The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 356 The Mirage Mirror

Chapter 356 The Mirage Mirror
"Isn't it too long to play this ball?!"

Xiang Riyue made some speechless complaints.

These two people on the field continued to fight at the bottom line like this. So far, they haven't even reached the first point to decide the winner.

"Isn't Seigaku Tezuka Kunimitsu's domain even Yukimura Seiichi of Rikkai University unable to crack?"

Shishido Ryo was also a little puzzled. With Yukimura Seiichi's strength, it shouldn't be impossible to crack even one field.


Ninja Yuuji shook his head and said, "Look at Tezuka's feet."

Everyone took a closer look and saw that the circular marks drawn by Tezuka's feet had gradually begun to deform.

"Is the Tezuka domain about to be cracked!"

Xiang Riyue said brightly in front of his eyes.

"No, Yukimura hasn't let Tezuka move for a long time after Tezuka expanded his counterattack range to two body positions."

Atobe put down the hand on his nose, and chuckled lightly.

"Tezuka's territory is not so easy to break through, Yukimura!"

With a smile on his face, Atobe looked at Yukimura's figure on the field. He really wanted to see how Yukimura would deal with Tezuka's domain.

"Sure enough, it still doesn't work!"

Yukimura smiled, and it was indeed too difficult to break through Tezuka's domain with conventional methods.

That being the case!

Yukimura shook his right hand, swung the racket to his left hand, and lashed out hard.


Tezuka was keenly aware of the difference in this shot, and immediately gave up waiting in place, and rushed out like a cheetah.

"What's going on?! Why doesn't Tezuka use the domain anymore?"

After seeing Tezuka leaving the center line of the court, Xiang Hiyake asked with some doubts.


Atobe's right hand was gently pressing on his nose, his eyes were piercing, staring at the field.

Sanada sat on the sidelines like a sculpture. After Yukimura entered the field, he replaced Yukimura and sat on the sideline coaching bench of Likai University.

For him, the opportunity to watch the match between Tezuka and Yukimura at such a close distance is absolutely not allowed to be missed.


Seeing that Yukimura finally started to get serious, Sanada kept cheering for Yukimura from the bottom of his heart.

He knew that Yukimura had paid a lot for the glory of Li Haida. Even after what happened last year, Yukimura still did not give up his tennis career. For Yukimura, tennis was everything to him.

The rule of Rikkai Great King is Yukimura's motto.

"Game, Yukimura Seiichi, 15:0."

Finally, the protracted first ball was decided, and Yukimura scored the first point of the game.

"Tezuka! I'm going to keep going!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Yukimura raised his arm, and then pulled it quickly.

A golden light suddenly appeared in the air, and the traces left in just a moment were annihilated.

The high-speed serve based on Yukimura's foundation is even faster than the heavy artillery serve of Heidei Hochotaro.

Seeing this, Tezuka stopped thinking about the gains and losses of the previous ball, took two steps forward, bent his knees and raised the ball high.

The hitting point of Yukimura's ball could not be hidden from his eyes, and Tezuka had to take it seriously because of the heavy backspin contained in the tennis ball.

There was an inexplicable smile on Yukimura's face, all of this was within his expectation.

Yukimura swung his arms and sprinted forward quickly, using the strength of the sprint to jump up.

There was a bang, and the racket brought up a burst of smoke and dust when it was swung. In the white smoke and dust, a golden lightning surged out.


A trace of doubt flashed across Tezuka's iceberg-like face, and then he rushed out quickly.

"What! Isn't Tezuka going to activate the domain?"

Xiang Riyue was very puzzled, what was Tezuka going to do, and he gave up his own field on his own initiative?

"No! It's not that he doesn't activate it, but that he can't activate it!"

Atobe glanced at Yukimura meaningfully, he is such an amazing guy, he actually thought of using this method to conquer Tezuka's Tezuka domain.

"Can't start? What do you mean?"

With a question mark on Xiang Hiyake's face, he didn't understand what Atobe's words meant.

During the conversation, Tezuka had already arrived at the landing point of the tennis ball. He swung his arm, and the moment the tennis ball hit the racket, a huge impact immediately hit Tezuka's wrist.

With Yukimura's strength and spin, it is not so easy to counterattack the smash.

"I'll accept this one, Tezuka!"

Yukimura's figure suddenly appeared from the front of the net, and with a push of his arm, the tennis ball that was hit by Tezuka was pushed back into Tezuka's court.

"Game, Yukimura Seiichi, 30:0."

"Game, Yukimura Seiichi, 1:0."

"Both sides change game!"

After the long rallies for the first ball, the next three balls ended very quickly.

Yukimura's offensive suddenly became stronger, while Tezuka's domain failed for some reason.

