The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 380 Akutsu VS Kai

Chapter 380 Akutsu VS Kai
"The match between Youth Academy and Higa Junior High School's singles No. [-], a one-set tiebreaker, Higa Junior High School Kai Yujiro's serve."

The referee climbed onto the high chair, all the equipment and personnel were in place, and the game officially started at the whistle.

"Yongshiro said that you are a master, so I'd better be serious."

Kai Yujiro raised his head, his eyes covered by the thick long hair under the white and orange baseball cap were full of scrutiny. There are not many legends about Seigaku in the backward and closed Okinawa.

Under the surprised eyes of the crowd, Kai Yujiro threw the racket in his hand high into the air, and blocked the glare of the sun with the brim of his hat. Kai Yujiro reached out with his left hand and held the racket backhand in his left hand.

"What kind of grip is this?"

"Is it really possible to play like this?"

The onlookers were slightly taken aback. Although left-handed players are rare, they have not seen them before. However, this is the first time they have seen a left-handed player with a backhand grip like Kai Yujiro.

"Although his left-handed backhand is really good, it may not be enough to face Akutsu."

Chitose Chisato shook his head, Kai Yujiro's left-handed backhand really impressed him, but Chitose still maintained a negative attitude towards whether this strange move would work for Akutsu.

"Ancient Okinawa martial arts."

Tachibana Jihei seemed to have thought of something, but quickly shook his head.

Such things as ancient Okinawa martial arts may not have any effect on the monster Akutsu.


Kai Yujiro seems to enjoy this feeling of being noticed by everyone, and he feels that his own small universe has begun to burn.

Kai Yujiro throws the ball. Most people usually choose to swing the racket when the tennis ball reaches its highest point, but Kai Yujiro is different. His serve habit is to swing the racket under the waist. The angle is also more tricky.

However, this is nothing more than a piece of cake for Akutsu.

Akutsu's right foot was nailed to the ground like a steel bar, and the twisting of his abdomen and wrist drove the racket to meet the bouncing tennis ball with a whistling sound.

"Oh? It's really amazing!"

Seeing that his serve was easily returned by Akutsu, Kai Yujiro became more serious. After all, Kishou had told them before the start of the match that the opponent was last year's national champion, and he was very difficult to mess with.

Kai Yujiro jumped into the air, reached the landing point of the tennis ball and crouched down with bowed legs, his eyes under the brim of his hat were closely watching Akutsu's movements.

"Which side, which side will it be!"

Kai Yujiro looked at Akutsu without blinking, trying to figure out the best line to hit the ball as Akutsu moved.

"Is he still swinging his racket?"

The tennis ball was about to pass by Kai Yujiro's side, but he didn't swing his racket for a long time, which also aroused the confusion of the onlookers.

"Damn it! It didn't move!"

Seeing that his actions could not deceive Akutsu, Kai Yujiro knew that he could not wait any longer.

The left hand backhand was quickly swung from behind him, and the racket quickly swiped across the tennis ball.

"The Pirate's Horn!"

A golden arc rose from Kai Yujiro's feet, and the moment it crossed the net, it changed its flight trajectory and flew towards the no man's land on the left side of Akutsu.

Since it is impossible to deceive Akutsu into action, he can only mobilize Akutsu's actions on his own initiative.

"whispering sound!"

Yajiujin raised the corner of his mouth, stepped on the ground with his toes, and rushed out like a cheetah.

"So fast!"

Many contestants from schools in other regions were shocked when they saw Akutsu's sprint speed for the first time. Such explosive power is really amazing.

Yakutsu turned his wrist, felt the touch from his hand, and then threw it forward heavily.

A straight beam of light went straight to the opposite bottom line.

"Great, this goal is scored!"

Kikumaru, who was watching the game from the sidelines, shouted excitedly. In his opinion, the straight ball hit by Akutsu's strength will not be able to catch up with the opponent at all.

"Game, Akutsujin, 15:0."

Sure enough, Kai Yujiro couldn't catch up with the straight ball that Akutsu suddenly hit in motion.

"Sure enough!"

Kai Yujiro's accent sounded very weird. Even though he had reacted early to the ball just now, he couldn't catch up with the speed of the opponent's ball. He really deserved to be the national champion last year.


Akutsu glanced at Kai Yujiro disdainfully, this level is nothing special.

"This game was won by Aigaku Yakutsu, the score is 1:0."

"Both sides change game!"

Soon Akutsu broke Kai Yujiro's serve strongly, which made many members of Higa Junior High School who came all the way from Okinawa speechless.

"You idiot, what the hell are you doing? You lost your serve so easily?"

Saotome Harumi stood up straight away, with a big belly, and viciously taught Kai Yujiro, who had returned to the sidelines to rest, the praise brought to him by the big wins in the first two rounds made him unable to accept the team's failure, especially yesterday when the school specially called A phone call told him that if he could achieve a good result in the national competition, he would get a generous bonus.

Praise and money made Saotome Harumi lose himself. He had completely forgotten that before this year, the Higa Junior High School he led was just an obscure school in Kyushu.

If it wasn't for Eishiro Kite's drastic reforms to recruit this group of second-year rookies, he wouldn't even be qualified to stand in this place.

Kai Yujiro lowered his head, Saotome Harumi's words were deaf to him, and he would only listen to one person in this tennis club, that is Eishiro Kite.

"So strong!"

Kai Yujiro sighed in his heart, is this the national champion last year?
Compared with the opponents they met before, their strength is not at the same level at all, and the sense of oppression that Akutsu brings to him is even greater than that of Chitose Qianli, one of the Kyushu duo.

After the 90-second break, the game resumed after the two sides switched courts.

Akutsu squeezed the tennis ball with his left hand, and then threw it out without hesitation.

The strong force deformed the tennis ball in an instant, and the tennis ball arched into a crescent moon slammed down hard towards Kai Yujiro's feet.

"Side spin serve!"

After landing, the bounced tennis ball flew towards Kai Yujiro's face quickly.

"not good!"

Kai Yujiro avoided his body subconsciously, and the tennis ball soared into the sky with a strong air wave, and the white and orange baseball cap on his head flew out.

"Game, Akutsujin, 15:0."

Kai Yujiro picked up his hat and touched his cheek.

"It's really a dangerous shot!"

If Jia Fei hadn't dodged in time, this ball might have disfigured him.

Akutsu didn't give Kai a chance to breathe. He walked slowly to the left end line and then served again, still with a side spin.

The side spin serve that bounced from the left foot to the right is undoubtedly one of the most difficult shots for Kai to return, and this shot has undoubtedly lost points.

"This round was won by Akutsu, the score is 2:0."

It was only four serves, and Akutsu won his own serve, which made Harumi Saotome's face on the coach's bench even more ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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