The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 364 Kanto Champion

Chapter 364 Kanto Champion
"Game, Fuji Shusuke, 1:0."

"Both sides change game!"

With almost no effort, Fuji won the first round.

"Is the gap between the two sides already that big! Is this the strength above the whole country, Atobe?"

Ninja Yuuji pushed his glasses and asked Atobe.

There is no doubt about the strength of Mori Kosaburo. Although the reputation of the three giants of Lihai University is more famous, Mori, as a former Kansai super star, also emerged after transferring to Lihai University. In their Ice Emperor's information, Mao Li's strength undoubtedly surpassed that of Liu Lian Er.

But it was such a gross profit that in just a few minutes, Buer won the first game. Although it was Buer's serve, it was a bit unexpected.

"Strength above the whole country? This is still far away. Renzu, let's take a good look at it!"

Atobe chuckled, this is where it is, let alone, even Mao Li has not yet shown his true skills.

After the two sides switched sides, it was Maori's turn to serve.

"Oh! The gap is really big."

Although it was only a small round of fighting, Maori had already noticed the gap between him and Fuji. If he couldn't go all out, he might not even have room to struggle.

Thinking of this, Mao Li made a decision in his heart, even if he lost, he couldn't lose Li Haida's face.

With a bitter smile on his face, Molly took a deep breath and gently closed his eyes.

"Senior Maori, what are you doing! If you want to sleep, you have to wait until the game is over!"

Kirihara Akaya had a question mark on his face. He just joined Lihai University this year and he didn't know about Mori's special ability.

"Don't worry, Chiya."

Marui Bunta put his right hand on Kirihara Akaya's shoulder, and gave him a reassuring look.

"Look carefully, Akaya, this is the true face of Mori-senpai."

Liu Lian'er squinted her eyes, constantly calculating in her mind all the possibilities that Mori Jusaburo could win.

"Sleep posture! I don't know if this guy Cilang can learn this trick!"

Xiang Hiyake rubbed his chin, and he immediately thought of Akutagawa Jirou, a guy who also loves to sleep. If Akutagawa Jirou could learn the sleeping posture of Mori Kosaburo, it would be even more powerful.

"Yue Ren, why do you always have some fantastic ideas in your head!"

Ninja Yuuji shook his head, his partner can always speak amazingly.

"No, I think this is a pretty good idea, what do you think, Huadi!"

Atobe felt that Xiang Hiyake's words were not unreasonable, anyway, it wouldn't hurt to give it a try.

Atobe glanced at Akutagawa Jirou who was sleeping in the shade of a tree not far away, and he had a plan in his heart.

Kosaburo Mori, who has entered the sleeping posture, has greatly improved the power and speed of hitting the ball.

"So fast! I can't see the shadow of the ball at all!"

"Hiss! Toshisaburo Mori from Tatekai University! Could it be another player like Genichiro Sanada and Seichi Yukimura!"

The shock of the audience, and Mori Kosaburo's serve, gave them no less feeling than Sanada's swiftness.

"Nice serve!"

Fuji nodded slightly, Mao Li's strength has made a very obvious improvement compared to last year, but this is far from enough.

The racket in Fuji's second hand slices quickly from the high point downwards. Compared with Tezuka, Fuji's chopping is also at the master level.

Although Maori closed his eyes tightly, his perception was not affected at all.

Leaning forward, leaping out like a cheetah, maintaining a high-speed sprint to the landing point of the tennis ball.

The tennis ball bounces at a low angle, but it's good enough for Maori.

A lob over the net, flying the tennis ball high over the net.

Fuji smiled slightly, his ice blue eyes flashed a gleam, he had already rushed to the midfield and paused, then jumped up.

Kosaburo Mori probably sensed Fuji's move on the net and wanted to use a lob to push Fuji back to the bottom line, but he underestimated Fuji's current strength too much.

The arm swung down heavily, and the powerful smash hit the ball in a straight line.

"Game, Fuji Shusuke, 15:0."

The one who landed lightly, left everyone with an elegant back.

"Such a strong jumping ability, such a high lob can be received in the midfield."

"I didn't expect that such a small body of Fuji Zhuo could hide such a huge amount of energy."

The audience whispered to each other, and Buer's smash in the air let them see Buer's super physical fitness.

