The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 368 The Curtain Opens

Chapter 368 The Curtain Opens
"The national competition is about to start now, please enter the arena!"

What is currently being held in the largest indoor tennis court in Tokyo is the opening ceremony of this national competition.

Under the order of the leaders of the Tennis Association, under the guidance of a group of beautiful girl guides wearing short skirts, the teams from 32 schools participating in this national competition circled the field and came to the venue led by the Tennis Association under the witness of many spectators. Stand straight ahead.

Such a huge momentum made some first-year juniors involuntarily become serious.

When all the teams arrived, Bu Er held up the winning pennant of the national competition and returned it to the sponsor, but Bu Er believed that the pennant would return to him in a short time. The national champion is none other than Qingxue.

Afterwards, the leaders of the Tennis Association gave a passionate speech, and by the way, they also mentioned the sponsors of this conference. After all, they also spent money, and their names should always appear.

"As mentioned above, we have great expectations for the exciting events brought about by everyone's activities in the national competition!"

"Next, I announce! This national competition has officially begun!"

As the words of the leaders of the Tennis Association fell, there was a burst of applause and cheers like a tsunami. In this atmosphere, the teams of 32 schools began to slowly leave. Today and tomorrow, they will start this national competition. The first round of the competition.

"It's finally started! The national competition!"

Standing in the park and looking around, Bu Er is in a very happy mood. This year, he will lead Qingxue to create two consecutive victories, and this will also tie the record for the highest consecutive victories in the history of the National Competition.

"I always feel so excited!"

Takeshi Momoshiro looked left and right, he was so excited.

"Cut! We're not going to the zoo to play, can you be a little quieter!"

Compared with Taocheng, Haitang is much calmer.

"What did you say!!"

Wu Taoshiro heard that Haitang was running on him again, and squeezed to Haitang's side with an expression of resentment.

"Want to fight! Come on!"

Haitang was also not to be outdone, and the two of them were about to quarrel again.

"Stop, stop! Don't be so excited, both of you!"

Kikumaru hurriedly separated the two people, in such a large crowd, if the two people really quarreled, it would be their youths who would be lost.

"We don't have a game today, why are you so excited? I can't get excited at all!"

Juwan looked at Taocheng and Haitangdao speechlessly.

"What! Don't we have a game today?"

Taocheng and Haitang said in unison.

"Why, haven't you looked at the schedule?"

Dashi looked at these two people with a puzzled expression. Didn't they stop in front of the schedule just now? Didn't these two people watch it?
"Ah this."

Taocheng and Haitang froze, they were so happy that they didn't notice the game schedule at all.

"Oh! What a boring day!"

Kikumaru sighed.

"No, there are many things to do today."

Qian Zhenzhi pushed his glasses and said.


Everyone looked at A-gan suspiciously, what would happen if there was no game today?
"In the first round, Kansai's overlord Shitenboji Junior High School, Kyushu's overlord Shiraku Middle School, Aichi Prefecture's Liuliqiu Middle School, Okinawa's rookie Higa Junior High School, etc., they will all be in the first round. It will take a lot of effort to watch all the competitions of these schools and collect all the information of all the players."

Gan Zhenzhi said lightly.

"The information of all the players?!"

Everyone was surprised, this is a big project.

"Hehe. You really deserve to be A-gan."

The corner of Ju Wan's mouth twitched, he couldn't laugh or cry.

"However, today we'd better take a look at the match between Liuliqiu Middle School in Aichi Prefecture and Toku Middle School in Nara Prefecture. The winner of them will be our opponent in the next round."

Gan pushed his glasses and said.

"Really? Then what are you waiting for, let's go!"

Kikumaru urged, since they are idle anyway, it would be good to watch their next match between sixteen and eight opponents.

Although the match between them and Mu Zhiteng will not start until tomorrow, everyone in Qingxue already agrees that Mu Zhiteng has been defeated by him. How can a lonely school compare with their champion giants last year.

Kikumaru pulled Oishi and led Taocheng, Haitang and others towards the competition field between Liuliqiu Middle School and Dou Middle School. Tezuka stopped the steps he was about to take and looked at Fuji suspiciously.

"Aren't you going? No two."

"Well, you go, I have some personal matters to deal with, so I won't go with you."

After a few seconds of silence, he nodded.

"Is it Yuta's business?"

Tezuka naturally knew that Yuta had gone to Shitenbaoji, so he guessed that he wanted to watch the match between Sitenbaoji Junior High School and Shizile Middle School.

"It was discovered by you, Tezuka!"

Fuji tilted his head and looked at Tezuka with a smile.

"Cough! If that's the case, then you can go. After all, they are our biggest opponents in this half area. There is nothing wrong with you going to investigate."

Being stared at by Fuji like this, Tezuka was also a little uncomfortable, coughed lightly, got up and chased after the large army after leaving a word.

"Ha ha!"

Fuji smiled and shook his head, turned around and disappeared into the crowd. That direction was the venue for the competition between Sitianbaosi Junior High School and Shizile Middle School.

"The first round of the national competition will begin soon. Osaka will represent Shitenpoji Junior High School against Kumamoto and represent Shiraku Middle School."

"The first match, No. [-] in singles, between Shitenbaoji Kunchu Saimaemitsu and Shishiraku Middle School Miyamoto Kazuya!"

The referee's voice came from the loudspeaker, and the rest of the players in front of the net retreated to the sidelines, leaving Hikaru Zaizen and Kazuya Miyamoto to the baseline to start warming up.

"You must work hard! Caiqian! You are the best!"

Golden Koharu hung on Ichishi Yuji's body on the sidelines, loudly cheering for Caimaeguang.

"Really, there's no need to look like this!"

Cai Qianguang, who was pressing his legs, sighed and shook his head helplessly. Even though a school year had passed, he was still not used to the enthusiasm of Sitianbao Temple.

"Sitianbao Temple actually sent a first-year student!"

"Could it be that this first grader is some sort of genius?"

As soon as he squeezed into the crowd, he heard the people around him talking.

First grade?

Is it Yuta?

Fuji hurriedly looked at the venue, and was a little disappointed that it wasn't Yuta.

"Cai Qianguang! Is he the third singles player in Sitianbao Temple?"

Bu Er frowned slightly, although in his impression, Cai Qianguang was also known as the genius of Sitianbao Temple, but Bu Er had no impression of his actual strength.

"Sitianbaosi Junior High School vs. Shizile Middle School, No. [-] in singles, a one-set tiebreaker, Sitianbaosi Cai Qianguang's serve!"

Soon, the referee climbed into the high chair and took his place, announcing the official start of the game.

"Come on, kid!"

Kazuya Miyamoto smiled contemptuously, Sitianbao Temple actually sent a first-year student to play singles No. [-], it must be too contemptuous of Shizile Middle School!

Although Shizile Middle School is famous for doubles, but as a frequent visitor to national competitions and one of the top schools in the country, their singles level is not weak.

Caiqian was expressionless, and took out a tennis ball from his pocket. The crowd of spectators around him seemed not to affect him at all.

Throw the ball, bend your knees, turn sideways, lead the racket.

The action is very simple and smooth.

With a crisp sound, the tennis ball shot out like an arrow from the string, bounced quickly after landing in the outer corner of the receiving area on the opposite side, and then bounced off the court.

"ACE! Cai Qianguang, 15:0."

Miyamoto Kazuya looked at the kid on the opposite side in horror, the ball just now was so fast!

(End of this chapter)

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