The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 357 Make a move

Chapter 357 Make a move
A beam of golden light hangs into the field, with a wisp of green smoke billowing against the side of the net.

Tezuka Kunimitsu's zero serve silenced everyone again.

"Game, Tezuka Kunimitsu, 2:2."

With only four goals, Tezuka tore a hole in the momentum that Yukimura had finally accumulated.

If he can't fight against Tezuka's zero-style serve, Yukimura will always be at a disadvantage in this kind of game, because he has no way to compete for Tezuka's serve.

"Damn! If President Yukimura can't solve this zero-style serve, wouldn't he be in a stalemate with the opponent forever?"

Kirihara Chi also said indignantly, in his heart, the opponent was obviously not as powerful as his own president, but was dragged into a stalemate by the opponent's unsolvable serve.

Is it necessary to reach the tiebreaker to decide the winner of this round?
"Do not."

Liu Lian Er shook her head.

"Tezuka Kunimitsu's zero serve is very powerful, but it has a fatal flaw."

"A fatal flaw? What is it?"

Qieyuan looked at Liu Lian in doubt.

"Whether it's Tezuka Kunimitsu's zero-style serve or Atobe Keigo's Tannhauser's serve, the essence is to use super spin to control the rebound of the tennis ball. To do this, the spin applied to the tennis ball It has to be very drastic."

Liu Lianer explained.

"That's right, but Senior Liu, does this have anything to do with the shortcomings you mentioned?"

Kirihara's bewildered little head hadn't turned the corner yet, he didn't understand what Liu Renji said had anything to do with Tezuka's fatal flaw.

"Idiot! Think about it with your kelp head, can such a strong rotation be achieved so easily?"

Nioh rubbed Kirihara's kelp vigorously and said.

"So that's it, I understand! The opponent's wrist will definitely be unbearable if you keep making such violent rotations!"

Although Kirihara was confused, he still understood the common sense about tennis.

He quickly realized that such a strong rotation like Zero or Tannhauser's is extremely harsh on the wrist.

"Hmph! I want to see how long this guy can last! Come on! President Yukimura!"

After realizing it, Kirihara put all the worries in his mind out of his mind, and leaned on the edge of the barbed wire, loudly cheering for Yukimura in the field.

"I said Tezuka, you should be more serious, is it possible that you plan to use zero formula to drag this match into the tie-break?"

Yukimura said coldly, with dissatisfaction in his words.

Tezuka may have underestimated himself too much, so he is still not ready to show his true strength?

Yukimura is a very proud person. This time, for Rikkai's victory, he chose to avoid Fuji and face Tezuka. That is also because in his heart, Tezuka is also an opponent worth defeating.

But what he wants to face is Tezuka Kunimitsu, who is like a god under the seamless brilliance, not a guy who only delays the game time by zero-style serve.

"Concentrate on it, Yukimura!"

Hearing this, Tezuka didn't keep it any longer, a bright radiance burst out from his body, even under the bright sun, the brilliance was still dazzling.

Even the sun cannot take away the light that belongs to Tezuka Kunimitsu.

"This! What is this!"

Feeling the huge momentum from Tezuka's continuous crushing in the field, Kirihara Chi also showed horror. He was only in the first grade, and he didn't understand what this momentum represented at all.

"Kirihara, you have to watch carefully! This is the true strength of Seigaku's Emperor Tezuka Kunimitsu! The limit of seamlessness!"

Liu Lianer squinted her eyes, the competition was finally about to enter the most critical competition.


Sanada had already stood up, standing on the sidelines like a sculpture.

The place where he stood was the place where he had the deepest perception of Tezuka's aura besides the players on the field.

Sanada felt it very clearly, and Tezuka made progress again.


Atobe snorted coldly, even though he was so far away, he could clearly feel the constant mental oppression coming from Tezuka.

"Kakachi, can you imitate Tezuka's seamlessness?"

Xiang Riyue suddenly thought of Huadi's pure heart. If Huadi can imitate Tezuka's seamless clothes, it doesn't mean that Ice Empress has another top-level combat power.

Hearing this, Shido Ryo, Ninazu Yushi and others also looked at Takahiro Huadi one after another, and they also wanted to know whether Huadi could do it.

"Huadi. Huadi can't do it."

After being silent for a while, Huadi said sullenly.

I don't know why, even if he desperately wants to remember the brilliance and aura of the opponent, he will forget it in a blink of an eye, and he can't learn the opponent's move at all.


Everyone in the Ice Empress sighed, but they didn't place much hope in the first place, after all, that was the limit of seamlessness, the ultimate meaning of the palace of selflessness.

It would be abnormal if Huachi imitated her so easily.

On the court, feeling the constant mental oppression from Tezuka, Yukimura had a cold smile on his face.

This is the Tezuka Kunimitsu he wants to defeat!

The moment the ball just flew out of his hand, Yukimura frowned. The level of his serve just dropped so much.

