The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 355 Tezuka VS Yukimura

Chapter 355 Tezuka VS Yukimura

"There is still such a misplaced hitting move! Li Haida's players are really strong."

The audience talked a lot, and Marui Bunta's brand new trick, Time Lag Hell, was an eye-opener for them.

"Wow! Did you see it! Did you see it! It's Marui-sama's new trick! Time difference hell, sounds so cool C."

Akutagawa Jirou looked excited, and kept swaying at his side and said to Hiyakeren's arm.

"Please, Cirou, can you stop being so excited."

Xiang Hiyake slapped Akutagawa Jirou's hand off with a speechless face. This guy is too blatant to praise his opponent so much in front of Atobe.

"Hey. Sorry, seeing Marui-kun's new trick, I couldn't control myself for a while."

Hearing this, Jiro Akutagawa patted his head in embarrassment, and turned his gaze to Bunta Marui on the court again.

On the field, the two sides are still fighting fiercely, and the score is very anxious.

"It's amazing, both sides are a very amazing combination."

Watching the four of them sweating constantly on the field, Inoue couldn't help admiring.

Bunta Marui and Jack Kuwahara of Lihai University.

Li Haida's trump card combination, the combination of magician-like net skills and iron-walled defense, can be said to be both offensive and defensive.

The golden combination of Aigaku, Kikumaru's trick shots and speed, under the command of Oishi's cool head, put on a perfect performance.

These four people are definitely the best in the doubles team in the current national and middle circles.

"Game, Lihai University High School, 6:5."

"Both sides change game!"

It was another nearly 20 minutes of intense confrontation, both sides still kept their own serve.

The next round is Qingxue's serve. If Li Haida can break serve successfully, he can win the doubles.

Marui Bunta's condition is very bad at this time, the Lihai brigade uniform on his body has already been soaked in sweat, and it is tightly attached to his body. Physical strength is originally Marui's biggest weakness.

"Can you still hold on, Mrs. Wen?"

Looking at Marui Bunta's appearance, Yukimura was really worried about what would happen to Marui Bunta.

Marui Bunta didn't speak, just stretched out his right hand and gave Yukimura a thumbs up.

He just ate two pieces of his own special cake to replenish his physical strength. Marui Bunta is feeling better now. He promised Yukimura that he will definitely win this game.

Marui Bunta, what he said he did!
Although Jack Kuwahara's chest is constantly rising and falling, his state is still online. Unlike Fumta Marui, his physical strength has always been his strength as a mixed race.

On the other side, Qingxue's golden combination.

Although after special training, Kikumaru's physical strength has improved greatly, but such a high-intensity game still affected Kikumaru a lot, not only him, but also Oishi.

But they are still confident that they can win this game.

Soon, the 90-second break passed, and after the two sides switched courts, the game resumed.

Marui Bunta crouched quietly, this time in the Kanto competition, even Sanada and Yukimura made concessions for the glory of Li Haida.

Liu Lianer and Nioh made a good start, and won the doubles match according to the established goal. Now, he and Jack only need to win this match, and the balance of victory will tilt towards Lihai.

"Jack! We must win!"

Marui Bunta's sudden voice made Jack Kuwahara slightly taken aback.

"That's right! We will definitely win!"

Jack Kuwahara laughed loudly, and then held the racket tightly with both hands.

As Marui Bunta's partner, although Marui Bunta didn't say it clearly, Jack Kuwahara already understood what Marui Bunta meant.

Marui Bunta wants to place all bets on this one.

Fumita Marui is keenly aware of his state. If he is dragged into the tiebreaker by Aigaku, the chances of him and Jack winning will be greatly reduced.

Therefore, he has to do whatever it takes to end the game in this one.

Oishi and Kikumaru naturally also noticed the change in the eyes of Marui Bunta and Jack Kuwahara.

"Eiji, be careful!"

Dashi narrowed his eyes.


Kikumaru nodded, then threw the ball.

The tennis ball was precisely pressed against the outer corner of the receiving area, bounced off and flew back quickly.

Jack Kuwahara's foot strength was still astonishing, he sprang out like a cheetah, raised his arms, and the sweat on his arms under the sun shone with metallic brilliance.

The heavy blow made Kikumaru have to hit back with both hands. Jack Kuwahara added his own heavy strength to each ball, just to consume more of Kikumaru and Oishi's physical strength.

"Here! Forbidden!"

Marui Bunta raised his hands horizontally parallel to the ground, his eyes full of divine light.

Regardless of whether it was Kikumaru or Oishi, their counterattacks were all blocked by Marui Bunta alone in front of the net.


"You actually blocked the attack of Qingxue's golden combination!"

The audience let out a burst of exclamation.

