The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 362 Black aura

Chapter 362 Black aura
"Game, Akutsujin, 4:3."

"Both sides change game!"

"Hiss! That's amazing! Sanada from Rikai University was suppressed by Aigaku's Akutsu in turn!"

"What a monster! Can return even that kind of shot!"

After the first round, the audience started to discuss. Although they couldn't see the whole process of the game clearly, they could still know from the score reported by the referee that the situation of the game had turned to Qinggaku's Akutsuhito.

"Not bad, Ren."

Fuji smiled and looked at Akutsu who was sitting next to him.

"Cut! That's all!"

The corners of Yajiujin's mouth rose slightly, and it could be seen that Yajiujin was in a very good mood now.

Akutsu's chest was a little heaving. In order to keep up with Sanada's thunderous speed, Akutsu had to increase his concentration to the limit, and at the same time, all the functions of his body had to be fully activated, so the physical consumption was far higher than normal. More often than not, but this is not a problem for Akutsu.

If you only play one set, Akutsu's physical strength is definitely enough.

On the other side, Sanada's face was a little gloomy. He didn't expect that his movements were like thunder, and he would really be cracked by this guy Yakutsu.

"Xianichiro! Actually, I have always wanted to ask you, if one day, I mean, if your Fenglin Volcano Yinlei were taken away from you, what would be left on your body?"

Yukimura watched his friend fall into a trough, and sighed.

Just like the match between Sanada and Tezuka last year, once Thunderbolt is cracked, Sanada will fall into a quagmire of powerlessness.

The Fenglin Volcanic Thunder made Sanada, but it also shackles Sanada. In the past year, Yukimura found that Sanada had only increased the power of his Fenglin Volcanic Thunder, without any substantial breakthrough, so This is also the reason why Yukimura proposed to play against Tezuka by himself.

In Yukimura's heart, it is impossible for Sanada to be Tezuka's opponent.

"What's left of me."

Hearing this, Sanada's heart was shocked, yes, if there is no Fenglin Volcano Yin Lei, what else would he have?

The realm of no self?
No, that's not the way he wants, relying on this, there is no way to defeat Tezuka, Akutsu, and Aigaku.

"Xianichiro, now is a good opportunity. If you can't even defeat Akutsu, you will never be able to defeat Tezuka. You are slack, Genichiro!"

Yukimura pointed out Sanada's current problems straight to the point. For Yukimura, he hoped that Sanada could face up to his heart.

Sanada was silent. Indeed, although Akutsu had some skills last year, Sanada was confident that he could definitely defeat Akutsu. But now, Akutsu has caught up and even surpassed himself.

For things like talent, Sanada absolutely does not believe that he is inferior to others. The only thing that can explain it is that Akutsu has put in more effort than himself behind the scenes.

I am indeed slack.

"Persevere till the end!"

Sanada's eyes glowed again, and his aura revived. This is his style all the time, and it is also the law of King Lihai.

"Then go, Genichiro! Let me see how far you can go!"

Yukimura smiled and nodded, now, everything can only depend on Sanada himself.

Sanada clenched the racket in his hand and pulled the peaked cap on his head. He was determined to fight hard. The game is not over yet, and he still has hope of winning.

"Sanada, you're done!"

During the exchange of pitches, Akutsu walked past Sanada and said with a sneer.

"Hmph! Don't be too happy, Akutsu!"

Sanada snorted coldly, Yakutsu was too happy to be happy, the game is not over yet, not to mention, Yakutsu himself is behind in the score now.

"Tch! Watch me tear you apart! Sanada!"

After Akutsu made a gesture to Sanada, he carried the racket and walked to the opposite court. In his opinion, Sanada was just being stubborn. Even Sanada's strongest trick had been cracked by himself. What else did Sanada have? Things can be reversed.

Without the slightest hesitation, Yajiujin swung the bat directly above his head, and a golden streamer disappeared above his head.

"Fast like the wind!"

The audience felt that in the blink of an eye, Sanada had already returned Akutsu's serve.

"whispering sound!"

Akutsu chuckled lightly, raised his pat and stepped forward to lash, easily knocking Sanada's Ji Rufeng back.

"Move like thunder!"

Knowing that it is impossible to do it, this is Sanada's answer to Yukimura.

"It's useless, Sanada! Your movements are like thunder, and you are no longer a threat to me!"

Yakujin grinned grimly, with his toes on the ground, his figure sprang out like a cheetah, and he held the handle of the racket with a twist of his wrist.

The handle hit the tennis ball like a hammer, a little fluff scattered from the air, and the rubber inside the tennis ball was squeezed by a huge force and instantly popped out like a banana.

