The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 359 Sanada VS Akutsu

Chapter 359 Sanada VS Akutsu

"Tezuka, players with mental power are very difficult to deal with!"

With a smile on his face, Fuji handed Tezuka a towel.

"Well, Yukimura is a good opponent."

Tezuka nodded, Yukimura is not only outstanding in mental strength, Yukimura's skills, speed, strength, and endurance are also among the best among his peers.

Apart from Fuji, Yukimura is Tezuka's most valued opponent.

"Yukimura's Seizing the Future is essentially an advanced version of data tennis. You should have noticed this, Tezuka."

Fuji's blue eyes suddenly opened, even the "outsider" on the sidelines of Yukimura had noticed those unusual returns in the process of killing the five senses before, and he believed that Tezuka, as the person involved, must have also noticed arrive.

As Yukimura's former opponent, it is clear that the move of seizing the future is the only move. This is actually an advanced version of the data tennis move. It has been constantly pulling to find out the opponent's least good at counterattacking the ball, and then use mental strength. Guiding the opponent to play this shot is the secret of Yukimura's future.

"Well, don't worry, I will definitely win for Qingxue."

After Tezuka left a firm word, he resolutely set foot on the court. He would never let Qing Xue leave the court in such a sad manner.

When Tezuka re-entered the stage, the seamless brilliance of his body shone around him, the broken hair on his forehead danced without wind, and an astonishing momentum burst out from his body.


Yukimura took a deep breath, he knew that Tezuka was completely serious.

Tezuka's swing was still so fast that people couldn't see clearly. The strong rotation suppressed the arc and landed on the tennis ball, and it rolled straight towards the net.

Zero serve!

15: 0.

"Game, Tezuka Kunimitsu, 6:6."

"Tie-break tie-breaker, Rikkai Taikomura Seiichi serve!"

Tezuka used four zero serves to drag the game into the tiebreaker.

With the referee's loud shout, the game entered the final contest.

"Oh oh oh!"

"Qing Xue! Qing Xue!"

"Chang Sheng! Li Hai Da! Chang Sheng! Li Hai Da!"

As the horn of the tiebreaker sounded, the members of both sides began to shout loudly for the players on the field.

"Come on, Tezuka!"

Yukimura shouted loudly, with a slight tremor in his voice, which was brought about by excitement.

Apart from Li Haida's glory, Yukimura himself is also enjoying this game.

Yukimura's racket was swung from above his head, and a golden light flashed past.

Tezuka took a step forward, and being left-handed, he drew the ball back with a powerful backhand.

The nearly linear trajectory mobilized Yukimura to move significantly to the left.

The two sides started a fierce tug near the bottom line.

In the end, Yukimura mercilessly passed under Tezuka's crotch with a smash and scored the first point.

"Game, Yukimura Seiichi, 1:0."

However, Tezuka was also merciless, and the zero-style serve once again suppressed the joy in the hearts of everyone in Lihai University.

The score came to 2:1.
"If Yukimura can't break Tezuka's zero serve, the initiative of this tiebreaker will always be in Tezuka's hands."

Looking at the situation on the field, Liu Lian Er pondered and said, this is also the question he is most worried about.

Yukimura's suppression of Tezuka, I don't know how far he can persist. Yukimura's zero-sensing tennis requires a lot of mental power to resist seamlessly. Once the battle cannot be resolved quickly, the balance of victory has already begun to fall to Tezuka .

Everyone in Lihai University was silent for a while, they were also very aware of the current situation, and now they can only hope that Yukimura can break Tezuka's zero serve.

"Zero serve, Tezuka Kunimitsu! What a headache."

Xiang Hiyake shook his head, he was not optimistic about Yukimura Seiichi from Likai University from the very beginning.

The image of Yukimura Seiichi's tennis to Mukahiyake is treacherous and dangerous.

Tezuka Kunimitsu's tennis system surprised him. Relying on the power of selflessness, the tennis system built on the basis of field and zero style made people envious of Tezuka Kunimitsu's talent.

On the field, Yukimura took a deep breath. At this stage of the game, all he can do is do his best.

Yukimura, who is in a state of zero sense, has concentrated his concentration greatly, and his serve has always maintained an astonishing level.

The golden streamer reached a tricky corner at Tezuka's feet at an astonishing speed. Due to the impact of the rotation on the rapidly bouncing tennis ball, the space for Tezuka's counterattack was greatly reduced.


Under the shocked eyes of the audience, Tezuka quickly switched the racket to his right hand, and then swung his right hand heavily, and the golden beam penetrated Yukimura's court.

"Game, Tezuka Kunimitsu, 3:1."

The audience was silent, who would have thought that Tezuka would use this method to score points from Yukimura's men.