"Hiss! Is this the strength of Yukimura Seiichi, the son of Likai Dashen? How can he not even match Seigaku's Tezuka Kunimitsu?"

"It's too early to say that it's not an opponent. Tezuka Kunimitsu hasn't made a move yet!"

The audience has their own opinions, but judging from the current situation, Seiichi Yukimura of Rikkai University seems to have the upper hand.

"Yukimura! We must win!"

Looking at Yukimura who returned to the sideline during the break, Sanada stared into Yukimura's eyes and said solemnly.

"Don't worry, Genichiro, I will definitely win!"

Yukimura nodded, leaving Sanada with a reassuring smile. The rule Yukimura made for himself was that he would never allow himself to fail!

"Tezuka, you should have noticed it, right?"

On the other side, Fuji smiled and said to Tezuka who had returned.


Tezuka nodded.

"Are you confident you can win?"

Bu Er then asked.

"Of course! I don't intend to lose to anyone other than you!"

As soon as the words fell, Tezuka stood up, leaving Fuji with a broad back.


Fuji smiled and shook his head. He was actually not worried about Tezuka. The competition had just begun, and temporary gains and losses were nothing. Only after the competition entered a fierce stage could we see the clues.

After switching sides, Yukimura came to the receiving area on the right with his right hand in his hand, twitched his left foot on the ground, then raised his head and said, "Tezuka, you should have noticed it already!"

There was also a wave of waves flashing across Tezuka's iceberg-like face, and he stopped the movement of his hands just after he took out the tennis ball.

"You know, last year, under Fuji's reminder, I went to the hospital. There, the doctor once told me that I might not be able to play tennis anymore."

What Yukimura said, not only the audience, even everyone in Lihai University was shocked, Yukimura him!
Soon, everyone remembered that in the last semester of last year, Yukimura had disappeared for a while.

After the national competition ended last year, Yukimura took a break from school for a while, and they originally thought that Yukimura was going on a school trip!

Looking at it now, Yukimura should have been admitted to the hospital at that time.

Liu Renji and Sanada looked at Yukimura silently, they were the only two people in Li Haida who knew about it.

Yukimura is a very responsible minister, so before leaving, he will naturally hand over all the affairs of the club to Yanagi Renji and Sanada.

"However, I am not a person who will bow to fate. However, what I want to say is not how difficult the rehabilitation training I have endured, but! During the period in order to revive my tennis career, I actually still There is an unexpected harvest, that is, the left and right hands can hit the precise ball without deviation!"

"Mirage Mirror!"

Yukimura's head suddenly lifted, under the green hair band, his purple gemstone eyes were as bright as pearls.

"This is the surprise I originally prepared for Fuji, but it's a pity that I still can't do it with reservations when facing you!"

Yukimura was smiling, and there was endless murderous intent hidden under this tenderness.

If you want to crack Tezuka's domain, you must spin in the opposite direction of the domain when Tezuka is unprepared.

It is impossible for ordinary people to spin in the opposite direction in front of the spin ball master Tezuka.

But Yukimura really did it.

In the rehabilitation center of Mihua Municipal Hospital last year, Yukimura made unimaginable efforts to be able to pick up the tennis racket again.

During the day-to-day rehabilitation training, in order not to lose the balance of muscles and body, Yukimura is not only doing rehabilitation training for his right hand, but even his left hand.

Before he knew it, Yukimura had mastered a brand new weapon!
That is to be able to hit a precise ball with no deviation from left to right - the mirror of mirage!

Different from Ryoma's double-sword style, Yukimura's left hand is truly as powerful as his right hand, and there is no dead angle in switching between left and right hands. Yukimura's left and right hands can hit the same level of super spin.

"I see!"

There was a flash of approval and understanding in Tezuka's eyes, he finally knew what the weird feeling was just now.

Tezuka has always used his own experience to predict the opponent's ball, and Yukimura's mirage mirror just blocked Tezuka's prediction of himself, making Tezuka's prediction go wrong.

It sounds simple, but Tezuka knows how much sweat and hardships Yukimura has put into being able to do this.

However, admiration is admiration, Tezuka will not allow himself to lose this game.

The tennis ball was thrown high by Tezuka, and then Tezuka's racket was quickly swung over the head from behind, and the tennis ball fell into Yukimura's court in a moderate arc.

Yukimura's feet exploded suddenly, propelling him to sprint forward quickly from behind the receiving line. However, the ball landed on the ground before Yukimura arrived, and then, under the shocked eyes of everyone, quickly headed towards the net go away.


"This is! Tezuka Kunimitsu's zero serve!"

