The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 363 No 2 VS Maori

Chapter 363 Fuji VS Maori
With a wave of Akutsu's arms, the tennis ball flew out like a shooting star. This flat serve that infused Akutsu's whole body strength, the speed of the ball was not inferior to Sanada's fast as the wind.

Sanada took a deep breath, and made a slashing gesture with both hands.

"Move like thunder!"

The silver thunder light was mixed with a black aura like ink, and it flew towards Yakujin's field in a zigzag left and right.

Yajiujin's pupils were full of traces of this silver snake. This time, he will never miss again.

"Left! Or right!"

Yakujin was a little impatient in his heart. He knew that the ball would definitely change the trajectory of the flight, but he didn't know whether the ball would fly to the left or the right.

"It's on the right!"

Akutsu's excellent dynamic vision captured the right turn of the tennis ball and passed it to Akutsu's brain in an instant, and then the brain gave instructions to Akutsu's arm.

Even Akutsu's reflexes couldn't match the speed of the ball changing lanes.

"Game, 40:30."

Sanada scored again.


Akutsu looked at his hands, he didn't expect Sanada's move to be so difficult.

"Game, Genichiro Sanada, 5:5."

"Game, Genichiro Sanada, 6:5."

"In the game of the high school attached to Lihai University, the two sides change games!"

"Senichiro, you did a great job!"

Yukimura turned his face to Sanada, the smile on his face was as warm as the spring breeze, he knew that Sanada would be able to break through his limit.

"Yes! As I said, we must conquer this world together!"

Sanada said solemnly.

This time the competition reminded him of the oath of Kazukimura again, this time he must break down the stumbling block of Aigaku.

"Go, Genichiro! Take this last game for Lihai!"

Yukimura nodded, today will be the day when Lihai's hegemony starts.

the other side.

Yakutsu went back to Fuji and sat down beside Fuji with a look of displeasure on his face. He didn't expect that after all this, Sanada could still make a breakthrough.

"What, are you ready to admit defeat?"

Fuji smiled slightly, Yakutsu is really interesting.

"What nonsense are you talking about, how could I admit defeat?!"

Yakutsu raised his head and glanced at Bu Er disdainfully, the sweat on his cheeks dripped down his arms. Fighting for 11 rounds in such hot weather was a great drain on the physical strength of the players.

"It's just changing the trajectory of the tennis ball for the second time. For you, there should be no problem. You haven't forgotten the training of playing multiple balls in succession, have you?"

Fuji raised his right hand. Although Sanada's black aura is amazing, the effect of the black dragon's first heavy slash is still extremely limited.

However, it is not difficult to fight back against Sanada's black dragon's first heavy slash after training with too many balls in a row. The real difficulty is the thunderous movement mixed with the black dragon's first heavy slash.

Fuji did not expect Sanada to be inspired by the fusion of Fenglin Volcano, and added a black aura to Thunderbolt. The superimposed power of the two is much greater than the fusion of Fenglin Volcano.

"You don't need to talk too much, it's just a Sanada, I'll get him done in two strokes!"

Akutsu tilted his head arrogantly, so he won't lose to Sanada.

"Hehe! Then go, the glory of Qingxue is in your hands, don't let everyone down, Ren."

Knowing that Akutsu had already listened to it, he didn't say any more. He believed that Akutsu could deal with Sanada's black dragon.

After a 90-second break, Sanada and Akutsu set foot on the court again. This round was a crucial one to decide the outcome.


Yakujin let out a yell, and the solid muscle lines of his arm exploded with astonishing strength. The tennis ball shot out from his hand and flew towards the receiving area on the opposite side.

"Eat my trick, as fast as the wind!"

Under the blessing of the black aura, Sanada also regained his true color as the emperor. The jet-black aura hovered around Sanada like a giant dragon, making him look even more majestic.

The scarlet aura on Akutsu's body spread to the racket along his arms, and Yukimura tapped his knee lightly. In his eyes, the scarlet aura behind Akutsu turned into a blurred human figure.

"Xianichiro! Don't be careless!"

Yukimura's heart was extremely calm, and there was no way to determine the real winner until the last moment of the game.

"Move like thunder!"

Sanada shouted loudly, and a black aura enveloped his whole body, making it impossible to see his face clearly.

Akutsu's mind was completely empty. At this moment, he only had one thought, and that was to hit back Sanada's return.


Sanada's eyes were fixed. In his sight, Akutsu seemed to have performed a split body technique, and three figures of Akutsu appeared unexpectedly.

"Go to hell! Sanada!"

The three Yakujin grinned at the same time, holding the racket backwards and smashing it down heavily.

The silver thunder light was instantly scattered, and the scarlet streamer turned back.

"Move like thunder!"

Sanada frowned, resisting the tingling pain in his legs, turned into lightning again, and Akutsu's counterattack greatly exceeded Sanada's expectations.

