Chapter 377

The next day.

After watching the match between Sitianbaosi Junior High School and Shizile Middle School, everyone in Qingxue couldn't wait to meet their own match.

Early in the morning, after boarding the bus prepared by the school, all the members of the Qingxue Tennis Club gathered at the court where Sitianbaosi Junior High School and Shizile Middle School played yesterday, and this is also where Qingxue played today.

"Hey, why are there so many people today?"

"Are you an idiot? You must be here to investigate Qingxue's information!"

Many people have already discovered that there are a lot of people gathered in this stadium today. Qingxue, which is located at the top of the country, naturally receives the most attention. Everyone's goal is to bring Qingxue down.

"It seems that Makino Fuji's player is not in good condition?"

"That's natural. They have no chance of winning against Shangqing School."

Players from both sides have already arrived, and the competition can start only after the staff make final preparations.The onlookers could clearly see that Makino Teng's players were all downcast, without any fighting spirit.

But after thinking about it, they understood Mu Zhiteng's mood. After all, the opponent was last year's national champion.

This year's Makino Fuji is weaker than last year's. Last year's group of three national players are also the seeds left by Byodoin. Although they are not strong, they are not weak. Most of the Muzhito's players this year are newcomers. , Even breaking through the Kansai area is somewhat difficult.

"The first round of the national competition is about to begin. The representative of Tokyo Youth Academy will play against the representative of Hyogo Makino Fuji Academy in the singles match No. [-]. The youth academy Tezuka Kunimitsu team will face Makino Fuji Academy Kitajima Okiaki. Players from both sides are invited. Play!"

After waiting for a while, the staff arrived late, and the moment the horn rang, the tiredness caused by many people getting up early was dispelled.

"It's finally started! Qingxue's competition!"

"It's the beginning, I almost fell asleep!"

The crowd who were originally scattered in the park suddenly crowded to the side of the court where Qingxue and Muzhiteng were playing. Today's highlight is the match between Qingxue and Muzhiteng.

"Did Tezuka Kunimitsu be sent in the first match? It seems that Aigaku is going to send someone first."

"Tezuka Kunimitsu? There should be no one on Makinoto's side who can compete with Aigaku's Tezuka Kunimitsu, right?"

Amidst the discussions among the audience, the first game started soon.

It was a one-sided situation at the beginning of the game. This was the first game of the Qingxue National Competition, so Tezuka didn't hold back too much and crushed the opponent mercilessly.

"The game ended, Seigaku Tezuka Kunimitsu won, the score was 6:0."

Soon, Tezuka won the first match, and then began the doubles No. [-] match.

"The first round of the national competition is about to begin. The doubles match between Tokyo's Youth Academy and Hyogo's representative Makino Fuji Academy will be played by Youth Academy Mikadaji and Kawamura Takashi against Makino Fuji Academy Nobitaro and Koizumi Ishimori. Team, please enter the field!"

"In the doubles match between Youth Academy and Makino Fuji Academy No. [-], it was a one-set match, and Youth Academy played Sadaharu's serve."

The two sides did not exchange pleasantries. After deciding on the right to serve, they retreated from the front of the net to their respective positions and stood.

The national competition is no different from the previous competitions. This year is the year when Qingxue has built a second consecutive championship, and there is absolutely no room for loss.

Qian Zhenzhi lowered his head, a white light flashed on the lens of his glasses.

A ball was thrown, and then Qian Zhenzhi's tall body jumped into the air.

"Flying waterfall leaks!"

The air drawn into the ball hangs behind the tennis ball in a cascade of fluid.

Makino Vine's duo had no room to react, the ball had already exploded at their feet and then bounced and hit the wall behind them.

"ACE! Youth Academy, 15:0."

The referee glanced at Gan Sadaharu, Qingxue is worthy of Qingxue, even in his entire career, he has never seen such a high-speed serve a few times.

"Heh! This guy Sadaharu's serve is getting faster and faster, but Chotaro, I believe you can be faster than him!"

