This time, he became a villain himself, but all this was for Li Haida's victory.


Oishi and Kikumaru looked at Nioh on the field, and then at Tezuka beside him, and they were also a little shocked.

Renwang Phantom, this guy is many times better than Ruoren Honglai from Chengcheng Shonan.

Tezuka looked at Nioh on the field coldly, without any change in expression.

He naturally didn't think that King Ren could imitate himself perfectly, but he also wanted to know how far King Ren could do it.

Liu Lianer took a deep look at Kawamura, the most inconspicuous player in Qingxue, actually still has this ability.

But it's a pity that Li Haida's victory is unstoppable.

Liu Lien Er vigorously swung the racket in his hand, and the tennis ball hit from a high point was as fast as thunder, and the angle of bounce was slightly lower. This was Liu Ren Er's countermeasure to prevent Kawamura from overusing his strength.

"Good come!"

Kawamura shouted excitedly, and the racket swung across everything, cutting the tennis ball obliquely.

"Aaron! What a beautiful short ball!"

Dashi couldn't help admiring.

In order to block Kawamura's hard hitting, Liu Renji deliberately reduced the power and spin of the ball, which gave Kawamura a chance to counterattack. The short ball that sliced ​​away from the receiving area, even if it couldn't score, was enough to destroy the opponent's formation .


The tennis ball that was supposed to land suddenly turned a corner in the air and flew towards the left in a not small arc.

Tezuka, who had become Nioh's phantom, had already set up his batting posture. Under his feet, the invisible cyclone was like a whirlpool, attracting everything around him.

"This is! Tezuka Domain!"

Kikumaru was dumbfounded, could Nioh even imitate this move!
"What an amazing player!"

Mamoru Inoue once again raised his opinion of Likai Dairen Wang Masaharu. This player is really unfathomable, and he can even imitate high-level skills such as domain.

Bu'er squinted his eyes slightly, and a strange spiritual power was actually linked to Liu Lian'er from King Ren's body.

The domain is not created out of thin air, the necessary rotation of the domain is actually endowed by Liu Lian'er.

Although Liu Lian'er's serve seems to have weakened the spin, it actually suppressed the bounce of the tennis ball with a stronger spin, and this is the key to the formation of the field.

Nioh actually took advantage of the rotation of Liu Lian'er's serve to create his own field.

It can be seen that Nioh worked very hard on the analysis of Tezuka's materials.

Nioh can not just phantom into someone else casually, he needs to have a very deep understanding of the phantom person, use the data of the phantom person to build a preliminary model in his mind, and then continue to use new data to Only by filling the model in your heart can you realize the real phantom.

As Qingxue is Lihai University's deadly enemy, Nioh has carefully analyzed the data of everyone in Qingxue. For this reason, he didn't even participate in the club's training.

Nothing is more important to him than perfecting his phantom.

And now is the time for him to show his achievements.

With a powerful backhand blow, the tennis ball disappeared from Nioh's hand in a golden streamer.

"it's here!"

In Qian Zhenzhi's eyes, a torrent of data rolled away. Although he still couldn't fully understand the data of Nioh and Liu Lianer, he could still make a preliminary judgment.

Gan Sadaharu strode out, and intercepted the fast-flying tennis ball with a flip of his hand.

With a flick of the arm, the ball was whipped back.

The body that has been exercised for many years has also given Qian Zhenzhi amazing strength. Under the blessing of violent rotation and strong strength, this ball draws a pale yellow arc.

Nioh's phantom Tezuka had a cold expression on his face, the invisible cyclone under his feet blew the skirts of his body and kept flying, a gleam of light flashed on the lens, when the tennis ball was attracted to a position in front of him, Nioh's phantom hand Tsukasa twitched heavily with his backhand.

This thumping sound shocked everyone present.

"Look at me! Wave. Ball"

Takashi Kawamura's burly body was rampaging on the court like a bull. He stepped on the ground with his right foot. While stabilizing his center of gravity, he raised his right hand slightly, and the muscles on his arm instantly swelled.

The audience only felt a loud noise coming from their ears, as if even the eardrums were about to be shattered.

Kawamura's fluctuating ball has already entered the room, and even Atobe can't help but frown slightly on this ball. This kind of pure power tennis is the easiest and hardest to return.

There are no fancy skills, what is important is to drop ten meetings with one force.

A white light suddenly rose from Tezuka's body in Nioh Phantom, shocking the audience.