On the field, there was a burst of dust and smoke, and Yajiujin's crazy offensive left the audience stunned.

"Is there something wrong with my eyes? Is Akutsu from Qingxue cloned???"

"What the hell is going on!"

The audience was dumbfounded, they only knew that Akutsu split into several figures from time to time, and with a swipe of his racket in unison, he knocked back Sanada's movement like a thunder.

"Extremely fast!"

Yukimura naturally knows how Akutsu does it. With Akutsu's physical talent, it is not surprising that he can do this. What really surprised Yukimura is that Akutsu can use so many postures in high-speed sports Do an attack with a reverse grip on the handle.

You must know that such a special posture cannot be achieved by ordinary people without years of practice.

"Game, Akutsujin, 6:6."

"Tie-break tie-breaker! Serving game by Sanada Genichiro from Rikkai University High School."

After a fierce confrontation, Akutsu won the No.12 game, and the game entered the final tiebreaker.

Sanada frowned slightly, and looked down at his knees. The knees were already very red and swollen, and the aftereffects of constantly using thunder like thunder had almost reached the limit of his body.

However, now that the final critical moment has come, he will never give up.

"Fast like the wind!"

When Sanada raised his hand, an emerald green wind swept away the fallen leaves, and the tennis ball flew over the net in an instant.

Although the speed of the ball is still very fast, in the eyes of discerning people, the speed of Sanada's ball is far worse than at the beginning.

"What's the matter Sanada! Are you dying?!"

Yajiujin sneered, and he had naturally discovered this.

Compared with Sanada, Akutsu's beast-like body has a natural advantage, and there are very few protracted battles that can be compared with Akutsu.

"Move like thunder!"

Sanada gritted his teeth tightly and turned into lightning again. The severe pain stimulated Sanada's brain, making his swing even more powerful.

Yakutsu's originally pale skin has turned red now, and it is not known whether it is the scarlet devil's breath or the accelerated surge of blood, and the green light flickering between the pupils is frighteningly tight.

"Sanada, let's fight!"

Akutsu licked the corner of his lips bloodthirstyly, and he felt that the blood in his body was boiling.

The handle of the racket hit the tennis ball, and the ultra-high-speed movement made Akutsu's heart beat extremely violently.

The roaring tennis ball opened its fangs like a monster, trying to devour Sanada.

"Move like thunder!"

Sanada didn't care about it, he didn't have time to wipe off the fine sweat on his forehead, he raised his racket with both hands, and the racket frame hit the tennis ball heavily.

Stab it!

The tortuous trajectory of the silver snake touched everyone's heartstrings, but it was still no match for Akutsu's arrogance.

"Game, Akutsujin, 1:0."

Seeing that Sanada had lost the opportunity, Yukimura's face darkened. He knew that Sanada had been very difficult this time, especially for Sanada's legs, it was already a miracle that he could hold on until now.

Then came Akutsu's serve.

"Akutsu serves the net!"

Xiang Riyue exclaimed.

"It seems that Akutsu is planning to end this match!"

Yushi Ninzu pushed his glasses. After seeing Akutsu's performance, the sense of urgency in Ninzuzu suddenly increased. The opponent was already far ahead of him. Ninzu knew that he must not relax.

"Go to hell! Sanada!"

Akutsu leaped high into the air, and the beads of sweat sprinkled in the air shone with crystal luster.


Sanada clenched his teeth and retreated towards the backcourt.


The corner of Yakujin's mouth curled up, his body turned in the air and accelerated to fall, and with a lift of his arm, the racket was gently cut out.

Kill the ball and turn the short ball!
"Moving like."

Just as Sanada was about to use his lightning-like legs again, the severe pain from his knee slowed down his movement, and he lost the chance to catch the ball just by slowing down.

"This round was won by Akutsu, the score is 7:6."

The referee's voice sounded, and the audience immediately burst into applause. The second singles match came to an end, and Qingxue won again.

"Oh oh oh!"

"Qing Xue! Qing Xue!"

The members of Qingxue were extremely excited. In their hearts, they had already won the final of the Kanto Competition.

"I really didn't expect that Qingxue would stage such a drama again!"

Looking at the extremely familiar scene in front of him, Shindo Ryo sighed, Qingxue is really terrifyingly strong, Li Haida tried everything, but unexpectedly failed to take Qingxue down.

"Qing Xue."

The hearts of everyone in the Ice Emperor sank. Can they really defeat such an opponent in the national competition a month later?

"Good job, Akutsu!"

Kikumaru waved to the returning Akutsu with an excited face.

"The guy who failed still doesn't reflect on himself, what are you happy about!"

Akutsu's understatement completely broke Kikumaru's defense.

"You bastard!!! Dashi, let me go, I will die with him!"