Sanada took a deep breath, turned into lightning, and disappeared in place again.

"Move like thunder!"

If it doesn't work once, do it again!
"You really don't give up! Sanada!"

Ajiujin's eyes were fixed, the perfect lines of his legs were squeezed together, and amazing foot power erupted, and afterimages appeared and disappeared behind Ajiujin.

Ajiujin unexpectedly discovered that this way of holding the handle backwards was particularly suitable for him.

The silver thunder light and the scarlet aura on Akutsu's body reflected each other across the net, and the speed of the audience's eyes turning couldn't even keep up with the confrontation between these two people.

"No way! Sanada's legs won't be able to bear it if I keep entangled with Akutsu like this!"

Marui Bunta looked at Sanada who was anxious with Akutsu on the field, and said anxiously.

Sanada's thunder, or thunder's leg skill, has side effects, and they all know this.

"But if he doesn't act like a thunderbolt, Sanada won't be able to compete with Akutsu at all!"

Jack Kuwahara looked worried, Sanada would never give up, so in this match, Sanada would never give up using Thunderbolt.


Liu Lian Er squinted her eyes, silently praying for Sanada in her heart.

"Game, Akutsujin, 4:4."

Although this round took a long time, Yakutsu won his serve without any surprise and tied the score.

"Come on! Akutsu!"

After being equalized by Akutsu, Sanada also began to become a little anxious. He intensified the offensive in his hand, however.
"You have a good momentum, Sanada! However, this will expose your weaknesses even more!"

Yajiujin grinned grimly, grabbed the handle of the racket and slammed it down heavily. There was a loud noise, and the thunder light scattered.

"Game, Akutsujin, 5:4."

"Youth Academy Akutsujin's match point game, the two sides change!"

Everyone in Lihai was silent, Ya Jiujin played two rounds in a row, and now it was Ya Jiujin's turn to gain the upper hand.

Sanada walked to Yukimura's side step by step, the sweat dripping from his body left conspicuous marks on the ground.

"Xianichiro! I believe you will win, so please also believe in yourself."

Yukimura raised his head, his amethyst-like eyes met Sanada's downcast gaze.

"Sanada, do you still remember the oath we made when we first entered school last year!"

Yukimura continued.

last year? !
In Sanada's mind, he recalled the time when he and Yukimura first came to the gate of Rikkai University.

"We can finally conquer the world together!"

It was Sanada, who was in the second year of middle school, full of pride, and made a bold statement that he would take over the world with Yukimura. Although he still couldn't forget the confrontation with Tezuka in his heart, as long as he was with Yukimura, he would be fearless .

"Well! It would be great if we could maintain a three-year winning streak in the hands of our generation!"

Sanada will never forget Yukimura's smile. Later, he and Yukimura set off a revolutionary wave at Rikkai University and successfully seized the leadership of the Rikkai University Tennis Club. It was only later that they met Qinggaku.

The dream of the three consecutive hegemony has been shattered, but they will definitely not let Qingxue realize the great cause of the three consecutive hegemony.

This year, with a heart of revenge, they challenged Qingxue. Now is the most critical time to win the fruits of victory.

"Yukimura, I will definitely win!"

Sanada's voice was a little hoarse, but Yukimura felt the firmness and determination in it.

"Come on! Sanada!"

For the first time, Yukimura shouted from the sidelines for the first time.


Yanagi Renji, Masaharu Nioh, Bunta Marui and others couldn't help feeling nervous when they looked at Yukimura like this. So, is Yukimura under so much pressure?
"Come on! Sanada!"

"We must win! Vice President Sanada!"

"Chang Sheng! Li Hai Da! Chang Sheng! Li Hai Da!"

Li Haida's morale was once again encouraged by Yukimura.


Sanada looked at all the people cheering for him, and the flame in his heart was lit again. He must not live up to the expectations of these people.

"Go, Ren, and win this match for Qingxue!"

Naturally, Fuji also felt the change in the atmosphere on the other side, and immediately stood up, and personally handed the racket that Akutsu put next to the chair to Akutsu.

"Qing Xue! Qing Xue!"

"Come on! Akutsu!"

The momentum of cheering and shouting from Qingxue's side does not have to be far behind Li Hai.

"whispering sound!"

It was also the first time for Yakutsu to have such a huge cheerleading team. Although he didn't show it on his lips, he became more and more excited in his heart.

"Go to hell! Sanada!"

Although Akutsu's arm muscles are not as big as Kawamura's, the strength of the smooth muscle lines is also amazing.