Two swords style, this is Tezuka's weapon to break Yukimura and seize the future.

Now that he knows that Yukimura's Seize the Future is a move based on data tennis, it will become easier to handle.

To deal with data tennis, one must either interfere with the opponent's data collection, or change one's own data model.

Yukimura has already collected Tezuka's data, so the first way is of course useless, so the only way left is to change his own data model.

In the process of rehabilitation, Yukimura developed the mirage mirror by tempering his whole body, which is actually the dual-sword style.

As for the two-sword style, it is naturally possible for Tezuka.

Tezuka's self-discipline is quite terrifying. He will not lose to anyone in polishing his own body. With the dream of becoming a professional player, Tezuka has never stopped working hard.

Although he couldn't be as precise as Yukimura, his left and right hands were accurate without deviation, but Tezuka's right hand would not be much weaker than his left hand.

"Game, Tezuka Kunimitsu, 4:1."

Tezuka, who switched the racket to his right hand, severely shattered the future planned by Yukimura and shattered it into scattered pieces.

"How come! Tezuka!"

On Yukimura's forehead, dense sweat kept oozing out. He never expected that Tezuka would rewrite the future he had set for him in such a way.

"Cheer up Yukimura! You must win!"

Seeing something wrong with Yukimura's situation, Sanada immediately yelled towards the field.

The game is not over yet, how could Yukimura give up.

"Come on! President Yukimura!"

"Chang Sheng! Li Hai Da! Chang Sheng! Li Hai Da!"

The rest of Lihai University were also cheering for Yukimura. Although Tezuka was about to win the game with only three goals, they believed that Yukimura would definitely turn the tables.


Yukimura clenched the racket in his hand, yes, how could he just give up like this.

Sweeping away the haze in his heart, Yukimura forced himself to calm down, since he could collect information on Tezuka's left hand, then the right hand must also be able to.

There will not be much deviation in the data between the left and right hands. Yukimura believes that as long as he is given a little time, he will be able to re-plan the future of Tezuka's defeat.

But will Tezuka give him such time?

"Oh oh oh!"

"Aigaku! Tezuka! Aigaku! Tezuka!"

"One more ball! Another ball!"

Those who supported Qingxue cheered happily. In their view, this match was over.

"Hiss! A zero serve from the right hand?!"

Xiang Hiyake was shocked. If Tezuka's two-sword style had already shocked him, then after Tezuka hit a zero-style serve with his right hand, he said that he couldn't accept it at all.

Tezuka Kunimitsu, this guy is too scary.


Atobe's face was cold, and Tezuka's right hand raised the threat of Tezuka in his heart to another level.

The two sword style is not only a threat to data tennis, but also a threat to Yukimura's seizure of the future, and also a threat to his ice world, oh no, Atobe Kingdom.

The tennis ball kept bouncing and falling in Yukimura's palm. Although Yukimura remained calm in his heart, his rationality told him that unless he could recover the weakness of Tezuka's right hand in a very short period of time, otherwise, he would be finished.

With a crisp sound, the tennis ball flew over the net in an instant.

Yukimura's purple jewel-like eyes glowed with the last light, this is his last stand.

The seamless radiance on Tezuka's body was full of light, with a little bit of brilliance, Tezuka stepped forward and twitched, the solid muscles on his arm made the whistling sound of the ball extraordinarily touching.

The lightning-fast whip ball whizzed towards him, Yukimura watched Tezuka's movements while aiming at the opposite corner on the other side, and hit a straight diagonal kick.

Tezuka had already judged it the moment Yukimura made a move, and strode towards the no man's land on the other side.

Aim for the lob shot directly in front of the baseline, drawing a graceful arc in the air.


Yukimura yelled loudly, leaping up with the strength of turning back and sprinting, and with the instant explosive force of twisting his abdomen, he ruthlessly suppressed the falling lob and shot it into Tezuka's field at a 45-degree angle.

The lens on Tezuka's face flashed a bright light, and the seven-colored light on his right hand shone, and the strength that had been tempered for thousands of years burst out like magma.

Super Half Volley!
Yukimura's smash was actually hit back by Tezuka with a half volley.

After landing, the tennis ball bounced high, clinging to Yukimura's body, and jumped out from above the barbed wire. It is conceivable how amazing the strength of this ball is to cause the tennis ball to bounce like this.

"This game was won by Tezuka Kunimitsu of Youth Academy, with a score of 7:6."

When the referee's voice sounded, the audience suddenly burst into applause, which was the audience's tribute to Tezuka and Yukimura.

These two people explained to them what it means to be a top player in the middle school world, which made many adults feel ashamed.

