The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 360 The Power Like Thunder

Chapter 360 The Power Like Thunder

"Go to hell, Sanada!"

Yakujin grinned grimly, stepped on the ground with his left foot, and the explosive force generated by the twisting of his abdomen surged to his arm.

A gust of wind extinguished the billowing flames, and the huge force caused the tennis ball to fly backwards in the air.

"What! You beat Vice President Sanada back so easily!"

Kirihara Chi also had an unbelievable expression on his face. You know, Sanada's fire made him suffer a lot.

"This guy, Yakutsu, has become stronger!"

Marui Fumta said solemnly after taking a deep breath.

"Invasion is like fire!"

Sanada's face was solemn, he knew that Akutsu was not a good stubble, but a tough one who was very difficult to deal with.

"Sanada, you can use a little more force!"

Akutsu laughed lightly, and sprinted towards the tennis ball's landing point. He didn't even stand firm, and with the help of inertia, he beat Sanada's furious fire back.

Unlike Tezuka and Yukimura's pull, Sanada and Akutsu's confrontation on the bottom line is a duel of pure strength and speed.


Rijiruo held onto the barbed wire tightly, and the confrontation between the two guys in front of him made him feel terrified.

"Why, Hiji, are you scared?"

Atobe glanced at Hijiruo and smiled.

"Senior Atobe, what nonsense are you talking about, how could I be afraid! I'm too excited, I'm going to commit the next crime, it makes me tremble with excitement just thinking about it."

Rijiruo turned his face away arrogantly, so he wouldn't be afraid.

"The next offense? Huh? What are you talking about? Hahaha, Hiyoshi, you should aim for the throne of singles first. These guys are the opponents of our seniors."

Akibu said with a smile.

Rijiruo's performance made him very satisfied. The Ice Emperor never accepts cowards and weak people. Only those who are brave enough to challenge and not afraid of the road ahead are eligible to become a member of the Ice Emperor.

"Game, Genichiro Sanada, 1:0."

"Both sides switch sides."

After several fierce confrontations, Sanada finally won the first game and kept his serve.

"The first game was so fierce, what kind of level will the next game reach!"

Nan Kentaro said with some emotion, the singles level of these people is really scary, but fortunately, he plays doubles.

"I don't know. The only thing I can know is that the excitement of this game will definitely not be much worse than the last one."

Qianshi Qingchun rarely ignored the young and beautiful girls around him, and put all his concentration on this game. He knew that he was not yet Akutsu's opponent, but he wanted to know how far he was from Akutsu .

After changing sides, it was Akutsu's turn to serve.

"Let's fight, Sanada!"

As soon as Akutsu threw the ball, the muscles of his whole body were wriggling non-stop, and his whole body worked together like a war machine.

Violent rotation and strong force pushed the tennis ball out of the chamber like a bullet, and fell quickly after passing the net.

The tennis ball rolled rapidly on the ground, leaving a clearly visible imprint, and then bounced up impatiently, heading straight for Sanada's face.

The gust of wind hit Sanada's face like a blade, and even Sanada couldn't help but take half a step back.

With this retreat, the best opportunity to counter Akutsu's side-spin serve was lost. After hastily returning the ball, Sanada immediately felt something was wrong.

Sure enough, Akutsu's pale face appeared in the frontcourt, his explosive body stepped on the ground, and he leaped into a powerful smash, directly piercing Sanada's flank defense.

"Game, Akutsujin, 15:0."

"This is! Spin ball serve?"

Akira Kirihara's expression darkened. He can also play a serve like this, but Akutsu's side-spin serve is far superior to him in terms of spin, strength and skill.

"This is Akutsu's side-spin serve. After a year of polishing, the threat of this ball has been greatly improved."

Liu Lianer squinted her eyes and recorded Ajiujin's data in her mind.

"Side spin serve."

The corner of Masaharu Nioh's mouth curled up. It's a good move. Now, it's mine!

On the field, Sanada gently rubbed his cheeks, the energy from the ball just now made his cheeks ache.

"What's the matter, Sanada, are these the only things you have?"

Akujin slowly came to the left side of the serving line, his pale face, a pair of copper bell-like eyes full of playfulness.

"Come here, Akutsu!"

Sanada snorted coldly, came to the receiving area on the left and crouched down. Akutsu's side spin serve was just a surprise. Next time, he will definitely hit it back.

"Tch! Take it, Sanada!"

Yajiujin grinned, swung his arm high above his head, and slammed it hard on the tennis ball.

The piercing sound of hitting the ball declared that the strength of this ball would be even more terrifying than the previous one.