Sidespin serve!

The huge force propelled the tennis ball to shoot out rapidly. After landing, it rolled violently and was about to fly past Sanada's calf at a tricky angle.

Sanada raised his arm and whipped the ball inside his body.

Looking up again, Yajiujin did not know when he had come to the net and served the ball to the net. Yakujin had already decided to end the game in this round.

"Game, Akutsujin, 15:0."

"Game, Akutsujin, 30:0."

The eyes of everyone in Lihaida dimmed, is it still not possible? !

But Sanada did not give up. Sanada's will was absolutely unquestionable. Even if he was beaten 6-0 against Tezuka, he did not give up until the last moment.

Seeing his movement like thunder being hit back by Akutsu with the handle again, Sanada felt an inexplicable force burning in his heart. If he hit back with the handle, the hitting point of the ball would be limited to a small range.

"In that case! Move like a thunder!"

Sanada made a decision from the bottom of his heart, turned into a thunderbolt again, and hit Akutsu's ball back with a stab. After the counterattack, Sanada held the racket with both hands, and swung the racket again like a samurai sword.

The audience looked at Sanada with some doubts. The ball had already flown into Akutsu's court. What's the use of swinging the racket again?
Only Fuji knows what Sanada is doing.

"Did Sanada go one step further under Akutsu's persecution?!"

Buer's icy blue eyes opened, and he stared closely at Sanada.

"Sanada, you still don't give up!"

Akutsu didn't seem to notice Sanada's movements, and all his concentration was on the thunder that flew into his field.

Yajiujin's eyes were fixed, his arms were raised high, and he was about to smash them down.


Suddenly, the silver snake in front of Yakujin squirmed uneasily, the silver light was mixed with black aura, and flew past Yakujin's side with a turn.

"Game, Genichiro Sanada, 15:30."

Although the referee was also very puzzled whether the ball was touched by Akutsu, but the ball did fall in Akutsu's court, so he reported the score professionally.

Akutsu looked up, and Sanada's body was covered with a layer of pitch-black aura. The black aura slowly rising from the ground stirred the air around him, blowing on Sanada's trousers and short-sleeved shirt. hem.

"This is? Is it hard to know?!"

Atobu frowned, the ball just now was weird!
"Is this Sanada's ambiguity?"

Marui Fumta shook Yanagi Renji's arm and asked.

"No, it seems not! Nioh, what do you think?"

Liu Lianer squinted her eyes, and if it was said who was most familiar with Sanada in Lihai Dazhong, it must be Nioh, even Yukimura probably didn't know Sanada as well as Nioh.

"Pfft! This isn't Sanada's ambiguity, Sanada has broken through his own limit!"

Nioh is also rare to be serious. As he said, Sanada has broken through his limit, so he has to update Sanada's data again, otherwise, his phantom will no longer be perfect.

"Sanada! Let me see how much you can do after breaking through the limit!"

Yukimura was very happy for his good friend, Sanada finally broke the shackles brought by Fenglin Volcano's thunder, and had a new understanding.


"Oh? Not bad, Sanada!"

Akutsu naturally also saw the black aura on Sanada's body, and he quickly understood that it was definitely Sanada who did something to change the trajectory of the ball just now.

"Get ready for defeat, Akutsu!"

Sanada nailed his feet to the ground and crouched down. He would definitely win this match for Li Haida.

"Cut! Stop talking big, Sanada!"

Akutsu glanced at Sanada disdainfully, and shook his arm.

Sidespin serve!

Around Sanada, the black aura spiraled up from his feet, and finally poured into his arms.

With a strong pump, the ball flew directly towards the front of Akutsu's body.

"Be careful, Akutsu!"

Kikumaru yelled worriedly.

As for Yakutsu, it seemed that he became even more excited.

"Sanada, is this your challenge to me!"

Yakujin laughed. Naturally, he would not pay attention to this level of attack, and he was about to hit back when he drew the racket. However, this ball was the same as the previous ball, and suddenly turned quickly from his side. , bypassing his body.

This time, out of the corner of Akutsu's eye, he saw Sanada's second swing.

"Game, Genichiro Sanada, 30:30."

Atobe put down his right hand, a little shocked in his heart.

This guy Sanada actually forcibly changed the trajectory of the tennis ball with a second swing?

how can that be!

Akutsu was also a little shocked. If he guessed correctly, did Sanada use a second swing to change the trajectory of the tennis ball?Can this really be done?Or, is it the problem of the black aura on Sanada's body.

Ya Jiujin clenched the tennis ball in his hand, he wanted to see what was going on!

(End of this chapter)

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