Before Yukimura came back to his senses, a piercing sound rang in his ears.

Stab it!

On the barbed wire behind Yukimura, a bright yellow tennis ball was stuck on it, causing the barbed wire to tremble.


"Good, fast! I can't react at all!"

Only then did the audience wake up like a dream. Did Tezuka Kunimitsu fight back just now?

They didn't see Tezuka Kunimitsu swinging his racket at all, let alone the tennis ball.

"Sure enough, he's still so strong! He's so handsome! Tezuka Kunimitsu!"

The camera in Shiba Saori's hand kept flickering, and the fragmented hair on Tezuka's head was dotted with seamless dots of light. Shiba Saori couldn't resist Tezuka's damn charm.


Although it is not the first time to see the seamless light, Mamoru Inoue can't help but think of that legendary name every time he sees it.

Samurai Echizen Minamijiro!
That was the idol of their generation.

"Referee, it's time to announce the score."

Seeing that the referee did not respond for a long time, he opened his mouth to remind.

"Yes. Yes. Photography class, rewind, rewind and check the ball just now."

The referee's forehead was covered with fine sweat. He is a professional tennis referee. He didn't react to the ball just now? !
Fortunately, the Kanto Competition is the highest-level junior high school competition in the Kanto region, with a series of facilities and equipment that are the most complete.

"In bounds! The ball is in bounds!"

The photographer gave the referee a very positive answer.

"Game, Tezuka Kunimitsu, 15:0."

"Game, Tezuka Kunimitsu, 30:0."

"Game, Tezuka Kunimitsu, 40:0."

"Game, Tezuka Kunimitsu, 3:2."

"Both sides change game!"

"How could it be! President Yukimura actually!"

Akaya Kirihara had an unbelievable expression on his face. In his eyes, Yukimura, who was invincible, completely fell into a disadvantage after Tezuka opened the seamless.


Everyone in Lihaida clenched their palms tightly.

Tezuka's seamlessness, they had expected before the game that it would be the key to the outcome of the game, Yukimura told them that he had a way to counter Tezuka's seamlessness.

Regarding Yukimura's words, everyone at Likai University naturally trusted them very much, so Sanada gave up the singles three position to Yukimura, because Sanada did not have the confidence to compete against Tezuka's seamlessness.

Although it seems that Yukimura has no ability to resist in front of Tezuka's perfect clothes, everyone in Likai University believes that Yukimura will definitely turn defeat into victory.


Sanada looked at Yukimura who came to sit next to him, his eyes were full of complex expressions.

The current Yukimura is very much like the original self.

In front of Tezuka's flawless clothes, his inner weakness was magnified infinitely, and that bright light swallowed his self-confidence.

"Don't worry, Genichiro! I'm fine!"

When Yukimura's voice came, Sanada was slightly taken aback, why did Yukimura's voice sound so indifferent.


Sanada stared into Yukimura's eyes, a little stunned.

Yukimura's eyes, why are they so indifferent? In Yukimura's eyes, Sanada couldn't see a trace of anger.

Soon, the break time passed, Yukimura and Tezuka switched courts, and the game started again.

"Game, Tezuka Kunimitsu, 4:2."

"Have you noticed that Yukimura has gradually been able to keep up with Tezuka's movements?"

Yagyu Bilushi's heavy lens, his eyes full of wisdom were watching the field closely.

He has already discovered that Yukimura has gradually been able to fight back and forth with Tezuka.

"Well, that's right, Yukimura has already begun to break free from the seamless bondage."

Liu Lian Er nodded, but he didn't understand how Yukimura did it.

It's not so easy to fight seamlessly. Take Sanada as an example. As the emperor of Lihaida, Sanada's strength is beyond doubt.

But even Sanada couldn't break free from the shackles of the perfect clothes.

How did Yukimura do it?

A big question mark appeared in Liu Lian'er's heart.

"Game, Yukimura Seiichi, 15:30."

Finally, Yukimura snatched a ball from Tezuka's hand.

"It's amazing! To be able to get a point from Tezuka's subordinates who are seamless, Yukimura Seichi, the son of Tachikai Dai's god! What an amazing guy!"

Ninja Yushi sighed in admiration, he can be said to have a very good understanding of the realm of selflessness.

The more you understand, the more you can understand the horror of Aigaku Tezuka Kunimitsu.

Facing such Tezuka Kunimitsu, Yukimura Seiichi was able to resist tenaciously, which was beyond Ninzu's expectations.

"How on earth did he do it!"

Atobe kept thinking in the bottom of his heart, but he knew that even a world-class player would inevitably be affected in the face of the seamless brilliance.

How did Yukimura do it? !
"Huh? What kind of look is that!"

Atobe noticed Yukimura's eyes, there seemed to be only a halo in the pupils, and the indifference in his eyes was simply shocking.

Atobe used his insight to the extreme and observed Yukimura carefully.