Yukimura, who returned to the side seat, opened his mouth, but found that he could not speak. He once again failed the expectations of everyone in Lihai University.

"Leave it to me, Yukimura!"

Sanada had already made preparations, Yukimura missed a move, and the key to Li Haida's victory over Qinggaku fell on him.

There seemed to be a flame burning in Sanada's eyes, and this time, he would do everything he could.


Akutsu's reckless eyes swept across Tezuka's body. Sooner or later, he will overcome this paralyzed face, and then defeat Fuji's squinting eyes, and become the number one in Seigaku.

This is his goal all along.

"The final of the Kanto Tournament is about to begin. The singles match between Youth Academy and Lihai University Affiliated Middle School No. [-], players from both sides are invited to play."

After a short break, the singles two match soon began.

Sanada on the sidelines carried the racket and stepped onto the court in a few steps, while Akutsu, without any intention of warming up, walked off the court with the racket in his hands.

"The match between Genichiro Sanada, the emperor of Rikai University, and Akutsu, the geek from Seigaku, this is another match where sparks hit the earth. Chotaro, you need to be confident."

Shishido Ryo patted Hocho Taro on the shoulder and said.

"Okay, Shishido-senpai!"

Changtaro nodded solemnly, he had naturally heard of the names of these two people.

The emperor of Rikai University Genichiro Sanada, the second person of Rikai University.Chotaro knew it, the opponent defeated his own president Atobe last year, and he can be said to be the top player in the middle school world.

Although Yakutsuren of Qingxue is the number three figure in Qingxue, his strength is also unfathomable. Last year, he once crushed his own senior Shinozuzu, and he is also a top expert in the junior middle school.

In the competition between these two individuals, Chotaro believes that he can gain a lot.

"This match should be the key to Lihai University's victory over Qingxue. After all, Qingxue will play in the next match."

Xiang Riyue rubbed his chin and said.

As he said, after Yukimura's defeat, Sanada's match against Akutsu became particularly important, and the singles win or loss had already been determined in his opinion.

"Atobe, Sanada and Akutsu, which one do you prefer?"

A cold light flashed on Yushi Ninzu's lens, Akutsujin, sooner or later he will get back the debt from last year from Akutsu, he, a lone wolf from Kansai, has never eaten Such a big loss.

"Sanada, after all, he is my prey."

Atobe stood gracefully, and in his mind, he was still reminiscing about the last duel between Tezuka and Yukimura.

"Heroes see the same thing."

Yushi Ninzu chuckled, he was quite happy to see Akutsu deflated.


"Sanada, I hope you can cheer me up!"

Ajiujin leaned in front of the net, with a hint of rebellion on his pale face, even Sanada was just his prey in his eyes.

"Hmph! Get ready for the abyss of defeat, Akutsu!"

Sanada snorted coldly. Before the game started, he and Akutsu had already started a confrontation in front of the net.

Soon, after the two sides decided to serve, they turned and left.


The referee on the high chair wiped the sweat from his forehead. These two middle school students looked so scary.

"The match begins, and the match will be decided in one set. Genichiro Tachikai Osanada's serve."

When the whistle blew for the start of the game, Sanada raised his eyebrows, and a murderous aura erupted from his body.

"Look at my move, it's as fast as the wind!"

Sanada's arm fell like an afterimage, accompanied by a touch of emerald green cyclone, the tennis ball instantly disappeared in front of everyone.

"Sanada, haven't you eaten?"

Akutsu smiled contemptuously, and his figure galloped out like a cheetah, the muscle texture of his thighs and arms outlined perfect lines.

There was a dull sound of hitting the ball, and the moment the racket in Akutsu's hand hit the tennis ball, the tennis ball immediately deformed violently.

With Akutsu's strength and his mastery of sweet spot techniques, his counterattacks are very powerful.

Sanada's face froze, and behind him was a majestic and heavy momentum like a mountain peak.

Don't move like a mountain!

"Invasion is like fire!"

The perfect combination of the momentum of the mountains and the blow of the flames brought Sanada's Furin Volcano to its peak.

Sanada's feet spread out from side to side, pinned to the ground, and a hot flame spread from Sanada's arm to the racket.

The air around the tennis ball was ignited by flames, and it swept towards Akutsu like a flame tornado.

"Oh? Not bad, Sanada!"

There was also a trace of solemnity in Ajiujin's reckless eyes. He knew very well that Sanada was not the opponents he had met before.

"Let's fight, Sanada!"

The long-lost blood on Yajiujin's body began to boil, and his aura suddenly changed.

This is the first time that Akutsu met his favorite opponent after returning from Paris.

Genichiro Sanada, the emperor of Lihaida, made him excited, and the silver demon was about to be awakened.

(End of this chapter)

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