"Oh? It's pretty good!"

Atobe held his head up, and the tear moles at the corners of his eyes added a bit of charm to him under the sun.

Marui Bunta's outburst, even Atobe had to look up to him, Marui Bunta's volley skills in front of the net, even in singles, has a lot to do.

"Wen Tai!"

Yukimura took a deep look at Marui Bunta on the field, and now Marui Bunta has lost the laughter of the past, and is fighting for Li Haida's victory with all his heart.

Yukimura looked at Fuji who was sitting on the coach bench beside him, who still had a warm smile on his face.

Even if Kikumaru and Oishi fell into a disadvantage, they still couldn't move Fuji.

Naturally, Fuji would not be worried, even if Kikumaru and Oishi lost, it would not affect Qingxue's victory.

What surprised Fuji was that Bunta Marui actually started to embark on the road in the future, a dreamy magic castle, a perfect fortress.

"Game, Lihai University High School, 15:0."

"Game, Lihai University High School, 30:0."

"Game, Lihai University High School, 40:0."

Marui Bunta was like an iron wall, firmly blocking all the attacks in front of him in the frontcourt.

"One more ball! Another ball!"

"Chang Sheng! Li Hai Da! Chang Sheng! Li Hai Da!"

Marui Bunta and Jack Kuwahara only need to score one more goal to win this game. For this, the members of Lihai University will naturally not be stingy with their cheers.

Stepping on the edge of the cliff, even Dashi was a little nervous, his forehead was covered with fine sweat, and his palms were also sweating coldly.

The tennis ball kept bouncing back and forth in Kikumaru's palm, pulling the hearts of the audience.

With a crisp sound, the tennis ball galloped across the net with a strong spin.

Facing the bouncing tennis ball, Fumta Marui lowered his center of gravity, leaned forward, and the racket quickly cut forward, cutting the tennis ball back to the Seigaku court and surfing the net quickly. In an instant, he and Jack Kuwahara completed the front and rear The exchange once again established its own impregnable wall in the frontcourt.

"Damn! If that's the case, then how about this!"

Kikumaru gritted his teeth tightly, and he was startled by Marui Bunta's defensive range.

This guy Marui, even if his body is crumbling, Kikumaru has to admire his tenacious will to defend the frontcourt.

Kikumaru raised his arm high and flew the bouncing tennis ball over the net.

"It's a lob!"

"That's right, if it's a lob, Fumta Marui from Rikai University should be helpless!"

The audience was startled, the golden combination really had two tricks, and so quickly thought of a way to break the volley in front of Marui Bunta's net.

"I leave it to you! Jack!"

Marui Bunta raised the corner of his mouth and shouted.

"no problem!"

With a whoosh, Jack Kuwahara's body rose into the air from behind Bunta Marui.

The dark and muscular body blocked the scorching sun's rays in the sky, and the shadows flooded towards Qingxue's arena.


Oishi and Kikumaru's hearts sank. Marui Bunta's sense of existence was so strong that they forgot for a while that there was a patron saint of Lihai Da's iron wall in the backcourt.

The racket in Jack Kuwahara's hand slammed down heavily, making a loud noise in the air.

This shot, which was filled with all the strength in his body, fell from the sky like a meteorite, and the sparks produced by the violent friction between the tennis ball and the air could be vaguely seen.

"This game was won by Lihai, with a score of 7:5."

After hearing the referee announce that he and Jack Kuwahara had won, Fumta Marui lay on the ground straight on his back. Even though there was a burning sensation in his back, Fumta Marui refused to get up. He was too tired.


Kirihara Chiya was the first to rush into the arena, and Marui Fumta took good care of him on weekdays, so Kirihara Chiya naturally respected Marui Bunta very much.

Marui Bunta was taken off the stage, but the audience's discussion did not stop because of this.

"It's unbelievable. Last year's national champion, Qingxue, actually suffered two consecutive losses at the beginning?!"

"That is to say, is Qingxue in decline, or Lihai University has risen again?"

Everyone was discussing, they thought today would be a battle between dragons and tigers, but who would have thought that the Youth League would lose two games at the beginning.

"Cut! What do you know! Qingxue's doubles is not as good as Li Hai's, and Qingxue's real strength lies in his singles."

"Qingxue's three singles players are all top players in the country, but Lihai University's is not weak."

Someone immediately retorted.

"Senior Inoue, do you think Li Haida has a chance to defeat Qingxue this time?"

Saori asked curiously. She really wanted to know who Mamoru Inoue liked more in this situation of losing two games in a row.

"I don't know, but I feel that Qingxue will win."

Inoue Mamoru murmured.