"This is it! The realm of no-self!"

The horror on Xiang Riyue's face, did King Ren actually master the realm of selflessness? !
"It's not just the realm of selflessness."

Shinobu Yushi's face was serious, he was very familiar with this breath.

That is, the limit of thousands of tempers!

Nioh, this guy, can imitate it even after a lot of hard work!

In other words, when playing against him, Nioh didn't show his real strength at all.

In fact, Renzu misunderstood, the reason why King Ni was able to simulate the hard work was thanks to that duel with him.

If it hadn't been for that time when King Ni had a confrontation with Trinity, I'm afraid he would have to grope for a long time just relying on the video.

The power of selflessness converges on Nio's left hand, transforming into colorful light.

A louder sound of hitting the ball sounded in front of Nioh, and a terrifying explosion immediately set off a burst of white smoke in front of Nioh.

A golden streak shot out from the white smoke in front of King Ni.

"Let me do it, Gan!"

Takashi Kawamura yelled, clapped his hands on his side, aimed at the bouncing tennis ball and hit it hard.

Stab it!

In just an instant, the huge penetrating power of the tennis ball pierced through the interception of the racket line and passed through it.

A crisp sound exploded at Qingxue's bottom line.

"Game, Lihai University High School, 15:15."

The audience looked at the figure in the field silently, Nioh Masaharu!

Really strong!

Is this Li Haida's strength? !
"Game, Lihai University High School, 30:15."

"Game, Lihai University High School, 40:15."

Relying on the limit of Phantom Tezuka's hard work, Nioh successfully suppressed Kawamura's power, and the situation on the field seemed to be very clear.

People from Bingdi, Liujiao, Yamabuki and other schools were surprised that last year's national champion Qingxue was so embarrassed in front of Li Haida, even though it was just a doubles match.

"Cut! It's too ugly for Qingxue to lose!"

Xiang Riyue said disdainfully that although the game was still one goal away, Qingxue had already been sentenced to death in Xiang Riyue's heart.

"Yue Ren, it's not that Qingxue is too weak, but that these two from Lihai University are too strong!"

Yushi Ninzu shook his head. If Ice Empress had not played himself but someone else, he would have already lost if he faced these two people.

"Lihai Da"

Atobe also has to admit that the overall strength of Lihai University is even stronger than that of Qing Xue.

"This round was won by the High School Affiliated to Lihai University, with a score of 6:0."

Although Kawamura saved a goal with his sprint wave ball, he still couldn't stop Li Haida's offensive.

This doubles match was almost Nioh's personal performance show. Liu Lianer had been acting as an assistant all the time, and Nioh had already destroyed Qingxue's defense before his data tennis showed his power.

Liu Lian'er sighed lightly, is this King Ren who was reborn from the ashes? He is really terrifyingly strong!
No wonder Yukimura kept saying that Nioh might be the most terrifying figure in Li Haida.

"Thank you for your advice."

Gan Sadaharu and Kawamura Takashi stepped forward slowly, and stretched out their hands full of bitterness.

"Zhenzhi, this time, it will be Li Haida's revenge moment."

Liu Lianer stretched out his hand to hold the hand of his childhood friend. Although the two were once close doubles partners, but now they belong to two different teams, and each fights for the victory of the team he belongs to. Will keep it again.

"Lihai is big! Lihai is big!"

"Chang Sheng! Li Hai Da! Chang Sheng! Li Hai Da!"

Nioh and Liu Lianer, who returned to the team, aroused the cheers of the members of Lihai University. The victory in the first battle is very obvious for the improvement of Lihai University's morale.

On the other hand, on Qingxue's side, the bright 6:0 was a bit shocking.

"Student Senior Kawamura"

Haitang looked at the two seniors who returned to the team with a silent face, and her mood became a little depressed.

Lihai is big!
Haitang clenched his fists tightly. In the coming year, he will definitely get back this humiliation for Senior Gan and Senior Kawamura.

"I didn't expect Li Haida to be quite capable."

Xiang Riyue was naturally aware of the change in the morale of the two teams. Li Haida's strategy was obvious. He used the big victory in the first game to boost morale and took down Qingxue in one go.

"It's too early to say that."

Yushi Ninzu doesn't care much, unless Li Haida can win two doubles games, otherwise, Qing Xue's chances of winning are better.

As for the next round, the contestants from both sides can guess who it is.