Among the crowd, Ice Emperor, who had already won the first round yesterday, naturally all came to watch the match between Qingxue and Mu Zhiteng today.

Shido Ryo couldn't help pouted when he saw the high-speed serve of Gan Sadaharu caused a burst of amazement from the people around him.

In their Ice Emperor, there is someone who can serve faster than Gan Zhenzhi.

"This game is scored by Youth Academy, the score is 1:0."

"Both sides switch sides!"

It was just four serves, and Gan Sadaharu won the first game.

Regardless of whether the ball is served from the right end line or the left end line, Sadaharu Mikami's ball control can perfectly send the ball into the receiving area of ​​the opposite side. Flying waterfalls.

Qian Zhenzhi preemptively wiped out the last bit of fighting spirit left by Mu Zhiteng.

"Look at me, the flames break through!"

Facing the opponent's soft serve, Takashi Kawamura swung an extremely violent flat shot with both hands.

The speed of this ball is very fast, and what drives the speed of the ball is pure strength. The tennis ball and the air are constantly rubbing against each other, and sparks are brought up on the fluff on the surface, making the tennis ball look like a fireball.


The two of Muzhiteng fell down at the touch of each other, and they didn't realize how strong Kawamura was.

"Flying waterfall leaks!"

"This game is scored by Youth Academy, the score is 5:0."

"Both sides change game!"

"Cut! It's really boring!"

Shinobu Yuuji glanced at Makino Fuji's contestant disdainfully, that's it?
Before Gan and Kawamura's combination, Makino Fuji's duo had no power to fight back at all, but in just 15 minutes, they were beaten 5:0, and Aigaku won the match point.

"Is there such a weak school in the national competition?"

Hijiruo glanced at the contestants of Makino Fuji strangely. Are these people really here to participate in the national competition?

"The standard of the national competition is indeed very high, but at least it has to be counted from the second round. Do you think our opponent yesterday was very strong?"

Xiang Riyue patted Hijiruo on the shoulder and said.

Hijiruo thinks about it again, and it seems to be the case. The San Icarus Academy from Yamagata they met yesterday seems to be not very strong. The only thing worth seeing is that they are foreign students.

"This game was won by Qingxue, with a score of 6:0."

Soon, Mu Zhiteng lost the first doubles match against No. [-].

"It's not interesting at all."

"Sure enough, as expected, Mu Zhiteng is not Qing Xue's opponent at all."

Amidst such discussions, the voice of the staff came from the loudspeaker.

"The first round of the national competition is about to begin. Tokyo represents Youth Academy against Hyogo representative Makino Fuji Gakuen No. [-] singles match. Youth Academy Akutsujin will face Makino Fuji Gakuen Kadowaki Satoru. Both players are invited to play! "

Hearing the broadcast, Atobe frowned.

"It's really unlucky for Kadowaki to meet Akutsu."

If anyone who can impress Atobe with Makino Fuji now is Kadowaki Satoru.

"Damn it, it's really unlucky to meet Qingxue in the first round."

As early as knowing that he had met Seigaku in the first round, Satoru Kadowaki cut off his thoughts about the national competition. Although he was very confident in his own strength, he had little confidence in the strength of his teammates.

Last year when Minister Bupo was around, he failed to defeat Qingxue, and this year there is even less hope.

That's why he put himself in the second position of the singles. Mu Zhiteng's face can be lost, but Kado Waki ​​Satoru's face cannot be lost.

"Akutsu, right? I don't believe you are as strong as Tezuka!"

Kadowaki Satoru looked at Akutsu on the opposite side viciously. Although he was tortured by Tezuka last year, he thought it was just that Tezuka was too strong.

Although Akutsu is also among the Big Three of Seigaku along with Tezuka, Kadowaki Satoru does not believe that Akutsu is as strong as Tezuka.

And if he can defeat Akutsu, one of the three giants of Seigaku, then rounding up, doesn't it mean that he defeated Tezuka Kazufuji? I'm still a little excited when I think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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