Chapter 381

"The game is over, Youth Academy Akutsujin won, the score is 6:0."

When the last ball of dust settled, Kai Yujiro slumped on the ground with a dead face, sweat flowed from his dark skin, and then left a deep mark on the ground.

He was tortured once again. The last time he played against Chitose Qianli, one of the Kyushu duo, he managed to win a serve, but this time he didn't even get a point.

Akutsu put away his racket and glanced at Kai Yujiro on the opposite side with disdain. An opponent of this level is not even qualified for him to remember his name.

"It's really strong! Higa's singles No. [-] is no match for Aigaku Akutsu at all."

"Yes! After all, he was the national champion last year, so it is reasonable to have such strength."

"Today's Qingxue match was another massacre, no accident."

The audience talked a lot. Although it was a one-sided game, Akutsu's performance also made the audience feel that the trip was worthwhile. They never expected Higa to beat Qinggaku.

"Waste, what a waste!"

Seeing Kai Yujiro walking back to Kite Eishiro silently, Saotome Harumi couldn't hold back her inner anger, and kept cursing, Kai Yujiro's failure made him unacceptable.

"Sorry Yongshiro, I lost."

Kai Yujiro lowered his head and walked to Kite Eishiro's side. He naturally ignored Saotome Harumi, but he was very afraid of Kite.

"Pingguchang, Chinen, the opponents of the two of you in the next match are not as strong as the singles player in this match, so don't lose."

Kikute just glanced at Kai Yujiro, then turned his head and walked to Rin Hirakoba and Chinen Hiroshi who were warming up, and said lightly.

"Knowing Yongshiro, you can rest assured."

Ping Guzha waved his hand indifferently, he hated Eishiro Kite's nagging the most because he was always casual.


Kai Yujiro's face darkened. Although Mushou didn't say it clearly, he already felt that Mushou was disappointed in him. Obviously, his embarrassing performance made Mushou unhappy.

"The third round of the national competition is about to start. The representative of Tokyo Metropolitan Youth Academy will play against Okinawa's representative Higa Junior High. Team, please enter the field!"

Soon, the sound of the start of the doubles No. [-] match came from the loudspeaker.

"Be careful in Pingguchang, if you are too presumptuous, be careful and I will give you bitter gourd."

The wooden hand crossed his chest and reminded again.

"I know, I know, really, how can there be such a thing as bitter melon in this world."

Ping Guzhang patted his forehead with some nerve-wracking, stepped on the guardrail on the sidelines and jumped down. He has always been unconventional. Compared with him, his partner Chinen Kuan It's more normal, it's just that his face looks a little gloomy.

"Come on, Agan, Aaron!"

Kikumaru lay on the sidelines and waved his hands at Kane Sadaharu and Kawamura Takashi, shouting loudly.

"No problem, wrap it on me."

Kawamura, who took the racket, suddenly transformed into a hot-blooded Kawamura, so excited.

"Pros or cons?"

Qian looked at Pingguchang and asked.

"Reverse, I prefer the reverse."

Ping Guzhang chuckled lightly.

Gan Sadaharu lowered the head of the racket to the ground, then turned the racket slightly, and the racket stood on the ground and spun quickly.

There was a sound of a racket hitting the ground, and the eyes of the four swept away.

"Oh, it seems that today is not very lucky."

Ping Guzhang gave a funny smile, and he didn't seem to be affected in the slightest by failing to get the right to serve.

"The match between Youth Academy and Higa Junior High School's No. [-] doubles. It was a one-set match. Youth Academy played Sadaharu's serve."

Usually, when Gan and Kawamura get the right to serve, it is Gan who starts first, and uses his waterfall to make a first-hand strike, and this time is naturally no exception.

After lightly slapping tennis balls on the ground twice, Gan adjusted his state to the best.

"Flying waterfall leaks!"

The smash serve hit at the highest point accurately arrived in the receiving area under Gan Sadaharu's perfect ball control, and then bounced like a streamer and hit the rear wall.

"ACE! Youth Academy score, 15:0."

Fortunately, the referee has a pair of eagle eyes trained in his professional career for many years, and he accurately judged that the ball fell into the bounds. When reporting the score, it also woke up many people who were immersed in the ball just now.

"What an amazing serve!"

"You can't see the shadow of the ball at all!"

"Is this Qingxue player specialized in serving?"

Many spectators from other regions were immediately upset. They had never seen such an astonishingly fast serve.

"Oh? It's amazing!"

Ping Guzhang frowned, the tall man on the opposite side was quite capable, and he could hit such a high-speed serve.

Chinen Kuan's gloomy face was also a little moved, it was his turn to face the next ball, and he was a little worried that he would not be able to react to the speed of the ball.

"ACE! Youth Academy score, 30:0."

Sure enough, when he just felt the air waves from the tennis ball, the ball had already leaped past him.

"Qingxue scored in this game, the score is 1:0."

"Both sides change game!"

Ping Guzhang shrugged his shoulders at the wooden hands in the auditorium, and followed Chinen Kuan's footsteps.

"Hey! I said you shouldn't be as useless as that idiot Kai, otherwise I must make you look good."

Saotome Harumi looked viciously at Hirakobadao.

"I know, I know."

Pingguchang waved his hand casually, and even wooden hands are not good at directing Pingguchang, let alone Saotome. In the Higa Junior High Tennis Club, Saotome is just a tool person, but he himself has never Know where you stand.

"The opponent is really strong, but this is interesting, isn't it, Chinen."

Ping Guzhang leaned back on the chair, looked at Chinen Kuan said to the side.


Zhi Nian Kuan cherishes words like gold, and he has never been good at speaking when he grew up in a single-parent family, which is why he looks a little gloomy.

After the 90-second break, Pinggu couldn't wait to return to the field.

"Since you have already made a move, I can't let you underestimate me!"

Ping Guchang chuckled and threw the ball.

"Fan Shaoqian!"

The racket in Ping Guchang's head hit the tennis ball that flew to the highest point, and the ball quickly flew towards the receiving area on the right side of Qingxue.

Takashi Kawamura clenched the racket in his hand, watched the tennis ball flying intently and prepared to fight back.

"Okay, look at me!"

When the tennis ball bounced in front of him, Kawamura slammed the racket out quickly.


Kawamura's eyes widened, and the tennis ball in front of him suddenly turned around him at a huge angle, and its zigzag trajectory was like a flexible golden snake.

"Game, Higa Junior High School, 15:0."

Behind Kawamura, there was the sound of a tennis ball falling to the ground.

"Fan Shaoqian?!"

Qian frowned slightly, he hadn't collected information about this, what a mistake, this kind of weird curve ball is not easy to deal with.

(End of this chapter)

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