After receiving the high-intensity training in the U-17 training camp and the special training of the three boats, in terms of physical fitness alone, Budu has already opened up the gap with this group of people in the middle school.

"Game, Fuji Shusuke, 2:0."

"Game, Fuji Shusuke, 3:0."

"Both sides change game!"

The competition was simply one-sided, and even Kosaburo Mori, who had entered a sleeping posture, was unable to compete.

After withdrawing from the sleeping posture, Mao Li looked up at the bright 3:0 on the scoreboard, feeling a deep sense of powerlessness in his heart.

Really strong!

The sense of oppression that Fuji brought to him far surpassed that of Yukimura and Sanada.

After failing in the national competition last year, Maori changed his mind. He not only participated in all club trainings, but also conducted rigorous training in the tennis club in private.

His super talent is constantly being realized, and his strength is constantly improving.

Mori thought that his progress had been great enough, but he didn't expect that Sanada and Yukimura's progress would be no less than his own, and those of Aigaku had improved even more than himself.

"Senior Maori, don't feel pressured, just do your best!"

Yukimura's voice rang in Maori's ear, and Maori withdrew his thoughts, and a bottle of drink he was very familiar with appeared in front of him.

this is!
Mori raised his head and met Yukimura's eyes with a gentle smile.

"I see!"

Mori nodded solemnly, and Yukimura revived his low fighting spirit.

After the 90-second break, Mori handed the bottle to Yukimura, picked up his racket and resolutely stepped onto the court.

"Oh? Very good fighting spirit!"

As soon as he played, Buer felt the changes in Maori, and naturally knew that the opponent had rekindled his fighting spirit during the short 90-second break.

That being the case, Fuji decided to let Maori have a good experience of the world-class level. After all, after this year, Maori will be selected for the U-17 training camp. By then, he will be a teammate.

A canopy of thin golden lines cut through the sky, and then suddenly disappeared in front of everyone.

Maoli, who had entered the sleeping posture again, felt the ball, and the ball had already bounced past him.

"ACE! Shusuke Fuji, 15:0."

The sudden acceleration of Fuji's ultra-high-speed serve caught Maori by surprise.

"This guy's serve has become faster!"

Yushi Ninzu was startled, he didn't react to the ball at all.

"Forbearance, this is the real strength of this guy! No, maybe this is not the limit of this guy, this is an unfathomable guy!"

Atobe's eyes were fixed on Fuji, and his right hand was trembling a little. Having seen Fuji's level in Paris, he naturally knew that Fuji was not serious in the first three rounds.

"Fuji Shusuke!!!"

Everyone in the Ice Emperor was silent for a while, what kind of monster is this!

30: 0.
"Game, Fuji Shusuke, 4:0."

At this moment, everyone in Lihai University already understood that the general situation was over.


Kirihara angrily smashed the barbed wire.

Uncle Kirihara wants to become Lihai University's No. 1 and lead Lihai University to the top of the country. Now Lihai University has lost to Qingxue in the Kanto Competition, and he doesn't even have the qualifications to play.

Yes, not eligible!
Although Kirihara was very confident in his own strength, after seeing the seniors' matches, he deeply knew that he was not qualified to play at all.

He doesn't understand doubles at all, and singles, in terms of strength, he can't compare with Yukimura, Sanada and Mori.

Even if these seniors lost, his loss would only be even more embarrassing.

"Chiya! Be quiet!"

Liu Lian'er comforted Kirihara, he could understand Kirihara's mood, but venting casually would only embarrass Li Haida.

"Senior Maori!"

Yukimura sat on the sidelines with mixed feelings in his mind. At this moment, he suddenly thought that this year was the last year that Mori Kosaburo stayed at Lihai University.

Mori has not been in Rikai University much longer than Yukimura and Sanada, and when Yukimura and Sanada entered Rikai University, they were particularly impressed by this maverick senior.

They learned from other seniors that Mao Li is currently the strongest player in Lihai University.

The weight of the word strongest can be described as extremely heavy.

Kosaburo Mori opened his eyes and withdrew from his sleeping position. The big 4:0 scoreboard on the sidelines was particularly dazzling.

"What? Is senior Maori planning to admit defeat?"

Seeing that Maori opened his eyes, he couldn't help smiling slightly.

"Even if I lose, I won't lose our Li Haida's face, no two!"

