The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 378 Advance

Chapter 378 Advance
"The match between Youth Academy and Makino Fuji Gakuen's singles No. [-], a one-set match, Makino Fuji Gakuen Kadowaki Satoru's serve."

Kadowaki Satoru, who won the right to serve, looked very happy, and walked happily to the end line on the right.

"This guy Kadowaki probably doesn't know how terrible Akutsu is!"

When Xiang Riyue saw Kadowaki Satoru's happy expression, he couldn't help but sneered.

I don't know who Wuwei is talking about people like Satoru Kadowaki.

"Hmph! I'm afraid he won't last 15 minutes!"

Shinobu Yushi snorted coldly in disdain, he knew Akutsu's strength best.How could a guy like Kadowaki Satoru be Akutsu's opponent.

Kadowaki Satoru patted the tennis ball lightly a few times, and then grabbed it in his hand.

"Take it, Akutsu! Look at my Super Tennis!"

Kadowaki Satoru's serve seems to be somewhat decent, but this kind of serve can only show off its prestige in front of ordinary people, and it is not enough in front of Akutsu.

With a twist of Akutsu's wrist, the racket came out across the way, and the explosion provided by the solid muscles of the arm brought a roar.

"Game, Akutsujin, 15:0."

After a bang, the referee's judgment resounded throughout the audience.

"What are you kidding! Such a powerful return!"

A few drops of cold sweat left on Kadowaki Satoru's forehead, and when he turned his head, a deep mark was left on the field behind him, which was just a casual blow by Akutsu.



"This game was scored by Aigakuya Kutsujin, the score is 1:0."

"Both sides change game!"

Akutsu's counterattack, Kadowaki Satoru, had nothing to do, and was quickly broken by Akutsu.

"Cut! This is exactly what happened!"

Xiang Hiyake shook his head, Kadowaki Satoru did not make any great progress, after all, the gap with Akutsu was still too big.

"There is no valuable information at all."

Shinobu Yushi sighed slightly, Akutsu is still so strong.

"It seems that today is a waste of time."

Shido Ryo said with some dissatisfaction that he sacrificed his training time to come here to watch the game, but it turned out to be such a nutritious game.

"It doesn't matter Shishido-senpai, anyway, it will be over soon."

The warm man Chotaro also quickly calmed Shishido Ryo's emotions. For Chotaro, he had some gains in today's match between Aigaku and Makinoto.



"The game is over, Seigakuya Kutsuhito won, the score is 6:0."

In 13 minutes, Yakujin ended the singles No. 13 match in just [-] minutes.

"How is it possible... how is this possible..."

Kadowaki Satoru loosened his right hand, and the racket in his hand fell to the ground, then his legs and feet softened, and he knelt down on the court with an expression of disbelief.

"Tch! Boring game!"

Akutsu glanced at Kadowaki Satoru who was kneeling on the ground with a disdainful look, then walked away with the racket under his armpit, not even a trace of sweat could be found on his body. For Jiujin, it doesn't even count as a warm-up.

The subsequent doubles one and singles one naturally didn't need much, and Mu Zhiteng had no way to compete.

5 6:0.

Qingxue advanced to the second round with a perfect record in the first round, and at the same time, the players from other schools who came to watch the game were silent for a while.

Although Mu Zhiteng has declined beyond words, but they are still one of the participating teams in the national competition, and now they are beaten like this by Qing Xue, which makes many people feel a little bit of sympathy, especially Liuliqiu Middle School The players are even more so, because they will play against Qingxue in the next game.

Time passed quickly, a week passed in a blink of an eye, and soon it was the day when the second round of the national competition started.

On Saturday, this round of Qingxue competition is on the first day.

Also in this familiar park, after a week of rest, various teams gathered again. In addition to the participating schools, many tennis fans and media personnel also gathered in this park.

"The second round of the national competition is about to start. The representative of Tokyo Metropolitan Youth Academy will play against Aichi's representative of Liuliqiu Middle School in the singles match No. [-]. Youth Academy Akutsuren will play against Liuliqiu Middle School Matsujizuru. Players from both sides are invited to play !"

At [-] o'clock in the morning, the voices of the staff sounded from all the stadiums in the park, and the whistle for the start of the game naturally sounded in the stadium where Qingxue was located.

"It's started. Is Qingxue's No. [-] singles player Yakutsu, one of the Big Three? It seems that they are bound to win the championship this year."

"The people in Liuliqiu Middle School are miserable..."

Hearing the sound from the loudspeaker, the stream of people who were wandering around in the park suddenly gathered at the side of the court. From their conversation, it can be seen that almost no one is optimistic about Liuliqiu Middle School.

"The match between Youth Academy and Liuliqiu Middle School's singles No. [-], a one-set match, Youth Academy Akutsuhito's serve."


"It's still Akutsu's serve game, so it's even less interesting now."

There is no Lihai University game today, so all the official players of Lihai University also came to the Qinggaku competition venue to watch the match. Marui Bunta saw that Akutsu played in the singles third, and Akutsu served first, so he can immediately think of this The end of the game.


Sanada looked at Akutsu with a serious face. Both Akutsu and Tezuka are opponents he is trying to defeat now.


Yukimura sighed slightly, he couldn't understand how scary they were without having fought Qing Xue.

"This round was won by Akutsu, the score is 1:0."

Akutsu ended the first game with just four serves, and also set a record for the fastest end of the first game in this national conference.

"Good... so strong!"

Song Yonghe from Liuliqiu Middle School was shocked. He couldn't even touch the ball in the past round.


The principal of Liuliqiu Middle School covered his eyes, not daring to look any further.



"The game is over, Seigakuya Kutsuhito won, the score is 6:0."

With exactly the same script as last week, Qingxue directly crushed the opponent with an absolute advantage of 6:0.

"The second round of the national competition is about to start. The representative of Tokyo Metropolitan Youth Academy will play against Aichi's representative Liuliqia Middle School. Kawasaki Nakamori team, please enter the field!"

After the staff repaired the court, the second game started soon.

"It turned out to be Qingxue's golden combination. It seems that Qingxue intends to quickly get rid of Liuliqiu in the first three games."

"I don't know whether it's the luck or the misfortune of Liuliqiu Middle School to be valued so much by Qingxue."

The audience has also seen Qingxue's intentions, and it's a quick decision.

Qingxue's golden combination is truly at the national level, how could the doubles No. [-] of Liuliqiu Middle School be the opponent of the golden combination.

Two 10 minutes later.

"The game is over, the team of Seigaku Kikumaru Eiji and Oishi Shuichiro won, the score is 6:0."

Although the recent record of the golden combination is not good, they still played very well against the doubles No. [-] of Liuliqiu Middle School, which is only in the Kanto level, which can be regarded as justifying the name of the golden combination.

(End of this chapter)

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