Sanada's face was filled with a murderous look, and the aura on his body suddenly became turbulent.

"Look at my move, Xu Rulin!"

From Sanada's mouth, a word came out softly.

The momentum of the mountains behind him gradually merged into the sea of ​​forest, and suddenly became thicker and mightier.

Akutsu's violent spin on the ball was immediately resolved by Sanada, and the tennis ball jumped out of Sanada's racket with a crisp sound.

"Sanada's Furin volcano has become stronger!"

A cold light flashed on the lens of Yushi Ninazu. In this year, not only their ice emperors, but also everyone in Aigaku and Rikkai University have made progress. Compared with last year, Sanada's Furin volcano is obviously more advanced. It fits itself.

The fusion of the true meaning of the four art of war is also easy to come by. The combination of immovable mountains and Xu Rulin's mighty forest not only has a stronger defense, but also becomes more tenacious in persistence.

"It's fine, Sanada!"

Atobe's right hand was pressed against his nose, his eyes were full of peeping light.

He naturally knew that Sanada would not stay where he was, but Atobe was also confident that with his current Atobe Kingdom, he would definitely be able to take down Sanada's Furin Volcano.

However, Atobe is also very clear that Furin Volcano is not Sanada's full strength at all. On top of Feng Lin Volcano, there are those two extremely powerful ultimate secrets.

Hard to know!

Move like thunder!

However, Sanada has reservations, and Atobe knows that Akutsu is the same.

"So fast!"

Hearing the exclamations around him, Atobe put aside the distracting thoughts in his mind and stared at the field.

Yakujin sprinted forward quickly, leaving afterimages behind him.

Ya Jiujin's physical talent was praised by his elders as a rare genius in ten years.

In Bu Er's heart, the praise of the old man is a bit conservative.

The more Yajiujin's talent is developed, the more shocking it becomes.

A soft body, excellent balance, well-developed motor nerves, a strong physique, etc., all of these, placed on a person alone, are enough to make achievements in the field of sports. When fused together in the body, it will create a terrifying body.

Yakujin leaned forward, arched his back, tightened his arms, and raised the tennis ball high.

Sanada looked up, without the slightest hesitation, stomped on the ground with both feet, and jumped into the air.

"Invasion is like fire!"

The raging fire that emerged from midair ignited the surrounding air, and the sky seemed to be dyed red.

"Game, Genichiro Sanada, 15:0."

"whispering sound!"

Yakujin's pupils were flushed red by the raging fire, and this mighty ball made Yakujin even more excited.

That's right, if Sanada's struggle is too small, it will make Akutsu unhappy.

"Game, Akutsujin, 1:1."

"Game, Genichiro Sanada, 2:1."

"Game, Akutsujin, 2:2."

The score rose alternately, just like the last game between Tezuka and Yukimura, Akutsu and Sanada also fell into anxiety for a while.

"I said Sanada, the warm-up is almost over, right?!"

Akutsu smiled contemptuously. He has been waiting for Sanada to show his true skills, but it seems that Sanada has no such plan, which makes Akutsu a little upset. Is Sanada looking down on him?

"Alright, since you want to fall into the abyss of defeat so much, I will help you!"

Sanada took a deep breath, a flash of firmness flashed in his eyes, and he murmured, his aura rose again.

"Hahaha! This is decent!"

Yakujin smiled presumptuously, this kind of game is what he wants.

Hearing the conversation between these two people, the audience was shocked.

"No way? Such a duel is just a warm-up?"

"Are you kidding me? How scary is the warm-up already? If it's really a fight, then it's okay?"

"Riji, cheer me up and watch carefully, the real competition is about to begin!"

With a serious face, Atobe said to his juniors.

Atobe, who has already entered the second grade of junior high school, has also begun to become calm. Hikichiruo is the most outstanding junior of the ice emperor, and Atobe will naturally take good care of him.

"Changtaro, you too, watch carefully."

Shishido Ryo patted Chotaro on the shoulder. The next game will be a field that even he can't get involved in.

"Yes! Senior Shishido!"

Chotaro nodded solemnly, and he has already noticed the change in the atmosphere on the field.

"Taocheng, haven't you always wanted to know Akutsu's strength? You can see it soon!"

Kawamura Takashi's eyes have been on Akutsu. As one of Akutsu's few friends, Kawamura admires Akutsu very much, especially after Akutsu entered Qinggaku.

Before entering Qinggaku, Akutsu could quickly get started with any sport, but due to lack of interest, it was difficult to persevere.

However, Yakujin, who was led by Fuji to the road of tennis, has always been the No. As a role model, for Haitang, he felt that the compatibility between himself and Ajiujin could no longer be matched.