Mao Li said lightly, and then closed his eyes again.

As he said, even if the defeat of this game is decided, he will definitely persist until the last moment. Li Haida's rule is to persist to the end and never give up.

"In that case!"

Fuji smiled slightly, threw a ball, and then waved his arms above his head.

A muffled sound of hitting the ball resounded throughout the audience. Buer concentrated all his strength on one point and then exploded. The control of his own strength has reached the peak level.

With a ball in his arms, Mao Li frowned slightly with his eyes closed, and he hit the ball really hard and fast. I really don't know how the opponent managed to balance strength and speed.

After finally hitting the ball back, Fuji had already been waiting for the landing point of the tennis ball.

Fu Er knew in his stomach that facing his strong serve, there was only one way for Maori to hit a high-quality return.

Super Half Volley!
The lightning-like blow poured out towards the diagonal, and the speed of this ball was not much worse than the speed of the ball when it was served.

Mao Li desperately ran towards the no-man's land on the other side, bowed his right foot forward, and kicked the ball behind his side to return the ball dangerously. However, Fuji had already been waiting in front of the net for a long time. As soon as the racket was pressed, a golden beam of light hit the sideline.

"Game, 15:0."

Under Fuji's offensive, Mori Kosaburo could only chase the ball exhaustedly, and had no chance to organize an offensive at all.

"Game, Fuji Shusuke, 5:0."

"Both sides change game!"

Another two small rounds passed, and the situation on the court did not change at all. Facing Fuji, Mori Kosaburo had no ability to resist at all.

"Yukimura, he's really strong!"

Mouri stroked the broken wine-red hair in front of his forehead, and sweat stuck it to Mouri's forehead. Yukimura was slightly lost in thought. He didn't expect that Moori-senpai, who is usually calm, would be so nervous. It seems that The pressure on him was too much.

"Just do your best, Maori-senpai. In the national competition, we will still have a chance to play against Qingxue again."

Yukimura didn't want Mori to lose his fighting spirit like this. During the national competition, Mori's strength was still needed.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Mori seemed to see Yukimura's worry, and gave him a reassuring smile, although this smile seemed so far-fetched.

Maori, who returned to the court, calmed down the waves in his heart. Even if he lost, he would persist until the last moment.

Raising his hand and swinging his racket, although Maori's serve poses no threat to Fuji, it is also unattainable for many people present.

"Mori Kosaburo!"

Many people have remembered this name. Although he lost badly, Mao Li's spirit of persevering to the end is enough to make people awe-inspiring. What's more, many people also know how Mao Li's strength is also at the top level in the country.

Maori opened his eyes, and the dazzling score reminded him that the game was at its last moment.

"Maori, Maori, you're so self-proclaimed a genius, I didn't expect to be beaten like this one day~"

Maori shook his head mockingly, a bitter taste welled up in his heart.

Compared with last year's loss to Yakujin, today's match with Fuji has taught Maori a heavier lesson.

"Tennis, I still have to learn!"

Maori patted his cheek lightly a few times, then took out a tennis ball from his pocket, and closed his eyes.

Even if there is only the last ball left, he will go all out.

This ball condensed all of Maori, and also let all the people who came to watch the game see that he is not a player who rubs against each other.

Fuji's eyes narrowed slightly, and he admired Mouri's tenacity. This is a guy who is as unyielding as Sanada.

"Phoenix phoenix phoenix tree!"

In Mao Li's shocking eyes, a dim space enveloped him, a phoenix crowed nine heads, and a fire phoenix burning with flames flew towards him from the end of the horizon.

The divine power of the phoenix made Maori unable to move. This strong mental oppression made Maori's heart beat violently.

After a moment, the dim space dissipated, and behind him, the sound of tennis balls bouncing on the ground was very clear.

"What is this! Is this the realm above the whole country!"

There were a few drops of cold sweat on Mori's forehead, and he couldn't help but think of what Yukimura once said to Sanada, the realm above the whole country, is this the power above the whole country!

Mao Li's eyes were instantly filled with longing and even greed. He longed to become stronger, stronger!

Sure enough, he still has something to learn tennis!
"Fuji Zhousuke won this round with a score of 6:0."

"So far, Youth Academy has defeated Lihai University Affiliated Middle School with a record of 3:2, and won the championship of this Kanto competition!"

(End of this chapter)

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