Although Li Haida has already won the match point, Mamoru Inoue, as a fan of Echizen Nanjiro, will naturally favor Aigaku.

"Atobe, do you think Aigaku will lose just like this?"

Xiang Riyue said with a chuckle.

If Qingxue loses to Lihai University 0:3, it will probably become a big joke.

"It's still early!"

Atobe doesn't think so. With the strength of the three remaining Qingxue, it may be difficult for Lihai University to win Qingxue.


As he spoke, Atobe stared.

Li Haida's singles No. [-] is Yukimura Seiichi, the son of God? !

"This is going to be a bad time for Qingxue!"

There was a sound of air-conditioning everywhere at the scene, is Li Hai playing so big?Did you plan to lose Qingxue in the first three games from the beginning? !
On the sidelines, Yukimura glanced at Fuji, stood up, and took off his coat.

Except for a few main candidates from Lihai University, everyone looked at Yukimura in shock.

Yukimura Seiichi from Rikai University has never appeared in a singles match before, right?
In order to be able to win Seigaku this time, did Rikai University actually arrange Yukimura Seichi for the singles?

Even Fuji was a little surprised, he didn't expect that such a proud person as Yukimura would take the initiative to avoid confrontation with him.

But Fuji was not too worried, after all, Aigaku's singles three might not lose to Yukimura.

There was a flash of light on Tezuka Kunimitsu's lens, he originally thought that Li Haida's singles number three would be Sanada, but he didn't expect it to be Yukimura.

But this is also good, Tezuka is naturally happier to be able to fight against the stronger Yukimura.

"We must win! Vice President Tezuka!"

Although Taocheng has never seen Yukimura's strength, but he has heard of this series of titles as the son of God and the president of Lihai University Tennis Club.

Today's Aigaku is already facing a crisis, he can only pray that Tezuka can defeat Yukimura.

"It turned out to be a confrontation between Tezuka and Yukimura!"

Atobe couldn't help sitting up straight, he had to watch the match between these two people carefully.

Tezuka Kunimitsu, although he has always been the vice president of Seigaku, even the light of Fuji cannot completely cover up the brilliance of Tezuka. Although he has not compared with Tezuka, Atobe has seen Tezuka and Shuji Taneshima. The Guidance Competition is definitely the number one powerhouse in the middle school world at present.

As for Yukimura, the name of the Son of God is naturally needless to say, and the weird and unpredictable style of play is enough to cause headaches.

These two people don't know what kind of sparks will collide.

"The final of the Kanto Tournament is about to begin, the singles match between Youth Academy and Lihai University Affiliated Middle School No. [-], players from both sides are invited to play!"

With the sound coming from the radio, Yukimura and Tezuka stepped onto the court with steady steps.

"Please advise!"

"Please advise!"

The two didn't say much, and both sides knew that this would be a tragic match.

With the momentum of the two consecutive victories, whether Li Haida can complete his revenge on Qingxue, this match will be the key.

"The game has started, and the match will be decided in one set. Yukimura Seiichi's serve from Lihai University High School."

When the whistle blew for the start of the game, the audience suddenly fell into silence, and everyone stared at the field intently, for fear that they would disturb the battle.

"Tezuka Kunimitsu!"

Yukimura took a deep look at Tezuka, and then threw the ball high.

With a crisp sound, the tennis ball immediately disappeared from everyone's sight.

"So fast!"

The audience showed horror, is this the strength of Yukimura Seiichi, the son of Lihai Great God?
Tezuka swung his backhand, and the tennis ball turned into a golden light and disappeared beside Tezuka's hand.


There was a gasping sound at the scene, and Tezuka's counterattack, even they couldn't see clearly.

These days, if you don't have a certain level of strength, you don't even have the qualifications to be a spectator?
"Nice comeback, Tezuka!"

While speaking, Yukimura had already appeared in the midfield, pointing his toes, and while jumping up, his arms shook, and he buckled down heavily.

A straight golden beam went straight to the dead corner of the bottom line on the other side of Tezuka.

Around Tezuka, an invisible momentum swept all directions, and the invisible cyclone under his feet was full of attraction like a nebula whirlpool.

The tennis ball, which went straight to Tezuka's dead corner, turned in a huge arc at the backcourt and flew back in front of Tezuka.

"This is! Tezuka Domain!"

The audience who had seen this trick exclaimed for a while, this trick is simply Tezuka's signature.

With a wave of Tezuka's arm, a golden beam flew towards Yukimura head-on.

Yukimura Golden Rooster soared into the air independently, and his arms drew a beautiful arc by his side and buckled down heavily.

This goal that should have been a lore was once again resolved by the rising field around Tezuka.

For the first goal this time, the two sides competed extremely fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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