"Senior Akutsu, he must be able to win!"

Taocheng grabbed the barbed wire, staring at Akutsu with burning eyes.

"Don't worry, Akutsu, he won't lose to that fellow Sanada!"

Kikumaru curled his lips. Although Akutsu usually likes to bully him, Kikumaru recognized Akutsu's strength very much.

He didn't think Akutsu would lose to this guy Sanada.


"Fast like the wind!"

Sanada yelled violently, and a strong wind swept across. This time, almost no one present saw clearly the movement of Sanada's swing.

"how is this possible!"

Qianshi Qingchun couldn't believe it, with his dynamic eyesight, he didn't even see Sanada's movements clearly.

"Didn't you see Qianshi clearly?"

Nan Kentaro swallowed his saliva, wouldn't he? !You know, Qianshi's pure dynamic vision is second to none in their Shanbuki Middle School.

Qianshi didn't respond, watching Ajiujin twitch his arms and hit Sanada's swift and invisible ball back, Qianshi's heart sank, such Ajiujin, does he still hope to get revenge?
Facing the ball that was hit back by Akutsu, Sanada's eyes were determined, and there was a faint wave of thunder emerging from his body.

Stab it!

With a sound of lightning and thunder, Sanada's figure disappeared in place, and when he reappeared in front of everyone, he had already reached the bottom line of the no-man's land on the other side, with the racket in his hand raised high above his head, silver snakes dancing wildly around him, and thunderclaps.

"Move like thunder!"

Sanada's voice resounded throughout the audience, the racket in his hand turned into a sharp sword, and the frame of the racket slammed heavily on the tennis ball. Akutsu's eyes went dark, and a dazzling silver light pierced the darkness, exploding at his feet.

Yajiujin looked down at his feet, wisps of blue smoke slowly rose from the dark imprint, and Yajiujin's nasal cavity seemed to be able to smell the scorched smell in the air.

"Hiss! Fa... what happened!"

"Just now... what was that just now?!"

It took a long time for the audience to recover from the shock. Although they didn't see the tennis ball clearly, they could clearly see the silver snake that had been lingering in the air for a long time.

"Here it is, Genichiro Sanada's movement is like thunder!"

Although it was not the first time for Shindo Ryo to see Sanada's thunder, he was still shocked.

Shishido Ryo thought that after special training, he should be able to keep up with Sanada's movements, but unexpectedly, he still overestimated himself and underestimated Sanada.

Even if Sanada's movement is as fast as the wind, Shishido Ryo can barely see the outline, and as for the movement as thunder, he can only see the traces left in the air.

"This is moving like... thunder..."

Feng Chotaro saw Sanada's strength for the first time, the power and speed of thunder, and he didn't know how much he would surpass Chotaro's own heavy artillery serve.


Atobe's face was cold, and he moved like a thunder. Sanada didn't use this trick when he faced him in the Kanto Competition last year, but Atobe knew that the person he was at that time, or the person he was last year, was definitely not Sanada who was moving like a thunder opponent, but now, Atobe really wants to try to see if he can see through the absolute blind spot hidden in Sanada's joints.


"Move like thunder!"


"Move like thunder!"


"Move like thunder!"

"Game, Genichiro Sanada, 3:2."

"Both sides change game!"


"It's amazing! Even Akutsu from Seigaku is powerless against Sanada's thunderous move!"

Shido Ryo couldn't help admiring, knowing that he was an opponent, but he had to be impressed by the opponent's unique skills.

"Hey, Yushi, did you feel refreshed when you saw Akutsu who tortured you last year being beaten by Sanada?"

Xiang Hiyue seemed to have thought of something suddenly, and said to Ninzu Yushi with a wink.


A gleam of light flashed on the thick lens of Renzu, Yue Ren, what nonsense is he talking about.

Seemingly aware of the murderous intent, he sneered at Riyueren, turned his head and whistled, and he also realized that he seemed to have said something wrong, this guy, Yushi, is actually not easy to mess with, even though he looks gentle.

"No resistance? Not necessarily!"

Tracee laughed lightly.

"Is not it?"

Ryo Shishido looked at Atobe with some doubts, Akutsu was clearly scored by Sanada in just three strokes.

"Look at it, Sanada's movements are like thunder, and Akutsu will soon strike back."

Atobe put down his right hand that was pressing on the wing of his nose. His vision allowed him to see details that ordinary people cannot see. He was very sure that it would not take long for Akutsu to fight back against Sanada's movement like thunder.

(End of this chapter)

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