Qing Xue must be a golden combination to play, and Li Haida is undoubtedly a pair of talented Marui Bunta and iron wall Jack Kuwahara.

"The final of the Kanto Tournament is about to start, the doubles match between Youth Academy and Lihai University Affiliated Middle School, please play the players from both sides!"

Not long after, the referee's urging sound came from the loudspeaker.

"Oishi! Let's go!"

Kikumaru returned from the warm-up with a serious face, and the failure of Kanto Kawamura made his face lose the old smile.

Kikumaru has also felt that Lihai is coming aggressively, and their Qingxue will definitely not fail in the next match.


Dashi nodded, and the loss in the first game gave him a sense of urgency.

The title of national champion is both an honor and a burden.

"Hmph! Jack, it's time for us to perform!"

When Marui Bunta saw his old opponent on the field, he couldn't help chuckling.

Jack Kuwahara stood up, his dark skin shining against his bald head, like a big marinated egg.

"Come on! Two seniors!"

Akira Kirihara waved his right hand as he watched Bunta Marui and Jack Kuwahara enter the stage.

In the entire Lihai University, if Kirihara had the best relationship with anyone, it would naturally belong to Marui and Jack.

He naturally wants to cheer loudly for these two people.

Fumta Marui didn't look back, but just waved his hand above his head, signaling that he understood.

This time, the victory will belong to Li Haida!

"It's you two guys again!"

Marui Fumita chewed the bubble gum in his mouth and said casually.

"Pros or cons?"

Dashi did not say lightly.

"Let's face it, it doesn't make any difference anyway. Jack and I can only win this match."

With a chirping sound, the bubble gum blown from Marui's mouth burst, and he, who seemed casual, actually felt a little heavy in his heart.

Outsiders don't know, in fact, the doubles match between him and Jack was the key to Lihai's victory.

Only if they win this round, Li Haida has the capital to bet on the next singles.

"The game started, and the winner was determined in one set. Jack Kuwahara's serve from Lihai University High School."

Fortunately, God favored him and Jack, and they were lucky to win the serve.

When Jack Sang came to the right teeing area, a pair of bright eyes on his dark face widened like brass bells.


Without the slightest hesitation, Jack Kuwahara waved his arm.

The tennis ball was ejected like a cannonball, and after flying rapidly, it landed in the corner of the receiving area.

Dashi didn't dare to be careless at all, and his wide field of vision took everything in front of him into his eyes.

The tennis ball was drawn by Dashi to the no man's land on Lihaida's left side.

"too naive!"

Fumta Marui did not know when he appeared on the trajectory of the tennis ball, and the high-pressure volley pushed the ball back into Qinggaku's court.

"Look at me! Kikumaru Beam!"

Kikumaru placed the racket in one hand horizontally in front of him, leaping obliquely into the air like a spinning top.

After several 360-degree turns in the air, Kikumaru's racket suddenly drew, and the ball was drawn to the gap that Marui Bunta had leaked because of the replacement.

"I said it all! You guys are so naive!"

Jack Kuwabara sneered, and the airflow brought by the sprint made his clothes rattle.

"Fire Rat Cannon Intercept!"

The perfect combination of strength and speed, this is Jack Kuwahara's fire rat cannon volley.


Kikumaru's heart tightened, and Jack Kuwahara's ball was swung out before Kikumaru landed on the ground, and Kikumaru had no time to react.

"Leave it to me, Eiji!"

Oishi quickly made a replacement and crossed the line of sight of Marui and Jack.

With the whip whipping of both hands, the ball was thrown high towards Li Haida's bottom line.

"What an intense fast break!"

At Yamabuki Middle School, Dongfang Masami couldn't help being speechless. Compared with the previous doubles two, this doubles one obviously touched his heartstrings more.

Also as a top doubles player in the national and middle circles, he naturally prefers to appreciate such games.

"Nan, who do you think is better?"

Qian Shi Qingchun stroked her chin, and suddenly asked curiously.

Although he is in Yamabuki, he is not very good at doubles, but there is someone in his team who is known as the king of Yamabuki.

"do not know."

Minami Kentaro stared at the field intently. This time, even Yamabuki understood the king, but he didn't dare to say that he understood.

Qingxue's golden combination VS Lihaida's ace doubles, the strength and coordination of the two sides are evenly matched, no one can predict the direction of this match.

(End of this chapter)

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