The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 379 Higa Junior High School

Chapter 379 Higa Junior High School
"The game is over, Seigaku Tezuka Kunimitsu won, the score is 6:0."

In the second singles match that ended later, Tezuka also simply eliminated his opponent. Qingxue beat Liuliqiu Middle School with a 3:0 record and advanced to the third round of the national competition.

"Let's go."

At the end of the game, Yukimura left with Li Haida's team without looking back. Although there was no valuable information in Qingxue's game today, it will boost the morale of Li Haida's tomorrow's game.

Li Haida, who came back again with a heart of revenge, never allowed himself to have any failures before meeting Qingxue.

In the evening, inside the office of Qingxue Tennis Club, Gan Zhenzhi hurriedly opened the door of the office.

"Agan, is our opponent for tomorrow's match coming out?"

Kikumaru asked impatiently.

Different from the previous week, this week, due to the sharp drop in half of the participating teams, two games will be held this weekend, Saturday and Sunday.

"It came out, it's the rookie from Okinawa, Higa Kunishaka."

Gan Zhenzhi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Higa Junior High School?"

Kikumaru and the others pondered for a while, but they didn't seem to have any information about this school in their memory.

"Ouch, is it another boring game?"

Ju Wan was immediately discouraged, and he was a little unhappy that he could not compete with the master.


Qian Zhenzhi pushed his glasses and said.

"This year's Higa Junior High School is very strong. In the first and second rounds, they defeated Shizuoka's Shimizu High School affiliated to Shangshu University and Maikozaka Middle School in Kyoto by absolute advantage."

"Leaving aside Shimizu High School affiliated to Shangzhou University, Maikozaka Middle School is a frequent visitor to the national competition. Higa Junior High School can beat them with a big score of 3:0, which shows that Higa Junior High School must be very strong."

Hearing this, everyone in Qingxue is sitting up, they know that Gan Sadaharu's information is [-]% reliable, and this year's Higa Junior High School seems to have some strength.

Fuji looked at the crowd with a smile. Among all the people present, he was the only one who knew something about this school far away in Okinawa.

Higa Junior High School, it seems that Kishou has taken over Higa Junior High School and started to lead Higa Junior High School to the national competition.

"No matter who the opponent is, I believe we will definitely win the final victory!"

Fuji stood up, stretched out his right hand and said with a smile.

"That's right! The two consecutive victories of our Qingxue are unstoppable!"

The palms of everyone in Qingxue were stacked on top of each other like an arhat, and they made an oath of two consecutive hegemony in this small social office.


The next morning.

On the tennis court of the Qingxue Tennis Club, members wearing the uniforms of the Qingxue Tennis Club are gathering here one by one. As Bu Erwai, who is wearing the official team uniform, comes out of the club office carrying the school flag, a group of people is mighty He drove to the gate in a hurry, got on the youth school bus that almost exclusively belonged to the tennis club, and drove towards today's competition venue.

Zhiming Four Seasons Tennis Sports Park, here is the venue for today's national competition, where eight players enter four games. Early in the morning, tennis fans from various regions have already gathered in the park.

The national competition has reached the third round, and it can be said that the rest are all powerful and prestigious schools from all over the country.

"There are so many people today!"

Shiba Saori looked left and right, and there were people talking about this national convention everywhere.

"That's natural. There are only four games in total today, and two of them are in this place. Naturally, there will be more crowds diverted."

Mamoru Inoue smiled.

"Senior Inoue, do you have any impression of Higa Junior High School?"

As a newcomer who has just been in the junior high school tennis world for more than a year, Shibasaori only has impressions of schools such as Seigaku, Hyotei, and Rikai University in her little head, and she has never heard of Higa Junior High School.

"I told you to do more homework before the game, look at you..."

Mamoru Inoue shook his head helplessly, why Shisaori still couldn't change this frizzy habit.

"Higa Junior High School is a school in the Okinawa area. Last year they entered the national competition. This year, it is said that Higa Junior High School has completed a major internal reform, and almost all the players have been recruited again. "

"Then are they strong?"

Shiba Saori asked suspiciously, she was most concerned about the strength of Higa Kunzhong.

"They are No.2 in the Kyushu area this year. It is said that they almost beat Shizile Middle School, which has the Kyushu duo."

Inoue Shou thought for a while and said.

"Then today's game will be very exciting."

Shiba Saori immediately became interested, Kyushu No. [-] VS Kanto No. [-], this kind of game will definitely be very exciting, and this is what many people think today. There are many people gathered around the Qinggaku VS Higa court.

Near nine o'clock, the two teams slowly entered the stadium under the guidance of the staff.

"No, long time no see."

Eishiro Kite, a second-year junior high school student, has not yet cut his long hair into a short cut. He greeted Fuji in front of the net with a smile on his face, but this smile seems a little uncomfortable.

"Long time no see, Wooden Hand."

Fuji nodded slightly as a response, Kikumaru, Oishi and the others looked at Fuji with puzzled faces, how could Fuji even know someone from a school in the Okinawa area.

Mu Shou and Buer didn't exchange a few words of greeting. For Mu Shou, although Buer was kind to him, he would not show mercy to Qingxue's subordinates.

Kai, Pingguba and the others stared aggressively at the Qingxue players in front of them. The first thing Musue did when he recruited them was to tell them that he recruited them for the purpose of conquering the whole country, and today That's when they challenge the NO.1 school in the country.

"The third round of the national competition is about to start. The representative of Tokyo Metropolitan Youth Academy will play against Okinawa's representative Higa Kunzhong in the singles match. Youth Academy Akutsu Ren will play against Higa Kunzhong Kai Yujiro. Players from both sides are invited to play!"

After the friendly tennis salute, the two sides returned to the player area on one side respectively. The staff immediately announced the start of the game after checking the venue and equipment for the last time.

"It's actually Akutsu!"

Tachibana Yoshihira, who was in the crowd, stared intently, but he still had a fresh memory of Akutsu from Qinggaku.

"The chance of winning this Higa game is 0%."

Qiantose Qianli shook his head lightly and said.

He is very familiar with Kai Yujiro who played in Higa Junior High School. The opponent can't even beat himself who has not yet learned how to shine. How can he win against Aigaku's Akutsuhito.

"But next year, they will be our strong opponents in Shizile."

Tachibana Yoshihei naturally agrees with Chitose Chisato's opinion, but he still admits Higa's full-time strength, especially their minister Kite Eishiro, whose opponent's style of play is extremely dangerous.

In the Kyushu area alone, there are many school people who have suffered a lot at the hands of Kite Eishiro.

"Next year~~"

Qiantose Qianli sighed, what will it be like next year.

(End of this chapter)

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