Lian Jie
"It looks like Pinggu is playing very hard!"

Kai Yujiro came to Mu Te's side, trying to restore his position in Mu Te's heart.

Mushou glanced at Kai, in fact, he was not too angry, it would be a fantasy to deal with Aigaku's Akutsujin with Kai's strength.

"This game should have been won."

Seeing that Mushou didn't respond, Kai spoke again, this time Mushou finally responded to him.

"No, the opponent's player wearing glasses is said to be a player who is good at data tennis. If Pinggu is too complacent, he will definitely suffer a big loss."

Unlike Kai's optimism, the cautious Mu Te feels that the real climax of this game has not yet come.

Qingxue was last year's national champion, and everyone regarded Qingxue as the biggest opponent on the way to this year's championship. Naturally, they collected more or less information about Qingxue.

Mu Shou knew very well that Qingxue's think tank, Gan Sadaharu, was best at a ball called data tennis, and he noticed that in the first four rounds, except for receiving and serving, Gan Sadaharu hardly participated in saving the ball. In the movie, Kawamura has been chasing the ball non-stop. Apparently, Sadaharu Mikami is silently collecting information about Chinenkuro on the usual occasion.

Once Sadaharu gets the information he needs, what kind of trend the game will turn into can't even be determined by Mu Shou.

"Flying waterfall leaks!"

"This game was won by Youth Academy, with a score of 2:3."

"Both sides change game!"

This time, the confrontation between the two sides was obviously much more intense, because Gan Ye had already joined the confrontation between Heping Guchang and Chinen Kuan, and successfully kept his serve.

"Go ahead, I think you should be done!"

Seeing Gan Sadaharu who returned to his side again, Fuji asked with a smile.


Qian Zhenzhi nodded, the last round was already his final debugging, and all the opponent's information was already in his mind.

"Great, it's finally time for us to fight back!"

Kawamura looked very happy. He was suppressed by the opponent's spinning ball before, which made him feel very aggrieved. Now he can finally take revenge.

"Hey! Pingguchang, you have to be careful, the opponent is about to start a counterattack!"

Kishou leaned on the sidelines and shouted to Hirakoba who had returned to Saotome Harumi.

"I know, I know."

Ping Guzhang waved his hand, casually, he hated wooden hand preaching the most.

"This guy in Pingguchang is really real."

Looking at Pingguchang like this, Mu Shou knew that he must have not listened to his own words.If it weren't for Pingguchang's talent, a willful player like him, Mushou, would not have recruited him to Higa.

After the 90-second break, the two sides set foot on the court again.


As soon as he played, Pingguzhang felt the difference in momentum between Gan and Kawamura. Reminiscent of Mushou's vigilance before, Pingguzhang, who was originally complacent, calmed down all of a sudden.

After all, the opponent was last year's national champion, a real national-level doubles team, and it was impossible for him to defeat him so easily.

After Ping Guchang calmed down and thought about it, he understood the opponent's strategy.

"Show the enemy to be weak, don't blame me for being rude!"

Ping Guzhang tapped his toes lightly, and his golden fluffy long hair danced accordingly.

"Fan Shaoqian!"

With nine bends and eighteen bends, the zigzag golden curve shot out from Pingguchang's side, and then flew straight towards the front of Kawamura's body, but everyone knew that this ball would definitely change in front of Kawamura. Road.

"Aaron, move half a step to the right, and raise the position of the racket head by 4 mm."

Gan Sadaharu gave instructions to Kawamura, who was preparing to receive the serve in the backcourt, and Kawamura immediately moved half a step to the right. He obeyed Gan's instructions [-]%.


Having been suppressed for so many rounds, even the honest man Kawamura inevitably accumulated a lot of anger in his heart. This ball vented all the anger in his heart, and the extremely violent and flat shot brought a whistling roar and flew all the way. Learn about the rackets in the hands of Nian Kuan and Ping Guchang.


"How could it be! Fan Shaoqian in Pinggu Field, was actually cracked by that big guy?"

The members of Higa High School looked at the field in shock. Before this, Fan Shaoqian's opponent in Pinggu Field could not catch it at all. Why was he suddenly hit back?

Is it a coincidence?

"Here we come, Data Tennis!"

The wooden hand pushed his glasses, and the bad premonition in his heart finally came true.

"What a joke!"

Ping Guchang would not believe that his Fan Shaoqian was cracked like this. After reaching the end line on the left, Ping Guchang raised his arm and pressed the tennis ball that was thrown to the highest point hard with the racket.

The roaring tennis ball drew an irregular trajectory in the air, and the spin of this ball was stronger than the previous one.

However, all this can't be hidden from Gan Zhenzhi's eyes.

A beautiful lob shot gently crossed the net and landed on the open space in front of Pinggu.

"Game, Youth Academy, 30:0."

Now everyone understands that Fan Shaoqian in Pinggu Field has indeed been cracked by Qian Zhenzhi.

"Qingxue scored in this game, the score is 3:3."

"Qingxue scored in this game, the score is 4:3."

"Qingxue scored in this game, the score is 5:3."

"The match point game of Youth Academy!"

After Gan Sadaharu's data tennis began to show its power, the combination of him and Kawamura also won three games from Pingguchang and Chinen Hiroshi in one breath, and directly won the match point all the way.

"Damn! Damn! What the hell are you two doing!"

Saotome Harumi on the sidelines could no longer hold back, and kept cursing on the sidelines.

He doesn't care about tennis statistics or tennis statistics, he only knows that Pingguchang and Chinenkuan have lost three games in a row.


Ping Guchang was panting non-stop, and his face was covered with sweat. He hadn't played such a game for a long time, such an exciting game.

Saotome on the sidelines was still cursing, but Heiguza and Chinenkuan turned a deaf ear to them. For them, this coach was a dispensable role. Their only guilt was that they might not live up to Kishou's expectations.

This summer, they survived the most difficult spartan training, on the beach in Okinawa, the wooden hand made a bold statement.

"I believe our time will come, if not, we will create it by ourselves!"

This is the goal they are fighting for in Higa Country.

"Flying waterfall leaks!"

At the point of the match, Gan Sadaharu once again used his unique trick of flying down the waterfall. The turbulent airflow was sucked into the bottom by the tennis ball flying out at high speed, and the airflow tail hanging behind him was as amazing as a waterfall.

"You don't have to be proud there!"

Pingguchang rushed forward to meet the ball, and the game reached the end, and the speed of Qian Zhenzhi's waterfall was unavoidable. In addition, Pingguchang has also become accustomed to Qian Zhenzhi's high-speed serve, He believes that he can definitely fight back this ball.

"Big rice spoon Qian!"

Ping Guchang roared, and a more winding trajectory shot out.


This sudden goal was not collected in Gan Zhenzhi's data, and this goal also went straight through Kawamura and his defense line to score.

"Game, Higa Junior High School, 15:0."

Pingguchang's chest was constantly heaving, and the ball just now poured all his strength into it, and it was also a ball for him to prove Higa Kunchu's strength to everyone.

After that ball, Gan Zhenzhi began to become more careful, but after that, Pingguchang never played a second big meal.

Soon Gan Zhenzhi realized that Ping Guchang's wrist was no longer strong enough to support him to hit the big rice spoon for the second time, even the rotation of the rice spoon was affected, and it became worse than before. .

"The game is over, Qingxue won this game, the score is 6:3."

(End of this chapter)

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