The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 367 National Lottery

Chapter 367 National Lottery
Fuji and Tezuka were dressed in the school uniforms of Qingxue, and stood at the entrance of the auditorium to welcome the guests. Most of the people who came were ministers, so Qingxue naturally sent two of their own ministers.

In the shadow of a famous tree, no one would make trouble in front of Fuji and Tezuka of Seigaku. Even Kirihara, after seeing Fuji and Tezuka, felt a little cramped and sat down with Yukimura safely. On the position where there is a large seat sign of Lihai.

Time passed bit by bit, and representatives from various schools from all over the country took their seats one after another. On the other side, the school of Qingxue was entertaining the organizer of this national competition. The organizer of an event of this level is naturally Ni People from the Rainbow Tennis Association.

"Yushiro, look, it's Chitose Chisato and Tachibana Yoshihei from Shiraku Middle School!"

As soon as Kai took his seat, he saw Chitose Chisato and Tachibana Yoshihei, representatives of Shiraku Middle School not far away. As opponents in the Kyushu area, they were the only players Kai knew, and Chitose Chisato easily defeated him in the Kyushu final. Kai.

As for Bingdi, Lihaida, Qingxue and so on, Kai has only heard of them, but he has never really fought against them.

"Lion Joy!"

Mu Shou's eyes narrowed slightly, and he had to admit that Shizile Middle School, which has two heroes from Kyushu, is one of the opponents they should pay attention to most in Bijia Country.

In the Kyushu finals, although he failed to play against No. [-] Tachibana Yoshihei in singles, when he was in Paris, he had seen Tachibana Yoshihei's style of play, domineering, violent, and full of aggression.

Such a super-aggressive style of play, in their Higa country, I am afraid that no one else can resist it except themselves.

And the selfless madness is thousands of years old, and even without using the state of selflessness, he easily defeated Kai. The two heroes of Kyushu are indeed well-deserved.

After all the school representatives participating in the national competition arrived, the sponsor began to give a passionate speech. Although his speech was not interesting to everyone, most of the people present were good people, except for a few juniors such as Kirihara. Looking around, Fuji, Yukimura, Tezuka, Atobe and others were all sitting upright and cheering for the organizer.

"Next, the lottery ceremony for the XX National Competition officially begins!"

With the sound of the organizer falling down, the scene immediately became lively.

It can be regarded as waiting until the lottery begins.

The rules of the national competition are the same as last year, it is divided into two and a half districts in the knockout system, so from the lottery, you can know who your opponent will probably be.

"Next, Tsubakigawa Gakuen in Hokkaido will come to the stage to draw lots!"

"Next, Liuliqiu Middle School in Aichi Prefecture will come to the stage to draw lots!"

"Next, I invite the Hyotei Academy in Tokyo to come on stage and draw lots!"

"Let's invite the High School Affiliated to Lihai University in Kanagawa Prefecture to come on stage and draw lots!"

"Next, let the youth academy in Tokyo come to the stage to draw lots!"

The ball-drawing ceremony was carried out in an orderly manner, and Qingxue's name was quickly called out from the host.

With a smile on his face, Fuji stood up from Tezuka's side and walked towards the stage.

"Is he the best assistant of Qingxue! Known as No.1 in the middle school world?!"

"Please, please! Don't share with Qingxue!"

Many schools that entered the national competition for the first time were silently praying not to be in the same group as Qingxue.

"Compared to last year, this guy is more imposing!"

Shiraishi covered his face with one hand, and smiled at Fuji who was slowly coming up to the stage with the other.

"He's Seigaku's Fujisuke? Yuta's older brother?"

Another person who came to the lottery ceremony with Sitianbaosi and Baishi was this year's super star Cai Qianguang.

Caiqian didn't know Buer, but he had heard of this name from the mouths of seniors all the time.Moreover, as the only teammate who got along with Zazen and was in the same grade, the relationship between Zazen and Yuta was naturally very good, so Zazen was very impressed with Yuta, a mysterious brother. interest.

"Caiqian, he is very strong!"

Bai Shi lowered his head and glanced at Cai Qianguang, and said with a chuckle.


Cai Qianguang looked at Bu Er who had already come to the stage, lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Youth Academy, Group A No. 2!"

The host took the ball of paper that Fuji pulled out from the box, raised it above his head to signal to the crowd below, and handed it to the staff beside him.

"No. 2 of Group A!"

After hearing Qingxue's number, everyone was shocked, and looked along the grouping map on the side.

"The opponent of Qingxue's first match turned out to be Makino Vine from Kansai!"

Although Mu Zhiteng has fallen from the altar last year, the legacy of Byodoin is still there. Many of them have witnessed the year when the team led by Byodoin forged legends.

"Damn it! I met Qingxue from the very beginning!"

Kadowaki Satoru's right hand was clenched into a fist, and his face was very ugly. No matter how arrogant he was, he would not be so arrogant as to think that the current Makino Fuji has a chance to defeat Qinggaku.

It's true that he died before his success, Muzhiteng's national tour can be declared over before it even started.

The lottery meeting continued, and soon, all the schools completed the lottery ceremony, and after a few pleasantries, they returned to their own schools. They had to inform the other team members of the lottery results, and began to prepare for this weekend. national competition.

Time passed by, and soon came the day when the national competition started.

"Are you all ready?"

With a tennis bag on his back, Fuji looked at everyone in the tennis club behind him, not only the official players, but almost all the members of the tennis club were present today.

"Don't worry, it's all ready!"

Kikumaru flicked his finger and said excitedly.

For the national competition, Kikumaru was already excited just by thinking about it.

"Oh, oh oh oh. My blood is boiling!"

Hecun also had an excited expression on his face, holding the school flag of Qingxue with one hand, and raised it high to the sky.

"Very good, all are there, let's go!"

With a wave of Buer's hand, everyone got on the bus arranged by the school in an orderly manner, and slowly drove to the competition venue of this competition.

Four Seasons Tennis Sports Park in Tokyo is the venue for this national competition.

"It's finally started, the national competition!"

Mamoru Inoue wiped the sweat from his forehead. Although the weather was hot, it couldn't stop them from coming to watch the game.

"It's as lively as last year. It really deserves to be a national competition!"

Shibasaori looked left and right, and there were all kinds of school uniforms everywhere in the park, colorful, and from time to time, familiar school flags could be seen popping up at the far end of the crowd.

"Senior Inoue, are you still going to report on Seigaku's game today?"

Chisaori asked with a smile.


Mamoru Inoue glanced at Shiba Saori suspiciously.

"Didn't you read the schedule? There is no match for Aigaku today, and the match between Aigaku and Makino Fuji is tomorrow."

Mamoru Inoue's words made old Shibasaori blush, and felt embarrassed.

She was so excited that she really forgot to check the schedule.

"Azhi, why are you still so frizzy?"

Mamoru Inoue shook his head helplessly, Shibasaori is an old problem.

"Then Senior Inoue, whose game are you going to watch today?"

Shiba Saori hastily changed the topic, avoiding being scolded by Mamoru Inoue.

"Today's most interesting match is, of course, the match between the Kansai champion Shitianbaoji and the Kyushu champion Shizile Middle School!"

Inoue Mamoru said lightly.

Seigaku, Rikkai University, and Hyodi will have competitions tomorrow, but what interests Mamoru Inoue the most today is of course the collision between the two overlords of Kansai and Kyushu.

Xitianbaosi Junior High School VS Shizile Middle School.

(End of this chapter)

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