Kikumaru struggled and was about to rush towards Akutsu.

"Forget it, Eiji..."

Oishi stopped Kikumaru very speechlessly, and the provincial Kikumaru couldn't think about it.


Everyone in Qingxue had smiles on their faces, and the tense atmosphere disappeared when Ajiujin won this game, because the next game will be their president, Fuji.

Compared with Qingxue's side, the atmosphere at Lihai University is much heavier. The battle plan they formulated has almost failed.

"I'm sorry everyone..."

Sanada tried to stand up, but the severe pain in his legs made him slump down on the chair.


Liu Lianer hurriedly took the ice pack and put it on Sanada's knee. The people in Lihaida didn't mean to blame Sanada. Just Sanada's swollen and swollen knee was enough to prove that Sanada had tried his best.

"Hey! Why do you all have such expressions? I haven't played yet!"

Mori Kosaburo's lazy voice came from the side.

"Senior Maori!"

Sanada turned his upper body, but stopped talking.

Since Kosaburo Mori often skipped training on weekdays, it was difficult for Sanada, who was in charge of the discipline of the Lihai University Tennis Club, so the relationship between the two of them was not very good. A victory, although Sanada knew the hope was slim.

"You have done your best, Sanada! Leave the rest to me."

Mori Kosaburo looked down at Sanada's knee, he really felt sorry for this usually strict junior.

"Senior Maori!"

Mori Kosaburo came in front of Yukimura, Yukimura slightly turned his face to the side, looking quietly at Moori Kosaburo.

"Little president, leave everything to me!"

Kosaburo Mori looked at Yukimura tenderly. He knew exactly what kind of efforts Yukimura had made in order to return to Likai University's team. Although this time Yukimura lost to Aigaku's Tezuka, this did not hinder Yukimura position in Maori's heart.

"Yeah! Come on! Maori-senpai!"

Unlike Sanada, Yukimura and Mori have a very good relationship, after all, they have a little secret that they don't tell each other.

"The final of the Kanto Tournament is about to begin. Youth Academy will play against Lihai University Affiliated Middle School Singles No. [-]. Players from both sides are invited to play!"

The sound from the loudspeaker made the audience cheer for a while, and finally came to the final battle.

"Then I will play first, little president!"

Mori waved his hand at Yukimura.

"Come on, Maori-senpai!"

Yukimura watched Mori walk to the net, expecting a miracle to happen.


"Please advise!"

Fuji smiled and extended his right hand.

"Please also show mercy, Buer-kun."

Maori scratched the back of his head with his left hand, laughed and stretched out his right hand.

"Pros or cons?"

Bu Er didn't answer the words, he knew that Mao Li was just talking casually, at this time, no one would show mercy, mercy to the enemy is cruelty to oneself.


Maori shrugged and said casually.

Bu Er turned the racket in his hand, and the racket fell down.

"Oops, it looks like Lady Luck isn't taking care of me today."

Mori Kosaburo shook his head, and slowly returned to the backcourt.

"The game has begun! A set is decided, and Aigaku Fujisuke's serve!"

As the referee climbed onto the high chair, the game officially began.

"Come on! Fuji-kun!"

Mori Kosaburo bent his knees slightly, his burgundy curly hair trembling slightly in the breeze, although the boy opposite was simply standing, but the sense of oppression brought by the other party's name made Mori nervous all of a sudden.

"No.1 in the middle school world! Let me see if it's true or not!"

Just when Mao Li was in a daze, a golden streamer bounced from his side to the barbed wire behind him with a tumbling air wave.

Stab it!

The barbed wire fence that was violently hit by the tennis ball shook twice.

"It's not a good habit to be distracted during the game~~"

When Buer's voice came, Mao Li raised his head and met Buer's icy blue eyes.

"Such a fast serve, such a keen eye!"

Mao Li's heart sank. He was only distracted for a moment, and the opponent seized the opportunity, and the opponent's serve was really fast.Compared with last year, Fuji's progress made Maori a little startled.

"Go on!"

Bueryi threw the ball, then bent his knees, bowed his body, led the racket, and waved his arms in a flowing manner.

Mori stepped forward, and the racket in his hand was whipped out quickly. The heavy touch of the tennis ball hitting the racket gave Mori Kosaburo a new understanding of the power of Fuji's serve.

Diagonal kick!

He rushed straight to the diagonally slapped ball, and when it flew to the midfield, he was suddenly pulled inexplicably and flew towards Fuji.

Buer's right foot is the axis, and the moment his left foot steps forward, the racket in his hand cuts down quickly.

Drop the ball!
Maori watched helplessly as the tennis ball gently passed the net and then fell in front of his own net.

"This is! Tezuka Domain?!"

Mori was stunned, Fuji would know Tezuka's territory?
(End of this chapter)

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