Many sophomores and third-year players from other schools had seen Tezuka's zero serve last year, but even if it was not the first time they saw it, they were still shocked by Tezuka's miraculous technique.

After Tezuka walked slowly to the end line on the left, he took out a tennis ball from his pocket again.

It was still a zero-style serve, and under the pressure of the violent rotation, the tennis ball trembled in the air, and quickly bounced back to the side of the net after landing.

"Is this the true strength of Vice President Tezuka!"

At this time, Haitang was also stunned by Tezuka's zero serve.

On weekdays, even during the school ranking competitions, Tezuka did not really show his skills, so that Haitang and Taocheng only knew that Tezuka was very strong, but they did not have a clear idea of ​​how strong Tezuka was. .

But now, the two of them finally know the strength of their vice president, Bingshan.

In the third zero serve, Yukimura was in the frontcourt, and he could only watch the tennis ball rolling towards the net in front of him.

"Damn it! What kind of zero serve, is there really nothing you can do about it!"

Kirihara watched Yukimura doing futile work again, and said indignantly while lying on the barbed wire.

"Quiet, Chiya!"

Liu Ren put her hands on Akaya Kirihara's shoulders, without taking her eyes off Yukimura's body.

No one knows better than him what Yukimura has paid behind being able to stand on this court again.

Yukimura, who was reborn from the ashes, will not lose just like this.

"Game, Tezuka Kunimitsu, 1:1."


"Isn't it still not working..."

Yukimura shook his head, thinking to himself.

When he was in Paris, he had seen Senior Tanejima return Tezuka's zero serve, but when it was his turn, he found that he was still a bit short.

Yukimura swung his racket again, and the tennis player hit the outer corner of the serving area with an extremely powerful topspin.

The tennis ball that pierced the net was shining brightly in the sun.

Tezuka turned around and strode out, his left foot suddenly touched the ground, and he turned his back to Yukimura and hit Yukimura's serve back with his left hand behind him.

After hitting back Yukimura's serve, Tezuka immediately adjusted his center of gravity and flew towards the other side. He knew that Yukimura would not miss such a good opportunity to attack.

Sure enough, when he turned his head, Yukimura's figure had already soared into the air in front of the net.

Yukimura was not polite at all, aiming at the corner of the baseline on the other side of Tezuka, he dunked heavily directly, and the tennis ball whizzed away with an indomitable momentum.

"Get it!"

Seeing that Tezuka had arrived at the landing point of the tennis ball, Momoshiro shouted excitedly.

Tezuka bent his knees and picked up the racket from his feet.

"Nice lob, Tezuka!"

Yukimura's voice came from the top of Tezuka's head, Tezuka looked up, Yukimura had already switched the racket to his left hand in the air, ready to smash the ball.


Tezuka's heart sank, Yukimura's mirage mirror brought him far more trouble than he imagined.

Yukimura's left and right hands can hit precise shots without deviation, which means that Yukimura's attack has more routes out of thin air.

"Game, Yukimura Seiichi, 15:0."

A golden light exploded on Tezuka's side baseline, and Yukimura's left-hand smash finally broke through Tezuka's defense again.


"Game, Yukimura Seiichi, 2:1."

"Both sides change game!"


Soon, Yukimura won his serve again.

Anyone can see that in Yukimura's serve, Yukimura can be said to have indeed suppressed Tezuka, using what he himself called a weapon called the Mirage Mirror.

"How come! Vice President Tezuka was actually suppressed by the opponent?!"

Momoshiro couldn't believe that in his impression, Tezuka could exist like a god like Fuji, but now he was suppressed by his opponent?
"Don't worry, Tezuka hasn't shown even one percent of his strength yet!"

Kikumaru patted Taocheng's shoulder and said.

"Really! Kikumaru-senpai!"

Haitang turned her head and asked.

In his opinion, Kikumaru's words are probably mostly bragging. Is such strength actually only one percent of that of Vice President Tezuka?
"Kikumaru is right, Tezuka's strength is far more than that, you can watch with peace of mind!"

Gan pushed his glasses and said, he has never been slack in collecting Tezuka's data.

He clearly knew that Tezuka was as unfathomable as Fuji.But this time, he could finally see Tezuka's progress over the past year.

After a 90-second break, Tezuka and Yukimura switched courts again.

After returning to Lihai University's home court, Yukimura was immediately cheered by all the members of Lihai University.

"Come on! President Yukimura!"

"Chang Sheng! Li Hai Da! Chang Sheng! Li Hai Da!"

And Qingxue is naturally not to be outdone, even though they are already 0:2 behind Lihai University, the members of his Qingxue still believe that they will tie the score or even surpass it like last year!

The game resumed amid the cheers of the audience.

(End of this chapter)

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