"I see!"

It didn't take long for Atobe to confirm what he thought in his heart. He never thought that someone could do this step.

"Atobe, what did you find?"

Ninaku Yushi knew that if anyone in the presence of Hyotei could understand what happened to Yukimura Seiichi, then only Atobe.

"Yukimura Seiichi, he took all of his five senses away!"

Atobe's words shocked everyone in Ice Empress.


"Take away all my five senses?!"

Everyone in Hyodi looked at Yukimura Seiichi on the field in horror. How could someone do such a thing?

In addition, not to mention whether it can be done, the feeling of losing the five senses makes everyone feel horrified just by thinking about it. Will someone really choose to deprive themselves of their five senses?

Shinobu Yushi's face is silent, his closed heart is to abandon his unnecessary emotions, so as to eliminate his redundant small movements, so that the opponent cannot predict his actions.

And Yukimura, on this point, is more pure than him.

He voluntarily gave up his five senses and only improved the sense necessary for playing tennis to the extreme.

What an amazing guy.

On the sidelines, there was a smile on Fuji's face, Yukimura finally embarked on the road of zero-sense tennis.

Let go of your five senses for the time being, and then continue to hone the senses necessary to play tennis to the extreme, and concentrate all your mental power on tennis, using this way of purification to fight against the brilliance of perfection.

This kind of tennis can only be played by him, Seiichi Yukimura.

"Game, Yukimura Seiichi, 30:30."

"Game, Yukimura Seiichi, 40:40."

"Game, Yukimura Seiichi, 3:4."

"Both sides change game!"

After breaking away from Tezuka's seamless brilliance with zero-sensing tennis, Yukimura used his mirage mirror to regain a point from Tezuka's hand.

"Come on! President Yukimura!"

Akira Kirihara also shouted loudly from the sidelines, but at this moment, Yukimura had already put his five senses aside.

"We must win! Yukimura!"

Sanada prayed silently for Yukimura in his heart. He knew better than anyone else that Yukimura's so-called zero-sense tennis was just a product born to eliminate Yukimura's inner fear.

Yukimura, who crouched in the receiving area again, suddenly said coldly: "Tezuka, I will never be afraid of playing tennis. For me, the real fear is that I will never be able to play tennis again." Feel!"

"Concentrate on it, Yukimura!"

From Yukimura's words, Tezuka heard his dedication to victory. Although he was an opponent, he expressed great admiration for Yukimura's will.

This time, it's no longer the zero style, the extremely powerful topspin draws all the air around the tennis ball into the side, forming an invisible cyclone.

For Tezuka, his spin serve is equally powerful.

Yukimura's eyes had already turned black and white, and in his eyes, there was only the shadow of tennis balls.

Yukimura's left hand hit the ball again with a strong kick, and the ball that poured all its strength drew a nearly straight golden trajectory in the air, and flew straight towards Tezuka's feet.

Rinse~ Rinse~
Beside Tezuka, an invisible cyclone spiraled up like a tornado, pushing the surrounding dust and gravel out of the court. At the same time, the tennis ball also changed its flight trajectory and flew towards the sidelines.

"This is! Phantom of Tezuka!"

Atobe's eyes were fixed, he almost forgot that Tezuka still had the reverse use of this trick.


Atobe watched helplessly as Tezuka left the central axis where he was standing and ran towards the right corner.

The tennis ball, which was constantly spinning and flying off the court, suddenly stopped its falling trajectory and fell towards the bottom line.

"I'm sorry, Tezuka! No matter how you apply the rotation, the result is the same. My mirage mirror can seal your Tezuka Phantom with the same domain!"

Yukimura's eyes were indifferent to Tezuka like a god. At this moment, Yukimura was full of energy, showing the power of the son of god.

At the moment when the tennis ball flew over the net, Tezuka had already judged that the rotation of the ball had been changed by Yukimura, so he left the central axis where he was standing.


"Game, Yukimura Seiichi, 4:4."


"How is it possible, is Tezuka Phantom also invalid?"

Dashi said in shock.

"Yukimura's mirage mirror, after Tezuka's phantom spin, counteracted it with a spin in the opposite direction."

Gan said while recording in his own data book.


Kikumaru stared blankly at Tezuka on the field, it was the first time he saw Tezuka fall into a disadvantage when facing an opponent other than Fuji.

"Tezuka! You must win!"

Just when everyone in Qingxue was confused, Yamato Yuda's voice suddenly sounded in their ears.

Turning his head to see, Yamato Yuda was standing behind them with a smile, his hands were placed at the corners of his mouth in a trumpet shape.


"Senior Yamato!"

Kikumaru and the others looked happy, did Yamato-senpai also come to cheer for them?

"Tezuka, you haven't forgotten what I taught you!"

Yamato smiled and gestured to Tezuka in the field.


Tezuka raised his head, glanced at Yamato Yudai in the Seigaku team, and then clenched the racket in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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